Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 85 The Flying Dragon on Dragonstone

When two horns sounded from the direction of the watchtower, and the smoke from the watchtower gradually subsided, Viserys's eyes were only focused on the castle defenders coming out of the castle on the mountain.

By this time, the sky was already bright, the mist on the sea was slowly dispersing, and a faint red hazy glow had appeared in the eastern sky.

The first phase of the Dragonstone offensive launched in the early morning was over.

The next step was to see whether the defenders from the castle would go down to the port town as Viserys wished.

Through the smoke-filled town, Viserys looked far away from the captain's room of the Joking Yoso at the port dock and saw that there were about a hundred defenders coming out of the castle, stretching from the castle gate on the mountain along the mountain road to the mountainside.

Walking in the front were three flag bearers holding three flags. They were very far away and could only be distinguished by color. The first one should be a flag of the Crowned Stag King, followed by a flag of the Lord of Light with a flaming heart, and the third one was the flag of the Florent family. The marching line was one person per line, and there was another flag bearer every twenty people.

When the tail of the team coming out of the castle no longer appeared, Viserys saw clearly that the castle had sent out 155 people. This was not all the guards of the castle. But the people who sent the troops down might think that these more than a hundred armored guards were enough to suppress the rebellious army below the mountain.

Viserys stared at this team closely, hoping that they could come down and fight with the more than a hundred Unsullied in the town, and then see if they could lure more guards out of the castle.

This behavior of using Unsullied soldiers as bait was actually very cold-blooded, but Viserys had to ensure that when he showed up, he could quickly make the queen and the garrison in the castle collapse in morale, and they would not feel that they could rely on shrinking in the castle's strong fortifications.

But after all, everything cannot be as expected.

When the vanguard of the guards coming down from the castle came to a high platform on a gentle slope on the mountainside, where they could observe the situation in the town from above, the marching formation of the castle guards stopped.

Perhaps they found that there was smoke and flames in the town, but almost no house was on fire - the reason why it was almost was that there were houses that were unfortunately burned in the chaos.

Perhaps they found the location of the Unsullied.

But no matter what the considerations were, the marching array of the castle guards stopped moving downwards under the command of the commander.

Viserys knew it was time.

He made a loud voice: "Listen, crew members of both ships. After I go out, follow me to the top of the town. I don't ask you to do anything, just run. Do you see the high hill where the castle guards stopped at the head of the line? Run there and wait there!" If there were enemy ships at sea to support them, these sailors would definitely not be able to defend the dock by themselves. It would be better to go to a safe place and use them as a decoy to intimidate. After all, there are more than 600 people.

Speaking of which, Viserys actually doesn't like to roar with his dragon body. He always feels that he looks like an animal or a beast.

But today.

Viserys broke through the wooden door of the captain's room with his feet.


He flapped his wings, and his body suddenly became as big as the bow of a ship, and he immediately rushed into the sky with a whistling wind.


Three huge mouths roared loudly in unison, resounding through the sky.

He spread his huge wings and roared to announce his arrival. He announced to the world that the dragon representing Targaryen had returned to Dragonstone after hundreds of years!


Viserys flapped his wings and beat the air, heading straight for the castle guards who had stopped on the hillside.

It took hundreds of steps for people to reach the place, but Viserys arrived in an instant.

"I am the King of Targaryen! Surrender, put down your weapons and squat on the spot!" Viserys's loud voice resounded in the sky, "Otherwise, die!"

Viserys only gave this sentence a moment to react, he didn't have time to wait for these guards to hesitate.


The next moment, Viserys gathered the huge magic power through the magic organ constructed in the middle head into a powerful flame ray and sprayed it out, like a flaming long sword swung from the mouth of a giant dragon, sweeping all the way up the mountain road from bottom to top.

Guards were constantly swept by the flame ray, and the guards who were swept either fell to the side of the road or were washed out of the road by the huge impact force and rolled down the hillside. Screams and exclamations were endless.

The mountain road was winding and the marching column was long, so Viserys could not sweep everyone in one breath.


When Viserys sprayed the dragon flame ray for the second time and continued to sweep along the mountain road, the guards who had already reacted tried to disperse away from the mountain road.

Some people were climbing up the mountain beside the road, and some were rolling down the steep slope beside the road.

No one put down their weapons and squatted on the spot.

By the third time, the effect of the flame ray had been greatly reduced. These soldiers had scattered up and down the mountain road. Many of them even panicked and turned over too quickly, rolling down the mountain slope, and their lives were unknown.

Continuing to eliminate the remaining soldiers here was equivalent to giving the people in the castle time to react.

Viserys knew that he had no time to take care of them. The fourth flame ray simply ignored the scattered soldiers and swept up the mountain road. Some soldiers wanted to turn around and run back to the castle. These people were treated the same as the first row of soldiers who were subjected to the flame ray.

Viserys finally shouted loudly: "I am King Targaryen! Castle guards, put down your weapons, squat on the spot, and surrender to my soldiers! Surrender and you will not be killed!" Then he flapped his wings and flew straight to Dragonstone Castle.

Those soldiers who were still alive and unwilling to surrender after they dispersed from the mountain road could only be handed over to the Unsullied who were going up the mountain road.


With the flapping of wings, Viserys had arrived on the top of Dragonstone Castle.


Boom boom boom——

Here, you can hear the sound of trumpets and drums in the castle.

