"I'm serious. The eyes of 'Eagle Eye' Ash Sara never lie." At the dock, the night guards gathered around the fire and chatted in the middle of the night. The queen would send people to light fires all over the island every evening, and let them chant the night fire for the King of Light and pray for dawn.

The guards were not very active in chanting the King of Light, but they were eager to light a bonfire on a humid night at the seaside in cloudy weather. The guards loved this warm bonfire and were willing to add firewood to it until dawn.

The one who was speaking was Ashe Sara in the team. He was the only one in the night shift who had served as a knight's squire. He was eloquent: ".That is definitely not a seagull or a raven. I can guarantee that. It was flying high in the sky and hiding in the dark clouds, but I still found it. Gods - the King of Light, I dare say that it is the largest seabird I have ever seen. It is estimated to be three or four feet long. It is black and looks weird. It looks like a dragon--"

Someone pointed to the castle on the mountain: "Is that what you are looking at, Ashe? I saw it too. I can see it now."

People looked up and saw the dragon statue carved on the castle on the mountain. They were already used to the hideous and terrifying statue in the night, and laughed.

"Tsk!" Ashe was interrupted and couldn't help but tsk, "I'm serious, don't interrupt, or I won't say anything."

"Haha, it's just a joke, don't be angry. Well, you take a break, I'll tell everyone about it." Someone simply took over the conversation and laughed in an ambiguous tone, "Do you know that there is a girl across the street from the tavern? Who has been there? Has anyone been there? Hey, I've been there. I tell you, that girl has a set of tricks~"

Ashe Sarah rolled his eyes, but the brothers were diverted by the vulgar jokes and turned their heads to urinate by the dock.

Ashe Sarah is the archery master and coach of the town guard. He has superb archery skills. It is said that he learned it when he was a squire for a knight. He often boasted that he had the hope of becoming a knight, but missed the knight's medal because he was drunk. But people secretly said that he fell into the water when the poor knight he followed was drunk when they attacked Pyke Island. They were busy saving their own knight who fell into the water, and they were unable to enter Pyke Island to get any credit. The poor knight was not saved either, and could only return to Dragonstone Island to be an ordinary guard to make a living.

But he was the only one in the guard who had a half-body armor. It was rumored that he planned to save up a full set of armor and then participate in the tournament to win fame. The town guards were not like the knights recruited by the lord. They had no armor to wear, only a set of leather protective gear - in fact, most of the ordinary soldiers recruited by the lord only had this one.

There was no shortage of swords.

Only the knights, hired knights, and unarmored attendants and squires of the sworn knights under the great lords who made a living with swords, equivalent to full-time soldiers, and the half-time farmers who were trained by the instructors all year round under the great lords could get a set of armor from the armory when they were recruited. Because the maintenance of armor is a complicated subject, the lord will not easily let a person who has just learned to hold a sword wear an expensive armor.

The town guards are similar. They are responsible for public security and do not go to the battlefield.

Only the captain of the guard has an old plate armor from the army warehouse, and he has to pay for the repair and maintenance himself.

If the enemy unfortunately attacks the city, they can only sound the alarm, guard the important roads as much as possible, and wait for the support of the regular army. Only the guards in military facilities such as castles, watchtowers, and fortresses are fully armored. They are either the knights of the nobles, the relatives of the nobles, or the nobles themselves.

This time when King Stannis attacked King's Landing, Ashe wanted to follow the army. After all, battlefield spoils always come the fastest, as long as he lives to take them. Thinking back to when Prince Rhaegar died in the Trident, how many people fished out the broken gems on his breastplate in the water?

But thinking that she had to start from the front and give up her years of business in the town guard, Ashe did not go. He is now one of the most senior guards in the town guard. When the current captain of the guard retires, the next captain will undoubtedly be him unless a knight falls from the sky.

"A ship is coming." Ashe shook his body, quickly pulled up his belt, and greeted the night guard brothers at the port dock.

What else could it be except a merchant ship?

If it was the Lannister fleet, the watchtower would have sounded the alarm long ago.

In the night, the dark shadow of the big ship gradually approached.

"How about a bet on beer for lunch tomorrow? I guess it's Braavos." Someone said.

"I guess it's Gulltown." Someone followed.

"Gulltown." Someone continued.

"Pentos." Ashe said.




"You two don't count, and the rest don't count. Damn it." The person who initiated the proposal shouted helplessly, "Ashe, can't you say it later?"

Ashe returned to the campfire and didn't move. She only looked at the duty hut of the tax officer at the port dock and called out: "Go two people and wake up the copper collector. He must have fallen asleep again."

The big ship gradually approached, and there was indeed the symbol of Pentos on the unfolded sail.

The tax officer led the two guard brothers to guide the merchant ship to anchor, yawning. When the ship stopped and the ladder was lowered, he went up to ask if the ship was anchored or if there were any goods landing. The goods landing would be inspected and taxed.

The other night guards continued to brag and chat by the fire, and the topic by the fire was always women and wine.

Not long after, the two brothers who boarded the ship with the tax officer came back with red faces.

"Gods - oh, no, Lord of Light, the merchant in Pentos is very sensible. He said that we worked hard to keep watch, so he would like to invite us to drink." Two brothers handed a small bag of coins to Ashe, and there were also two large bags.

Someone shouted: "There is still wine?"

