Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 64: Dragon Transformation

Silver-white lightning flashed outside the window.

Then there was a rumbling thunder, as if the whole world was torn apart at this moment.

After the thunder, the rainstorm and the surging waves that were briefly covered by the thunder once again occupied all the sounds that people could hear, like the sound of thousands of troops galloping.

The waves hit the ship, making a deafening roar. The hull swayed, as if it would be swallowed by the ruthless waves at any time.

Daenerys opened her eyes again. This was the nth time she was awakened by thunder. She heard Viserys ask in her ear: "Dream again?"

"Yeah." She responded softly, struggled to get up from the bed, hugged his waist, and put her head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat. This can make her feel calm. "Its roar seems to be stronger, I can feel that its power is ready to move."

"I know." Viserys let his body leaning against the head of the bed slide down a little, holding her head and rubbing her shoulders, as a comfort.

The return trip was not as smooth as the trip. The sea was like a girl in contemplation, with a sunny day, bright sunshine and calm winds, but now it was like an angry sea beast, roaring and showing its ferocity, with huge waves.

On the first day they left Astapor, the sea was covered with dark clouds, and it began to rain that night.

And this was not the worst. What was worse was that Viserys had intended to get rid of the priest of the Red God, but she still boarded the ship.

The priestess left the seven accompanying holy fire hands on the merchant ship carrying them in Astapor as a cover, and secretly negotiated with the captain of the Summer Sun, one of the two rowing boats, who believed in the Red God the most, and even boarded the Summer Sun earlier than the Unsullied stationed on the merchant ship by Viserys - Grolai insisted that he did not know about this.

It was not until the first night after going to sea that Daenerys dreamed that a dragon roared and called her, and it was on the ship in front. Viserys knew it at that time, and then took people to interrogate Grolai.

Grolai didn't know why Viserys claimed that the priestess of the Red God was on the Summer Sun, but Viserys brought the Unsullied to him to interrogate him, and there were sixty fully armed and ready Unsullied on the Cedurian, so Grolai could only ask the navigator to send a signal flag to clarify the situation.

In fact, Grolai was mentally prepared that Viserys would take over the actual command of the three ships at any time on the way back, otherwise he would not have to divide the two hundred Unsullied into three ships in the name of helping to prevent pirates, and let his two centurions each lead seventy people to station on the Summer Sun and the Joking Yoso.

If they just planned to return by ship, the big-bellied merchant ship Cedurian could easily accommodate the two hundred people.

However, they failed to send the priestess to the Cedurian by the speedboat on board when they asked about the situation, and they sailed into the storm, which lasted for two days and two nights.

The sea is surging, and the rowing boat cannot always rely on the sailors to row to provide power. The most reasonable way to deal with storms and turbulent waves at sea is to stop the ship from moving forward, fix all the cargo and equipment on the ship, put the movable heavy objects in the center of the ship and fix them, turn the ship to the wind direction, and drift with the waves. This sailing posture is called "slow wind". In this way, the ship can reduce the wind force and impact.

In the face of such wind and waves, the towing ropes of merchant ships and rowing boats should be as long as possible so that each other's ships do not affect each other.

The intermittent, sometimes violent and sometimes mild wind and rain in the past two days have actually caused the merchant ship to deviate from its original course, but they can only wait for the storm to pass before they can re-identify the direction and set sail again.

In this way, the current situation is not as good as waiting for a few more days in Astaport.

But even if it is a wrong decision, it has brought the current situation to this situation. Complaining or regretting is not what Viserys should do.

Dany could feel that Viserys was under a lot of pressure these days. He was awake every time she woke up. She almost never saw him sleep. She suddenly asked, "Are you okay?"

Viserys rubbed her shoulders: "I'm fine, how about you?"

Dany was actually fine. The dream she had every time she fell asleep, where she was called by the dragon's roar, was not a nightmare. Every time she woke up, except for the urge to go to the dragon's roar, there was nothing to worry about. Moreover, this dream made Viserys take the initiative to sleep with her before marriage, which made their intimacy go further. Daenerys had a complicated feeling about this matter. She hoped it would end soon, but she also hoped it would not end: "I'm fine too. When the storm is over, how are you going to deal with the priestess of the Red God and the dragon egg?"

