Since the encounter in the storm, the weather has cleared up and the sea has returned to calm.

After Viserys arranged the affairs, he had nothing to do.

Last night, he obtained a huge dragon soul from the newborn dragon, which was almost equivalent to the dragon bone he had been looking for for so long, and directly increased his magic power by nearly double. So he had nothing to do, and Viserys turned his eyes to the trophy that seemed to be the "Dragon Horn" with great interest.

At this moment, the horn was placed in a Myr glass container. This twisted horn was six feet long (about 1.83 meters) from head to toe, shining with black light, covered with stripes of red gold and Valyrian black steel. The surface of the horn was as smooth as if it had been polished. Its surface was shiny, bright enough for people to see their distorted reflections in it. The stripes wrapped around the horn were engraved with strange ancient magic symbols.

Viserys remembered the sound made when the horn was blown, strange and huge. When it was blown, it seemed that all the noise in the ears would be covered by its sound.

Viserys later asked Daenerys why she seemed to be in such a bad mood.

Daenerys described the sound she heard as thousands of souls screaming in her ears, her internal organs seemed to be on fire, and her body seemed to be burning, which made her very uncomfortable. She also said that when she glimpsed the horn being blown, the runes on it became fiery red and dazzling, and the dazzling white light could be seen on the rainy night, which was difficult to look at directly.

And Viserys did not feel or see these.

Viserys recognized the ancient Valyrian runes engraved on the horn, saying that the name of this horn was "Dragonbinder", and the meaning of some other words was:

"I am the Dragonbinder. No mortal can make me make a sound and survive. Blood for fire, fire for blood."

Viserys remembered that there were several people queuing up on the ship to blow the horn, and every time they blew, one fell down. Unfortunately, those bodies were blown away by the explosive fireballs, otherwise he would have to find one to take a look.

It is said that the person who blows the horn will be burned from the inside out by the flames. In the original book, a scholar dissected the people who died after blowing the horn and found that the lungs of these people were like charcoal.

It is said that it does not matter who blows the horn, because the dragon bound by the horn will obey the owner of the horn.

So who is the owner of the horn now. Euron? Assuming he is still alive, is he still alive now?

How can this thing identify the owner?

Viserys carefully examined it, looking at its shiny surface and strange inscriptions. He was thinking that if there was a dragon soul on this thing, then the amount of dragon soul it contained would be beyond imagination.

Thinking of this, he got an idea and carefully took off the lid of the glass container.

At this time, on the table next to him, Daenerys, who was looking at the dragon in the wooden cage, which seemed to have become a little dull compared to the lively appearance when it was just born yesterday, couldn't help but put down the cage and looked at Viserys.

She still didn't know how to "tame" this dragon that still seemed very close to her. So when she saw Viserys open the lid of the strange horn, she began to look forward to whether there was magic in it that could allow them to continue to "awaken".

Viserys took a deep breath, and for safety reasons, he turned his entire hand into a dragon arm claw in advance, and then carefully touched the twisted horn.


When Viserys's dragon claw touched it, a burst of heat burst out from the horn.

A huge roar sounded in Viserys' mind, making him feel like he was struck by lightning and shocked his soul.

Daenerys and the dragon in the wooden cage could feel a wild heat flow passing by, and they all looked at Viserys.

The moment they looked over, the dragon in the cage spread its wings and roared in the direction of Viserys.

And Daenerys was shocked to see Viserys covered with dragon scales in an instant. Dragon wings grew out of his back, his belly swelled up instantly, bursting through his clothes, his neck grew longer, and together with his head, he turned into three dragon heads with one eye and a huge mouth. His middle head started to emit flames, turning into a dragon head with flaming horns. At this moment, his body grew to three or four meters, almost breaking through the ceiling of the room.

Daenerys realized that he had become what he called the "incomplete three-headed dragon king".

"Don't come near me!"

"Don't touch it!"

Viserys could only force himself to say these two warnings.

Then, under Daenerys's panicked eyes, Viserys' three heads suddenly collapsed, the flaming horns also extinguished the flames, and the whole dragon body fell to the ground powerlessly.

He fainted.


"You half-blood bastard!"

He woke up, his face was full of smelly mud and sand, and the blood that belonged to his father had long been washed away by the river.

He remembered that his evil uncle had started a rebellion and entered the palace, but his father, the Chief Dragon King, failed to ride his dragon to suppress the rebellion.

People said that his father, the Chief Dragon King, had gone mad and lost the support of the people in the country. Even the Chief Dragon King's dragons were rebelling against the Chief Dragon King.

The Chief Dragon King was the chief of the country elected by the forty Dragon King families in the country. He was the leader of the most powerful Dragon King family in the country.

The rumor was true, otherwise why didn't the Chief Dragon King ride his dragon to suppress it?

He had heard people's whispers a long time ago.

People said that the Chief Dragon King should not marry the princess from the far western continent, his mother, who had lost power. The Dragon King's action tarnished the sacred blood inheritance. The lost princess was just an exile from the collapsed empire. The Andals were driven there from Essos by them, and her empire even lost to those losers.

The Dragon King liked beauty and enjoyed her, so how could he let her become the queen?

And who is he?

He is the product of the Dragon King's desecration of the sacred bloodline. He knows that people call him a prince on the surface, but call him a "mixed-blood bastard" behind his back.

