A weird ballad rang out in the tower:

"On the sea, people eat fish. In the sea, fish eat people.

In the deep water, under the sea, birds have scales but no feathers.

I know, I know. Oh oh oh!

Smart partners, smart people, smart fool jester.

Oh, smart smart smart fool jester!

Oh! There are birds and insects in the sky, and dragons.

Oh! There are fish and shrimps in the deep sea, and seahorses.

Dragons come to dance, dragons come to dance.

Seahorses come to welcome guests, seahorses come to welcome guests."

The fat and soft jester shuffled and hopped on the steps of the tower, walking weirdly. He wore a toy helmet made of an old tin bucket, with two deer antlers tied on the top and cowbells hanging on it, which made different sounds with his staggering steps.

The free trade city of Volantis used to tattoo the faces of slaves and servants, and this jester from Volantis was covered with red and green plaids from his scalp to his neck.

People called him Patchface.

Back then, because Prince Rhaegar had no sisters to marry, the old King Aerys Targaryen II - he was not as crazy as he was later - sent Duke Steffen Baratheon across the sea to look for a prince's wife, hoping to find a pure-blooded descendant of Valyria. Duke Steffen's search was in vain. Two weeks before he was about to leave for home, he found the young Patchface in Volantis across the Narrow Sea. He was the most outstanding jester Duke Steffen had ever seen. The Duke bought his freedom and planned to bring him back to bring laughter to the children of his Storm's End.

But the ship on the way back encountered a sudden storm, proving that the name "Shipbroken Bay" was indeed worthy of its name. The Duke's brig hit a reef in the storm and was swallowed by the sea. More than a hundred oarsmen and crew members were buried in the sea with the Duke and his wife. Three days later, Patchface was washed ashore. His skin was white and wrinkled by the soaking. Jomi, who found him, insisted that Patchface's skin was sticky and cold until his death. People thought he was dead, but he coughed up the sea water and survived. From then on, he became a mentally retarded person. In addition to the physical sequelae, the torture at sea also took away all his memories and half of his brain.

Patchface stayed in Storm's End as a court jester and fool. Later, he came to Dragonstone with Stannis and became the fool of Stannis's daughter Shireen Baratheon.

Princess Shireen looked at her fool with uneasiness in her blue eyes. She said, "Adin, stop singing." Her fool had been singing this all day long these days. She asked him to stop singing, but he refused. She had just had a nightmare recently, dreaming that a dragon wanted to eat her. This song made her feel uneasy.

"Dragon, come and dance, come and dance!" But her fool was still singing. While singing, he stood on one foot on the stone steps, and then changed the other foot.

"Seahorse is here to welcome you, come and welcome you!" He turned his head with each line, and the bells on his antlers kept ringing.

"Your Highness." It was the young maester newly sent by the Citadel who came down from the towering tower stairs to greet her.

Shireen greeted shyly: "Master Pylos, I'm here to see Master Cressen." Many people have come to the castle recently, and Maester Pylos is one of them. People have changed their address to Shireen from "Miss" to "Princess", and she is not used to it.

"Pylos, who is visiting us so late?" The old voice came from the lighted room in the tower.

Shireen responded: "Master, it's me and Ading."

"Child, you should be meeting the princes and their wives who came to the castle with your mother," the old maester came out of the door and waved her to come closer, "Why did you come to see me?"

"I'm still having that nightmare," Shireen told him. "I dreamed that the dragon wanted to eat me."

The old maester remembered that the little girl had been haunted by nightmares for many years. The old maester felt sorry for her. The child was almost ten years old and was not beautiful. When she was young, she was infected with grayscale and almost died. Although she escaped, she was left with terrible defects: the skin from half of her cheek to the lower part of her neck was stiff and necrotic, and the surface was cracked and peeled off layer by layer, mixed with black and gray spots, and it felt like hard stone when touched.

