Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 61: Unpredictable and turbulent

"The slave merchant wants you to see the goods, my lord."

Grole's translation work was not excellent, but his attitude was serious, and his tone seemed a bit panicked.

Viserys waited until the almost surging footsteps in the square behind him had completely subsided, then slowly turned his head to look at the army of Unsullied in the square below, with a calm expression on his face.

Daenerys turned her head around in the same manner, but failed to respond calmly like Viserys. She was surrounded by countless people in front of her, countless sharp spears flashing with cold light, and the Unsullied standing neatly in front of her. The military force was shocked, so he had to grit his teeth to keep his face expressionless and not show any surprise or shock.

Viserys watched the Unsullied army lined up in ten columns in front of the fountain and the majestic bronze harpy statue, with a hundred men in each column. They stood upright with spears and shields in their hands and swords at their waists. Emotionless eyes stared straight ahead. They wore nothing but white linen around their waists and conical bronze helmets with a foot-high spike on their heads.

Perhaps Viserys was too calm. The slave trader raised his whip.

The Unsullied below all looked over.

"Let go!" the slave merchant ordered.

The Unsullied all lowered their spears and shields, moving in unison as if they were one person.

Viserys had yet to speak. The slave merchant couldn't help but ask: "Does he understand how outstanding this batch of goods is?"

Grolay paused and spoke to Viserys in Common Tongue: "The slave trader would like you to comment on this shipment, my lord."

Viserys said in common language: "They are thinner than I thought." This is true. These Unsullied people have solid and slender bodies, far less strong than Jorah, and even the Unsullied ones raised by Illyrio are stronger than those of Jorah. At present, these must be stronger. In Viserys' estimation, they should be about as strong as Butch, and they should be able to launch multiple battle charges after wearing armor.

“The Gentile was very pleased with them, but said they were not strong enough, and he wanted to use this to lower the price,” the translator told the host, “Good Lord.”

For someone who had never been to Westeros, she spoke the Common Tongue pretty well. The translator girl is less than ten years old, with a flat round face, dark skin and golden eyes. She is a Nas, a nation known as the "peaceful people" and slave catchers calling them the best slaves.

"Are all the barbarians of Westeros so ignorant?" the slave trader complained. "The whole world knows that the Unsullied are unparalleled in spears, shields and short swords. They have the most amazing endurance, These guys can stand there motionless for days and nights, without eating or drinking water; tell him that they are strong enough to withstand any charge on the battlefield; tell him that even if there are 900 Unsullied out of a thousand, Ninety-nine died, the last one will still fight for his orders. The Unsullied have something more important than strength-discipline. Yes, we train them in the fighting style of the ancient empire, and they are ancient in step. The rebirth of the Gith Legion is absolutely obedient, absolutely loyal, and has no fear. Of course, if he likes them to be fatter, he can buy them and fatten them up. The eunuch will tell him this easily."

The slave trader smiled exaggeratedly at Viserys as he spoke.

Grole translated: "He said you are a foreigner, my lord." As he said that, he translated the slave merchant's words exactly.

The slave trader could not understand the common language, but when Grolei translated, he poked the translator girl with his whip and asked her to whisper in his ear, and he nodded frequently.

Viserys listened patiently to the translation.

"How much does an Unsullied cost?"

Translator girl translator.

"One? He needs to know that we only sell by the unit, whole thousand or whole hundred. In the past we sold ten to customers as personal guards, but the results proved to be ineffective. Ten is too few, and they and other slaves, or even free People mingled together, forgetting who they were and who they were. He must understand that such an amazing army was expensive and had to be sold by the unit, and in Yunkai and Meereen it was even more possible to buy slave swordsmen than to buy their swords. Cheap, but the Unsullied are the finest infantry in the world, each one trained for many years. Tell your employer that they are like Valyrian steel, folded and beaten over and over until they are stronger and stronger than any metal in the world. Resilience. How much does he want?”

Grole found the job easier than he imagined.

"One hundred or two hundred, depending on the situation. How about their equipment?"

When the translator girl said the numbers, the slave merchant smiled again.

"Daggers, shields, spears, sandals, and jackets are all provided," said the slave trader, "and, of course, spiked helmets. They may also wear any form of armor he wishes, but the armor must be his own supply."

Viserys wanted to buy it as soon as possible: "How much does one hundred cost?"

After listening to the translation, the slave merchant shrugged: "Thirty thousand Astapor gold coins. Tell him. I have no shortage of buyers. I just showed the same batch of Unsullied to a pirate king two days ago. Everyone is This price.”

The translator girl suddenly stood up straight, and the slave trader stabbed her with a whip.

This means that perhaps a Pirate King did come to ask for a price, but it seemed that the deal was not completed. I wonder if negotiations are still ongoing.

