Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 84: The First Battle of Dragonstone

Princess Shireen was awakened by the sound of drumming from the castle. When she woke up, she vaguely heard the noise of people under the castle.

She got up from the bed in a daze.

There was a faint clanking sound from the patch-faced antlered head under the tower. The princess's jester seemed to wake up earlier than Princess Shireen and was already singing his weird ballads.

"Fire rains from the sky, bubbles bubble from the bottom of the sea, I know, I know, oh oh oh. Shadows disappear, dragons live in castles. Oh, dragons live in—"

The princess's room is on the tower of the Dragon Tower in Aegon's Garden. The towers of Dragonstone Castle were designed from the beginning to focus on defense rather than comfort. There are four tall narrow windows in this room facing east, west, north and south, with only translucent green windows. The gauze is hung in front of the window to slightly block the wind that blows into the room from the window.

This is the highest room in the Wyvern Tower and has the best view. From the tower, you can smell the pleasant pine scent of Aegon's Garden. Looking down from the east window, you can see the canopy of the tall black trees in the garden. One could see wild roses growing in the garden beds, thorn bushes rising from the mounds, and cranberries growing in the mud.

A high arched stone bridge connects the Flying Dragon Tower and the Drum Tower of the main castle in the air. You can follow the stone bridge passage to enter the main castle spiral staircase directly to the main castle hall. The main hall is shaped like a giant dragon lying close to the ground. People enter through its huge opening from the front. When passing from the Flying Dragon Tower, there is a side door formed by a hollow on one of the dragon's wings. There is also a door under the wing next to it, which leads to the Sea Dragon Tower where the bachelor is.

An iron brazier was placed in the middle of the princess's room, and the charcoal fire in it was shining orange-red. It was already autumn, and the morning breeze was a bit cold.

Princess Shireen rubbed her sleepy eyes and walked to the south window. Looking down from the tower, she saw several rows of fully armed guards standing on the school grounds below the castle, and guards were constantly joining the ranks.

Princess Shireen was looking for her maid. After calling several times, the maid appeared from the stairs going down from the tower.

"What happened?" Princess Shireen asked.

"Your Highness, did the gathering of guards disturb you?" The maid came up to serve her and prepare her a bath. She said while preparing, "I heard that there seems to be a bandit attack in the port town. Sir Axel is about to send The guards will deal with it.”

The princess asked worriedly: "Are the people in the town okay?"

The maid comforted her: "They will be fine."

Princess Shireen walked to the west window worriedly, and stuck her head out to look at the town down the mountain from an oblique angle. Thick smoke was rising, and there was a faint light of blazing fire in the town.


The first person to discover that the rowing boats carrying the Targaryen flag were attacking Dragonstone was actually not the town guards or watchtower guards on the shore, but the crew of the 50-oar longship on guard on the sea outside the port.

It was dawn at that time, and the two rowing boats were still sailing toward Dragonstone with the south wind.

The longships noticed that there were ships approaching, and there were only two of them. At that time, they probably just wanted to confirm where the ships came from. They must have seen the black sails first and thought they were pirates, but they didn't expect that there were Targaryens hanging on the bow and sides of the ship. Red dragon flag on black background.

The hazy sea fog in the morning brought fatal danger to the longship. They were too close, and when they wanted to run away, they were hit by the ballistae set up on the two ships. The longship did not seem to be full of people, and there was no counterattack at all. .

The combat at sea was lackluster.

The fifty-oared boat lost its speed advantage and was not far enough away. It was used as a target by the rowing boat's ballistae and giant crossbow. Finally, it was hit by the modified whaling gun that took several rounds to hit the target. It was teased that it was about to hit the target. The ramming angle of the cable hit the hull. The head-on collision between the three-hundred-oared ship and the fifty-oared ship was fatal. Viserys didn't even need to spray dragon flames, and the longship ushered in the fate of sinking.

It may have been cruel to the men on the longship, but that's what war is about.

Afterwards, the two rowing boats rushed directly to the dock of Dragonstone Port without any further obstruction.

The night watch guards on the pier all ran away, and there was not a single guard on the pier when the Unsullied landed.

But the town's warning bells are already ringing.

Fighting is always full of surprises.

When one hundred and forty Unsullied gathered at the dock and marched towards the town, someone had already set fire to the tung oil barrels stacked at one side of the crossing. Some guards noticed the ignition materials piled on the road. They pushed the oil drums onto the town streets and lit flames to block the road from the dock to the town guardhouse.