She had never asked, but today she suddenly wanted to ask clearly.

Viserys said: "Take the dragon egg and throw it into the sea."

Dany's head was bulging in his arms. She leaned out and looked at his expression in the shadow, then lay back in his arms: "You won't do that."

"I really thought about doing that."

Silver-white lightning flashed outside the window again, and then there was a rumble of thunder.

But this time when the thunder subsided, there were other sounds mixed with the sound of wind, rain and waves.


It was a warning signal, the sound was very close, it was the warning signal of the Cedurian.

Three long trumpets.


Viserys turned over and got out of bed, walked quickly to the window, he pushed the window open, and the heavy rain poured in from the window and hit him, soaking his clothes.

In such weather, there are still pirates?


The Sedourion's warning signal sounded again.

Woo Ang——

A strange trumpet sounded, right at Viserys' door. It was the horn of the Unsullied.

Missandei, who was sleeping on the maid's bed at the door, woke up with a start and entered the inner room. She shouted loudly: "My lord!"

At this time, Viserys had already put on his coat and tied his sword belt. He shouted: "Help the lady put on her leather armor!" Then he walked to the bed and held down Daenerys who was about to get up. " You stay in your room and I'll go out and take a look."

Then he walked quickly to the door.

The five Unsullied guards outside the door did not look back, but looked cautiously at the exit to the deck. Only a squad leader with a horn on his body said in Valyrian: "My lord." He was waiting for orders.

Viserys ordered in a deep voice: "Leave two people to guard the door, and the rest follow me to the deck!"

The situation was more serious than imagined. When he came out of the exit to the deck, a crossbow arrow passed in front of Viserys and was nailed to the wooden board of the exit.

One of the Unsullied walking in front of Viserys was shot in the arm by a crossbow bolt, and the remaining two Unsullied immediately leaned down. One of them was about to pounce on Viserys, but Viserys dodged it.

The Unsullied, who was about to protect Viserys, collided with the rain-soaked deck, making a thumping sound. His companions quickly pulled him back.

A rain of twisted arrows immediately fell from the deck outside the exit. Although it was not accurate enough, it was enough to suppress the exit.

This means that the pirates attacking the merchant ships are close enough to carry out long-range strikes with crossbows.

Viserys could only look out from the narrow perspective of the exit. Through the flickering firelight and the flashing lightning from nowhere on the deck, Viserys saw several sailors on the deck hiding on the mast and guardrail. Finally, someone had an arrow stuck in his body, and bright red blood dripped on the deck with the rain.

There was a hatch in the middle of the deck that led to the lower cabin. Viserys saw the hatch open for a time, but it was quickly suppressed by the twisted crossbow arrows. It looked like someone had been hit by an arrow. The opening of the hatch cover was too small, and people in the cabin had to climb a ladder, so there was no way for the people in the cabin to file out from there.

In the past, when pirates were discovered from a distance, they still had plenty of time to prepare, but this encounter was obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

This group of pirates was experienced and had already taken advantage before they rammed the merchant ship and entered into a boarding battle.

The pirates' arrow rain was not dense, but it was enough to suppress all exits of the merchant ship and prevent people on board from boarding the deck to prepare for defense. The Sedulian did not have such a thing as a ballista, so it could not actively attack the opponent's ship. At this moment, it could only wait for the opponent to hit it and then board the ship to engage in close combat.

A bolt of lightning rent the sky.

Under the rumbling thunder, a loud noise came from the right side of the merchant ship, and the merchant ship began to rock violently.

Viserys heard the sound of someone falling to the ground behind him. He turned around and saw that it was the maid Missandei. And this time, Viserys saw that at the end of the passage, Daenerys, who had put on leather armor, rushed past two Unsullied who were unable to stop them under the shaking merchant ship. She was holding the keel short bow she used to practice in the past. , the swaying merchant ship ran towards Viserys. The black cloak embroidered with a single three-headed fire-breathing dragon in red on black was raised high behind Daenerys. She did not fall, but the quiver on her back was dropping arrows.

