Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 78 Dancing on the Edge of a Knife (Part 2)

At noon on the seventh day of being forcibly stranded in the deep waters outside the Rain House fishing village, the fleet that blocked the sea received news of being released.

No one asked why they were released, they all wanted to leave this place quickly.

As the Jennah and the Valyrians led several small fleets patrolling the sea to the port, no one stopped the foreign merchant ships that had been stranded in the fishing village for a long time. No one wanted to enter the Broken Ship Bay again, and all the ships weighed anchor and sailed away from the Rain House waters.

The three merchant ships Viserys was on were no exception. They immediately entered the Narrow Sea.

Viserys estimated that Renly had died long ago, and Stannis's siege of Storm's End had ended. Stannis was about to gather his army and march to King's Landing by land and sea.

Viserys knew very well that when he was in the game, no one could see the fog of war clearly. He had no spies and intelligence sources, and could only infer the most likely situation now through various details.

Now, he needs to rush to the waters near Dragonstone immediately and wait for Stannis's navy to go north and enter Blackwater Bay.

And that is the opportunity Viserys needs!

After the merchant ship entered the Narrow Sea, Viserys ordered the merchant ship to go north to the waters of Stoneyonburg at Cape Marseille.

After this order was issued to each ship, Viserys's sailing destination gradually became clear. The sailors who were locked up on the merchant ship for a long time and not allowed to disembark, and were monitored and controlled by the Unsullied, suppressed for a long time, and felt that they were sailing to death finally protested on the Narrow Sea.

The two rowing boats in front of the merchant ship stopped rowing on the sea on the rainy night of the second night of the Narrow Sea.

It was the Summer Sun that started the commotion first. The rowing sailors went on the deck and asked the captain and the first mate on the ship to give an explanation. Did the agreement with "that lord" count? Then the Playful Yoso, which was not far away, also had a similar commotion.

It was the warning horn of the Unsullied that Viserys realized that the ship stopped at sea not because of the wind and rain, but because of the commotion in the rowing boat ahead.

As the core ship of the Grole fleet, most of the sailors of the Cedurian were recruited by him, and the stewards were also his own people. They all recognized him as the captain and knew that the captain had become the subordinate of "that lord". Some people were also recruited by him into his fleet in the past few days.

And the three-headed dragon was on the ship.

After the news reached here, Daenerys was quite flustered. She had never seen such a thing that was almost like a military mutiny. She could only look at Viserys nervously: "Brother, what are you going to do?"

"Dany, now you know why I have to bring two hundred Unsullied with me this time when I go home. I won't change it even if I have two hundred knights with high martial arts skills!" Viserys gave her a helpless look, and then said, "Put on that half armor. Let's go out and reason with them. Remember to bring a helmet."

In Tyrosh, Viserys asked the commander of the first fleet, Grole, to fund him to buy a half-armored finished protective gear, and also bought a gold-plated helmet that is a specialty of Tyrosh. Leather is not heat-resistant and is easy to lose plasticity and deform after being heated. The full armor is afraid that the heat will steam Daenerys, so it was decided to buy a half-armor for Daenerys. The helmet is similar. Let her buy a helmet that is said to be heat-resistant. The helmet is lined with more than a dozen layers of heat-insulating silk.

Silk is not fire-resistant, but they have done experiments and found that it is fine if it is not exposed to flames.

Viserys decided to let Daenerys wear it only in occasions where there is no need to cast intense fire magic, to cover her head and face and add majesty.

The armor and helmet are actually a bit ill-fitting, but it is a temporary measure and can only be tolerated temporarily.

Daenerys has the experience of the last time. This time she put on several layers of silk before putting on the protective gear. When she finished putting on the clothes, Viserys had removed the window on the side that she later installed with wooden boards, and also destroyed part of the hull.

She climbed onto Viserys's dragon body skillfully, hugged his neck and rushed out of the window with him.

The young dragon wanted to follow, but it was locked in a cage and couldn't get out. Viserys didn't want to take it with him-the young dragon likes to intimidate by roaring. When it encounters a creature it has never seen before for the first time, it will try to intimidate other creatures by roaring like a carnivore to verify its ecological niche.

Speaking of which, Daenerys has always had a knot in her heart about the young dragon since she felt that she was almost "harmed" in her dream that day. She has not named it yet. Although she has taken good care of it, she only calls it "it". Viserys sometimes thinks that this may be the reason why Daenerys has not been able to "tame" the young dragon so far.

As soon as he went out of the window, Viserys' body suddenly became several times larger. In fact, it is meaningless to become bigger now except to deter ordinary people. In order not to be ostentatious and be seen by people from afar, he plans to fly close to the sea surface. The larger body will only increase the labor.

But judging strength by body size has always been immediate.


Only the wings flapping in the air made a loud sound, and they had already flown far away close to the sea surface.

Grolai, who was anxiously waiting for Viserys's order outside the deck passage, heard this strange and huge sound, and felt a gust of hot wind coming from the side of the ship. He hurried to the edge of the deck and looked to the side.

I saw a huge three-headed beast flying close to the sea surface, not far from the side of the Saidullion, with a knight who looked only as big as a bean on his body.

