"This...the general strategy."

As if being poured into a basin of cold water, Lin Han's enthusiasm instantly died out.

Zhou Yu ignored the change in his expression and looked at the document in his hand.

"Also, I remember correctly that this company is called Snowflake Games, right? We seem to have a lawsuit with them before."

"There shouldn't be anyone who can't get along with money."

"You will find someone to contact them later. We want to acquire their company and see if they are willing. Of course, he is a competitor of our new game at the same time as he is willing to acquire it, and we cannot let them take away our market share."

"You just said that as soon as they draw 13 to 15 soft sister coins, they will attack them on the Internet, looking for navy soldiers to attack them. It's just a small company. I don't believe they can withstand the attack of online public opinion."

"Of course, we still have to do two-handed preparations. For the game Yuanshen, you can ask the people in the R&D department to analyze the core gameplay of this game. We will also make a similar game, and you can learn from them appropriately."

Hearing General Ce's words, Lin Han opened his mouth.

I would love to say something.

But he knew that as a penguin who started by copying, it was not the first time, nor would it be the last.

With the identity and strength of a domestic game giant, and with the blessing of Pizza Hut's legal department, facing Penguin, a giant in the industry, any small company can only be acquired or copied, and this time is no exception.

Of course, this time, plagiarism and acquisitions go hand in hand.

Lin Han would like to say that there is no need for this, they can also make a game like Genshin Impact.


Seeing Zhou Yu's expression, he still gave up and did what the other party wanted.

Zhou Yu's opinion was issued, and soon, the entire Penguin Factory started to operate in response to the rise of Genshin Impact.

Someone tried to contact Snowflake Game Studio proactively.

Someone contacted Shui Jun on the Internet to bombard Yuanshen's vicious card drawing and high krypton gold behavior.

Some people also analyze and study the source code of Genshin Impact.

Or rather, copy.


Snowflake game.


"This penguin really doesn't want any face at all, right?"

In the office, the employees in charge of business operations suddenly scolded violently, and the voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"what's the situation?"

"What's wrong?"

"Why did you suddenly start spraying?"

The employee said: "What's the matter, someone called Penguin just now, saying that they want to buy our studio, and they even threatened us in their words!"

Experienced the last game and the penguin court torn.

Everyone in the studio is extremely disgusted by the plagiarism of Penguin, and in turn, bite the original creator and use the company's huge system to bully small companies.

I thought that the tearing of the previous game was over, and in a short period of time, the two sides would not have any more communication.

In the end, I didn't expect that their new game had just been released, and the other party came again.

Disgusting is disgusting!

After listening to the words of the business operation staff, everyone in the office was ignited.

Is it really because of their huge size and disgusting people?

Still want to buy them? !

Hearing the voices of the employees, Ye Fan walked out of the office: "What's the situation, why are you scolding people so well?"

Everyone hurriedly explained to Ye Fan.

"Boss, don't be fooled by penguins!"

"We've been following you for more than three months, and we finally made this game. It must not become someone else's wedding dress!"


"I'd rather stay in our small studio than be bought by Penguin to be a dog for them!"

"Although our studio is small, we all like this working atmosphere. This is the atmosphere that games should have."

"Boss, you must not be shaken."

Everyone said.

"What are you thinking." Ye Fan smiled and said, "He penguins something, buy us, we buy them almost. He will call him next time and just hang up and listen to their dog."

"But the small studio you just mentioned, um, our game is on the right track now, and the current manpower is not enough to maintain the next game operation. It's time to recruit a group of new employees and change to a new office environment."

Genshin Impact Games has officially started to make a profit, and a lot of money is coming in every day, so it’s time to expand the company’s scale.

Ye Fan didn't intend to be such a small studio forever.

Snowflake Games...  

In the future, it will also be a giant-level existence in the game industry!

"Chen Min, for the recruitment of our company and the new office location in the past two days, prepare yourself. It's time to expand the company."

"Good boss."


The employee named Chen Min stood up and said, "Boss, our game has only been out for two days, and the penguins have been eyeing us. I always feel that their call today is just the beginning, and there will be some disgusting tricks coming out later. "

"No need to go behind, it's already here."

At this time, the chief policy Li Xiao said: "Look at the meager, now a group of people have emerged, saying that our card drawing mechanism is deceiving krypton."

Hearing this, everyone took out their mobile phones and searched for Yuanshen related hot words.

Sure enough, I saw a lot of posts with people leaving messages, saying that Yuanshen's kryptonite is too exaggerated and too serious.

It just treats the player like an idiot.

A five-star character requires at least one 648 to be drawn. Even if the character drawn may not be the one you want, it may be crooked.

Even more exaggerated, some people commented that this is a new type of gambling.

"As soon as Penguin's call came, these voices appeared on the Internet, and there is a high probability that it was the navy that Penguin was looking for!"

"This penguin looks really ugly!"

"Boss, should we also buy a batch of navy and spray him back?"

"and many more!"

"It doesn't seem to be necessary!"

Chen Min suddenly said: "Look at the low-level comments, as soon as they come out, players will send us to wash them!"


"It really is!"

Everyone clicked on the comments to reply, and sure enough, many players responded below these comments.

For example, I am willing to spend money to support domestic games, I am happy to recharge the games for free, and it is none of your business if I spend money to marry a wife.


"This doesn't seem to be what we imagined?"

"The players are too enthusiastic."

Ye Fan smiled: "Our game is doing well, and naturally there will be players willing to support us, but we still have to reply to these comments, otherwise we can keep them fermented."

"In terms of card drawing, I asked Shui Jun to explain that drawing cards is completely voluntary. We did not force players to spend money, and even if they don't pay money, players can still enjoy the fun that the game should have."

"As for the one who said that our card draws are of a gambling nature, we will announce the card draw guarantee mechanism we developed earlier."

"The other party took the initiative, and we can't be indifferent."

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