The word Pirate King made Captain Grole alert. He translated: "He said that a 'pirate king' came to him two days ago to buy thirty thousand Astapor gold coins and one hundred Unsullied, my lord."

This so-called 'Pirate King' might be the vicious pirate who worried them all along the way.

"They are too thin, and I will have to replace the weapons and equipment on these people. For 20,000, I will consider buying 200 of them, and I will also buy supplies from him." Viserys began to bargain as if he was buying and selling goods.


Jorah's mind popped up the serious face of his former lord Eddard Stark.

Will he betray his country?

Only the White Ghosts believe it! Even if the eternal summer comes, that guy will never tarnish his precious honor.

He must be burdened by his honor and harmed by the conspiracy of the Lannisters.

He deserves it!

Jorah poured himself a sip of wine.

During this period, the news from the Seven Kingdoms made Jorah feel like a lifetime ago.

Every day, there would be more absurd news than the most absurd rumors circulating in the taverns of Tyrosh and among the sailors of the Seven Kingdoms.

The sailors were still discussing which hero would win the Prime Minister's tournament the day before, but the next day they were talking about the Prime Minister from the North and the Kingslayer fighting in front of a brothel in King's Landing. The Northerners killed five Lannister soldiers, while three Northerners died in return. The Prime Minister himself had his leg crushed by a horse in the fight.

After careful questioning, I heard that the cause seemed to be the invasion of the riverlands by the Lannisters from the West, but none of the sailors could explain why the Lannisters invaded the riverlands at that time, until another group of sailors who had been to Lannisport came later-

Jorah spent several days asking people from different places, and gradually figured out that it was Lady Stark from the North who captured Lannister's little devil Tyrion, and Lord Tywin summoned the vassals in the country to go to the riverlands to ask for an explanation. The Kingslayer Jaime and Prime Minister Stark in King's Landing had a fierce battle on the street because of this matter. As a result, Jaime ran away, and King's Landing sent troops to mediate the dispute. At that time, it seemed that Eddard Stark had the upper hand.

But two days later, someone said that King Robert was stabbed to death by a monster-like wild boar while hunting in the Royal Forest. Jorah didn't believe it at the time, but more and more sailors were saying it. Some said that the queen betrayed the king, or his brother, or his prime minister, Lord Stark. The common point of all the legends is that King Robert is indeed dead. He might have been in the grave when the news reached Tyrosh.

Jorah felt like he was dreaming.

After he was driven out of the team heading to Volantis by Viserys, although it seemed impossible for Viserys to call him back, he still sent the information back to King's Landing through Varys's little bird in Tyrosh to show his importance. He told King Robert: Viserys had another conspiracy. He drove away everyone around him in Lys, including the maids and eunuch guards sent by Illyrio. He would sail to Volantis alone, and he might be brewing some big conspiracy in secret.

But Jorah didn't wait for the reply from the king, but first received the news of King Robert's death.

The Seven Kingdoms' letter to Jorah fell into the sea. Jorah tried to find the little bird that had delivered the message for him before, but the mute boy who worked in the Tyrosh Tavern had disappeared.

Jorah didn't know whether the new King Joffrey or the Queen Regent Cersei would continue to use him as a spy? Do they value Viserys across the narrow sea as much as King Robert? If the little bird suddenly appeared, how would he get back to Viserys?

Jorah thought that he might never receive a letter from King's Landing. Combined with the news he heard every day, even Jorah could predict the changes in the situation. The great nobles were always addicted to the game of power and fighting endlessly. After Joffrey ascended the throne, political affairs were controlled by the Lannister family. Robert's second brother, Lord Renly, also fled King's Landing. It was rumored that he intended to become king. It was said that Lord Stannis, who had already returned to Dragonstone, was also gathering troops.

At this time, no one would care what Viserys was planning on the narrow sea side. At most, they would send assassins, but Jorah didn't think that ordinary assassins could kill Viserys.

Perhaps he should turn around and serve Viserys. The king on the narrow sea side obviously had other plans, and perhaps there was really hope to restore the Targaryen dynasty.

Isn't Jorah listening to his orders to collect intelligence for him in the seven kingdoms?

But Jorah has lost Viserys' trust - or rather, Viserys has never trusted him.

Jorah's thoughts were in a mess, and he drank another sip of wine.

"Sir Jorah."

The drunk Jorah heard someone calling him in a trance. He turned his head and saw an expressionless dark face first, and then the woman who spoke.

It was the eunuch guard Butch and the maid Arnie.

In the original book on the timeline, it can be inferred that Eddard was only prime minister for about three months before he was imprisoned with the death of Robert and the failure of the political struggle.

At this time, the foreplay of the War of the Five Kings had already begun. The Lannisters sent troops to attack the Riverlands because Catelyn captured Tyrion. Robb, who was in charge of the North, decided to summon his vassals to the south after hearing that his father was imprisoned - at this time his purpose was still to rescue his father.

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