It was afternoon, and most of the taverns were still closed, but Grolai always had a way. He found a familiar tavern and asked a proprietress for information.

The Unsullied, dressed like sailors but not at all like sailors, accompanied Captain Grolai and carefully watched his every move.

Grolai knew how cautious the lord was, and he didn't dare to send them away at all, allowing them to go into the proprietress's room with him.

"Damn, what's wrong with you crew members? Are you so ignorant?"

"Ahem - I'm not here." He coughed awkwardly and said, "I'm here to ask you about someone named Jorah Mormont, a knight, a mercenary, and a Westeros man."

"Oh, does that man look like a bear? Are you looking for him?"

"Do you know him? Where is he?" Grolai asked hurriedly.

"You'll see him on the street later. He's a regular at every tavern and is very generous."

"I'm going to find him now."

"Then go to every brothel and maybe you can find him there."


"He hangs out in taverns at night and sleeps in brothels during the day. Girls love the gold coins in his hands."


When Jorah was found, he had just clicked on a girl. The girl was young, slim, beautiful, and had long blond hair.

When he saw Grolai, the knight of the Seven Kingdoms was a little embarrassed and flustered.

Grole didn't care what he thought, he told him directly: "Someone wants to see you."

Surrounded by the sailors accompanying Grole, Jorah saw the shadow of Butch in these young and silent sailors, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva: "Who wants to see me?"

Growle said: "The one who gave you the gold coins."

Viserys gave him a lot of activity funds at the beginning, a full two hundred gold coins. Jorah had seen money before. In fact, he won the championship reward of 40,000 gold dragons in the tournament, but after being stranded in Essos, two hundred miles of gold coins was more money than he could earn as a mercenary for a long time.

Jorah didn't wear his mail armor this time, because Grole said he was in a hurry and didn't have time to wait for him to return to the inn.

Jorah was almost escorted to the port by the sailors.

When boarding the ship, Jorah was alert to find that the merchant ship was heavily guarded. Those people who were silently wandering in groups of three or two on the deck and dressed as sailors were not sailors. They had no expression on their faces, like well-trained soldiers.

There were only a few real sailors on the deck, and they were scrubbing the deck nervously without saying a word.

A girl with a flat round face, dark complexion and a pair of golden eyes met him on the deck. Her voice was high and powerful: "Ser Jorah? The lord is waiting for you."

Jorah had never seen her, but she sounded strange in the common language, so he asked: "Who are you?"

The girl answered: "My name is Missandei. I am the lady's maid."

Jorah asked: "Where are Ani and Butch? They didn't come back?" Didn't they go to Volantis to find Viserys?

The girl said: "I don't know who they are."

Jorah hesitated, but still asked: "Aren't you back from Volantis?"

"We are back from Astapor." This was Viserys' request. If Jorah asked, she had to answer truthfully.

Then it was no wonder that Jorah felt that those soldiers dressed as "sailors" had the shadow of Butch.

Missandei led him to the familiar yet unfamiliar suite corridor.

This short passage was more heavily guarded, with ten leather-armored soldiers with solemn and silent faces guarding with swords.

Jorah knew that they were all Unsullied guards, and they were guarding their master, Viserys, who was no longer a beggar king that anyone could get close to.

Missandei made a gesture of inviting him in: "Please."

Jorah tried to calm down and walked into the passage.

The first Unsullied in the passage stopped him and said in Valyrian with a strong Astapor accent: "Please hand over your weapons."

Missandei translated for him: "He is saying, please hand over your weapons."

Jorah said: "I understand." He said in Valyrian, which he had learned by himself, "I am also the lord's guard."

"Please hand over your weapons." The Unsullied repeated.

Jorah looked at the closed door at the end of the passage, and some uneasiness was surging. He wondered if he should insist on going to the inn to put on armor before coming back. Jorah thought bitterly that he should not come.

Jorah handed over the sword hanging from his waist.

The Unsullied finally let him go.

He passed by the solemn and dignified Unsullied one after another. Finally he came to the door.

Viserys' voice rang out from the door, his tone was playful, as if everything was under control: "Remember what question I asked you when we first met, Jorah Mormont?"

Jorah's heart was sinking.

Many people have been asking about Viserys' whereabouts during this period.

Varys is looking for him, Illyrio is looking for him, Jorah is looking for him, and Butch and Ani are also looking for him.

But he seemed to have disappeared. Someone witnessed their merchant ship leaving the port of Lys and heading towards Volantis, but they couldn't find anyone in Volantis. How long had Butch and Ani been waiting there?

For nearly two months, Viserys and the three ships seemed to have disappeared. Jorah had a lot of guesses that he fled to the Eastern Jade Sea, or met pirates there. But I could never imagine that he would suddenly appear in Tyrosh and bring back countless Unsullied.

The Seven Kingdoms are now in chaos, with four kings (there is no news that Balon Greyjoy has become king yet).