Normally, after the collision, the pirate ship would be ready for a boarding battle, and there should be loud shouts of death.

But now there was none, just the unsettling sound of thunder, rain and waves.

The hatch in the middle of the deck opened again, but was quickly suppressed by arrows. The light when the hatch cover was opened was too dazzling in the rainy night. The people inside had realized this and extinguished the candles, but still could not rush out.

Under the lightning and the flickering firelight reflected from nowhere, Viserys saw several sailors hiding behind the mast on the deck staring in a certain direction with their eyes wide open.

Despair was written on their faces.

Viserys knew this was his moment to make up his mind.

He turned around and ran toward the room. When he passed Daenerys, he picked her up by the waist.

The Unsullied followed without a moment's hesitation.

Dany was surprised by her brother's unusual behavior. She didn't know what he wanted to do. She only heard Viserys shouting: "Soldier, hold the door for me and wait for my order!"

Then he entered the house and slammed the door.

Viserys kicked open the window facing the sea, and the storm carried rainwater into the room. He put down Daenerys who was carried in by her, tore off the bow and quiver from her hands, and quickly took off his coat and sword. He draped it all over her body, then pressed her shoulders heavily: "Believe me, get on my back!"

After saying that, Viserys squatted in front of the window and waited for her to get on his back.

Daenerys suddenly realized something, and her heartbeat quickened nervously. She climbed onto Viserys' back in ignorance, and hugged his neck tightly with her hands.

Without saying a word, Viserys jumped out of the window with her on his back.

The rain kept hitting Daenerys' face.

She couldn't keep her eyes open.

She could only feel that she was falling, and could only hear the howling wind and crashing waves in her ears.

At a certain moment, she felt the fiery breath coming from Viserys she was hugging. The crazy hot air burst out from under her body with steaming heat. The hot wind surrounded her, and the cold rain became scalding in a short time. She Feeling the embrace of Viserys' body transform into fiery scales that felt hot and alive.

Daenerys's hands touched the scales that emitted the hot breath. Viserys's sudden expansion of body almost made her lose her balance and fall. Her fingers grabbed randomly looking for a point of strength, and finally she found herself in the middle of the snake-shaped dragon's neck. , no need to worry about falling.

The coat of Viserys she was wearing burned at that moment, and she resisted reaching out to pull it, but luckily it was quickly doused by the rain.

Daenerys could feel the heat coming from the dragon's scales between her thighs, could smell the leather she was wearing burning under the scorching heat, and found herself tense as if her heart was about to burst.


She heard the dragon's wings beating the air.

Daenerys boldly squinted her eyes and looked down. The entire sea below was like an inky black tapestry, and the sea was moving away from her. She was riding on the long neck of a three-headed dragon whose scales were as black as ink and were transformed by Viserys.

She is flying.

The dragon's wings flapped, Daenerys clasped her hands, and followed Viserys through the rain curtain, past the huge Thaduion, until it was higher than the highest point of the merchant ship's mast.


She heard Viserys's great voice ringing in her ears like thunder.

She felt that the dragon's neck held by her hands became even hotter, like a furnace.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a laser-like flame ray pierce the rain curtain and cut through the sky, like a burning flame blade, slashing towards the half-hung dark sail, the dark red hull, and the bow of the ship. Iron Maiden statue's pirate ship.

The mast with the dark sail on the pirate ship was instantly cut off by the flaming blade like a knife, and the flaming blade-like laser remained unabated and continued to sweep towards the shadowy figures on the ship.

The huge flame-burning wound extended from the mast and front deck of the pirate ship to the black iron girl statue on the bow of the ship, and cut through many figures on the deck of the pirate ship.

But Daenerys did not hear the screams. She only heard the thunder in the sky, the loud flapping of the dragon's wings, and the thunderous voice of Viserys:

"I, King Viserys III, from above the dragon, give you orders. Unsullied, fight back!"

Sedourion reference ship

Once the hatch hatch exit of this kind of big-bellied cargo ship is suppressed, except for the direct access to the deck captain's cabin and the luxurious suite added in the book, people in the cabin are easily trapped in the cabin and unable to swarm out.

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