"Quick! Go and turn the sail! Half-sail! Disengage! Don't let the dragon flames burn this way!"

The strong hot wind and scalding rain woke up the captain of the Sedourion from the shock. He yelled to wake up the shocked sailors around him and asked them to quickly turn the sails and ride on the strong wind pressure from the pirate ship. Let the merchant ship break away from the pirate ship that was stumbling up and burning with raging fire.

Although there was no fire on the bow side of the pirate ship, and the raging flames were concentrated on the rear deck hatch and captain's cabin side of the pirate's sloop.

But in any case, disengagement from the burning pirate ship that seems to have lost power is the most correct thing to do at the moment.

In the end, the thought of survival outweighed the shock of seeing the dragon's flames. The sailors who heard Grole's cry woke up and hurried to turn the sail according to his order.

The strong wind pressure generated by the huge fireball gave the merchant ship a boost, and as the sail turned, half the sail was unfolded. Grole turned the rudder fearfully and cautiously, causing the merchant ship to gradually lose contact with the pirate ship that lost power and gradually move away.

But just like Viserys, who was constantly hovering in the sky, the people on the ship did not dare to take it lightly. They had just witnessed the terrifying tentacles jumping out of the sea, and the shock they brought to them was no less than the three giant dragons flying in the sky. let.

In fact, many quick-thinking people have vaguely guessed that the reason why pirate ships can quietly approach merchant ships in storms is that the source of power is not the oars or sails of the sailors on the ships, but the terrifying sea monsters lurking in the sea. Strange.

But Viserys flew around and around the pirate ship, and could not find any trace of the tentacled sea monster except for the dark and rough sea.

The front deck of the lost power Serenity was littered with pirate corpses, and the rear deck and captain's cabin were blown into a huge hole after close contact with a huge fireball falling from high altitude. Viserys could see directly through the blackened hole. to the interior of the hull.

Viserys knew that the huge fireball he could send out now was not powerful enough to directly disintegrate a ship. With his current magical power, the body after transforming into a dragon was not big enough. He estimated that his current wingspan was only six or seven meters, and his body was full of strength. About as much as a midsize truck on Earth.

Guli Oak is not known for his physical strength. The complete King Guli Oak is about the same size as the current Merchant Ship Sedulion. The ability to drive magic is the source of King Guli Oak's strength.

The largest dragons in the world of ice and fire are hundreds of meters tall.

Viserys suspected that the so-called "becoming a real dragon" in his mission was that when he collected enough dragon souls, his dragon body would gradually transform into a dragon. For example, the dragon's head would change from the big mouth and one eye of Guri Ook. The head becomes a giant dragon, or the big belly that makes people feel weird and scary becomes a slender body, or even the body becomes larger.

However, Viserys does not think that getting bigger is a good thing, because powerful magic does not depend on strong size. A large body has more advantages in physical combat, but he is essentially a magician.

Back to the present.

The massive fireball caused more damage than Viserys imagined.

There seemed to be some wildfire in the captain's cabin of the Serenity. When the fireball exploded, Viserys spotted some green flames erupting in the captain's cabin from high altitude.

After the magic dragon flame constructed by Viserys with magic power explodes, the remaining flames are actually no different from ordinary flames. The open flames that lose their magic power will also be extinguished by rain, but the green flames that are suspected of wildfire persist in the rain. It took a long time until the fuel of the suspected wildfire burned out and was completely doused by rain.

Only after it was confirmed that there were no more living people on the deck of the pirate ship and that the sea monster was nowhere to be found, Viserys flew back to the sky above the Sedulion and gave orders.

His voice came down from the air: "Captain Glole, don't rush away from the pirate ship and get closer. Try to send a signal to the rowing boat and let them find a way to get closer to us!"

The merchant ship and the rowing boat were some distance away. The night and the storm meant that the visibility on the sea was extremely low, but the fireball sent by Viserys just now was so dazzling at night that they could definitely see it. Now that Viserys has transformed, he must take over the three ships immediately to ensure that what he does here will not be leaked from his side in advance. Sailors usually can't keep their mouths shut once they reach land. Viserys doesn't want even a little information to leak out from these three ships before the merchant ships return to the Narrow Sea and Viserys attacks Dragonstone.

Captain Grole looked up from the helm, trying hard to suppress the panic in his heart, and looked at the blurry figures on the backs of the three terrifying-looking one-eyed dragons in the sky. He had understood the meaning behind Viserys's command.

Immediately afterwards, Viserys issued a second order: "Unsullied, listen to the order. Teams 2, 3, 4, and 5 try to board the pirate ship. Team 6 is on the deck of the merchant ship to provide support. 'Red Flea' calls on your team." Everyone, guard the door, no one can enter the room, protect the lady!" Viserys' angry voice echoed in the sky, "Kill everyone alive on the pirate ship with me!"

This is why Viserys demands absolute loyalty to his army.