Perhaps there will be a fifth one soon.

Jorah replied: "You ask me, what do I want from you when I offered my allegiance to you when we first met?"

"Just remember," Viserys's voice sounded. "Your answers were less than candid then. Ser Jorah. But I didn't care then."

"." Jorah was silent.

"Now let me ask you again. You offered to be loyal to me when we first met. What do you want from me?"

The door never opened, only the sound came from behind the door.

Jorah swallowed.

A voice sounded from behind the door: "I will only give you one chance, Ser Jorah. Think about it before you answer."

Ten Unsullied guards, twenty eyes looking at Jorah.

Jorah realizes his answer could mean life or death for him. He lowered his head and said to the door: "I want to go home. Being loyal to you will give me the opportunity to go home, my lord."

"Ha." Laughter came from behind the door, "That's the truth. To answer with this sentence, not to mention two kings, five kings can't say it's a lie. Jorah, Jorah, want me I have said it several times, but your answers are not candid enough.”

Jorah's eyes widened and sweat broke out on his forehead.

But the Unsullied did not come to get him. Jorah realized that he was still useful, and immediately knelt down on one knee and bowed to the door: "Your Majesty, I lied. I promised Varys that I would come to you and monitor you. He told me that I could go home if I did so."

The voice at the door said with satisfaction: "Hmm, you responded quickly, very good, continue."

"I have betrayed your information three times. The first time was when Varys's little bird found me and asked me to find your whereabouts in Pentos. In Pentos, I followed the Tyroshi envoy to inquire about Illyrio's news. At that time, I found out that you lived in his mansion. I sold the information to Wallis's little bird, and Wallis asked me to find an opportunity to get close to you. The second time in Myr, you asked me to inquire about the Seven Kingdoms and Myr. When we cooperated, I wrote a report about your intelligence in Myr and gave it to Varys's little bird. The third time was in Tyrosi. You asked me to inquire about the information from the Seven Kingdoms, and I told you about your plan to go to Volantis. The whereabouts are betrayed.”

"Only three times?" the voice behind the door said playfully, "King Robert didn't let you look for opportunities to assassinate me, or do you not dare?"

A horrifying thought occurred to Jorah: He had known it all along.

"I am only responsible for surveillance. But after you drove me away, a ship brought me a letter from Varys. The letter warned me that there might be assassins in Volantis. King Robert sent it before he died. Varys asked me to continue to monitor you, but at the same time, I wanted to go to Volantis with Butch and Ani to find you, so I heard that you were missing. Waiting for you here." He said everything he needed to say. "Your Majesty, this is my honest answer."

The voice behind the door asked: "I noticed that you are not wearing armor. Is it because the last trace of honor of chivalry has been abandoned in you? When you were knighted, did you think that you would become like this? Do you think you still have it? Is he a knight?"

No. Jorah was silent, suddenly ashamed. For love, for survival, for returning home, he threw away all honors. Now he is begging for his life by betraying the secret agreement with Varys. He has made mistakes again and again, and has completely abandoned the code of chivalry. He suddenly felt that it was appropriate for him to die here, becoming the first Westeros killed by the new Targaryen king: "Let the White Walkers take me away! Please grant me mercy, Your Majesty."

"Being able to say this proves that your heart is not completely black yet, and that you still have a poor sense of honor. Then I will give you another chance. For the sake of your poor sense of honor, Jorah ·Mormont, if you are willing to be loyal to me, I will choose to trust you this time, but I will send you to do a life-or-death thing. If you die, I will forgive you retroactively and add additional guilt to you. Airong, if you are not dead, then I promise to take you home. Of course, you can also choose to continue to deceive me, get information from me, and then turn around and sell it to Wallis. Maybe the Eight-clawed Spider is better than the Beggar King. Be more frank and promise to let you go home faster. Or if you just want to die, I can help you."

"Your Majesty, what do you want me to do?"

"Answer first, if your sense of honor can still keep you honest. Tell me directly, are you willing to be loyal to me?"

Jorah beat his chest with his hands: "I, the Exiled Knight Jorah Mormont, son of Jeor Mormont, swear allegiance to you, Your Majesty."

"Okay, I will record your oath. But for now, I will not meet you in person and accept your oath of allegiance. Jorah, if you unfortunately die, I will cry for you at your funeral. If you don't die, then I will accept your oath of allegiance in public when we meet again. So before I tell you about your mission, tell me what you learned when I asked you to inquire about the news from the Seven Kingdoms."

The reason why he finally spoke out is because if Jorah really does what Viserys asked him to do, then Viserys hopes that he will accept the loyalty of a knight who still has a sense of honor, rather than a knight who has a heart of honor. The allegiance of a greedy man coerced by a dirty deal.

In fact, Viserys still doesn't trust Jorah. He has prepared several different words and invitations. If Jorah is not honest and if Jorah does not show a little bit of honor at the last moment, then he will use other words. Deceived, coerced, sent to his death.

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