“How can these dead men run so much is completely different from what is in the movie. Alas? What’s wrong with you, why didn’t you say a word. ”

Kiana looked at the bud beside her.

What I saw was her panicked, confused and hesitant.

Bud Yi is now completely overwhelmed: “We… What’s next? The whole city was destroyed, there were broken beasts and dead soldiers everywhere, and there was no rescue in sight… Say we want to escape, but where can we escape? ”

“Oops~ don’t worry.”

At this time, Kiana’s tone was still so lively.

I don’t know my brains when I do things, and I look cute.

“There will always be a way. Isn’t there an old saying? The bridge to the bow is naturally straight! ”

Hear her words.


Kiana scratched her head in embarrassment: “Don’t care about the details!” We walked all the way east, through the wall, and we were sure to encounter other living people. It’s really not possible, continue north to leave Changkong City, or… There are many ways to borrow a boat to escape abroad by the sea. ”

Bud Yi did not speak.

It was silent for a long time.

Only then said: “You better leave me alone, you can escape alone, and you may be saved.” With me, it’s with a ticking time bomb…”

Kiana interrupted her directly: “Why are you still saying such things, haven’t they all returned to normal?” ”

“Nope! You don’t understand that feeling… Darkness poured in from all directions, as if to tear my body apart… I know that the voice is still there, and even if I can get out of here, it will always follow, if… I lost control again…”

Bud Yi did not dare to think.

I didn’t dare to imagine that kind of scene, this ruined Changkong City.

Those countless people howled, the feeling that they would push those close to them into the abyss.

She was afraid.

She was really scared that it would happen again.

“Then I’ll win you again.”

Kiana’s voice tore through her fear.

Previously, she was saved because of Kiana, and was briefly out of the darkness. 13

She looked at Kiana blankly.

Listen to her continue: “If there is danger, I will take you to escape, and if there are enemies coming out, I will kill them all.” If you become that lawyer again, I’m going to wake you up with a bat. Change once to fight once, change ten times to fight ten times. Even if you are full of bags, I will always accompany you and protect you. ”

“So… Don’t keep thinking about that kind of thing, you see, you used to be a person, I used to be a person, aren’t I quite similar? It’s better to get along well, make friends, and have multiple companions for each other. ”

The unique confession exclusive to Kiana-style gradually broke the bud defense, gradually calmed her panicked heart, and let her dark world gradually shine into a ray of light.

“But other people don’t think so…”

Although she was still a little worried, it was not the same as before.

Kiana smiled and extended her little finger: “Just don’t tell them.” Think of this as a secret for the two of us! ”

“Besides, we look so cute, please intercede, they won’t suspect it.” I’ve tried this trick many times when I was wandering before! ”

Look at Kiana like this.

Bud Yi was also relieved, with tears in her eyes, and said with a smile in her crying voice: “Really, like a fool… However, he is a reassuring fool. ”

She also stretched out her little finger and hooked it with Kiana’s little finger.

Make a pact.

“Huh? What did you just say? ”

Kiana was attracted to the hook, but she didn’t hear Nha Yi say that she was an idiot.

“Nothing, let’s move on.”

Bud Yi, who was still holding back, had already taken the initiative to say that he wanted to move forward at this time.

This moment.

She was also changed by Kiana.


“Huh? And that’s gone? I’m so hungry~ I have no strength…”

Kiana who saw this look.

Bud Yi also rarely showed a smile: “When you get to a safe place, I’ll make you food.” Always eat the rest of the convenience store, and you can’t fill your stomach. ”


Kiana looked at Nha Yi with some surprise: “You can also cook as a young lady?” However, to tell you in advance, my stomach is very picky, and it is not so easy for me to say that it is delicious. ”

“Hehe~ you first aid and watch.”

The original confusion and uneasiness gradually dissipated during this conversation.

Originally hopeless about the future, she even made a promise to cook for Kiana when it was safe.

From time to time…

She has been saved by Kiana, and she has changed her life.

It’s like… The empty teacher changed her the same.


It was dark.

Bud Yi also woke up from a dream.

