Things went surprisingly smoothly. After Stannis's fleet entered Blackwater Bay, the fleet patrolling the Throat left. Even the port of Dragonstone Island began to open to the outside world, allowing merchant ships to enter and berth.

Viserys and his party spent several days observing the movements and routes of the patrol ships in the Throat and the waters outside Dragonstone Island. They originally planned carefully to launch a surprise attack on a remote sea somewhere, which could not be seen from Dragonstone Island or the Sharp Point Watchtower. Wherever they arrived, they swept away these patrol fleets, which were only 50-oar long boats at most, with lightning speed.

Viserys thought this would be the first obstacle to his attack on Dragonstone.

However, when the time did come, the waters of Dragonstone were wide open. There is only one 50-oar ship on patrol around Dragonstone, and it does not intercept merchant ships.

Viserys had no way of knowing that he would have entered Dragonstone had it not been for a team of men responsible for escorting Edric Storm, Stannis's brother and the bastard son of former King Robert Baratheon at Storm's End, to Dragonstone. Not even a warship will be encountered in the port.

Then the choice belongs to Viserys.

Choose "crossing the river in white clothes" and continue to disguise Pentos merchant ships to enter the Dragonstone port to launch a sudden attack?

Or should we just raise the true dragon flag, blow the horn, and reveal the identity of Targaryen outside Dragonstone Island to launch a frontal attack?

"Isn't this a good thing?" Daenerys looked at Viserys who seemed to be in trouble and closed his eyes in thought, "Why do you look so distressed?"

It is now a cloudy night two days after Stannis's fleet entered Blackwater Bay. The merchant ship is parked in the sea two hours outside Dragonstone, drifting with the current, waiting for Viserys's next order.

Viserys opened his eyes and looked at her with his huge single eye: "Dany, from a military perspective, I should let the ship continue to fly the merchant ship flag of Pentos, let the merchant ship enter the Dragonstone dock, and then let Unsullied The attackers launched a sudden attack at the dock and occupied the port town and watchtower under Dragonstone Island. Since the town's defense force is not too much, we can easily capture it and then concentrate our forces to attack the castle to see if we can force the castle. Send troops to fight with the Unsullied. Then we suddenly rush out and fly to the castle. We have no way of knowing how many troops there are in the castle. This is the way I can think of to minimize our casualties."

Daenerys asked: "But?"

"However, if we go to war without declaring it, disguise ourselves as merchants, and launch a surprise attack, from a political perspective, if word spreads in the future, our first battle will be neither honorable nor glorious." Viserys expressed his worries, "And I Worried that if the dragon appears directly, the guards in the castle will not dare to leave easily, and they will be unable to hide in the castle, and in that case, what we will defeat in the end may be a ruin."

Maybe they would surrender if they saw the dragon, but Viserys couldn't bet on that possibility.

What is certain now in the castle is that if he can force Queen Selyse Florent to surrender, then the rest may follow, since she is Stannis's queen.

But Viserys knew that Selyse was not only a queen, she was also a devotee of R'hllor, the devout Lord of Light, and a supporter of the priestess Melisandre.

There is also Melisandre in the castle. She is a shadowbinder who can really use magic. It is more likely that she already knows that the danger is approaching and alerts the people in the castle.

But what is military belongs to military, and what is magical belongs to magic.

Since Melisandre couldn't prevent the destruction of Stannis' army at Blackwater Bay, there was no reason why Viserys couldn't try to attack.

He has already taken down a priest of the Red God, and the Red God seems to have acquiesced in this matter.

In any case, the decision to attack Dragonstone has been made, and he must not look back.

Daenerys didn't quite understand this, so she could only express her support to her brother: "No matter what you do, I will be with you."

Viserys rubbed his head against her, and then said in a deep voice: "Go put on the armor and helmet and dress up like me. I will call the two centurions and Grolei, as well as the captains of each squad, to come over and hold a military meeting. "

Not long after, Viserys' First Fleet Commander Grolei, Centurion Gray Worm, and Black Mouse came to the Sedulion. They stood beside the maid's bed at the door of the room, and sat facing the broken window, holding hands with their hands. Daenerys has a majestic look with a cross concave.

