"Who did you say was outside asking for a meeting?"

Viserys thought he had heard wrongly.

"A priest of the Red God, my lord. She calls herself Fremi and comes from Lys. The sailor told me that they just got off another ship and found this place on the dock, saying they wanted to send gifts to the 'king and princess'. , I want to see you and the lady." This was the first time that Grole saw this king who made him feel that he had some tricks up his sleeve. He swallowed nervously, "The gift they gave is very expensive, just take it outside the door. Come in and take a look?"

Viserys' eyelids twitched and he didn't answer.

Daenerys stood up from the desk and came closer: "What is that?"

The Unsullied guards at the door carried a cedar box and stood at the door of the open merchant suite. They did not take the gift in without receiving orders.

The wooden box was at the door, unopened, but Daenerys felt that there was a touch of warmth in the wind coming from that direction in the room, and the room seemed to become a little warmer.

She could feel that there was a heat source in the wooden box, and the heat was being released from there. She couldn't help but look at the heat source. Through the wooden box, that thing had a strange attraction to her.

Viserys noticed Daenerys's drawn eyes, which made him uneasy: "We should send things back."

"What's in that?" Daenerys asked subconsciously.

For a long time, Daenerys didn't hear an answer. She quickly turned to look at Viserys' expression and found that Viserys was also looking at her.

She noticed that Viserys's eyes were calm and unreadable, and then she heard him say, "It's a dragon egg. We should send it back."

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, she nodded and said, "Yes."

"Okay." Viserys smiled.

"My lord, you don't want to see her?" Grole was a little nervous. "She is guarded by seven hands of the Holy Fire. My lord, that priest's status in the Red God Temple is definitely not low."

Viserys could not imagine that the merchant ship was waiting for the news of the Pirate King at the Astapor dock, waiting for the arrival of the storm, but it turned out that the first one to wait was the Red God priest from the Red Temple.

Sounds like it even came all the way from Rees.

There is no temple to the Red God in Astapor, so how did they determine where Viserys and Daenerys were?

Why did they come?

Viserys suppressed his heartbeat, gave Daenerys, who was sitting next to him slightly nervous, a comforting look, and asked Grolei: "Did she say anything to you?"

"She said that if you don't plan to see her, please let me tell you: 'The eyes in the darkness are staring at you. Please leave a gift as a proof of goodwill. The flame is your help.'" Grole is not a pious person. A follower of the Red God, but the words from the priest's mouth made Grolei feel uneasy, "What should I tell her, sir?"

Viserys said: "Tell her for me: I don't believe in the Red God, but I thank her for the prophecies and gifts she brought. The gifts are too expensive and we cannot accept them. I accept the kindness she brings, but I am very busy now. No time to see——"

As he spoke, he noticed that Daenerys's eyes were once again attracted to the wooden box. Her eyes were staring straight at it, with a strange and surprised look on her face.

The room suddenly fell silent, and Daenerys looked up to see Viserys' worried gaze. She carefully moved closer and whispered in his ear: "I seem to hear a heartbeat. What is that?"

Boom, boom, boom. Dany vaguely heard the heartbeat coming from the wooden box. The sound was very low and the intervals were very long, like a hibernating living thing. She felt that the room was becoming steaming. She felt that the thing was naturally close to her. There was a certain rhythm to the slow and low heartbeat, which made her feel that some force in her body was responding.

She guessed that there was a dragon egg that was about to break out of its shell.

Viserys changed the topic and asked Grole seriously: "When can we set off at the earliest? I asked you to prepare enough supplies for us to go back to Pentos. Are you ready?"

No matter what, it was impossible to bring supplies directly back to Pentos, because the storage conditions in this world era could not support sailing on the sea for a particularly long time, and they still had to replenish at the ports they passed in the middle. But if you are well prepared, the replenishment time can be shortened as much as possible, and there is no need to even enter the port. A fast boat is sent with the ship outside the deep water area of ​​the commercial port to buy fresh water and fruits that are not easy to store, and let the supplier ship out to deliver them. , This is also common at sea. After all, merchant ships entering the port must be charged and inspected even if they only stay on the dock for a quarter of an hour.

Grorai was shocked by Viserys' sudden decision: "My lord?"

"Let's set off as soon as possible." Viserys patted him on the shoulder, "Grorai, I promise you, the pirates don't need to worry, just prepare to set sail."

Viserys said to the Unsullied at the door: "Put the gift in." He wanted to make one thing clear. "Grole, go get ready. By the way, the priestess, let her come to see us."

