Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 75 The Current Situation in the Seven Kingdoms

Because the merchant ship had been at sea for more than two months, there was almost no information source for the Seven Kingdoms.

So after listening to the intelligence collected by Jorah during this period, Daenerys was shocked, but she could not see any surprise in her brother's three eyes that were like a dragon furnace.

Her brother's calmness amazed her.

Viserys told her, "No matter how strong the emotions in your heart are, don't let them show on your face." She realized that she couldn't do this yet.

But it's really not her fault.

Daenerys' last impression of the Seven Kingdoms was still when she left Tyrosh, the usurper's new prime minister was holding a tournament, and the intelligence collected by Jorah was that people were still discussing who would win the championship.

And in the more than two months of disconnection, many major events that stirred the continent occurred in the Seven Kingdoms.

The little devil of the Lannister family was arrested by Catelyn, the wife of the Stark family in the North and the daughter of the Tully family in the Riverlands. The West attacked the Riverlands for this reason, and the war broke out in the Riverlands.

The usurper king was seriously injured by a wild boar while out hunting, and it is said that the will appointed Prime Minister Eddard Stark as regent.

In King's Landing, Queen Cersei defeated the Prime Minister in the power struggle and arrested Eddard for treason.

The Northern Army went south to participate in the war, and the young Robb Stark won battle after battle and was called "Young Wolf".

Renly Baratheon fled King's Landing and married Margaery of the Tyrell family in Highgarden. With the support of the lords of the Riverlands and the Stormlands, he declared himself king. He was gathering troops in the area of ​​Bitterbridge. It is said that countless lords of the Stormlands and the Riverlands led their troops to respond to the call every day. He was the first person to claim the throne when there was a king on the Iron Throne.

Then Eddard Stark admitted his treason in King's Landing and was sentenced to death and beheaded on the spot.

Soon after, "Young Wolf" Robb Stark proclaimed himself King of the North in Riverrun and won the support of the lords of the Riverlands. He was the second person to claim the throne.

The third king was Stannis Baratheon, who insisted that he was the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne. He sent many people to various ports in the Seven Kingdoms and even the Free Trade Cities to spread the news that Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella were the incestuous children of Queen Cersei and her brother Jaime the Kingslayer, and called on loyalists to immediately swear allegiance to him, saying that he was the legitimate king. The people who spread the word in various ports all ended their lines with "Fawning on the Lord's light". It seems that this "legitimate king" has converted to the King of Light.

Among the Seven Kingdoms, only the Iron Islands, the Vale, and Dorne have not yet expressed their attitude and remain neutral.

This information is so shocking.

Daenerys was originally worried that Viserys might be in danger if he trusted Jorah. But after hearing this, she figured it out. In the chaos in the Seven Kingdoms, Viserys has an opportunity to gain. He is the only straw that Jorah can grasp. The other straw is far away in King's Landing, and Jorah is out of reach.

But they only have about 200 people now, and they don't want Jorah to know that they have dragons. Daenerys is still worried.

She turned her head to look at Viserys who was lying in the room.

The one eye on his three heads was closed, and he rested his head on his body, thinking with his eyes closed.

He has been lying there since he sent Jorah away.

The information Jorah got came from the people, lacking the correct time node and precise location, and the number of troops in the Seven Kingdoms was vague, but Viserys knew.

He frantically recalled the plot of the original book in his mind, trying to figure out the current situation in the Seven Kingdoms.

A map appeared in his mind, and he was constantly filling it with information.

He carefully thought about the battles that had happened or might happen at this time in the original book, as well as the military strength of the princes and the actions of all parties.

The military strength of each king and the current situation of the war were roughly estimated in his mind.

Robb, the King of the North, has about 50,000 people. He may be fighting on the Western Front at this moment, leading nearly 20,000 troops deep into the West, trying to seduce Tywin to come back for help. However, Edmure Tully of Riverrun will block Tywin's return and lead more than 10,000 defenders of Riverrun to repel Tywin's 20,000 return troops. Roose Bolton, who is fighting on the eastern front, will only preserve his strength and harm the non-Flayer troops in the eastern front led by him.

Tywin stayed in Harrenhal, perhaps writing letters everywhere, trying to use ravens and conspiracies to win.

Renly is watching the infighting between the lions and wolves, hoping to reap the benefits, but his doom is coming.

Stannis may have already started to act and is sailing south to attack Storm's End.

Tyrosh is very close to Westeros, but Viserys knows that most of the intelligence brought by Jorah is actually lagging behind. The movements of the army have never been made public. Except for spies and commanders in the army, few people really know the specific number of troops in the battle, their location, and their movement targets.

For example, from the current intelligence, people speculate that Stannis and Renly will attack King's Landing. Because they are brothers, and Bitterbridge marches to King's Landing, the King's Road is open, and King's Landing is under-defended, how can they resist the armies of the Reach and Stormlands? Not to mention that the Dragonstone fleet can easily block the throat and march to Blackwater Bay, what reason do they have not to attack King's Landing?

God knows how panicked Queen Cersei and Acting Prime Minister Tyrion are with only 5,000 garrisons in King's Landing.

Tyrosh is still separated from Westeros by the sea after all, and the fastest news from the sea will take seven or eight days, and it may take half a month or a month at the latest, not to mention the possibility of a news blockade. And Stannis's whereabouts have been silent for a while.

Viserys knew that Stannis would definitely go south, and perhaps at this moment, he was already besieging Storm's End and forcing Renly to lead his army to rescue.

Salador Saan, a pirate from Lys, is a good friend of Lord Davos Seaworth, who is under Stannis. He had heard that pirate activities in the Stepstones had decreased, so he must have been summoned by the Onion Knight to fight for Stannis.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Viserys opened his eyes.

It was Grol, who was outside the door: "My lord, Ser Jorah has set off for Dorne. I saw him board the ship with my own eyes, and I didn't come back to report to you until the ship left the port."

Viserys asked: "Okay. Can we leave Tyrosh tomorrow?"

"My lord, it takes time to load the ballista and trebuchet, and there are also barrels of asphalt and tung oil thrown by the trebuchet to be purchased."

"These are not important. What is important is the supplies. You have an afternoon and a night to purchase enough food for the merchant ship to survive one to two months at sea."

Grol gritted his teeth: "My lord, we can set off tomorrow." He decided to pay more money to let the craftsmen load as soon as possible, overnight, and load as many as possible. Finally, the captain asked the question he had been suspicious of for a long time, "Sir, after we leave Tyrosh tomorrow, where will the merchant ship go next?"

"Before leaving the port, tell the crew that we are going to Braavos next."

"What about after leaving the port?"

"Come and ask me then."

Before leaving, Jorah informed Viserys of the whereabouts of a little bird of Varys who was currently in contact with him, but Viserys did not intend to deal with it. Because Viserys will soon hide his whereabouts and keep silent. And he wants to keep the merchant ship away from the port so that it is easier to control and ensure that his whereabouts and secrets are not leaked.

So Viserys will not stay in Tyrosh for a long time. He will go to the sea where he can get first-hand information.

He must ensure that he can appear in the right place at the right time.

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