Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 79 The impact of a letter

When the boy found her at the port, she was carrying a fruit basket and selling along the dock.

She had no tongue and could not speak. She could only babbled to the passengers and sailors who had disembarked, took out lemons and oranges from the fruit basket with her hands, and gestured the price.

But the people passing by always hurried past and ignored her.

The boy wanted to quietly go over and pat her shoulder, but he didn't succeed. She turned around and found him.

He saw her eyes light up when she saw him, and inexplicably a sense of joy surged in his heart. He leaned over and had a lot to say, but what he said was: "I told you that it's hard to sell fruits at the dock. Merchant ships will buy from special cargo ships, and passengers are willing to buy in the city. Although the sailors are rich in the tavern, they will not buy things at the dock."

The girl is actually older than him, but for some reason, he always likes to act more mature in front of her.

She gestured with her fingers, pointing at the squire's clothes on him to express her doubts, and also expressed her doubts and concern about his lack of news these days.

But he couldn't say any of this, he could only say: "I am now the squire of the knight. A knight found me and thought I was eloquent, so he took me in as a squire." This was not a lie. A few days ago, a knight suddenly found him and asked him about a mercenary who had just disembarked and brought him into the city. Later, seeing that he was eloquent, he asked about his background. The knight wanted to make him a younger brother in the stable, but decided to take him in as a squire a day later. He has been staying with the knight these days, and was not allowed to come back to pack up until today.

He vaguely knew that these might be related to the mercenary he brought into the city. A few days ago, even a lady "Sand Snake" came to him to ask questions. But he couldn't say it, the knight asked him not to tell anyone.

When he came back to pack up his things, he first went to worship his parents, then asked the blacksmith uncle to help him recast his father's rusted sword, and then came to find her.

If there was anyone he had to see before moving away, it was her.

After all, she was the first woman and child he had ever protected.

About half a year ago, the girl appeared in an abandoned corner next to his dilapidated house. She hid during the day and came out at night. She was dirty, ragged, and had no clothes to cover her body. She lived by begging for food. The beggars nearby found her and asked him to see them when they snatched food from her, bullied and beat her. He helped her beat them away. But the girl was covered in wounds and fainted on the ground, and she was seriously ill.

Fortunately, he took her to the pharmacist on the street and healed her with herbs. Only then did he know that the girl had no tongue. The pharmacist washed her face and found that the girl was a mixed-race child. Her mother or father should be a free city-state. After she woke up, the pharmacist asked her about her origins. She babbled and gestured, and roughly explained that she met pirates at sea, and was later rescued by a ship heading for the Greenblood River, and came here after many twists and turns.

What she told at that time was all lies. The pharmacist found a slave mark on her body and guessed that she was a slave who escaped from the Free City. But she was half Dornish blood, and she actually suffered such a thing in the Free City.

It was probably the care of the pharmacist and the boy that warmed her.

When she was about to leave after recovering from her illness, she told the truth. She told them that she was originally from Lys, her father was Lys, and her mother was Dornish. She encountered pirates during a trip and her family died. She was captured by pirates and sold to slave traders, where she was cruelly abused. Later, when she was taken away by a slave ship, she jumped into the sea when the ship encountered a storm. A Free City merchant ship heading for the Greenblood River rescued her. She was very grateful, but on the way she heard that the captain found that she had a slave mark and planned to sell her when he returned to the Free City. She secretly got off the ship when the merchant ship temporarily stopped at Sunspear City, and then begged in the city.

Such a pitiful life touched the pharmacist and the boy. They wanted to collect money to send the girl back to Lys's home, but she said that her family had been killed, and it was worse than death to appear in the Free City with a slave mark. This made them feel troubled. The pharmacist had a family and it was not convenient for him to adopt a girl, and the boy was younger than the girl. Later, they told the neighbors about this matter, and finally it was the kind-hearted Tyrosh blacksmith who adopted her.

Speaking of which, the blacksmith was also a mute, and it seemed that I heard that he was also a slave, which was a coincidence.

However, it was difficult for a girl to find a job in the blacksmith shop, so the blacksmith asked her to help the aunt next door with the fruit stall, and occasionally sell fruit baskets on the street.

Back to the present.

The boy was about to say something to her and share his joy, but the girl's eyes were attracted by the merchant ship that had just arrived at the port, and she hurried to the dock where the merchant ship was about to dock and wait for the ship to stop.

The boy felt lost for no reason.

She walked halfway and saw the sails on the boat clearly. Her steps gradually slowed down, as if she had just realized something and turned back to look at the boy. Then she gestured with her hands and asked him: "Are you moving away?"

He felt even more lost, and could only barely maintain a smile, nodded and said: "Yes."

"When?" She gestured with her hands.

"I'll leave soon, and I'll go back to the knight before the sun sets."

"Can I wait until I finish selling the fruit? I'll take you there." She gestured.

Is it so important to sell this basket of fruit?

"I asked the blacksmith to help me recast my father's sword, and I have to go back to get it."

She suddenly opened her eyes wide: "Did 'father' ask you to come find me?"

"It was the uncle who told me that I could find you here."

She smiled, her eyes curved like a crescent moon, and she gestured excitedly: "I'll go back with you to get the sword."

The boy was happy: "Okay."

She lifted the fruit basket to her arm and hurried back to the city with the boy.

They hurried to the street where they lived in silence, passing through the winding streets and alleys in Shadow City, and the blacksmith shop was getting closer and closer.

