Daenerys was so excited that she couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

Viserys had to conserve his energy for sleep, so he could only wait for her excitement to pass naturally.

They, mainly Daenerys, were busy after the birth of the baby dragon, asking people to find milk and unused towels, and to find a sturdy wooden cage - but there was no milk or wooden cage on the ship, so she asked people to find the chef to make batter, and to find the shipwright who was responsible for repairing the ship to make a cage.

The baby dragon ate some of the batter. But the craftsman on the ship was not very good. Daenerys was very worried about this, and once planned to do it herself, but after finding that her craftsmanship was even worse, she had no choice but to let the baby dragon live in the cage made by the shipwright.

The baby dragon was full of fear of Viserys, so he basically didn't help.

It was not until Daenerys was about to name the dragon that he advised her: "Wait until it grows up a little bit and its characteristics are obvious, then find a more impressive name for it from the story."

Daenerys was still thinking about giving the dragon a good name until she and Viserys went to bed to drink each other's blood for safety.

Viserys waited for Daenerys to fall asleep first, and then looked at the dragon in an ugly wooden cage far away from the window that had not been sealed with mixed emotions.

It was also looking back at Viserys and baring its teeth at him.

"You'd better not die."

Viserys said this in his heart, and then stopped looking at it, lying down to dispel the chaotic thoughts in his mind. Not long after, he fell asleep.


Daenerys saw the grown dragon in her dream. Its scales were black and red like her brother Viserys. Its eyes were two lava pools. It opened its mouth and flames shot out of its mouth. Daenerys felt that it was singing to her, so she stretched out her arms and embraced the flame.

When she was burned by the dragon flame, her body burst into flames. That was her fire, the power she "awakened", which was slightly lighter than the dragon flame, and was blending with the dragon flame.

She found that her blood was boiling and her body was steaming.

It suddenly stopped spitting flames at Dany, raised its head and spread its wings.


Daenerys looked up with it, and she finally saw that in the dark curtain that had occupied half of the sky in her dream, there was a huge beast, and his body was so big that Dany was shocked.

He had three heads, all with one eye, and the middle head was burning with an eternal flame like the scorching sun. Under his long neck was a huge body, and his wings spread out, covering the sky.

Daenerys realized that the dark curtain that had always appeared in her dreams was her brother, Viserys!


The black and red dragon flapped its wings, flew high into the sky and spewed flames at Viserys, and the dragon flames hit Viserys's huge body.

Daenerys realized that it was not singing to Viserys, but trying to fight him, but its flames were too weak and too small to hurt Viserys at all.

Viserys opened his mouth wide - it was the first time Daenerys knew that his mouth could open so wide. When he stretched his neck closer, the exaggeratedly wide mouth seemed to be able to swallow the whole world.

The young dragon had no way to avoid it and was swallowed into Viserys's mouth in one gulp.

Daenerys suddenly felt a little anxious. Was it dead?

She didn't wait for long. She looked up and was horrified to find that terrifying shadows burst out from the gap in Viserys' mouth. They wailed and screamed with resentment. Some of them were wearing luxurious clothes, some had collars around their necks, and there were men and women. They poured out from the gap in Viserys' mouth and rushed towards Daenerys.

Flame rays burst from the sky, sweeping across those terrifying shadows, but one shadow still pounced in front of Daenerys.

The shadow was dressed gorgeously, with a vicious and terrifying face. He easily passed through the dragon flame that seemed to be merging with Daenerys and touched the inner layer of the flame that belonged to her.


The flame on her body, which belonged to her, was like a barrier, burning the shadow and burning him to ashes in a moment.

She finally became terrified and wanted to drive away the dragon flame that was merging with her outside her body.

That was danger, that was a trap!

She suddenly realized something, raised her head, and found that it was Viserys's huge mouth swallowing her.

Viserys' mouth was dark, with countless deep dark vortices and strange purple dust. The purple dust was sucked into the depths of the deep dark vortex like starlight, and disappeared. Faintly, Daenerys felt that some kind of energy was pouring into her body, becoming hotter and hotter.

When she found that she was already outside Viserys' mouth, she found that her body was covered with flames and burning fiercely.

Daenerys woke up.

