“Those who died because of the collapse are gone, and they didn’t have the opportunity to see the world change for the better with your efforts. But you can let those who are still alive see it with their own eyes. ”

After listening to Fu Hua’s words, Kiana turned her head and took a deep look at her companion, Nha Yi.

Even though Bud Yi couldn’t hear Fu Hua’s communication with Kiana’s consciousness.

However, with her understanding of Kiana, the moment Kiana turned back, she already understood all the decisions she had to make.

Bud Yi’s lips trembled slightly, and she looked at Kiana in silence.

She wants to retain, she wants to stop.

But Nha Yi understood better that Kiana would not stop at this moment.

Kiana looked up.

Close your eyes.

In consciousness.

Yuduchen Fuhua said his farewell words: “Do what you should do.” ”




PD is now full of question marks.

The players in the live broadcast room are also full of question marks.

It’s not that they didn’t understand the plot, but they couldn’t understand why when they were watching the plot and were fascinated by the plot, they suddenly stabbed again?

“Fu Hua… Gone? ”

PD still can’t believe it.

But this farewell picture, the front is constantly said to be a foreshadowing that may die.


It seems, true.

Players are also heartbroken.

Although she is often jokingly called a tablet, players like Fu Hua very much.

People who have spent 50,000 years like this, spanning 2 civilization eras, are actually gone?

It’s all Otto!

If it weren’t for his shot.

It’s all planning Lin Yuhao!

If he hadn’t set up the plot like this…

And at this moment, the players finally reacted: “Grandma’s, this Otto dubbing is Lin Yuhao!” Damn guys, brothers, we went to knife him. ”

Inside the live broadcast room.

The players all rioted.

And PD is still a little sluggish, he said that he is already invulnerable, and no knife can shake him.

But seeing that Fuhua is about to disappear.

His chest was still as if he had been hit hard, and he couldn’t feel bad.

I could only sigh with emotion: “This Honkai Three’s knife is an attack that ignores defense!” ”

Now PD is no longer in the mood to pay attention to the audience in the live broadcast room.

With a heavy heart13.

Keep looking.


Kiana held the light feather like a fine snowflake, and the feather slowly melted between her fingers.

She looked down and carefully felt the wonderful experience of Fu Hua being one with herself. The inherently dangerous and restless side of the soul seemed to be firmly suppressed by a gentle and stable hand.

“Let’s go! Kiana. ”

Fu Hua’s last voice appeared.

Suddenly, the fear and doubt that had always enveloped her dissipated under this clear night sky.

She ran.

The plot came to an abrupt end.

Burst into the picture: Crush the darkness! Dawn is broken!

The picture goes dark.

The next moment.

Animated clips are automatically played together.

In the midst of this hustle and bustle of the city, Kiana runs alone, crossing lonely laneways and climbing floors.

Constantly shuttling through the rooftops of the city.

Her skills are so strong, and her purpose is so clear.

In this long night.

Someone witnessed her posture and pulled her mother and shouted, “Mom, look.” ”

The girl ignored the gaze of ordinary people and ran firmly to her destination.


Not far away, there was a minute-by-second delay.

Until you came to the top of the tower closest to the most central signal tower in the city.

Look at the signal tower that is close and far away.

Kiana’s gaze swept over the mech blocking the road ahead.

“Hmph, coming?”

She is shuttling around the city like this, and it is normal for the other party to take emergency measures.

Now she can indeed use the power of the Void Law.


Kiana knew very well that Fu Hua could not last long, and every time she used her strength, she was putting pressure on Fu Hua.

And…… She didn’t know what kind of danger awaited her behind.

If it is not necessary, she is absolutely unwilling to use this power.


Take a deep breath.

She unfastened her coat and threw it away.

Since it has been discovered, there is no need to hide it.

With his right hand raised, a baseball bat teleported out of subspace.

Now the armored outfit on Kiana’s body is exactly what players are most familiar with – Bai Lian.

“I’m not available, here… Accompany you! ”

Kiana ran again.

A tower on the edge of a tall building, jumped out, borrowed a baseball bat to hang on a hook, and crossed the gap between the two buildings.

Come to this guarding mech.

With a stick in hand, shoot the flying missiles.