He climbed up from the muddy sand by the river.

He was so tired.

He went to the river and scooped up some water to wash his face.

He saw his face. He had white-gold hair and a pair of heterochromatic eyes. One was purple and crystal-clear like amethyst, and the other was pitch black like obsidian.

He was a mixed-blood bastard.

Where should he go?

He thought that his uncle would send pursuers. He wanted to go northeast, where there were mountains. Hiding in the mountains could avoid the sight of the sky dragon riders.

There were mountains in the south, too, and perhaps there were families willing to fight for the chief dragon king, but they would not fight for him. He knew.

He found a bear while hiding in the woods. The bear was good. The crocodile could help him cross the river, but it could not help him cross the jungle. But the bear could, although it was far inferior to the dragon, it was enough to protect him through the jungle.

People hated him and the power passed down from the exiled princess in the West, thinking that it was this witchcraft that prevented him from taming the dragon.

He wanted to live, and he knew he was no longer a prince. No one would gossip anymore, and no one would call him a half-blooded bastard anymore.

When he passed through the jungle, there were eagles and tigers in his team. The eagles could help him find the road and observe the pursuit in the sky. The tigers could find food and ride. The bear always liked to stand up when fighting, and it threw him down several times, and several times almost made him lose his life. However, after the bear fell into the mountain stream and died, he was still sad for it for a long time. It is said that if a skinchanger dies while invading the consciousness of an animal, part of his consciousness will remain in the creature. He chose to share the bear's flesh and blood with his new companions, hoping that this would make his soul complete.

He couldn't remember from which day, the dragons patrolling the sky stopped appearing. This is a good thing. He had been hiding in the mountains and jungles for too long, almost turning into a wild man like an ape. He knew that his father, the Dragon King, was dead, but he still wanted to know whether the Western Princess whom he called "mother" was dead or alive.

If he hadn't had the power passed down from her bloodline, he wouldn't have survived these days.

He didn't dare to go south, so he continued to go north.

It took him a long time to pass through the mountains with snow on the tops of the mountains where few people had set foot, and came to the Sea of ​​Grass.

He knew that his country conquered the Sea of ​​Grass, but never ruled it. And there were always people who resisted here. He believed that here, he didn't have to worry about being hunted down by the new chief Dragon King.

When he saw the grassland, he felt strange for some reason, as if he should be very familiar with it.

He was thirsty, and the eagle found a river in the west in the air. He rode the horse he met in the Sea of ​​Grass to the river. The tiger was injured when crossing the snow-covered mountains, and it died. He mourned for it for a long time, then peeled off its skin and ate its meat with the eagle.

When he was drinking water by the river, he saw his face. He looked haggard and vicissitudes, with almost faded hair and a pair of heterochromatic eyes.

This face made him feel unfamiliar.

Is this him?

He moved the water, and the ripples on the water made the face reflected on the water blurry.

When the water surface was calm again, he saw an ordinary, confused face. His black hair was messy, his head was wrapped in bandages, and his black eyes were staring blankly at the water.

"Hey!" He heard someone calling him, "Brother, you are here, I saved you. Fortunately, I found you when I was feeding the horse last night, otherwise God knows where you would be taken by the river. Where did you fall into the river? Did you encounter a monster?"

He turned his head and saw a huge round building in the shape of a horse head, with wisps of green smoke coming out of the top of the horse head building.

He remembered that the huge horse head was the symbol of the Hyrule Continent Post.

The one who called him earlier was a young traveler on horseback. He was feeding his horse apples and saw his confused look: "Hey, you are not hurt, are you?" He pointed to his head, "Your head is injured, I bandaged it for you."

"Thank you." He said.

"Ah, I'm not saying this to thank you. I'm happy to help." The young traveler said this, but his expression was very proud, "By the way, what's your name?"

What's my name?

He was at a loss.

The young traveler didn't really want to ask him about his business, but just talked about his own business casually: "Are you traveling here too? Where have you been? You look like you fell into the water from upstream, isn't it the bridge at the wetland station? I heard that there are monsters on the bridge there, should I take a detour when I go there later?"

He had a headache for a while.

Suddenly remembered.

"My name is Ney." He said.

He remembered that he was a Hylian from Hateno Village and was trying to get to the initial terrace of Hyrule.

He was originally in the village learning farming, why did he suddenly think of going to the Initial Terrace? Why was he going there? Where else did he go in the middle? What did he do?

He remembered. He went to Kakariko Village.

What did he go there for?

He had so many questions.

His mind was so confused.

He pounded his head.

In a trance, he saw a pond and a short stone statue of a goddess in his memory.

For some reason, thinking of the goddess statue made him feel dazed.

Who is he?

He opened his eyes and saw the reflection under the water.

It was a figure with white-gold hair and a pair of heterochromatic eyes.

He asked, "Who are you?"

The reflection on the water told him, "You are the prince born according to the prophecy!"

There are two speculations about the Dragonbinder Horn. One is that it is the same as the military bugle, driving dragons to fight, and the other is that it controls dragons (there should not be many, at most 5 or 6); I chose to control dragons, and the more powerful Easy Walkers also control about the same number of animals, so I set its origin to be a powerful Easy Walker with the blood of the Dragon King.

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