She reached out and touched the warm scales, which dispelled her uneasiness.

She opened her eyes and saw the dark dragon scales glowing black. That was the liver on Viserys' chest.

Daenerys was surprised to find that Viserys woke up later than her this time. She found that the dragon scales were constantly growing on Viserys' chest. When she just woke up, it was only a small area at the liver. When she touched it again, it had covered his entire chest and abdomen.

At a certain moment, Daenerys suddenly felt heat rising from the top of her head. She looked up in surprise and was shocked to find that Viserys' head was on fire, and a cluster of flames emitting a terrifying aura was burning on his head.

At this time, she saw Viserys open his eyes.

Daenerys quickly helped her brother up and threw his burning pillow aside.

Under Daenerys's doubtful gaze, the flames on Viserys' head disappeared, and the dragon scales on his body were also dissipating bit by bit.

Daenerys found that his eyes were bright in the reflection of the firelight, and he should be awake, and asked hurriedly: "What's wrong with you? Your hair just burned."

"Really?" Viserys supported his body on the bed, "I got too much magic power at once, it's a bit overwhelming. What about you, are you okay?"

She was not okay at all.

Daenerys got out of bed, picked up the burning pillow and patted it to extinguish the flames, then sat down on the bed and leaned her head on Viserys. She didn't understand: "Why did it hurt me?"

Daniel didn't say what it wanted to hurt her, but Viserys could hear what she was saying.

This was also the first time Viserys encountered such a situation, after all, he had never seen a dragon egg before.

The dragon soul of the young dragon was easier to deal with than he thought, but the things in the dragon soul were too complicated. The dragon soul had absorbable parts and unabsorbable parts, and there was also the terrible shadow. It was hard to imagine that this dragon egg could be revived to the extent they saw. What exactly did the Red God's followers sacrifice to it?

"The dragon is a magical creature born of blood and fire. It may not want to harm you, but it wants to get close to you." Viserys told her the truth of his guess, "It's just that it was a dragon egg that was revived by extraordinary means, so its magic composition is very complicated. The power of the shadow does not belong to the dragon, but it is born because of it." After that, Viserys asked her, "So, you finally saw me this time?"

"You have always been in my dream," Daenerys was in a complicated mood, "You never told me."

Viserys was also in a bad mood: "I'm waiting for you to find out. You must know that our fate is closely linked, but if you are not capable enough to discover this truth, then I would rather you never know it."


"It is a blessing to not know many things." Viserys said, "Just like the birth of the baby dragon, knowing its darkness, how should you view it?"

She remembered that she had done so much for it today, and felt that she Like a fool, she suddenly felt sad: "If you had told me earlier, it would have been better."

"You have to know that I don't know everything. Before this, I didn't know that it had that kind of thing." Viserys hugged her tighter, "But if you didn't find it today, I wouldn't tell you even if I knew it. Don't be angry about it, Dany, I just have to bear some things."

Daenerys was hit by his sweet words: "But I-"

"No buts." Viserys interrupted her and turned to the next topic, "Are you still going to keep it?"

Daenerys was in a complicated mood, and finally stopped pestering and let him change the subject: "Is it still alive?"

Viserys was also very strange, but the fact is that a large part of the dragon soul cannot be digested, just like Daenerys, no matter how many times he swallowed her into his mouth in his dreams, she was fine, and she would also absorb the magic that Viserys couldn't use to thrive.

He guessed that maybe it was because the dragon had been born, and Daenerys had become the bridge connecting their souls. He couldn't swallow the living dragon soul, but it was swallowed by Viserys, which was almost like washing its soul. Viserys wondered if he could wash it a few more times, just like making Daenerys never dream of the ghosts of the ancient kings again, so that it could become a real new dragon that was not affected by the power of others?

"It's still alive," Viserys told her, "You have to think about one thing clearly, Dany. Do you know why the ancestors of the Targaryen used "dragon taming" to describe their becoming dragon riders? Because if you leave them alone, the dragon is just a smart beast, wild and untamable, and you need to use the power of the dragon king in your blood to tame, guide and drive them, so that they can be used by you.

You have to raise it to tame it, not to treat it as a child, Daenerys Targaryen, you are a descendant of the dragon king!"

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