"It's on fire!"

"Boss! It's on fire!!!"

At this time, the first sentence Ye Fan heard when he came to the company in the morning, seeing the expressions of the employees, he almost thought the company was on fire.

"Fire? What fire?"

Li Xiao looked excited: "Game, our game is popular, last night Tuanzi broadcast our game live, and directly put our game on the hot search, and now the hot search has not fallen, players are discussing our game! "

Hearing this, Ye Fan raised his eyebrows: "Oh, this is not expected, why are you so excited?"


Ye Fan said calmly: "You know the quality of our games, you know it, and it explodes. It's not to be expected."

Although I didn't expect it to explode on the entire network overnight, it will reach the level of Yuanshen sooner or later.

Ye Fan thought about it, Qiao Qiao should have put in a lot of work last night.

Just look back and thank her.

Seeing Ye Fan's calm reaction, as if everything was expected, Li Xiao opened his mouth.

Recall from the game project to the game public beta.

Including the previously proposed free games, card draw fees, and independent construction of web pages for players to download.

The boss showed a very confident attitude.

On the contrary, it was his own general strategy that showed a little calmness. When he first went online yesterday, he even complained about the boss from the bottom of his heart.

"Boss, I'm too young."

Li Xiao said sincerely: "It turns out that everything is in your expectations, including free games, including independent download channels, I'm sorry boss!"


Why are you still apologizing?

"Yesterday, when the game was just open beta, I actually questioned you, and even complained about your actions in my heart. I feel guilty for this kind of thinking!"

After Li Xiao finished speaking, all the employees in the office looked apologetic and apologized to Ye Fan.

from start to finish.

Whether it is the idea of ​​the game or the various detailed designs, it was proposed by Ye Fan, and they were only responsible for the execution.

Including adherence to the system of free games and card-drawing fees.

Now it has been proved that Ye Fan's insistence is not wrong, and they have doubts about the boss in their hearts, which is really not right!

Ye Fan waved his hand: "After all, it is an operation model that has never existed before. It is normal for you to not understand it at first. In short, you only need to know that it is right to do what I think."

"It's the boss!!"

"The boss is awesome!!"

"Boss, if you have me, I will definitely be your faithful dog. If you let me go east, I will never go west!!"

"Alright, alright."

Ye Fan waved his hand and said, "The game is on fire now, and there are still a lot of things waiting for you to do. It's better to work hard instead of bragging about me here."

"Okay boss!"

A group of employees went back to work laughing.

After going through this, everyone was more convinced of Ye Fan, and they were more determined to follow the boss and have meat to eat.

"Li Xiao, how's our first day's data?"

Li Xiao said: "There are still a few minutes left, boss, I think our first day data will definitely not be bad, and even our free game, the card-drawing fee system, will become an epoch-making innovation in the game industry!"

There were still a few minutes before the end of the calculation on the first day, Ye Fan didn't go back to the office at all, and just waited for the result here.

The other employees looked up occasionally as they worked.

They also want to know what the first day of the game will be. According to the current popularity on the Internet, it will definitely not be bad.

Waited a few minutes.

Soon, the results of the game's downloads and the first day's turnover came out. When he saw a series of numbers on the report, Li Xiao took a deep breath.

Eyes full of shock.

"How many?"

Li Xiaoping recovered his emotions and swallowed his saliva: "The number of downloads on the first day... 12 million, and the flow on the first day was... 30 million!!"

"Well, it's a lot higher than expected."

There are a lot of influences from Qiaoqiao's live broadcast, Ye Fan thought that he would have to thank each other later.

Ye Fan said calmly: "But this is still far from the potential this game should have. The results came out on the first day. Our company has ample funds. You can increase the promotion of the game in the next few days."

Li Xiao nodded while watching Ye Fan's reaction.

As expected of the boss.

Hearing this statistic made him numb, but the boss seemed to have expected it long ago, and even felt that the game had more room for development.

Li Xiao's confidence in Ye Fan's heart increased by another point.

"The door to the domestic market is now open, but our focus should not only be on the domestic market. There is still a large market to open up abroad. Next, your work will be to expand overseas markets, such as the foreign language dubbing of games. The foreign language translation of the game, you should focus on these.”

Ye Fan explained: "Then there is the BGM in the game. We didn't do it carefully enough before. In the past two days, you will go to some professional music teams in China to re-record the previous background music. In every detail.”

As the work requirements were issued, Li Xiao listened carefully, took out a small notebook and wrote it down carefully.

When I heard that Ye Fan was going to develop overseas markets.

He couldn't help but be surprised.

What followed was a frenzy.

Doesn't this mean that they really want to make a domestic game that can represent Xiaguo Games for the world? !

A domestic game for the world...

Excited to think about it! !

Sure enough, following the boss really has meat to eat, this idea is not only Li Xiao, but also all the employees in the studio.

It was really right to stick with the boss at the beginning!

Now, we are also a part of this game company that represents domestic games. This is a unique honor! !


After explaining Li Xiao's next work arrangement.

Ye Fan returned to the office.

Thinking of the benefits that Qiao Qiao's live broadcast brought to the company last night, he called Qiao Qiao's phone.

The voice of the phone took a long time to think before someone answered.


There was a soft milky voice in the hazy voice.

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and glanced at the time: "It's twelve o'clock, aren't you still awake?"

"I played games all night last night..."


Ye Fan said, "In order to express my gratitude, I'm going to invite you to dinner tonight? Do you have time?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

"Send me two 648s and I'll come."


"No in 648, there is Keli's standing painting, would you like to see it?"


Qiao Qiao, who hadn't woken up a second ago, heard this immediately, and his voice was pulled to a tune.

"you sure?!"


"Come, I have to come, can I refuse the boss's invitation to eat?"

Although he had dubbed Ke Li before, Qiao Qiao never knew what the character he dubbed looked like.

Now Ye Fan actually took the initiative to show her?

Yuanshen, who spent the whole night last night, was already very addicted to this game, and even more wanted to know what her dubbed character looked like.

Immediately agreed.

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