Melisandre's room was never truly dark.

Even on the galley, three fish-oil lamps burned brightly, dispelling the darkness. Four tallow candles were placed on either side of her bed, two on each side, and the cabin's prohibition of open flames did not constrain her. She wanted to see a flame at all times, where the sun could not reach.

The first lesson any of her servants learned when they began serving her was: never, ever let the fire in the room go out.

The red priestess closed her eyes and prayed, then opened them again and stared at the flames with strange, blood-red eyes.

His Majesty Stannis was now surrounded by unbelievers, and his pride overwhelmed his faith in R'hllor. The king would not take her to King's Landing, but ordered her to turn away from the fleet at the throat and return to Dragonstone. The bastard with the king's blood was not allowed to be contacted or questioned.

She took a sip of water, put down the glass, blinked her eyes, stretched her muscles, and stood up from the chair, her whole body ached and stiff. Staring at the flames for so long, she felt dark in the bright room, and it took her a long time to adjust her eyes. Her eyes were dry and tired, but she didn't dare rub them, otherwise it would only make them worse.

Whenever someone asked her what she saw in the flames, Melisandre would answer casually: "A lot."

But watching the fire and seeing omens was never so easy.

The art of watching the fire, like all arts, requires long-term control, practice, and learning. Pain, and more pain. R'hllor used ashes and swaying tongues of fire as a language to convey omens to his chosen believers. This language is difficult and subtle, and only the god himself can master it 100% proficiently. Melisandre spent so many years practicing this art that she couldn't count it herself. Moreover, in addition to long-term practice, she also paid a huge price. In the end, no one had such a deep skill as her in watching and interpreting ambiguous omens from the holy fire, including her fellow monks.

After the appearance of the Bloodthirsty Star, her skills improved a lot. Even stronger than when she was in Yasha. Every spell she cast, every gesture, was more powerful than before. Many things that she couldn't do before, she could do now.

She could create extremely terrifying shadows.

Shadows are servants of light and descendants of flames. With the help of the "fire of life", the stronger the "fire of life", the stronger the shadow can be.

With such powerful magic, she soon didn't have to use the tricks of those quacks.

Even so, she was a little overwhelmed by creating shadows twice in a row in the south.

But in the eyes of others, she would seem very relaxed, as if it was so simple that it was not worth mentioning.

How much effort she had put in and how much risk she took to cast that magic, that was absolutely not worth telling them.

Long before Yasha, she learned a lesson: the more relaxed and comfortable she seemed when casting a spell, the more awed others would be.

As the fleet entered the Throat, the south wind suddenly became chaotic, and Stannis's fleet was hit by a storm. The unpredictable wind blew the fleet's formation apart, and some ships were even blown into the middle of the Narrow Sea. It is said that the fleet is regrouping in Blackwater Bay, where the current is gentler, under the shelter of the shore ridge of Cape Marseille.

This happened just after the ship that took her back to Dragonstone left the fleet. This is not a good sign.

But now she can't see her king in the flames.

She has consumed too much power and it will take time to recover. She needs to use the "sacrifice" to the Lord of Light to help watch the fire.

She has to look again. She has to make sure she is not wrong. Countless priests have fallen for the wrong illusions. They saw a wishful illusion in the flames, but mistakenly believed that it was given by the Lord of Light.

King Stannis is marching towards King's Landing. He is Azor Ahai reincarnated, and he shoulders the fate of the whole world. Of course, the Lord of Light R'hllor would grant her a vision, allowing her to glimpse his future in the flames.

[Lord of Light, let me see Stannis. ] She prayed. [Let me see your king, your advocate in the world. ]

There are still people who oppose the Lord of Light imprisoned in the Dragonstone prison, and they will be the most suitable sacrifices for her to offer to the gods.

Someone was knocking on the door. From the knocking sound, she heard that it was the captain of the guard assigned to her by the Queen's family: "Lady Melisandre, we have arrived at Dragonstone."

The red priestess knew the role of the guard very well. She brought the guard with her when she traveled, just to gain the appropriate respect. If she was really in danger, she would not dare to count on these people. She did not need to count on them. Melisandre of Asshai never worried about her own safety. She had the Lord of Light to protect her.

She responded and began to put on her bright red priest robes. Her sleeves were full of secret pockets, and she carefully checked to see if the various powders were in the correct secret pockets. She had to check carefully to avoid missing any in the cabin when she left.

Powders that turned the flames green, blue, and silver, powders that made the flames roar and hiss, powders that made the flames jump up higher than a person, and powders that made smoke. There was smoke that made people speak the truth involuntarily, smoke that aroused desire, smoke that made people feel fear, and a kind of black smoke that could kill people on the spot. These various kinds of powders, each with a small pinch, were the weapons of the red priestess.

The carved box she brought from the other side of the narrow sea was less than half left. She knew the formula and process for making powders, but she lacked many rare raw materials produced in Asia. She closed the box and locked it, hiding the key in another secret pocket in her skirt.