Viserys remembered the general appearance of this castle from his original memory.

For Daenerys, this was the first time she saw this castle so close. She had seen it from a distance on the ship before, and her mood was difficult to calm down.

Daenerys had heard of it from countless people, and knew that this was where she was born. The terrifying dragon statue in the castle was slightly different from what she imagined, but the dragon statue built by the builder to make the castle look more terrifying made her feel more intimate and excited.

The year she was born, the Targaryen dynasty was destroyed by the usurper. Her mother, Queen Rhaella, and Viserys retreated to Dragonstone under the escort of Sir William Darry, the instructor of the Red Castle. When Daenerys was born, a severe storm hit Dragonstone. Many ships of the Royal Navy were destroyed in the storm, and her "Storm Birth" was named after this. Queen Rhaella died after giving birth to her.

After Queen Rhaella's death, the garrison of Dragonstone planned to surrender to the rebels and hand over the two siblings, but before the plan was implemented, Sir William Darry and some other members loyal to Targaryen rushed to the nursery, took away Viserys and the newborn Daenerys, and sent them to the free city of Braavos.


It is the hometown of Viserys and Daenerys.

And today, they are back.

Daenerys was in a complicated mood, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes for a while.

Viserys didn't have so many thoughts. He flew over Dragonstone, and his mind was all on fanning the hot wind to blow away the hidden arrows shot from the hidden arrows in the castle and the top of the main castle.

At one point, a guard tried to shoot him with a huge crossbow on the top of the arrow tower. Fortunately, Viserys discovered it in time and sprayed flames in the direction of the arrow tower, destroying both the man and the crossbow.

There were many hidden holes in the castle where arrows flew in. Viserys had no time to take care of those small holes. He fanned the wind and only needed to protect Daenerys on his body. He also only needed to protect the eyes on his head. They could shoot at the rest.

Viserys had a clear goal and would not waste time elsewhere. He flew in the air, quickly circled the main castle, aimed at a large gap on the top of the stone drum tower of the main castle, flapped his wings, shrank his body, and rushed straight to the room on the top of the tower.

There will always be people who see the hideous three-headed dragon suddenly become smaller and drill into a place that is impossible to enter. Let them be frightened by this.

The roof of the huge tower of the main castle is the famous map table hall of Dragonstone Castle.

There is a huge map table in the hall, and the table is carved with a detailed map of Westeros. During the War of Conquest, Aegon the Conqueror used it to make battle plans.

The "map table" is more than fifty feet long, with the widest part being about half the length and the narrowest part being less than four feet. Corresponding to Dragonstone Island is a carefully designed chair on a high platform, which is the seat of the castle owner, and he can have a full view of everything on the table.

This is also the bedroom of the castle owner.

Logically, Queen Selyse Florent, the highest authority in the castle, should live here, but Viserys did not see the queen in the bedroom partitioned off on the side of the map table.

This is the embarrassing situation of "capturing the king first to capture the thief", but not being able to find where the "king" is.

Viserys flapped his wings, blowing away the screens, bookcases, desks, and dressing tables that separated the bedroom, and even the king's huge bed turned upside down by the strong wind he raised.

But the queen was not here.

Viserys did not stop, and went straight to the gap he had entered before, flapped his wings again, rushed out of the main castle and flew over the castle.

Ignoring the arrows that did not cause any harm, Viserys inspected the towers of Dragonstone from the air.

Viserys made a loud voice, which spread from the top of the main tower to the surroundings, and rumbled inside the wall: "I am the King of Targaryen! Queen in the castle, listen, come out and surrender quickly, your guards who are out have been annihilated, and thousands of Targaryen troops will arrive immediately. Hiding in the castle will only increase unnecessary killings!"

"Soldiers in the castle, listen too, you all know that I have won this battle, and surrendering can save your life, otherwise it will be a dead end!"

"--Looking for death!"

Viserys was trying to persuade him to surrender, and suddenly two huge crossbow arrows were shot from the wall on the castle gate, whizzing and whizzing directly at his body. Viserys didn't even need to dodge, the crossbow arrows were not aimed at his head and eyes, and only he knew how thick the leather armor on other parts of his body was.

Viserys' wings blew out a strong wind.

Two huge crossbows hit Viserys's huge belly, scratching his skin a little, but it was almost uninjured.

Then he counterattacked, and two flames shot straight to the hidden place of the city wall. Only a few screams were heard, and some soldiers fell from the high city wall.

Viserys's huge voice resounded in the castle again: "Surrender or die!"

The horns and drums of the castle stopped for a moment.

The next moment, Viserys' three heads turned their heads to look at the tower of the Dragon Tower.

There, he heard crying.

The main castle of Dragonstone Castle was designed by the author with reference to the original part, and also with reference to the design of the Duke of Rivington Dragon Pass in Baldur's Gate 3.

Under the main castle are several underground prisons (with a secret passage leading to the volcano, and the prison has another entrance and exit, the prison tower). The first floor is the hall and kitchen, the second floor is the main hall (banquet and various ceremonial venues), the third floor is the table hall (also the bedroom of the castle owner), and the first and second floors have various small doors and spiral staircases leading to the material storage room, arrow slits, and secret sentries inside the fortress.

Different towers connect different floors of the main castle.

The Feilong Tower and Hailong Tower arch bridges connect the second-floor main hall, and the rest connect to the first-floor hall.

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