Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 62: Reorganizing the Unsullied

"Can I ask her a question, sir?"

Growlai said respectfully to Viserys. Back on the ship, he finally couldn't help asking.

Viserys replied casually: "Ask her anything you want."

Growlai turned to look at the slave girl who was given to Viserys as a token of the deal: "Missandei, right?"

"Yes, my name is Missandei, sir." The slave girl replied respectfully. If she had any thoughts about being sent away, she was very careful not to show them.

Growlai said: "I'm not a 'sir', call me 'Captain', tell me something about the 'Pirate King' mentioned by the slave trader before. Has he left Astapor?"

"I don't know, Captain," Missandei said, "They didn't stop the ship at the port like you did. I only know that he asked the price from my master, my former master." She didn't say whether she bought it or not, but everyone could hear it.

Grolai asked cautiously: "Have you seen this 'Pirate King'? What does he look like?"

The girl hesitated a little and looked at his new master. Seeing that the new master was also waiting for her answer, she answered cautiously: "He is about the same height as you, Captain. He has very white skin, black hair and beard, and speaks the common language. He wears an eye patch on his left eye, revealing his right eye, which is the same blue as the sea. He always has a smile on his face. My former master had a pleasant conversation with him, but he has not appeared in the past two days."

"Does he have any special marks on him? Like me," Grolai showed her the marks on his clothes and hat, "there are merchant ship marks and the symbol of the Chamber of Commerce."

Missandei frowned and recalled, shaking her head: "Yes, I remember it was a black iron crown supported by two crows, with a black pupil and red eye underneath."

Growlai looked a little uncomfortable: "Did he bring anyone with him? Were they very quiet and didn't talk?"

Missandei thought for a while and said: "Yes, Captain."

Growlai didn't ask any more questions.

Missandei retreated carefully, retreated to the side of the beautiful lady beside his new master, and served carefully. His new master assigned her to serve this beautiful lady.

There was some silence on the deck.

Viserys broke the silence: "I need at least one day to receive two hundred Unsullied, arrange and purchase the things they need on the ship, including your ship. I am afraid that you will have to make enough space to accommodate these two hundred people." Viserys thought Grole would be in a hurry to leave.

Grole responded: "My lord, I suggest that we stay in Astapor for a while. The weather has been hot and humid these days, and there will probably be a storm. Let's set off again after the storm passes?"

Grole was more afraid of this "Pirate King" than Viserys imagined. He planned to stay in Astapor until he confirmed that this "Pirate King" had left this sea area.

Listening to the description, this so-called "Pirate King" is probably the captain of the "Crow's Eye" Euron, the horror legend of the sea "Tranquility".

The journey was so peaceful that I didn't encounter any pirates who were rumored to be entrenched in the southern waters of the Summer Sea. I only encountered the disturbing pirate ghost ship and the broken planks that frequently appeared on the sea a few days ago. I'm afraid it has something to do with this "Pirate King".

It is possible that this new "Pirate King" is clearing and integrating the surrounding pirate forces to establish his "kingship" in this sea area.

Viserys calculated the time in his mind. When they left Tyrosh, the Prime Minister's Tournament was in full swing. Now it has been nearly a month. He wants to return to Tyrosh as soon as possible, which is relatively well-informed about the direction of Westeros. He wants to know whether King Robert is dead? Is Eddard beheaded? Has Robb gone south? Has Renly become king? Has Stannis started to act?

Viserys hopes to return to the waters near Tyrosh before the red comet arrives. He has made up his mind to find an opportunity to attack Dragonstone. After the red comet arrives, he will use it as a base.

Essos is the territory of R'hllor, a real god, and he has set his sights on Daenerys.

The Targaryen ancestors four hundred years ago chose Dragonstone as a bridgehead, which is located between Westeros and Essos. Now there are many forces entrenched there.

And Daenerys' dream.

In short, Viserys convinced himself.

Viserys asked: "Can the two hundred Unsullied be divided into three ships?"

Grolai insisted: "That's not the question, my lord. People often say: It's not wise to sail in a storm."

Before coming, Viserys privately considered going by land, but it took more than 20 days to take a boat on the sea, and it would take even longer to go by land. And he was worried that he would encounter the Red God's armed forces on land. And they have already taken a trip by sea, and now they just need to return the same way. Of course, they can't expect that there will be no storms and pirates like when they came, but Viserys can rely on himself. As long as there is no legendary sea monster that will drag merchant ships to the bottom of the sea, ordinary pirates are nothing to be afraid of.

Despite this consideration, Viserys was still willing to listen to the advice. He did not want his preparations made after traveling so far to be disrupted by a summer storm and pirates suspected of being related to the Drowned God. Grole was an experienced captain, and Viserys chose to follow his advice.