Grolai opened his mouth wide, unable to imagine how such a beast that was half the size of a ship could hide in such a small room. Was this the same dragon he saw in the room?

Growlai remembered that he had asked Viserys: "Why don't you just use coercive means to control all the crew members? We dare not resist you, but you want to use agreements and gold coins to constrain us, and ask me to recruit those who are really willing to join me. If they don't agree, don't force them?"

At that time, Viserys said: "Because I don't really need them to be loyal to me. All I want is you, an experienced captain, but you have to find a way to build your own team. Those you recruit will be your people in the future."

At that time, Grolai didn't believe it, thinking that Viserys looked down on the sailors on his ship.

Now, seeing the physique of the giant beast, Grolai is very sure that Viserys was telling the truth at that time. And he was not wrong. Viserys did look down on the sailors on his ship, and he really didn't need them.

Facts have proved it.

"Big is strong, huge is hugely strong" This violent cognitive instinct always exists in people's hearts.

When the protesting sailors heard the strange sound, they looked around and saw a huge body fanning hot air and slowly rising from the side of the stopped rowing boat. The commotion stopped almost at the moment Viserys appeared.

Fortunately, the situation did not develop into a bloody incident.

Viserys was willing to reason with them and make an agreement, so when the sailors protested, they thought of using the agreement to restrain him, rather than engaging in violent conflicts with the Unsullied.

So the sailors and the Unsullied were very restrained.

Despite this, after Viserys appeared, the sailors were still scared and dared not move, and the leaders were even scared to pee their pants.

After shocking the crowd, Viserys began to speak: "I am a reasonable person. The agreement has been issued, so it will be implemented according to the agreement. Does anyone have doubts about the agreement? I'll give you a chance. Now, say your doubts."

No one dared to mention it.

So the commotion stopped here.

When setting off again.

Dozens of instigators were exposed, and Viserys asked the Unsullied to take back the gold coin they had been given when they were stranded in Rain House City, and then had them taken to the Cedurian. These people were actually just strictly controlled by Grole and were assigned to do hard work. But Viserys didn't let the rowers in front know what they had experienced.

After this small storm, no one on the ship questioned Viserys' decision.

The merchant ship arrived at Stone Young Castle a few days later, where it stayed for a short time and found that the blockade of Dragonstone did not reach here. At Viserys' radical request, the merchant ship continued to sail to the point and the throat.

The throat is a narrow waterway between Dragonstone and Cape Marseille. As the name suggests, it is a throat. It is the entrance and exit of Blackwater Bay and the Narrow Sea, and it is the only way for Stannis's fleet to go to King's Landing.

Near the Point, Viserys and his party encountered a patrol fleet of small ships that Stannis used to block the Throat. The fleet here did not drive them to a certain place to stay like the fleet in Rain House City, but forced them to stop and announced that "this road is blocked", requiring them to turn to another place immediately.

So Viserys and his merchant ships turned northeast and tried to sail to the waters of Dragonstone, but the merchant ships were also blocked by the patrol fleet near Dragonstone. They announced that the port of Dragonstone was not open to the public at the moment and asked them to stay away.

So Viserys ordered the merchant ships to go back to Stoneyon Castle on the sea.

He could only wait for the news of the opening of Dragonstone and the Throat with the free trade city merchant ships that were stranded and watching near Stoneyon Castle.

About two weeks later, one day, the south wind began to blow, and a small storm arose in the nearby sea.

At noon that day, the storm had just ended, and the sea was turbulent and the waves were surging.

Amid the surging waves, the rumbling of drums and war trumpets crossed the sea, whistling hoarsely and deeply, like the call of the devil.

All those who heard the sound looked southeast.

On the southeast sea, warships were advancing with the tide, stretching out for a while and the end could not be seen. This was a huge fleet, with the distance between ships no more than 20 yards. The sea breeze blew the red, orange and yellow tricolor flags on the ships high.

Looking from afar, you can see thousands of wooden oars rising and falling and hitting the water, creating sparkling water. The drum sound is like a huge and gentle heartbeat. Every time it is hit, the oars move a little, just like countless ships spreading their wooden wings at the same time.

The nobles' ships were in the lead. Looking far away, one could only see the general colors. There was gold and black - that was probably the crowned stag of Baratheon, red and white - that was probably the red and gold fox of the Florent family, the lapis lazuli flower, white and green - probably a silver seahorse on the sea green background of the Velaryon, gray and black - probably the small black ship with a gray background of the Onion Knight. Because the distance was too far, the white onion on the black ship could not be seen. There were many more. The white-bottomed red crabs of the Celtigar family of Crab Island were also red and white. After seeing the back, Viserys could no longer tell which families those colors belonged to.

Behind the nobles' ships, followed by large merchant ships, Myr warships, longships, Lys warships, and pirate ships with painted hulls.

In front of the dilapidated window of the luxurious room of the Cydurion, which was nailed with wooden boards at random, Viserys asked Daenerys, who was standing beside his three heads: "Have you counted them?"

Daenerys murmured: "More than two hundred ships!"

Daenerys was shocked by this huge fleet in front of the window.

Viserys mourned for the dying men in the room.

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