The door was open, and there were people outside the door. They were the ten passage guards of the Sedulion and the ten captains of each squad of the Unsullied.

Daenerys was fully dressed, wearing a helmet and a helmet, only revealing her purple eyes in the dim firelight. She was sitting in a dark room, on a specially raised stool behind the table. The three heads of Viserys were exposed on the upper, left and right sides of her side, like guards. Sitting there with such a person, no one who didn't know would doubt whether she was Viserys. They would only feel that this image was shocking, terrifying, and full of majesty.

Viserys's huge body blocked the two beds in the room, and there were screens there, so no one dared to look over there.

A young dragon they had never seen before was riding on Daenerys' shoulders. It once wanted to spread its wings and make a sound, but was interrupted by three giant dragons and fell silent.

The first words Viserys said at this war meeting were: "Dany has just gone to bed, let's keep our voices down here." He spoke Valyrian.

Everyone's breathing tightened and they didn't say a word.

"I have decided to attack Dragonstone tomorrow morning." Viserys's voice came from Daenerys's position, and his voice was thick and deep.

The air from the room to the passage suddenly became warmer, making Daenerys sitting there even more awe-inspiring.

Everyone straightened their backs.

"Grollai, you will sail the Cedurian to the Dragonstone dock tonight with the south wind. You will try to pile up flammable materials at the entrances and roads of the dock before dawn. The Unsullied on the ship will go with your ship. If you are discovered, retreat to the sea. Wait for me to send the attack signal with the Summer Sun and the Joking Yoso before following." Viserys said, "My sister will be on your ship. The guards at the door cannot move. You must ensure her safety."

"!" The Unsullied guards outside the door beat their chests in silence.

Captain Grolai hurriedly followed nervously.

"Grey Worm, tell the captain of the Summer Sun that no matter what method you use, have the sails painted black at night. If that doesn't work, keep them closed. All other conspicuous marks on the ship must be covered with the Dragon Flag. The Dragon Flag is not big enough, nor is it numerous enough, to fill the flag ports of two three-hundred-oared ships, but the largest flag must be placed in the most conspicuous position on the ship!"

"Tomorrow morning, when you hear the bugle call of the Joker Yoso, immediately urge the sailors on the Summer Sun to start the ship, and the two ships will move forward side by side. , heading for the port. "

"Grey Worm and Black Rat, two centurions, will each take their own men on board after the ship enters the port. After gathering, they will immediately occupy the entrance and exit of the town dock. If there is no problem with the Cedurian, they will set fire to the intersections and roads to cause chaos. If they fail, they will find a way to burn everything you can see that can be burned, including civilian houses!"

This is to force the castle defenders to come out of the castle for rescue. Dragonstone Castle is high above, and anyone with a little military knowledge can see that the number of rioters in the town is no more than a hundred. If this is the case, no one in the castle will come out.

When Daenerys heard about burning "civilian houses", her heart skipped a beat, but she still remained motionless and continued to look majestic.

"After the chaos, the town may sound the alarm bell. Don't worry about it for now. Just guard the town exit and the road up the mountain and wait for my order. Anyone who comes close will be killed. After the chaos at the dock, the squad of the Cedurian, your five squads of fifty people will immediately disembark and gather to attack the watchtower. Capture it at all costs. Use the horn as a signal. Two horns are success. Three horns are failure. If you find enemy ships supporting you at sea, keep sounding the horn!"

"All the Unsullied on the three ships must learn a common language tonight, 'Put down your weapons, surrender and not be killed, for King Targaryen'!"

In fact, Viserys thought about letting the surrendered soldiers "fight for King Targaryen", but after careful consideration, no matter what the reason for the surrender of the defectors on the battlefield, the slaughter will be very active. If a certain number of surrendered soldiers are forced, the military discipline on the battlefield will become uncontrollable.

"When I appear and fly to Dragonstone Castle on my dragon, all the Unsullied, including the team attacking the watchtower, must follow me up and march towards the castle!"

"!" Everyone was silent and beat their chests.

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