Behind a hidden wall, the girl suddenly slowed down.

"What's wrong——" The boy turned his head to ask. Just happened to put his mouth on her lips that were approaching.

The boy's eyes bulged, and he only saw the unknown wild grass beside the wall of Shadow City was sprouting, shining, soft, slippery, like a string of silk threads.


"Who is he?"

"Your Highness."

"What crime did he commit?"

"You should——"

"Why don't you bring him to trial?"

". You should focus on more important things, Your Highness. There are so many things waiting for you to deal with in Sunspear City."


No, his father appointed his cousin Ser Manfred as acting lord, the old blind Ricasor as steward, his ordinance officer to collect taxes and hand them over to the treasurer Aris Redbright for counting, his sheriff to maintain order in Shadow City, his magistrate judge to preside over arbitration, and Maester Meath to handle letters that did not require the prince's personal attention.

Above these people, he also placed her uncle Prince Oberyn as acting ruler.

And she? In addition to drinking and entertaining guests, what else does she need to deal with?

Is it because Prince Oberyn recently let her watch and express insignificant opinions when handling political affairs? Or to read the recent excerpts and completed counting books for her?

She couldn't even ask a prisoner in prison who he was!

It was Anders Yronwood's people who were taking action, it must be!

In history, the "Kingmaker" Criston caused the Targaryen siblings to turn against each other, and the Kingsguard quarreled among themselves, provoking a civil war called "Dance of the Dragons" by singers. And Anders Yronwood is like Criston Cole resurrected. He deceived her brother and encouraged her brother to take the initiative to obtain the inheritance.

Various signs.

The prisoner in the prison was sent to prison by Areo Hotah, the captain of the guards who rarely left her father. What happened in the Flowing Gardens that day was never mentioned by all those who knew about it. Later, Prince Oberyn visited the Flowing Gardens several times recently - in the past, it was only once a week, and she was only summoned twice a year.

Then her father began to let her watch Uncle Oberyn handle political affairs and read those boring documents.

Tyene said that the prince finally began to give power to her as the heir, and she should be happy. Didn't she always want these?


She knew that she was not the heir her father wanted, and he made it quite clear. Although the law constrained him, she knew he was ready to let her brother replace her at any time.

This secret was known only to her.

When she was fourteen years old. One day she went to her father's study, wanting to kiss him and say goodnight to him, but he was not there. Later she learned that her mother had sent someone to find him. There was a candle still burning in his room, and when she went to blow it out, she found an unfinished letter next to it, a letter to her brother Quentyn. Her brother was in Yronwood at the time. Her father warned her brother to obey all the instructions of the maester and the master, because 'one day you will sit in my place and rule Dorne, and the ruler must be healthy in body and mind'.

Now, Anders Yronwood must have arranged for someone to say something, and she could imagine what others would say. Except in Dorne, sons have the right to inherit before daughters, regardless of age.

After being turned away by the judge, Princess Arianne Martell, the heir of Dorne, looked at her closest cousin Tyene: "Where is Prince Oberyn?"

"Father went to the Water Gardens." Tyene told her.

The Water Gardens has been there twice this week?

Arianne thought sadly: Doesn't her most open-minded uncle want her to inherit Dorne?


"It's probably true that he plans to attack King's Landing or Dragonstone with three ships and hundreds or perhaps thousands of Unsullied. He only appeared in Tyrosh for less than a day. Apart from sending an envoy to Dorne, the only thing he did was to purchase supplies, set up ballistas and catapults for merchant ships, and then disappear from the sea again. At this moment, he may have been destroyed by Stannis's fleet heading north."

Prince Oberyn of Dorne looked at his brother Prince Doran, who was suffering from gout but still had a calm face. They lacked actual intelligence and could only speculate how many people were on the ship from the supplies purchased by the merchant ship in Tyrosh.

Prince Doran had just rejected the maester's suggestion to feed him poppy milk to relieve the pain. He needed to keep his mind clear and think: "Is he really a fool as the rumors say?"

"It's not necessarily true that he is a 'fool'. I heard his excuse for borrowing money from the Lord of Tyrosh. He is quite smart and has a flamboyant personality. He doesn't trust anyone around him, but he is trying to use them, and he has some political tactics. Recently, there have been ships of the Spice Governor of Pentos in various ports in Dorne, which is proof of this. He may not have told the Spice Governor of Pentos about his plan, so they are so anxious to find him, thinking that he will appear in Dorne." Oberyn raised his eyebrows, "Maybe he is indeed smart, but he probably lacks knowledge of war."

"If that's the case, since he doesn't trust the people around him, is he honest in what he says to us?"

"It is true that he will not marry Arianne. Whether he knows about the secret marriage agreement or not, the agreement has been torn up with the arrival of this letter. If he does not know, his letter seeking "cooperation" is asking for a new covenant, and this can only be considered when he appears in King's Landing or Dragonstone; and if he knows, what is his intention?

Let's consider the most urgent matter first. We have accepted the invitation of King's Landing and deployed troops to the border. But King's Landing is now in danger and may fall into the hands of Stannis. Highgarden has now lost Renly and has not joined Stannis. The situation in the Seven Kingdoms is changing rapidly. How should we view Tyrell?"

There is resentment and hatred between Highgarden, the Reach and many nobles in Dorne. At this moment, whether to try to form an alliance or oppose, or do nothing, they need to consider carefully.

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