The whole person quickly approached the mecha.

Now her strength is no longer the first time that captains have used her.

Kiana dodged several missiles in a hurry.

Grab the baseball bat in your hand, destroy the arm of one mech, and at the same time as it explodes, borrow the impact inertia to reach the head of another mech, and smash its head to the ground.

At the same time as the explosion.

Kiana has left the platform.

Continue towards the signal tower in the most central part of the city.

En route.

Countless mech attacks.

Countless artillery fire flew around.

The whole picture, the players who watch it are addicted, this kind of picture, is simply a hundred times more exciting than the current blood anime.


The worm that used to be.

It has grown to such a point, become so powerful.

Just Bai Lian already has such a powerful combat power.

Watch her shuttle through artillery fire and watch her easily destroy mechs.

Watch as she gets closer and closer to the tower.

It was as if hope was at hand.

Right at this moment.

Just as she swung over by tightrope.

In the afterglow of his sight, he saw a strangely shaped mech.

The other party also locked her instantly, and the Gatling on his arm shot wildly.

Kiana decisively turned the baseball bat to make it a circular barrier against Gatling’s strafing shots.

At the same time, find an opportunity to throw a baseball bat out, smashing the mech’s arm.

The whole is spinning in idling and leaping past.

The ability of this mecha is really extraordinary, and it actually withstood this blow.

And burst out a terrifying impact, so that the armor of the cat’s claws was completely shattered, and Kiana was also knocked out by this impact.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

The flame jet on the back of the mech instantly accelerated to Kiana, ready to deliver her a fatal blow.

This is at this time of crisis.

Kiana raised her head sharply, and the right eye Void Lawyer ability expanded.

The mecha’s fist traveled through subspace, appeared directly behind itself, and completely shattered itself.

At the same time.

The surrounding mechs are also full of firepower.

Dozens of missiles opened fire in unison, and the missiles hit the platform directly.

Seeing that a hit explosion is about to be hit.

Kiana once again uses the space-time break.

The space was frozen for a moment, and she jumped high, stepped on these missiles, and finally reached the top of the signal tower.

“This is it!”

“The bomb must be defused quickly.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There is no time to delay anymore.

Kiana quickly rushed towards the bomb in the center, and the terrifying collapse energy burst out in an instant.

Rao is that she can’t resist.

I was repelled by this collapse.

In the face of this powerful collapse energy, Kiana could only hold on to get closer a little.

As she approached, the erosion of Avalanche Energy on her body became more and more serious, and traces of Avalanche Energy erosion appeared in her entire arm.


It was as if the body was about to be torn to shreds.

Kiana could only grab her right hand with her left hand, allowing her right hand to push forward and hold the bomb tightly.

So close.

Honkai energy also eroded her to the maximum.

The epidermis of her arm began to disintegrate, and the whole person was already in pain, and Celine was also trying to resist.

Clearly…… It’s gotten to this point.

Clearly…… It can be stopped right away.

Don’t…… Is it only going so far?

Kiana covered her head in pain, her right hand still clutching the bomb, unwilling to let go.

This moment.

The voice that appeared in the dream countless times sounded.


She slowly looked to the right.

“Ah! Himeko? Teacher…”

Hearing her voice, Himeko also turned her head slightly and showed a familiar doting expression to her.


Kiana thought about it: “I promised you…”

Recall Himeko’s teachings and recall all the things in the past.

Even though her hands were blurred with flesh and blood because of the collapse, even though the whole was on the verge of collapse.

But she!

Or move forward again.

Both hands simply hold the bomb valve.

“I will make this imperfect world what we expect!”

This moment.

She bursts out with the strongest power.

This moment.

Himeko’s back appeared in front of her.

This moment.

The entire bomb turned into a meteor and flew into the air.

Underneath the bomb, Kiana had already turned into the appearance of the Void Lawyer, the only difference was that the pupils that represented Kiana’s consciousness were still so clear.

Under the watchful eye of people from all over the city.

Kiana was pushing the bomb, turning into a shooting star, streaking across the night sky and flying above the sky.

Until her strength is about to run out.

She also still used her last strength to push the bomb further with the Naya Space Spear and completely detonate it.


The terrifying explosion overturned the entire night.