There is a warning bell in the guard tower, and the town guards consider it very important and a must-attack location for the Targaryen army.

But when the Targaryen troops disembarked from the ship and occupied the fork in the center of the town, they did not try to attack the garrison. Instead, they spread out their array at the wide fork and divided their troops to continue lighting fires along the street elsewhere. The main troops are gathering on the road up the mountain.

Fires immediately ignited at the intersections in port towns, and some oil barrels were stocked with asphalt barrels. Smoke billowed out of the town instantly, which was terrifying.

The town seemed to be burning with smoke and smoke, but in fact only the roads were burning, and when the Targaryen army controlled the road up the mountain from the town, some people soon realized that this was a trap set by the Targaryen army for the castle defenders. Lure the castle defenders down the mountain to fight.

They speculated that more Targaryen troops had not disembarked from the galleys that landed at the docks.

These people who discovered Viserys's intention to fight were Sergeant Stannis who was drinking in the town tavern last night while he was taking a rest. The leader was a sworn knight of the Florent family. They discovered the intention of these Targaryen troops and came out of hiding. They fought their way out of taverns and brothels, preparing to rush out of the town to warn the castle on the mountain.

The sworn knight of the Florent family rushed out of the tavern door with seven armored guards including him, and immediately headed towards the direction of the city guard. They came to the gate of the guardhouse from the alley that was not on fire. The leading knight raised his sword and shouted to the captain of the town guard who was full of surprise and confusion: "Those who are loyal to King Stannis, listen to my command and follow me to open the road out of the city! The light of the Lord shines! For King Stannis!"

The tiger eyes exposed in the knight's helmet were wide open, staring at the captain of the guardhouse.

The captain of the guardhouse did not dare to resist at all, so he had to raise his sword and respond: "The Lord, the light of the Lord shines! For King Stannis! Please command us, sir."

Then the knight led the fifty town guards of the guardhouse to rush from the alley to the road up the mountain in the town.

They rushed from the familiar path and intercepted a part of the formation of the Unsullied heading to the road up the mountain on the way back to the team of the Unsullied who set the fire.

The place where the battle took place was a three-way intersection. The Unsullied reacted quickly. The team that was suddenly cut off immediately raised their shields, formed a line of soldiers, formed an encirclement, and used spears to pierce the armored guards, blocking the Stannis army who were trying to rush forward.

The road up the mountain in the town was not wide, and the array could not be fully deployed, so the actual contact battle area was not large.

When the knights and the town guards rushed to the Unsullied, the Unsullied were already ready.

The Unsullied slapped their spears against their shields and shouted in unison: "Put down your weapons, surrender and you will not be killed! For King Targaryen!"

The seven armored guards also shouted: "For King Stannis!" The fifty town guards who followed them and crowded at the fork in the road failed to make a unified sound.

And as the two voices stirred, the battle broke out here.

In fact, at this time, the Targaryen army had actually occupied the town exit, and the efforts made by these Stannis soldiers were in vain.

But the guards loyal to Stannis still launched a desperate charge.

It must be said that these armored soldiers who fought desperately did teach the Unsullied a lesson.

These soldiers wearing full body armor were very powerful when charging. They wore plate armor on the outside. The main body of this armor is usually made of canvas or leather, and rows of rectangular metal pieces are inlaid in the fabric. There is also chain mail inside, which is a kind of interlocking clothes, riveted by many small metal rings to form a shirt. Helmets, visors, and throat guards are also their reliance.

Their first round of charge was almost against the Unsullied spears. Relying on the weight advantage brought by the armor, they once broke up the first row of the Unsullied formation. The surging town guards rushed up and followed them to slash and kill, causing many casualties to the first row of Unsullied, and then they wanted to continue to charge out.

But that was all.

They obviously underestimated the fighting quality of the Unsullied, thinking that this group of soldiers who were not wearing armor, only wearing leather protective gear and holding shields for defense could be easily knocked apart, and then fight their way out.

However, they did not get what they wanted. The Unsullied were broken up in the first row, and immediately ignored the lives of the soldiers who were knocked down in the first row and went to the second row. Realizing that the spears stabbing the vital parts of these armored soldiers did not seem to cause fatal injuries, the Unsullied raised their shields to suppress their actions, and used spears to stab their legs and crotch, armpits, elbows, knees, arms and other positions in the savage wrestling.