There are still residual tear marks in the corners of the eyes.


Take a long breath and cheer yourself up.

Wash up.

Bud Yi suddenly discovered the abnormality of Changkong City.

Hurried to find Dr. Tesla.


“Huh…? What’s wrong…… Chicken nest head…”

Dr. Tesla was still sleeping in a daze, as if talking in a dream.

“Wake up!”

Bud Yi urged.

“…… Star? …… Yes…… Right…… Our next stop… Centaur…”

Dr. Tesla still hasn’t woken up, and he’s still talking in a daze.

“The Doctor… Doctor…”

Bud Yi had to pat her gently in an attempt to wake her up.

“Oops… Don’t worry…”

Dr. Tesla is not willing to wake up yet.

Bud Yi was helpless, she could only hold her shoulders and shake: “Dr. Tesla wake up quickly!” The water level in Changkong City has grown. ”

In this case.

Dr. Tesla finally sobered up a little and washed up completely sober up under the urging of Bud Yi.

The two came together to the outside of the Helios.

The sea that flooded the city is still calm, without a trace of waves. But the water level rose by more than a dozen meters overnight.

The roads that were still exposed to the water were all submerged overnight.

Dr. Tesla exclaimed, “Hey!! What is this situation? ”

Bud Yi also frowned: “This is definitely not normal… Children may be in danger and have to get over quickly. ”

It has been three years since Changkong City was submerged by the sea.

Sora once said that it has always been like this here, and not much has changed.

Now suddenly the water level is rising, absolutely wrong.

I saw that the children were busy moving the contents of the warehouse, obviously unguarded by the rise of the sea, which once again showed the special situation this time.

While Bud Yi goes to make sure the children are safe.

Dr. Tesla also cleaned up the broken beasts outside.

But it is still not to be taken lightly.

“For now, let’s do the protection first, and we have to move the children and supplies to Gao. The situation is special, I have to let the tactical mech enter the shantytown, and trouble Kong and Bud Yi to explain it to them. ”

“Well… Good. ”

Sora hurriedly went to explain this matter with Bud Yi.

With the help of tactical mecha, in ten minutes, the lower layer of the nest was transferred.

Empty looking at the water.

I was also very puzzled: “What’s going on, why did the water level suddenly rise?” Changkong City has been … A lot of weird things. ”

Bud Yi also had this feeling: “Doctor, I have a bad feeling that the Honkai Beast has become more active and its number is increasing, just like … Attracted to what is the same. ”

The void was instantly abrupt.

Hurriedly said: “Could it be… Is it because of the big collapsed beast I met yesterday? I’ve never seen it before… It’s like…”

Sora struggled to find adjectives.

Finally, he said, “Like the leader of the beasts.” ”

“Where did you meet it?”

Bud Yi hurriedly asked.

Now the situation in Changkong City is too abnormal, and she must quickly investigate these things. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Otherwise, the potential danger will only bring them more trouble.

Under an empty description.

Bud Yi and Sora went together to the vicinity of the long empty wall.

The closer the two got to that place, the more they could feel abnormalities.

Those usually fierce Collapsed Beasts were actually fleeing into the distance.

“That’s not right!!”

“This is…”

Bud Yi noticed a huge shadow on the ground and hurriedly looked up at the sky.

At the same time, Sora exclaimed urgently: “Bud Yi! Be careful. ”


A shrill roar.

Shattering the entire sky, causing the Collapsed Beasts on the ground to scatter in fear.

See this scene.

Bud Yi’s heart shook: “No… No way? How could it be here? …… Bellarus?? ”

She is all too familiar!

The appearance of this broken beast appeared in her memory more than once.

The scene of the birth of the queen, Bellarus accompanies her and submits to her.

Bud Yi could not understand.

It is completely incomprehensible why it is here.


Bud Yi noticed an abnormality.

“This look, different from before, this power is…”

Now Bellales is covered with purple Avalanche energy.


Bellarus wasn’t going to give her much time to think.

After a long roar.

And the attack began.

Bud Yi had just fended off an attack.

He covered his head in pain, unable to fight.

