“The message you sent through that child, I received!”

In the face of this woman, Nha Yi does not have a good attitude.

Rita was still busy with the antidote information, and did not pay much attention to the long sword around her neck.

Bud Yi was still vigilant, and there was anger in his words: “After receiving your news, we have prepared for the worst, now, why do you make me believe that you are not making trouble this time.” ”

Rita showed a soft smile, lightly touched the knife on her neck and said: “When the knife is on the neck, lying is the most unwise choice. Look around and you’ll see that there’s no ambush. Now I can’t fight back against Miss Bud Yi. ”

“I just want to make a sincere deal with you, you help me get the antidote, and I will tell you the whereabouts of Miss Kiana.”

To prove everything she said, Rita waved her hand, and the armored recording device projected images of her fighting with Kiana.

“In this city, we are on the same front.”


Bud Yi snorted coldly.

Although she is still reluctant to help this woman in her heart, the evidence is already in front of her, and for Kiana, she is now willing to make this deal with Rita.

With the help of Bud Yi, plus the clues found earlier about the antidote.

The two soon obtained an antidote to serum.

Bud Yi handed the antidote to Rita.

And said: “I have done what you asked for. Now it’s your turn. ”

Rita also said truthfully as agreed: “Deep at the bottom of the administrative building of this industrial zone, the World Snake has built a laboratory called “Five Three Three”, in which research related to collapse is carried out. The place where Miss Kiana was imprisoned should be there. I’ll give you the map and the course of action…”

Without waiting for her to finish.

Bud Yi pulled out her sword again and put it on Rita’s neck.

“This is … What do you mean? ”

Faced with this situation, Rita is still very calm.

“Rita! I want one more thing, that eye, that gray eye! ”

For this kind of stuff.

Rita just chuckled: “As you wish.” ”

Bud Yi looked at the eyes of the gray snake in his hand, and couldn’t help but show a smile: “In this way, that child has gained the last freedom.” ”


Seeing her like this, Rita couldn’t help but urge: “If Miss Bud Yi continues to delay here, Miss Kiana is afraid that she will suffer in that laboratory.” Well, leave it at that, and I hope that the next time we meet, you will not put your sword on my neck again. ”

Watch Bud Yi leave.

Rita didn’t leave, she still had her own business to do, to find out where the World Serpent hid the EOS.


Industrial zone.

Underground laboratory.

For countless dark nights, she had dreams that could not distinguish between true and false, immersed in the bottomless abyss of memory.

Pitch black, cold, she desperately went upstream, she breathed desperately.

But the road up is too dark and long… And the option of giving up is within reach.

She was tired, and she just wanted to sleep like this, never paying any more attention to this world full of pain.

However, a faint voice kept calling her name, as if the thick ice had cracked the slightest gap.

The name sounded so strange that the maiden never really owned it… But every syllable pounded her heartbeat.

“Kiana Kaslanna! Wake up! ”

She remembered the name, which she longed to have.

Consciousness gradually cleared, and she remembered… I have been subjected to torture and experimentation.

There are still unfinished tasks, and she can’t… Just let yourself fall asleep.

“Ahem… Ahem…”

Kiana woke up again and coughed violently.

She at the moment.

It is being placed on a test bench in the laboratory.

On the screen ahead, it was the jackal.

She was particularly excited: “Very good, Void Lawyer, in the test just now, you only fainted for a third of a second, your body is simply a miracle, it seems that no matter how I toss it, it can return to its original state… Can you still speak? ”

Kiana looked tired.

The tone was weak: “… Your experiments… How many people will survive the experiment in Skydome City? ”

The jackal laughed mockingly: “You care a lot about the number of people? I thought the death toll was as meaningless to the Void Law as crumbs on the table after dinner, and I would tell you with the answer, as long as you could still hear me. ”

“The next project, the link response between the lawyer core and physiological tissue.”

The voice fell.

Kiana let out a scream of pain.

A scream, so that the players can’t bear to watch it.

They don’t understand.


Why did Kiana suffer such pain?

Why does such a sunny and lovely girl have to endure so much suffering, force her to grow, and constantly abuse her?

The only answer is… Damn it! Planning is sick.

The experiment is ongoing.

Each experiment was desperately torturing Kiana’s body, causing her to scream in extreme pain.

And after each experiment, Kiana would ask a little about their stigmata plan from the side.

After several times in a row.

The jackal also lost patience: “You have too many questions, skip other tests and start unpacking directly!” ”

A smile appeared on Kiana’s tired face.

“For this little answer, it took so long with you… Forget it, I guess I can’t get more information. ”

Seeing that the girl who was still weak and dying just now, now showed the smile of a hunter’s triumph.

The jackal was extremely shocked: “This can’t be… You just clearly had…”

“Oops, learning to scream and fake cry are essential skills for girls! Just those two strokes of yours, in fact, it doesn’t hurt so much. ”


Kiana raised her fist, punching and punching, and the steel-solid strengthened glass was like shattering thin ice under her anger.

“Remember! It’s not just these pieces of glass that will be shattered today, but also your stupid stigmata plan. ”

Kiana ripped open her complicated infusion line, stepped out of the lab, and took a deep breath of free air.

Although she said it lightly just now.

But Fu Hua was still worried: “Kiana, your body…”

Kiana clenched her fists and felt the situation: “It’s strange to say… This guy’s torture doesn’t hurt at all. ”


In the minds of countless players, only this faint sigh remained.

PD was also stunned.

Muttered, “It doesn’t hurt at all? ”

No way!

Looking at the plot just now, looking at the jackal who fell into madness because of torturing the lawyer.

It is absolutely impossible not to hurt.

Rather, under that torture, the piercing pain will make people faint instantly, and then wake up painfully, and then faint again, which is normal.