"Didn't I tell you?" The old maester said gently, "The dragon is dead and can never be resurrected. Child, they are all stone sculptures. Long, long ago, our island was the westernmost outpost of the powerful Free City of Valyria. The Valyrians built this castle, although their great skills have been lost. In order to resist foreign aggression, they built towers at each intersection of the fortress walls. The Valyrians deliberately carved these towers into the shape of evil dragons to make the castle look more terrifying. The reason why they abandoned ordinary battlements and replaced them with thousands of hideous stone statues was also for this purpose." He stretched out his mottled and thin hand and gently held her small hand. "So, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Shirin was unmoved. "What was that flying in the sky? Today, my mother's maids were talking by the well, saying that they heard the woman in red telling her mother that it was 'dragon's breath'. If dragons can breathe, doesn't that mean they are alive?"

This damned red-robed woman, the old scholar thought bitterly, isn't it enough that she has been whispering in the queen's ears all day long, and now she even wants to spoil her little daughter's sweet dreams? He must give those chattering maids a good lecture and warn them not to make alarmist remarks again.

"Good child, the thing in the sky is called a comet, which is a star with a tail. It is lost in the sky and will soon disappear. We will never see it again in our lifetime. Just wait and see."


The rain is still falling.

Viserys's order to counterattack was not well executed.

He looked down from a high altitude and soon discovered that the flickering fire he had seen at the exit of the suite passage was a strange flame that was about to go out in the corner under the rain curtain after the half-furled sail of the merchant ship was ignited. It was obviously caused by some special waterproof igniter thrown on the sail.

He suddenly appeared just now, and took the lead with the attack method that he could use at the moment, which had a strong deterrent effect on ordinary people and was difficult to stop - the magic power was gathered into a powerful flame ray through the magic organ constructed by the middle head, and the moment he appeared, he directly burned through the people on the deck of the pirate ship who were leaning against the edge of the ship to shoot arrows and the people gathered on the nearby decks.

The ropes and wooden boards that the pirates used for boarding were also cut by the sharp blades of fire. Broken and without support, several pirates fell directly into the sea. The remaining pirates on the pirate ship retreated in panic, and several pirates who had already jumped on the Saidullion were instantly isolated and had no way to retreat.

But the crew of the Cedurian were also shocked. The first group to come out upon hearing the noise was Captain Grolai, who jumped out of the captain's room holding an exaggeratedly large shield, and several brave sailors holding crossbows and swords. But when they looked up and saw Viserys, they froze in their places. Some people panicked and even subconsciously wanted to aim their crossbows at Viserys, but fortunately, this reckless guy was tackled by his quick-eyed and quick-handed companions.

Then the hatch on the deck opened twice. The first time, the first one to come out was a sailor from the merchant ship. When he looked up and saw Viserys, he immediately rolled and crawled back to the cabin to close the hatch. It was not until the hatch was opened again that the Unsullied came out of the cabin one after another, calmly formed a team and went to besiege the pirates who jumped onto the Cedurian.

Compared with the reaction of the Cedurian, the pirates on the pirate ship reacted first to the outstanding deterrent effect after Viserys appeared.

The pirates who woke up from the shock were actually shooting arrows at Viserys. Some pirates were even running and crawling towards the ballistas covered with waterproof cloth on their decks. Others were rushing to a large covered device placed at the stern of the pirate ship, which was suspected to be a catapult.


Viserys shouted this high Valyrian word again, which means "dragon flame". He shouted this before spitting fire, with a sense of ritual and deception rather than practical significance.

The flames accumulated in his head again, and the scorching flame rays with terrifying high temperatures condensed again. Viserys flapped his wings, fanning up a strong wind to blow away the rain of arrows shot by Daenerys that were obviously aimed at him - although they might not hit him. He spewed out blade-like flame rays from his mouth again, sweeping from the pirate sailors at the bow along the central axis of the pirate ship to the catapult at the stern, and then to the catapult machinery on the ship.

Several more horrible flame wounds appeared on the pirate ship. From high above, the wounds with extinguished flames looked like lines drawn by a child on the deck.

The flame rays were enough to deal with ordinary people and some wooden products on the deck, but they were not enough to cause decisive damage to the pirate ship. Viserys estimated that he still had enough magic power in his body. This was the first time he had accumulated magic power in this world for so long. He planned to bury these pirates with his decisive power.

Thinking of this, Viserys flapped his wings and planned to fly into the sky above the pirate ship. He wanted to use the strongest attack that this body could launch now, and drop a huge magic fireball from high altitude to the pirate ship to eliminate possible threats on the pirate ship.