Viserys and the slave trader completed the agreement at dusk that day. The slave trader sent the two hundred Unsullied selected by Viserys and the food, tents, leather boots, leather armor, rain gear, crossbows, and arrows that Viserys bought from him to the port terminal, and Viserys asked Grole to send a dozen sailors on board to move several large boxes in his room to the port terminal.

The transaction contract was signed here. For these things, Viserys spent almost all the gold coins. This was done when the Myr gold coins were exchanged for Astapor gold coins at 1:1.1, and the Lys gold coins were exchanged for Astapor gold coins at 1:1. The transaction - Myr's gold coins contain more gold than the gold coins of Reese and Astapor.

In such a situation, Viserys's supplies were originally only enough to provide each of the two hundred Unsullied with a pair of high-quality leather boots - they came with sinew leather sandals, and Viserys, who had led soldiers, knew a pair of high-quality leather boots. How important were good boots in ancient armies.

Originally, he no longer had enough money to buy two hundred sets of leather armor and protective equipment, but he still had dragon bones in a separate account that could be withdrawn. Viserys reconciled these with the slave merchants and gave them all to him, and finally exchanged them for two hundred sets of skins. armor, fifty crossbows and hundreds of arrows.

After signing the contract, Viserys asked the sailors to carry the chest to the feet of the slave trader, who responded by giving Viserys the whip.

The gold coins in the box have already been counted. This is just part of the ceremony.

The long whip that drives the two hundred Unsullied is a finely carved black dragon bone, inlaid with gold, and connected with a slender leather strip. The golden ball behind the handle is a woman's head, with sharp ivory teeth in its mouth. Slave traders called this whip the "Finger of the Harpy."

Viserys raised his whip, visible to the two hundred Unsullied who stood at attention on the dock.

"You are my soldiers! You have been bought and the bill has been paid!"

The slave trader discovered that Viserys was speaking Valyrian, but paid no attention to it. He whipped his slaves and told them to take him and the chest of gold coins he had received and leave as quickly as possible.

The docks were crowded with spectators, including slaves and free men of Astapor, captains and sailors of passing merchant ships, people from Captain Grole's three ships, and Daenerys' new maid Missandei. .

Daenerys stood right behind her brother.

Viserys ignored the others and shouted with all his strength.

"From today on, forget about this whip! You will only obey my orders from now on!"

"I want to choose two of you to become commanders and my centurions! Soldiers, if you recommend yourself, step forward!"

Viserys stood on the high platform, glanced around, and soon eight of the two hundred people stepped forward.

But Viserys only wanted two.

Viserys clicked on them: "Come forward, go up the two steps!" The eight Unsullied came to the front, climbed up the two steps, and stood in a row.

Viserys shouted to the soldiers: "Soldier, look to those you trust!"

Candidates were chosen quickly.

Viserys pointed at the two people who were focused on the crowd: "You, you, stay. The rest will return to the team!"

"Okay! From now on, you are my centurions!" Viserys clicked on one of them first, "From now on, you will command a hundred people. What is your name?"

This is a young-looking eunuch: "Grey Worm, master!"

Viserys nodded and looked at the other person: "From now on, you will lead a hundred people. What is your name?"

This is a eunuch who looks very stable: "Black mouse, master!"

"Okay! Go back to your teams, each lead nine people as guards, and then choose nine people to be squad leaders!"

After determining the leaders of the Ten and Hundred, Viserys began to distribute according to a familiar rhythm:

"Grey Worm, bring ten of your men forward and prepare to distribute supplies!"

"Every team listens to the order! Come up and receive leather boots, leather armor, and rain gear according to the team!"

"After collecting the supplies, gather in the open space on the low slope in front of the dock and set up camp on the spot!"

Viserys took the trouble to reorganize and distribute supplies to the two centurions in an orderly manner. As expected, these Unsullied were well-trained and completed Viserys's orders without any chaos.

Viserys looked back at Grolei: "Captain."

Grole couldn't help but stand up straight: "My lord." The two hundred men under Viserys were a real army, and the way Viserys gave orders just now didn't look like a junior brother at all, but really looked like someone who had been in battle. The battlefield commander, Grole couldn't help but feel a little intimidated.

Viserys knew what was going on with Grolei by looking at his appearance: "Let the cooks on the ship do an extra job. If I hire them, I will pay them and let them help the Unsullied stationed near the dock to bury the pot and cook." meal."

Grole agreed wholeheartedly: "Yes, sir."

The merchant ship planned to stay for a while, so before the merchant ship left the port, Viserys thought it would be better not to stuff these Unsullied soldiers into the crowded and cramped cargo hold of the merchant ship.

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