Perhaps soon these will no longer be needed.

She went out and looked up at the gloomy sky. Her sight could not penetrate the thick cumulus clouds, but she knew that the Weeping Star was there.

However, the moment she got off the ship and stepped onto the dock of Dragonstone.

The ruby ​​on Melisandre's throat was suddenly aroused and heated slightly.

She felt a burning sting on her skin.

If anyone tried to harm her, she would foresee it in the flames.

When she was learning to watch flames and see illusions, the first thing she learned were illusions that were concerned with personal safety. At that time, she was still a half-grown child, a lifelong slave girl in the great temple of R'hllor. To this day, she still remembers the creed that the priest's first priority is his own safety, and any warning should not be ignored.

She scanned the docks for flames, and among the ranks of her guards she saw a knight with a torch hanging from his waist.

She went straight over and asked for a torch from him.

She raised the torch in front of her and gently brushed the head of the torch with her hand. The tung oil torch immediately burned.

The rear guards looked at the priest enthusiastically. They were the most loyal rear SS.

The Rearmen are those who converted to the faith of R'hllor among Stannis Baratheon's men.

Queen Selyse Florent was the first to join the Queen of Light, and the "Queen of the Queen" got its name from the close unity around her. At the same time, they are also loyal fans of the red priestess Melisandre. In contrast to the Houdang, those who always adhere to the belief in the Seven Gods are called the Kingdang.

Most members of the rear party embroidered the Lord of Light's blazing heart emblem on the chest of their clothes to show their loyalty to R'hllor.

Some fanatical queen members even think that Melisandre and Stannis are closer to Queen Cylys, and that the red-robed woman is the true queen.

The flames on the torches shot up high, blowing in the breeze, pointing south.

She returned to the boat and walked to the southern end of the boat.

The flames were still pointing south, and she could feel that every time she walked south, the stinging sensation on her body became less and less.

"Ship south," the priestess ordered.

They are the most loyal supporters of Red Priestess Melisandre, and no one questions her decision.

The warship that had just stopped at the port of Dragonstone set off again. It was a long ship with 50 oars. It was a small rowing ship. It was long, narrow, and light. The hull was made of wood and the draft was extremely shallow. , built to optimize speed. There is no distinction between head and tail in a long boat. Its symmetrical design allows it to quickly reverse direction without a crane.

As the priestess gave the order, the longship sailed out of the harbor, pointing the torch in her hand. The wind direction is just right.

Soon, she discovered something unusual.

She didn't care about this, but she couldn't let go of anything unusual at sea at this moment. She asked the guard captain from the Florent family beside her: "Where is the patrol fleet responsible for the blockade at sea? Who was originally in charge?"

The guard captain replied: "Madam, the acting city lord Ser Axel Florent has ordered the lifting of the blockade, allowing all combat-capable ships to attack King's Landing with the fleet led by Ser Imry Florent. Previously, it was the Sharp-horned Baal Ammon is on patrol."

Axel, the acting lord of Dragonstone, was known to Melisandre. He tried his best to show himself to the king that he was more loyal and trustworthy than anyone else. He hoped that the king would appoint him instead of his brother, Alister Ford, Earl of Brightwater. Laurent is the Hand of the King. He also claims to see visions in the fire, but Melisandre is skeptical.

And Baal Ammon.

The priestess had some impression of the weak and fat fourteen-year-old boy Duran Bar-Aimon. The boy appeared on the first day when the king began to summon the vassals. He was obedient and had no independent opinions. He did not dare to mention any orders. The word "no".

While the king was marching south, Duran Bar-aimon, Earl of the Point, continued to block the Throat.

This task originally belonged to Lord Gunther Sangrass of Wonderhaven, but after the king allowed Melisandre to burn the sept of Dragonstone, Lord Gunther directly told Stannis that he could no longer support Stannis's king. career, so he was arrested and imprisoned. When the king went south, he took with him the ships of the Earl of Fairport.

The woman in red robe didn't know much about military affairs. She calmly and enigmatically asked the guard captain beside her: "Do you think this is the right thing to do, Sir?"

"Madam, the only possible threat at sea now is the Lannister fleet from Lannisport that has circled most of Westeros and appears here. But if they appear, the weak fleet patrolling cannot resist them, regardless of whether they attack Dragonstone. Island, or enter Blackwater Bay, and when His Majesty’s fleet captures King’s Landing, we can turn around and defeat them.”

So what exactly is the flame trying to show me?

They chased the flames and traveled on the sea for several hours. The fuel in the torches burned out several times and was replaced with new torches.

When it was getting dark, they saw the watchtower burning with blazing fire at the top of Cape Marseille on the south bank. They arrived at the Castle of the Point, the residence of the family of Baal-Elmon.

When the red-robed woman Melisandre arrived here, the wind blowing the flames stopped.

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