"Dragon rider!" This should be the first voice Viserys heard from the pirate ship, from a person whose appearance could not be seen clearly. Viserys was flying very high, and everyone below was just a bean-sized black shadow under the rain curtain in his eyes, but he could see the man's movements, and the man opened his arms to him, as if to challenge him, "Face me!"

It is said that the reason why the Serenity is called the Serenity is because the crew of this pirate ship that has created a horror legend on the sea are mutes and mixed-blood bastards from all over the world, including black people with skin as dark as asphalt, and short and hairy monsters like Sothoryos apes. Their tongues were all pulled out and their ears were filled with metal liquid. They were silent, and no sound would come out of their mouths whether they were slaughtering or being slaughtered.

The only voice on the ship would come from the mouth of the captain of the Serenity, Euron Greyjoy.

Viserys finally noticed that the figure who was provoking him, who should be the captain of the Serenity himself, had a vague sense of danger. His crazy behavior must be based on something.

Viserys would not step into such an obviously deceitful provocation.

Viserys could easily see that behind the person who provoked him, there were several black figures with bare upper bodies blowing a strange horn.

Viserys heard the strange sound of the horn after it was blown, which overwhelmed all the noises at the moment of sound. He also saw the horn blower fall down in response after blowing the horn, and then another person continued to blow. Every time the horn sounded, it meant that a horn blower died.

But the magical power contained in the horn sound was no threat to Viserys.

His power came from another world!

However, Daenerys seemed to be slightly affected. Her breathing became heavier, and the hand holding Viserys' neck obviously increased its strength.

Viserys turned his head with the left side of his head to see Daenerys's current situation. She seemed to be in great pain, hugging the dragon's neck in the middle tightly, and her whole body buried her head and pressed against Viserys' body.

Viserys was afraid that something might happen to her, so he continued to flap his wings upwards, trying to get as far away from the strange sound as possible, and at the same time went to the right height to use his magic power to construct a fire attack that would decide the outcome.

The man on the pirate ship who tried to seduce Viserys with provocative behavior saw that the dragon ignored him and continued to climb into the air, so he immediately ran on the ship. He was holding something in his hand, and as he ran, he gathered power and threw it towards Viserys.


As the man threw the thing in his hand, the dark sea surface seemed to boil instantly, and several slender tentacles jumped out from the dark sea surface under the night sky, like several long whips, struggling to swing towards Viserys in the sky.


Viserys, who had been prepared for a long time, even had time to roar before he sprayed out the long-brewing flame ray.

The blade-like flame ray swept across the huge tentacles that jumped out of the sea surface. Although it failed to cut them off like cutting through the wooden hull, it also burned a terrible huge wound on the tentacles.

The slender tentacles retracted in pain, slapping the sea surface, raising a huge wave.

And Viserys continued to flap his wings upward.

Everyone looked up, looking at the dark figure of the three-headed dragon standing in the sky under the rolling dark clouds with lightning flashing from time to time, and the flames accumulated like a whirlpool.

Under the head in the middle of the three-headed dragon, which seemed to have horns burning with eternal flames, a huge fireball was formed in the air.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe that on a rainy night at sea with a storm, they saw a huge fireball hanging in the air like a scorching sun. Rainwater evaporated wisps of white smoke around the huge fireball. And the scorching sun-like fireball hit the pirate ship below like a falling star.

The moment the fireball hit the pirate ship, the amazing flames exploded on the hull, generating several white air currents that went straight up to the sky, and the scorching gale spread around. The strong wind pressure made the damp and cold air in the rainy night seem to become scorching hot in that instant.

This consumes a lot of magic power. Viserys has consumed more than half of the magic power accumulated in his body. He slowly descended from the sky, flapping his wings and hovering over the burning hull of the Serenity.

He also had to be alert to the huge sea monster in the sea that had not yet revealed its full appearance.

Flame ray

Fan skill

Ordinary fireball (not used in the article yet)

Fireball ultimate skill

The author saw all its skills when he first played the game, and was killed by the ultimate skill in seconds, which left a deep impression.

ps: The reason why the protagonist only has one flame ray is because only the middle head of King Gul'ok is flame, and the other two heads have no corresponding magic power to use.

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