The crowd immediately gathered.

"Hehe," the returning brother smiled, "They are here to sell wine. Hey, we are lucky. There happened to be a barrel of wine leaking on his ship, so he filled a large bag for each of us. You didn't smell how fragrant this wine is. It is definitely high-end!"

"I should have sent more people earlier!"

The wine bag was also handed to Ashe.

The guards who were keeping watch at the dock all looked at him with burning eyes.

Ashe first poured out the money in the purse and counted it in his hand. There were about dozens of copper coins: "Did you see everything?" He took a quarter, gave part to the two brothers who boarded the ship, and then divided the rest equally among the others.

Finally, it was the wine. He took a sip and handed the bag over: "Wine, everyone take a sip, don't drink too much. It's still a long way to dawn."

The guards by the bonfire cheered.

The sailors on the merchant ship began to unload the cargo from the ship in an orderly manner, moving barrels of wine to the intersection and roadside of the dock.

In the dark night, the sailors of the Pentos merchant ship accidentally dropped a few barrels during the transportation process, and they spilled on the roadside. The wine was indeed fragrant and fragrant.

The guards had nothing to do, and they were all enthusiastic to take torches to light the way for the merchant sailors.

The captain of the merchant ship was busy and sweating: "It's okay, it's okay, it's a small problem, a small problem, I dare not trouble you adults."

And the sailors seemed to be afraid of the guards, and they were all nervous.

Ashe thought that these people were probably afraid that they would blackmail them again, so she called the guards back to the bonfire and didn't bother them.

Ashe actually didn't like drinking. He drank occasionally just to get along with his brothers, but he didn't know if there was something wrong with his sense of smell. He always felt that the barrels covered with waterproof cloth piled at the intersection of the dock had a strange smell.

He always felt that he had smelled this strange smell somewhere, but he couldn't remember what it was for a while.

But before he could remember what it was.

The guards started talking about vulgar topics again.

"Listen to me, it's right, go and try it, the girl opposite the tavern is really good~"

The midnight was long and tormenting. Except for the Pentos merchant ship, no other merchant ships entered the port that night. The people around the campfire gradually fell silent, and only a few people could tell a few jokes to amuse themselves.

"It's almost dawn!" Suddenly someone shouted, and everyone looked east.

You can see that the eastern sky is gradually turning fish belly white.

Ashe Sara saw a layer of mist rising from the sea in the morning light, floating lightly on the water like a veil. He was about to sigh: "Today will be a good day--"


A faint horn sound came from the sea. One.




Three, four. The horn sound gradually became clearer.

The horn sounded rhythmic, one singing and one responding.

The horn sounded faster and more compact.

Two black shadows were gradually emerging from the mist on the sea.

They were two large rowing boats.

The half-retracted sails were vaguely black.

Someone asked in shock: "Pirates? Lannister?" He looked at Ashe, who had the best eyes among them and was called "Eagle Eyes".

But he looked at the sea, his eyes bulged, his mouth opened wide, with an expression of disbelief, he said: "Yes, it is a red dragon flag with a black background, it is Targaryen!" Before he could be surprised, he drew out the sword from his waist, and the clang of the sword out of the sheath made the stunned guards sober up a little, he roared, "Quick, go and inform the captain! Go and ring the bell!"

Ashe turned his head to look at the direction of the watchtower, where smoke had risen.

It means that the watchtower has determined that it is an enemy attack, and has already warned the castle, and at the same time asked for help from nearby sea forces.

Ah woo woo woo woo woo woo woo, ah woo woo woo woo woo woo.

The sound of the horn is getting closer.

You can start to hear the sound of oars hitting, that is the wooden oar blades flying on the water.

You can even vaguely hear the sailor's call. Hey yo-puff, hey yo-puff, hey yo-puff.

At this time, all the guards on the dock saw clearly that the oared boat was flying a red flag with a single three-headed fire-breathing dragon on a black background.

Except for Ashe, no one in the guards had ever seen a real battlefield. Their voices trembled: "What should we do?"

Two warships with three hundred oars were not worth fearing in the past.

But when you know that they are coming to attack, and there is nothing in the port to stop them from landing. Then the two ships with three hundred oars are huge monsters. You know, each of these ships can carry thousands of soldiers.

Ashe knew that staying at the dock was waiting for death. He roared: "Retreat to the town and gather at the guard post!" When he turned around, he found that no one had executed the order he had just issued, "Why are you all standing there? Didn't I tell you to notify the captain and ring the bell!" He roared a few times, raised his sword and shouted, "Fuck, listen to my orders, follow me!"

Ashe led the frightened guards to run into the town.

He suddenly discovered that the merchant sailors who had arrived last night were also fleeing from the town towards the merchant ships at the dock under the leadership of the captain. On the way, they all looked up and looked at them running in the opposite directions. It seemed that these sailors had been waiting beside the stacked goods last night.

In the dim light of the early morning, Ashe finally ran from the dock steps to the town streets, and finally saw the cargo that the merchant ships had stored here last night. These stacked barrels were placed at the intersections of the long streets in the town streets, beside the main roads, and even at the entrances and exits of the small streets near the east-west line of the main street.

Some uneasy emotions surged in my heart.

Ashe remembered that the strange smell emanating from those barrels covered with waterproof cloth was tung oil.

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