I don’t know why, her head… It hurts a lot!

The abnormal vertigo constantly hit the brain, but this Bellarus mixed with lightning and thunder struck the bud clothes again and again, restless like a roar, and trembling like a low groan.

This Bellarus is much more violent than before!

Bud Yi hugged the air and tumbled into the narrow low-lying area, but the wind also chased after him…

Sora shouted in fear: “It! It chased after it. ”

Seeing that Bellares’ attack is coming.

A voice suddenly sounded.

“Empty! Flash away. ”

With the words falling.

A violent collision sounded behind Bud Yi, and looking back, the mysterious person who suddenly appeared actually resisted Bellarus’s attack alone and completely struck it.


Sora shouted excitedly.

Bud Yi looked at the woman in the black robe, and her eyes were also incredulous.

It’s not just her.


Countless players in Sister Zhou’s live broadcast room.

All fell into sluggishness.

Muttered, “It turned out to be her…”

Sister Zhou herself didn’t want to believe it, and shouted desperately: “!! Groove!! How can it be! This Nimala Ha Tour is playing me, right? The teacher turned out to be a raven? I fucked! ”

She kept spitting fragrance in her mouth.

This result is the most unlikely outcome she thinks.

It was also the result she least wanted to believe.

The front foot just said that if it was a raven, she would broadcast Lu Gou live…


In the barrage, some people began to stir.

“I said it was a raven, isn’t that what Brother Raven said?”

“Sister Zhou, what has been said must count, we look forward to it.”

“It’s a raven? It was a flip in my mind. ”

“Seriously, don’t blame Sister Zhou, even I feel that this description is completely inconsistent with 233 Raven.”

“I ask, who would have thought that the raven would cry and make trouble, roll all over the ground, and then swear to the sea that no matter what the cost of mankind, he would defeat the collapse?”

Originally, it was still coaxing.

As a result, this barrage came out.

As soon as this picture came out.

Most of them couldn’t help but laugh.

Though…… It’s a bit unorthodox to laugh like this, but… Just the thought of the raven rolling and crying on the ground can’t help it.

Especially when she is so handsome now.

The more handsome … The more I remembered that scene, the more I wanted to laugh.

Of course.

Some players also reacted: “I said why did the raven hate Kiana so much when I was in Skydome City, it turned out that there was a personal feud, and her island was lost because of the Law of Emptiness.” ”


Scales fall from one’s eyes!

“Thank you, if you hadn’t spoken out, I might have been in the dark for the rest of my life.”

“Thank you, you are really like a spring breeze, gently lifting my drum, so that I will not be kept in the dark.”

Looking at the live broadcast room, keep coming up with clues.

It is constantly proved that Lehayou has constantly implied that this teacher is a raven in the previous plot.

Sister Zhou also wailed: “Okay!” I dew, okay? I leaked out, and tomorrow I’ll buy a set of Kiana’s C dress to show you. ”

Hear this.

The players sent a barrage one after another and said: “Sister Zhou, don’t destroy our Kiana, you better go to COS Dr. Tesla!” Dr. Tesla is suitable for you, she is simply Sister Honkai Zhou! ”

This one said.

Let’s compare the two.

Slap their thighs one after another!

“It really is!”

The same figure, the same mouth…

It’s Sister Zhou, that’s right!

Sister Zhou had a black face, thinking back to the plot and picture of Dr. Tesla.

Thinking of the way she spat fragrant like crazy.

Muttered, “Wouldn’t you? Shouldn’t this Lin Yuhao be Dr. Tesla who has a crush on me and specializes in using my character design? ”

Leha Tour Company.

Lin Yuhao looked at Hanser and the others who were staring at him beside him.

Hurriedly denied: “No! Absolutely not, she was slandering me. ”

He originally asked everyone to take a break and watch the live broadcast of “Honkai III” to understand the player’s reaction to the plot and see if adjustments were needed.


Hanser snorted lightly: “Anyway, I also want you to design a character according to my character in Honkai III.” ”

This moment.

Lin Yuhao’s mind suddenly appeared in the previous world.

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