Daenerys couldn't stand up when she followed Viserys and rushed back to the room through the window.

Fortunately, Viserys, who had transformed back into his human form before rushing through the window, hugged her and prevented her from falling to the ground.

Her whole body was soaked with sweat, and her skin was as red as if she had just been soaked in boiling hot water.

She couldn't tell whether it was her sweat or the rain that filled her leather boots. The originally solid leather boots were now as soft as mud. Also softened was the leather armor on her body. The leather armor on her body had already lost its strength. Plastic and exuding an unpleasant smell of burning.

The leather clothes that had lost their plasticity clung to her body, and the silk clothes underneath had long been soaked with sweat and stuck to her skin, making her very uncomfortable.

Daenerys had no strength to move at all, so Viserys could only start to unbutton her clothes himself.

Most of Daenerys's coat belonging to Viserys was scorched and was quickly taken off. The sword belt around the waist of the coat was burned off by the flames at some point. Fortunately, the sword was still there and did not fall into the sea.

At this moment, the only thing Daenerys has the strength to do is to raise her eyes and stare into the eyes of her naked brother. If you don't consider the current situation, he is like an anxious newlywed husband, eager to get married. Wife's clothes.

Daenerys watched without blinking as he took off her leather armor and leather trousers, which were already as soft as mud, leaving only her sweat-soaked silk pajamas.

Daenerys keenly noticed that Viserys's gaze lingered between her thighs for a moment when he took off her trousers. Her face turned red and her heart beat rapidly.

It was sweat. The scales on the dragon's neck were too hot. It was sweat from her thighs. She wanted to explain. But his legs instinctively retracted to block his sight.

She noticed that Viserys stopped and took a deep breath. She suddenly wanted him to continue, to continue taking off all her clothes until they were honest with each other. She wanted him to kiss her and hug her. She wanted him to stick to her body and feel her body with his solid body. The burning heat soothed the excitement and heat in her heart at the moment.

Then, she felt Viserys pick her up by the waist. His movements were slight and cautious, but she could feel the power contained in his arms. Her breathing gradually became heavier, and she suddenly gained some strength to press herself closer to him. She could feel that the skin between Viserys and hers was getting surprisingly hot.

From the wide open window, the wind carried drizzle into the room, blowing on Dany's hot skin, making her wake up a little. She suddenly wondered, should she calm down at this time? There were obviously many urgent matters waiting for him to deal with outside?

Then he stopped and put her on the bed.

"This is not the right time," she heard Viserys say, "but."

He began to remove the last piece of silk clothing from her body.

Daenerys' heart was beating wildly, she took a sharp breath and looked into his eyes.

Their eyes met. Viserys kissed her deeply, gently but firmly.

Things happened in a hurry and lacked a sense of ceremony.

In Viserys' original plan, he should have solemnly married Daenerys in the Seven Sacred Cathedral, and then given Daenerys a sense of ceremony and romance on her wedding night, and then everything would fall into place. He was afraid that the memory he had given Daenerys the first time was not good enough, allowing her to reconnect him with the cruel brother she had been.

But after all, the gun went off before the marriage, at this time.

They had just slaughtered a pirate ship, and there were three more ships outside waiting for him to come out of the heavily guarded room and give orders.

The captain, the priestess of the Red God, two hundred Unsullied, and hundreds of sailors from three ships were waiting for him, and at this time he and Daenerys...

As Viserys put on the soft, muddy leather armor that he had taken off from Daenerys, he thought that he had been in the room for so long after landing, was there any need for such a covering?

But he still put on the leather armor that was full of burnt smell and sticky sweat, and then put on the coat that was mostly burnt. The sword belt was broken, and Viserys could only hold the sword in his hand. The black cloak embroidered with the Targaryen crest was intact, and Viserys folded it and kept it in his hand.

At this time, Viserys turned to look at Daenerys, who was lying naked on the bed and looking at him shyly. He leaned over, kissed her, and then said: "Wait for me in the room, I will Order that no one is allowed to come in." He joked, "After all, there is a dragon with only three heads hidden in this room." He glanced at Daenerys's messy bed, which was giving off various smells, "You. If you're tired, you can go to my bed and I'll think about how to clean up these things when I get back."

She was unhappy and tightly guarded her sheets: "No."

Viserys smiled narrowly: "Okay, you have the final say on your things. Then I'm going out?"

Daenerys blushed and urged him: "Go, go, go."

Viserys walked out the door.

Dany heard him shouting an order in front of the door: "Red Flea, you and your team will be responsible for guarding the door from today on. No one can enter except me and the lady. Including you. You too, Missandei." , I will ask the captain to arrange a place for you in the cabin. Take this and go to the merchant ship's steward to ask for some pieces of cloth and embroider some flags according to the coat of arms on it. "

Dany heard Missandei reply: "Yes, my lord." The maid's voice was actually inaudible here, but she still heard it. Her face suddenly turned red. If she could hear the outside here, could the outside also hear the inside?

Her voice should be very soft... right?


Viserys met the priestess of the Red God who had been "invited" from the Summer Sun on the deck in the breezy morning.

When she arrived, Viserys was looking up from the foredeck and there were still some cumulus clouds, but he could already see the gaps exposed by the cumulus clouds. The tail of a red comet streaked across the sky, like a gurgling stream on the sky. Bloody wounds.