Bringing a brief light to the city.

No one knew that at this moment there was an unsung hero guarding them.

No one knew that under this brilliant brilliance, a young girl tried her best to absorb all the collapse energy.

No one knew that after this gorgeous explosion, a young girl fell from a height alone.


The conspiracy of the World Serpent quietly dissipated in the dazzling firelight.

No one knows what happened… Only she is running after the trajectory of the meteor.


With tears in her eyes, Bud Yi kept chasing and running.

She couldn’t imagine how Kiana would be hurt in the explosion just now, and what kind of state she was in now.

Just thinking about this makes her heart ache even more, and she runs faster.

Hurry up!

Hurry up!

She wanted to get to Kiana’s side as soon as possible.

She wanted to protect, to protect, to take care of this girl, and she didn’t want Kiana to be hurt again.

“Kiana… Wait for me, I will definitely bring you to everyone’s side. ”

It’s just that……

What Bud Yi doesn’t know is.

Below the site where Kiana fell.

The strongest Valkyrie, Youlandale, has already arrived here.

She gently touched the ground with the black abyss white flower, and a towering vine rose up from the ground, emitting a brilliant white light to meet the falling starlight.

Wrapped in giant vines, Kiana fell steadily.

As the white light gradually melted into her body and dissipated, the originally miserable wound actually recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the scars of the flesh were treated.

But in the explosion just now, Kiana’s consciousness fell into a deep sleep again.


Bud Yi rushed over.

As soon as the voice came out of her mouth, a twinkling azure comet fell from the sky, and at the 180th position where the light fell, a blond Valkyrie blocked in front of her.

“Are you… Valkyrie Randell! ”

“First meeting, Raiden Bud Yi.”

The holder of the Black Abyss White Flower of the Key of God, the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny. Regarding the name and achievements of Youlandell, the bud clothes as a Valkyrie are clear. Her story is passed down through the word of mouth of destiny, but even such an opponent, Bud Yi must fight.

“I was ordered to take Kiana Kaslana.”

Youlandell said the purpose flatly.


Bud Yi took a deep breath and clenched his weapon.

Battles are inevitable!

The battle between the two can be said to have ended between electric flint.

In terms of strength, Raiden Bud Yi is completely invincible to Youlandale.

“That’s the end of it, Raiden Bud Yi, you have no chance of victory.”

“Not yet… Come to an end…… I won’t hand Kiana over to you…”

Even though it is already difficult for the body to stand.

But Nha Yi still gritted her teeth and wanted to take Kiana back.

It’s just that……

The disparity in strength between the two is too great.

Her power simply could not fight it.

“Nice eyes, but now you still have the power to match this will.”

Drop the words.

Urandale jumped up with Kiana, like a flash of light shooting into the sky.

Before she could react, the flash of realization had disappeared into the distance, leaving her on the empty street.

Bud Yi desperately chased after him, doing his best in the trance of the night. However, no matter how hard she tried, she could not grasp the trajectory of the light.

I don’t know how long I ran, but Bud Yi finally stopped exhausted.

Holding Kiana’s dropped coat, she cried bitterly: “I can’t do anything…”

Bud Yi’s body couldn’t stop trembling. Remorse, unwillingness, self-blame, all feelings gush out at this moment.

Youlandale’s understated actions and words were like a blade hanging in her heart, making her unable to breathe.

Every time she thought about it, her heart became heavier, and she watched her most important person being taken away so easily.

The peaceful time of St. Freya Academy seemed to be yesterday, but in the blink of an eye, Kiana turned into the queen of collapse, showing a hideous smile.

Now that they finally met, and watched her take away, everything was already different, and the only thing that had not changed was that he remained in place, the weak self.

She understood that now Kiana was getting farther and farther away from her, farther and farther away…

The picture freezes.

In the minds of countless players, there are still images of Bud Yi holding Kiana’s coat and crying, and the cry is like a sharp blade piercing into the player’s chest.


Some people in the PD live broadcast room noticed that PD is still so calm.

Just when I wanted to praise him.

I saw PD take out his mobile phone and dial: “Hey, psychiatrist?” I played a game and played depression, how can I treat it? “。

wuxiax.com, 13/03/2023 20:59

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