Grolai didn't know why, but he went out anyway, intending to come back later to persuade Viserys to stay a little longer.


The priestess of the Red God did not bring the seven Hands of Holy Fire guards that Grolai had mentioned, but came alone.

She was covered in red from head to toe. Her head and most of her face were hidden in a flaming red silk hood. She was covered in a silk priest's robe that was as bright as a bright flame. The sleeves were very long, and the top had slits that started from the lower part of the neck. When it comes to the chest, the skin is exposed as white and smooth as fresh milk against the red background, and underneath is a darker flame red shirt.

She was slender, tall and elegant, with full breasts and a slim waist. Once the eyes stopped on her, it was difficult to move away.

Daenerys keenly noticed that her brother Viserys's eyes stayed on the priestess's plump breasts that were slightly white and tender. She felt a little emotional for no reason, but when she followed Viserys's gaze, she soon found that Viserys was actually looking at the ruby ​​on the priestess's collarbone under her neck. That was the most eye-catching part of the red and gold necklace hanging around her neck.

Faintly, there seemed to be a red light flashing in the gem.

Daenerys found that the priestess's eyes stayed on her much more than on her brother, and she couldn't help but move her body closer to Viserys.

"My lord," the priestess spoke, her voice was gentle and pleasant, "you have to be careful."

"Be careful?" Viserys asked calmly, "Be careful of what?"

"The eyes in the dark are watching you, my lord."

"Your eyes are also in the shadows, septa."

The priestess reached out and took off the silk hood covering her head, revealing her appearance under the hood. She had red eyes, long fiery red hair and a beautiful face.

Daenerys felt a trace of holiness on the priestess's face in a trance.

Viserys had to admit that he was shocked by the beauty of the priestess. But imagine this beautiful and beautiful priestess reading the prayers and lighting the flames under the fire rack with a living person tied to her holy and solemn, and he felt that this beautiful and holy priestess was inexplicably terrifying.

"I foresaw in the holy fire: black eyes are watching, bringing shadows and blood. The gods guided me here to assist you, my lord." The priestess spoke again, she spoke to Viserys, but finally looked at Daenerys, "You have a mission."

"I don't like riddles." Viserys stared at her sharply and asked bluntly, "I want to know, did you really see me in the flames?"

"My lord, the holy fire showed me this noble lady, your sister." The priestess said calmly, "She has a mission."

The priestess was frank, Viserys asked: "I want to know, if my sister doesn't touch the dragon egg, will the stars still bleed as predicted?"

There are two origins of dragons in the world of ice and fire. One is that the magician of Asshai hatched the first dragon, and the other is that the ancestor of Valyria hatched the first dragon.

R'hllor is also known as the Lord of Light, the Heart of the Holy Flame, and the God of Shadow and Fire. Asshai, the legendary land of shadows, may have a close connection with R'hllor. Viserys originally thought that the Red God Temple had the secret art of hatching dragons in Asshai, but now judging from the behavior of the Red God priests, Daenerys is still very important to the hatching of dragons.

"Oh, you know that prophecy. My lord, you surprise me." The priestess stared at him with red eyes, and she replied to Viserys calmly, "The answer is yes, my lord."

"Then please leave, septon, we don't believe in your gods, and Dany doesn't need to shoulder any mission." Viserys took the priestess's words as the truth and said, "We accept your kindness, but the gift you brought is too valuable, and accepting it will make us feel uneasy."

"I understand your wishes, my lord. Then, the honorable "My lady," the priestess turned to look at Daenerys and asked in her calm and pleasant voice, "Are you willing to listen to the prophecy I brought and understand the mission you are responsible for?"

Dany realized that the priestess of the Red God was coming for her: "What my brother said is my will."

The priestess of the Red God said to Viserys calmly: "Well, please allow me to take my leave for the sudden visit, my lord." She looked at Daenerys deeply before leaving, "Goodbye, noble lady."

The priestess of the Red God seemed to be ready to take her leave.

Viserys knew that things would definitely not end here, but he still called out: "Missandei, help me see off the guests and take the gifts away for the guests."

The new maid outside the door heard this and immediately called the Unsullied guarding the door to open the door and send the guests away. The Unsullied could not understand the common language, and Missandei would translate for them and let them take the gift box to the priestess.

Watching the priestess leave, Viserys just felt a headache.

This was a situation he had never thought of. The Red God's priests would stick to him like a dog-skin plaster. A suspected True God sect was not at all reserved.

The words of the priestess sounded as if the Red God was showing goodwill to them.