When these seven formations were drowned and could no longer launch an attack, and the captain of the town guard was killed as one of them because he was wearing armor, the town guards quickly lost their morale.

The Unsullied attacked again and easily suppressed them back to the small fork in the road they were rushing from. Their own formation had already collapsed, and the crowds and tramples continued.

The Unsullied then slapped their spears against their shields and shouted in unison: "Put down your weapons, surrender and you will not be killed! For King Targaryen!"

The surviving town guards were already terrified and dropped their weapons and surrendered.

The Unsullied had the advantage here, with more people and more power, and there was no suspense about winning the battle.

The Unsullied on the other side who attacked the watchtower were much more tragic.

The watchtower was built on a reef, and the only way was a winding path that was only wide enough for one person to pass.

The person in charge of guarding here was a knight who was truly anointed with holy oil. He and his three followers were responsible for guarding here, observing, and lighting warning beacons for enemy attacks.

After the beacon here was lit, it could not only warn the castle on Dragonstone, but also summon reinforcements to the nearby Tide Head Island and the Pointed Castle across the sea.

The smoke from the fire in the town of Dragonstone could not rise to the height of the beacon smoke of the watchtower, so the watchtower was the only place that could attract external reinforcements.

Viserys must capture the watchtower in this battle, and the sooner he captures it, the better.

Viserys hopes to avoid the possibility of reinforcements from nearby.

The fifty Unsullied who were ordered to attack the watchtower immediately disembarked after the riot at the dock, and rushed all the way here from the island road leading from the dock.

The knight in heavy plate armor and his entourage guarded the door of the tower, which could almost be said to be a one-man defense against ten thousand. The light crossbows carried by the Unsullied could not penetrate the armor of the knights, so they could only line up to rush to the tower one by one. The place where they could engage in combat was small, and they could only use swords and shields to fight the knights guarding the tower.

In order to capture this tower, a team of soldiers sacrificed their lives. There were four people guarding the tower and 50 people attacking the tower, but the real combat was always between the Unsullied and the guards on the narrow platform at the entrance of the tower. The first Unsullied who rushed to the tower gate was pushed off the reef and fell into the sea, followed by the collision between the dead soldiers and the knights.

At one point, the fearless Unsullied pushed the knights into the tower gate, but the knights were easily hurt by their heavy plate armor, and once they were pressed into the tower, the knights' followers would attack from the corner with swords. After killing the Unsullied together, the knights would rush out of the tower gate to defend again.

Later, there was really no other way, and the Unsullied began to use the lives of soldiers to fill the gap, exchanging death for injury. When the Unsullied fight with the knight, they will find the right time to pounce on the knight and resist the opponent's sword swinging and slashing. They will hug the armored knight, and then use the dagger to stab the weak point of the knight's armor like a vicious dog pouncing on its prey. Even if the knight retreats behind the door, he will not care about the attack of the knight's squire hiding inside. This fighting method surprised the knight and he was almost pierced through the neck by the Unsullied using this fighting method twice.

The knight finally failed to resist the third time.

This battle of exchanging death for injury has achieved results. The heavy knight's armor was finally stained with blood. The face armor could not see the front clearly. An Unsullied pierced his heart from the armpit when he habitually wanted to retreat to the tower gate to let the squire help protect the vital parts. After the Unsullied pounced and killed the knight, he was soon stabbed to death by the knight's squire inside the door.

This terrifying fight that frightened the onlookers lasted for two rounds. Another armored squire tried to copy the knight's fighting method and was soon killed in the same way. The remaining squire stepped on a corpse when rushing out of the tower gate and stumbled and fell into the sea. Another unarmored squire hid in the tower and tried to negotiate.

The Unsullied actually kept shouting: "Put down your weapons, surrender and you won't be killed! For King Targaryen!"

But apart from that, they didn't understand the complicated Westerosi common language. The desperate squire discovered this during the negotiation and felt that it was just a meaningless slogan from these lunatics, just like they shouted the Lord of Light and King Stannis when they fought.

The squire finally chose to jump into the sea from the tower.

Afterwards, the tower sounded the horn blown by the Unsullied.

Two times.

When writing this chapter of the battle, I was thinking of the Undead Street and the Black Knight Tower in Dark Souls.

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