Why doesn’t it hurt? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Just think of this question.

PD felt a pain in his chest, and he asked the audience in the live broadcast room: “Just now… Am I being knifed again? ”

And not only him.

Many people feel the same way.

Watching so many people say that they were knifed in the barrage, then it is absolutely right.

“Absolutely, grandma’s, I just watched a plot, and I was inexplicably knifed.”

And the plot continues.

Kiana took out the last Broken Beast in front of the gate.

At the same time, the door of the laboratory suddenly shook with a loud noise and fell to both sides.

Kiana immediately took a fighting stance and prepared to face a new enemy.

However, the person who appeared in front of her caught her off guard.


With a crying voice, with a long expectation, with incredible emotions, Bud Yi called softly.

Look at the person in front of you.

Kiana imagined 10,000 scenes of not reuniting with Bud Yi. But there is no such thing as now, at such a moment, in such a place … There was not a trace of joy in her heart.

“Ah! Bud clothes? What are you coming to do? … You, you shouldn’t be here! I…… Over here…… It’s dangerous! ”

Panicked, she couldn’t even speak clearly.

After so many changes, she thought that she was strong enough, strong enough to face the scene of her old friends reuniting.

But the moment she saw Nha Yi, her confidence collapsed. She became the wandering girl who was at a loss in Skydome City again.

The guilt in my heart lingers, the fear of losing control again… A demon named Past, whispering behind her.

Face such Kiana.

Bud Yi just stepped forward silently and hugged Kiana tightly.

She clasped the corners of Kiana’s clothes tightly, as if as soon as she let go, the girl in front of her would disappear.

And at this time.

Nha Yi noticed that Kiana’s body was covered with scars, which were the result of the torture she had just suffered in the laboratory….

“Kiana, you’re hurt… I’ll take you back, back to Hyperion. Principal, they are waiting for you. ”

She said it almost in a tone of wist.

Her heart was already distressed, and she just wanted to take her to treatment quickly.


Kiana’s tone was low, and her head was lowered: “I… Can’t go back, bud clothes. ”

Get back?

Can she still laugh unbridled at her friends as she used to? Can she still stand in front of them casually?

And they… Will you respond to her with an affectionate smile like you used to?

She knows very well.

Some things, once they happen, are like carving scars on their faces. A forced smile only makes the pain clearer.

Knowing this, Kiana said again: “I’m sorry… I can’t let you take that risk. ”

Kiana, who was staring at Bud Yi, felt that she was so strange for the first time.


The squad leader Fu Hua coughed lightly, interrupting the atmosphere between the two.

“Kiana, now is not the time to reminisce. Enemies are pouring along the passage to remind Bud Yi to prepare for battle! ”

Kiana also said to Nha Yi: “Nha Yi, give me a little time.” We have to get out of here first, and when the crisis in the city is solved, we will talk about something else. ”

“I understand, it was Rita who sent me to find you, and I know all the relevant information. Kiana, I want you to understand that all the people on Hyperion and I will always be waiting for you. ”

Kiana nodded.

Turn around and rush towards the enemy.

The two had just come out of the basement.

Just met Rita.

After some exchange of information, everyone also knew the full picture of the stigmata plan.

The purpose of the jackal is to create a catastrophe that covers the entire city and completely activate the stigmata. And in this collapse disaster, countless people who cannot activate the stigmata will die.

And the Avalanche Energy engine that detonated all this was installed at the top of the signal tower in the center of the city.

The three immediately made a decision.

Rita stayed behind to block the pursuing enemy.

Let Kiana stop the disaster, and at the same time, also say that he will not pursue her.

But obviously.

It’s not going to be that simple.

Not long after Nha Yi and Kiana left, they were stopped by ravens.

Raven is a victim of Avalanche, and she has a hatred for the Void Lawyer, and even though she thinks that the jackal’s experiment is a bit crazy, she can only accept it for the sake of humans.

The battle between the two was on the verge of breaking out.

Although Raven’s strength is very good, it is still not enough to look at compared to Kiana, who has mastered the ability of the Law of Void.

After holding on for a while, she was completely defeated.

“You can kill me… The Law of Emptiness… Just like you’ve always done…”

Ki 1.1 Yana looked deeply into each other’s eyes.

In these eyes, which were her age, she had never experienced anything other than death and terror.

She put away the gun and wasn’t going to do it.

See here.

Raven coughed up blood and laughed: “The experiment is about to begin, no matter what you do now, you can’t change this ending, I dragged you down, I won.” ”

After saying these words, a circle of white smoke rose under her feet, and she disappeared with this smoke.


As the raven thought.

Now Kiana is already in an extremely anxious state.

“It’s all come this far, but there’s no time!”

In order to stop this conspiracy and protect the innocent people in Skydome City, she squeezed almost every part of her own strength in her body, calculated the world snake, attracted the Mandate of Heaven, and forced her body to walk on the verge of collapse.

“Certainly… There must be another way to leave! I can’t be stuck here. ”

Fu Hua’s voice appeared at the right time: “Kiana, use the energy of the Void Law with all your strength. Awaken all the power of the Void Lawyer in your body, and hopefully get there before the engine bursts to stop this from happening. ”

“I understand what you’re going to do… I also know it’s the only way, but you… Already weak. ”

If you want to fully use the power of the Void Lawyer, you must rely on Fu Hua to suppress the personality consciousness of the Void Lawyer.


Even when the two communicated not long ago, Fu Hua’s consciousness was on the verge of being scattered.

Fu Hua just continued: “I will do my best to bind her personality, and you can use the power of the core of the lawyer to your heart’s content. You are right, a person who thinks back to the old days cannot find himself always running away. “。

wuxiax.com, 13/03/2023 20:56

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