All the pirates who could be seen on the deck of the Serenity had been burned to death by him. The previous fireball explosion burned a big hole in the ship, and the explosive flames may have poured into the pirate ship's cabin, but there is no guarantee that all the people inside are dead, nor can there be a guarantee that Euron, the captain of the Serenity, has died under the fireball.

Viserys needs help cleaning up the corners that he couldn't clean after becoming a dragon.

Before he could be sure whether the previous sea monster was still hiding in the sea waiting for him to land, Viserys would not give him a chance.

Under Grolai's steering, the Seidulion slowly turned again and headed towards the direction of the pirate ship that had already pulled away. He was reluctant to actively approach the horror legend at sea, but looking at the three-headed dragon in the sky, he could not have the slightest resistance.

The merchant ship and the pirate ship came into contact again, and the Unsullied soldiers were ready on the deck. They silently and resolutely carried out Viserys's orders.

Some sailors took the initiative to help, hooking the edge of the pirate ship with a hooked wooden board commonly used in boarding battles to build a passage between the two ships, and some Unsullied used the mast's boarding rope to jump onto the pirate ship. The Unsullied have received training in sea battles. After all, as a "commodity", they need to meet the needs of various customers.

The Unsullied gathered on the front deck of the pirate ship, where the fire had gone out and only charred corpses were left on the ground. They then formed a fighting posture in an orderly manner and walked cautiously towards the huge hole on the rear deck.

The captain's room of the pirate ship had been completely destroyed in the explosion, and the hatch of the deck had been blown away. The Unsullied could only go down through this blown hole to enter the cabin.

Viserys circled in the air, watching the darkness in the pirate cabin. When the Unsullied tied ropes to the broken mast and prepared to use ropes to descend into the cabin, he spoke again: "If there are many people in the cabin, withdraw first and report their location to me!"

If he found that the pirates were resisting stubbornly, Viserys could use a flame ray to open a hole on the deck and then spit ordinary magic fire bombs into it.

But things went much more smoothly than expected. Viserys hovered in the air and waited. After a few minutes, he did not receive any signal from the Unsullied to warn or request support. Instead, he waited until the Unsullied who had entered the cabin returned to the entrance of the cave intact with their oil lamps.

A captain who had gone deep into the cabin reported loudly to the sky at the bottom of the cave full of charred wooden boards: "Sir! We only found a few people in the cabin, and we killed them. But they used the crossbows in the warehouse to pierce the bottom of the ship, and the ship is about to sink into the sea. In addition, we found their treasury and armory. Do you need us to collect the spoils, sir?"

"How long will it take for the ship to sink?"

"I can't tell, sir. The few holes I saw leaked quickly."

The reporter's voice sounded like he was reporting a normal military intelligence, as if being on a ship that was about to sink was not something to worry about.

"Did you find any dragon egg-shaped objects in the cabin?"

"No, sir."

Viserys ordered them: "Don't worry about the spoils, come up. Go back to the merchant ship." These Unsullied are much more valuable than ordinary spoils or weapons.

"Yes, sir."

The Unsullied climbed up the deck along the ropes one by one, gathered together and prepared to leave.

At this time, Viserys had already planned to fly away, but Daenerys on him suddenly patted his body cautiously and said to him: "Brother, can you hear me? Look at the cave entrance, there is something in the middle cabin on the second floor."

"Hmm?" Viserys turned his head back to look at Daenerys.

Her face flickered under the strange firelight from the horns of Viserys's head. It seemed that she was a little uncomfortable with the heat emitted by Viserys's dragon body. She looked a little depressed and pointed in a direction.

The eyes on Viserys' other two heads looked in the direction Daenerys pointed, and soon found the second floor exposed in the hole on the ship. In a cabin where half of the items were burnt, a strange horn that faintly reflected the firelight lay quietly in the ashes.

That seemed to be the thing that Euron's people blew earlier to try to influence Viserys, suspected to be the legendary "Dragon Horn". It seemed to be blown there by the explosion of the fireball.

Viserys called out to the Unsullied who were about to evacuate: "Wait, there." He accumulated a cluster of flame rays in his mouth and spit them precisely at the location of the horn, "Go, someone, bring that thing." After thinking for a while, he added, "Don't touch it directly, wrap it in leather and bring it back to the ship."

Originally, I wanted to write the cause and effect of this encounter, including how Euron happened to appear in Astapor, how he met Viserys and Daenerys in Astapor, and what was his motive for attacking Viserys' fleet.

Or maybe he happened to see Daenerys doing something seemingly crazy and became interested in her, or his crew happened to run into the red monk offering dragon eggs, or he just wanted to grab one on a whim and happened to meet Viserys.

But Euron had several motives preset, and I didn't plan to write them clearly in the end, because the protagonist Viserys has such a personality. If he had contact with Euron in advance, he would try to deal with him at sea, but if he wrote that the action at sea failed, it would make the protagonist look stupid.

So in the end I decided not to describe Euron's motives directly, but only describe the truth he guessed from Viserys' perspective in the subsequent plot.

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