As the Serenity sank to the bottom of the sea, the storm gradually subsided last night, and the sea monster never appeared again. Viserys did not know whether Euron, the captain of the Serenity, was dead, but he preferred to guess that he was alive and escaped with the sea monster.

Viserys didn't know why Euron attacked the merchant ship, but he guessed that the Drowned God was behind it. He may come again.

Viserys was not going to talk nonsense to the priestess of the Red God, and said directly: "This star appeared in this sky earlier than I expected. Does this have anything to do with the dragon egg you brought?"

The priestess looked at Viserys with undisguised surprise on her face: "How did you do it? You can't hatch a dragon by yourself? You are not in the Holy Fire Revelation."

Viserys turned back and looked at her in a condescending manner: "Don't answer questions with questions, monk. Your behavior offends me, and even if I execute you here, your god will have no problem with it." "

But she was still asking: "How did you do it-"

"Shut up!" Viserys interrupted her and looked at her with a cold gaze, as if he was about to explode and hurt someone at any time. "You just can't learn to answer questions, can you?"

But this appearance failed to intimidate or irritate her. Instead, after being harshly scolded, the priestess quickly calmed down, her face regained its composure, and she said calmly and calmly: "If I die here, it will be the will of the Red God. It will be my punishment for misinterpreting the Holy Fire. ”

The young priest regained her composure. She firmly believed that there must be a reason why the Holy Fire chose her to come to the prophecy. The fact that she did not encounter storms or pirates for more than 20 days at sea was proof of this. It was the Red God who was protecting her!

Viserys couldn't help but feel helpless when he saw the priestess showing her pious, holy and enigmatic look when he first met her. This kind of possessed devout believer is the most difficult to deal with. It is almost impossible to use normal means to intimidate and coerce her. Of course, you can also use some despicable means to deal with and torture her to force her to the bottom line. But the cult she believes in is really covered by evil gods, and Wei Siris can't destroy humanity, let alone what she brings is "goodwill".

To be honest, Viserys hoped that the priestess would take the initiative to attack him and murder him, so that he could justifiably deal with her.

"Someone," Viserys ordered, "get her."

The two Unsullied stepped forward and grabbed the seemingly powerless priestess.

She actually didn't resist.

Viserys looked at her still calm face and ordered: "Take off the necklace from her neck!" This should be the source of the priestess' power.

The priestess looked at Viserys, her eyes still calm as usual, and she began to chant devoutly like a prayer: "We mortals, living and dying alone, confused and wandering in the valley; fortunately, our compatriots gathered together to travel, fortunately God, Jia Yi Yi Wu. The night is dark and dangerous everywhere!”

One of the Unsullied untied the priestess's necklace. When he reached out to pull it, flames suddenly appeared out of thin air and climbed onto his hand. He let out a muffled groan, looked at Viserys who didn't make any comment, and then still pulled hard on the red gold necklace.

Viserys turned a blind eye to this strange phenomenon and only looked at the priestess warily, always on guard against any magical attacks she might launch.

But she didn't attack.

As the Unsullied pulled off the necklace, flames spread all over his arms. His body had been trained by the medicine and could no longer feel pain, but the pain seemed to be like his soul being burned. He couldn't hold the red gold necklace at all. He could let the red gold necklace fall off his hands and fall on the deck.

"!" The priestess' calm face finally showed an expression of disbelief.

Viserys stared at her and saw that the priestess had not grown older, but still young and beautiful.

Viserys turned to look at the Unsullied who was grinning but never cried out in pain: "Someone, help him put out the flames."

Someone poured buckets of water on his hands from the deck.

The fire was out, but the Unsullied looked at his hands in disbelief.

Viserys noticed something strange about him: "What's wrong with your hand?"

"I can't feel it anymore," the Unsullied replied, his tone as calm as possible, but still a little frightened. He could no longer feel the existence of his arm, which was his sword hand.

Viserys was silent for a moment and asked him, "What is your name?"

He replied: "Red earthworm, my lord."

"From today on, your name is Cook. You no longer need to fight with the team. I order you to learn how to cook in the galley on the ship." Viserys said, "From now on, you will be the chief cook in the military camp. Go down."

Chef Cook, who was given a new name, responded: "Yes, sir."

Cook turned around and left, and another Unsullied One came up and continued to capture the priestess, preventing her from making any move.

Viserys asked her: "Why, didn't your holy fire show you today's situation?"

The priestess pursed her lips, but her face gradually returned to calm. Finally, she said piously: "No matter what happens, it is the will and test of the Red God. It is dark in the long night, and everything is dangerous!"

Viserys didn't want to talk to her anymore, and ordered: "Arrange a room for her on the ship, arrange someone to watch her, provide her with water and food, don't let her die, and don't let anyone get close to her." He decided to put this unstable factor under house arrest.

"Yes, my lord." The Unsullied escorted the priestess away.

She still didn't resist.

After the priestess was escorted into the cabin, Viserys ordered again: "Go to Captain Grole and ask for a glass box. Try to put the necklace in it without direct contact. If nothing happens, let Grey Worm take it and hide it when he returns to the Summer Sun. If there is still danger, throw it into the sea."

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