What was hidden behind this strong goodwill?

The priests seemed to only interpret the flames and did not know what Viserys was. They came for Daenerys?

Did the Red God know what Viserys was?

Dany was a little uneasy about Viserys's evasion of the Red God's priests, but fortunately she remembered to talk about business. She asked the doubts in her heart: "Are they here to help us? Why should they help us?"

Viserys frowned and said distressedly: "That's the problem."

Dany asked again: "The dragon eggs in the box contain dragons that are about to hatch, right? And this requires me?" She was not stupid. The conversation between Viserys and the priestess almost made this clear.

Viserys told her: "They need the power that has awakened in you. You have the power to hatch dragons."

Viserys was particularly frank today, so Dany asked him: "What is the prophecy, and what is my mission she said?"

Viserys thought for a moment and said:

"I will tell you a story about the prophecy.

Legend has it that in ancient times there was a man named Oedipus, whose biological father was a king. When he was born, the king learned from a prophecy that when he grew up, he would kill his father and marry his mother, so he pierced his heels with iron wire. A servant threw the baby into the wilderness. The servant took pity on the innocent child and gave him to a shepherd from another country. The king of other countries adopted him because he had no sons.

As an adult, when Oedipus learned from the gods that he was destined to kill his father and marry his mother, he fled the country where he adopted him in order to avoid the bad luck revealed by the gods, because he thought that the king and queen of that country were One's own biological parents. But Oedipus never expected that it was this deliberate avoidance that accelerated the tragedy of his life.

He left his adoptive parents and headed towards the motherland where he was truly born. On the way to escape, Oedipus was insulted by a group of passers-by. In a rage, Oedipus killed four people, among whom he visited incognito. biological father.

Soon after, Oedipus used his extraordinary intelligence to get rid of the sphinx that harmed the people of his home country. He was supported by the people of his home country as king and married the former king's queen, his biological mother, as his wife. Had two children with her.

In this way, Oedipus became a sinner who killed his father and married his mother, but he himself had no idea about it.

In order to quell the epidemic in the country, Oedipus followed the instructions of God and searched for the murderer of the former king. It turned out that the murderer he was looking for was himself, and the fate of killing his father and marrying his mother still befell him.

Oedipus's mother, Oedipus, committed suicide in grief to wash away her sins. Oedipus blinded himself due to mixed emotions, and then exiled himself. He and his two daughters wandered away from their motherland to punish themselves for their heinous sin. To repent.

The so-called 'prophecy' of 'fate' is a trick, Dany, and when you think about it, whether you want to realize it or avoid it, you will fall into its trap. The best thing to do is to ignore it. Our destiny is in our own hands, and you must realize this so as not to be fooled by it. Believe me, you don’t need to worry about prophecies and missions, you can be like me. As you can tell, the priest couldn't see me in the flames, and she was surprised at what I knew, because my fate was in my own hands. "

Daenerys' thoughts were a little confused, but she still responded to Viserys immediately: "I believe you."

"I believe in you too, Dany." Viserys looked at her and held her hand. "With your words, I believe you are ready to know the prophecy about yourself."

Some words spoken by Viserys have very different meanings to Daenerys than those spoken by others. Instead of waiting for others to use them to deceive Daenerys, it would be better for Viserys to tell her himself.

Viserys tried to translate in Valyrian. He actually didn't know the correct wording of the prophecy, so he could only guarantee that the meaning was correct: "'After the long summer, the stars will weep blood, and the cold darkness will cover the world. In this terrible moment , a warrior will pull out the burning sword from the fire. That sword is the 'Lightbringer', the red sword of heroes. The one who holds the sword is the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, and he will drive away the darkness. 'This is the prophecy, they think you are the reincarnation of Azor Ahai' or the sacrificed Nissa Nissa.

When Daenerys heard this for the first time, she subconsciously asked: "Am I?" After the words came out of her mouth, she realized that she shouldn't ask.

Viserys kissed her: "You are not, you are Daenerys. My Daenerys."

Dany responded enthusiastically.


The cedar box containing the dragon's eggs went round and round and finally returned to the hands of the priestess of the Red God.

Her face remained calm, and she opened the wooden box. It was filled with the finest velvet and brocade, and a huge egg lay quietly on it.

The priest of the Red God stretched out his white fingers and twisted the dragon egg that looked like a fossil. The surface of the eggshell was covered with tiny scales, which reflected the firelight and gave off a metallic luster. Its overall color is black and red, with strange ripples, like lava flowing on obsidian.

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