When Snowflake employees were busy with the work that Ye Fan explained.

Penguin Games, their first-day sales data also came out. At this time, a group of employees convened for a meeting.

The general planner got the results of the first day of the desert journey.

Three million downloads on the first day!

The result was much lower than what they expected. Looking at the report in his hand, Zhou Yu's brows were furrowed.

"How come the number of downloads on the first day is so much lower than expected?!"

Yesterday, there were 500,000 downloads within half an hour of going online, but after a day passed, there was an increase of 2.5 million?

With this result on the first day, how can they enter the mobile game market so strongly?

Buyout system game sales mainly depend on the early stage, and the download volume will plummet in the later stage.

As a result, the first day was so bad, how can I fix it later? !

Zhou Yu pointed to the sales trend in the report and asked: "Noon and afternoon are all good, why does the download volume drop so much at night, shouldn't this time be the time when players play games? Sales have dropped instead?! "

He must know the reason for the poor sales. In order to enter the mobile game market, they have made preparations for a long time.

But I don't want the project to be cut in half!

"This... the general strategy, there are competitors." The head of the marketing department said hesitantly.


Zhou Yu frowned deeper: "Didn't I have done market research a long time ago, and those big game manufacturers have not made mobile games recently? Where are the competitors?!"

"It's the small studio I mentioned earlier that built its own web page."


Hearing this, Zhou Yu couldn't help but be taken aback. He remembered that such a game company had indeed been mentioned before.


Free games, build your own web sales games.

With this kind of game operation strategy that is almost equal to nothing, it will become a competitor of his own company? !

"What's going on, explain clearly."

Lin Han, the head of the marketing department, explained: "The game company found the anchor of the Shark platform to help them promote the game. Last night, many people watched the live broadcast, and then turned to their website to download the game, and because of the live broadcast, they The game has been on the meager hot search, and it hasn't come down yet."

"The reason why our game sales dropped so much at night is because of their game, which took our players away."

Hearing this, Zhou Yu's face suddenly collapsed.

He also said yesterday that such a small company is not worthy of their attention, and as a result, he has become his biggest competitor today? !

"Free Games..."

"Huh! Do they really want to do charity for players? A game is made without any intention of making any money?"

"There's such an idiot in the world?"

He said he didn't believe it at all, and Zhou Yu ordered his subordinates: "You should investigate this game in detail immediately, and send the detailed data report to my office later. I would like to see what company would do such a stupid thing. !"

Zhou Yu turned to leave the conference room and returned to his office.

After all, it's a big game company.

Penguin employees are very productive.

In just one hour, the core gameplay of the game with detailed data about Yuanshen was summarized and sent to Zhou Yu's office.

Lin Han, the head of the marketing department, knocked on the door of Zhou Yu's office.

At this time, his face was shocked.

Zhou Yu took the report he handed over with a puzzled expression: "What kind of expression do you have? Are you stupid to do a survey for you?"

"No, General Policy, I'm sighing."


"The person who made this Genshin Impact game is a genius!"


Lin Han said excitedly: "This game called Genshin Impact is indeed free, but free is just a gimmick to attract players to come in. Use free to expand the user base. After players are attracted, their profit model will appear!"

"Item charges, or in other words, card draw charges!"

"Using a lottery-like method to draw five-star characters or weapons, I have seen the charges in their in-game mall. The minimum recharge is 6 yuan, and the maximum recharge is 648,648 per charge. I converted it, and one draw takes about 13 to 15 soft points. Sister Coin, this money is enough to buy a small game!"

"Once players recharge, the purpose must be their five-star character, but if you want to draw out, you need at least one 648, and this card-drawing system will allow players to top up and recharge more and more until the character is drawn! "

"From last night to today, we have estimated that more than 10 million people have downloaded this game, and as long as 10,000 people in this 10 million mile recharge, their revenue flow is very exaggerated!"

Before, like Zhou Yu, he felt that free games were completely for nothing, and it was impossible to make money for free.

But seeing Yuanshen's operating model, he couldn't help but sigh.

He is so young!

free? !

He remembered that sentence, free is the most expensive! !

They have been in the game industry for so many years, they have been guarding the buy-out game, and they have never thought about free games!

Whoever came up with the charge for free items in this game is a genius!

Open up a whole new profit possibility!

"In addition to their innovative point of charging for cards, they also made the game into an open world, players can move freely without being restricted by the terrain, and the exploration and decryption are done very well. It is not too difficult, and there are It takes a little effort, we never thought of doing this kind of game before!"

"And then there is their online system. When a certain level is reached, players can connect with each other, which enhances players' previous interaction, makes the game also have social features, and..."

Lin Han said a lot in a row.

To be honest, after seeing some of the creativity and core gameplay of this game, he was really shocked.

The people who designed this game are literally more than a step ahead of them!

In addition, the background of various countries is also integrated into the game. Among them, Liyue is based on the Xia Kingdom as a prototype and integrates the traditional elements of the Xia Kingdom.

Isn't this the kind of game that Lin Han wanted to make when he first entered the game industry?


Zhou Yu in front of him frowned when he heard it. He was very interested in the card-drawing charges in front, but he didn't want to listen to the latter.

As an employee of Penguin, are you one of a kind?


"I'm not interested in what you said."

Zhou Yu said: "In comparison, I am more interested in their free game item charges, you will find a few people later to study the charging model of this game, and then find a way to implement it in our game. "

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