“What do you want!”

Hanser saw Lin Yuhao constantly scanning himself, and occasionally showed a bad smile.

Feeling unwell, she hurriedly interrupted him.

Lin Yuhao came back to his senses, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

A serious book said: “Keep looking, and think for yourself if there is anything that needs to be adjusted.” ”

“Something is wrong!”

“Something is wrong!”

“You’re thinking about something bad, aren’t you?”

Hanser hugged his chest and quickly distanced himself from him.

I’m ready to say something.

The next moment.

Ju Hua Hua squeezed over and snatched the place next to Lin Yuhao: “Exactly, Mr. Lin, you help me refer to it and see where the emotions are not in place.” ”

“You… Juhuahua!! ”

Hanser is going to make a fuss again.


Seeing that he usually drives at every turn, he sticks to Lin Yuhao’s Juhuahua, and now he is watching the live broadcast plot very attentively, and it’s not easy to say anything.

As a voice actress, she can best understand her current state.


Also look at the subsequent plot.

“Raiden Bud Clothes! Take her to a safe place, and I’ll handle it here. ”

Bud Yi though shocked the appearance of ravens.

But he also understands that the priority now is to ensure the safety of the void: “Xiaokong, let’s go.” ”

She quickly left the battlefield with air.

Until back to the shantytown.

Only then stopped: “Phew~ It’s safe here.” Hey? Dr. Tesla is not there? Did you go somewhere else? ”

Bud Yi looked around.

I didn’t see Dr. Tesla.

Before going out, he obviously said that he would guard this side.

“It’s been a long time! Thunderbolt bud clothing. ”

A shadow swept by, and the woman in the black cloak fell silently to the ground.

It’s a raven!

Sora also shouted excitedly: “Teacher, you are back!” Did you kill that big beast? ”

Seeing the void, the raven’s tone was much softer: “Sorry, I was escaped by it.” But I injured half of its wings, and for a while, it couldn’t fly. …… Let’s not talk about this, empty, let everyone go back to the house. ”

As if realizing something, Sora nodded hurriedly and disappeared into the depths of the shantytown.

The remaining Raven and Bud Yi stared at each other.

The air seemed to condense.

A moment later.

Raven was the first to speak, “You must have a lot of questions. But first, I want to thank you. I’ve heard about it from kids. You saved the void and helped the nest. If it weren’t for your help, she would probably have been… Anyway, thanks. ”

Compared to these things.

Nha Yi cares more about another thing.

She stared at the raven for a long time and asked a question she didn’t want to believe: “You are the teacher they say?” ”


Raven affirmed.

Bud Yi was a little incredulous: “You in the children’s mouth is completely different from the assassins I saw in Skydome City. ”

Raven’s views are completely indifferent: “People always have some little secrets, don’t they? You came here for that lawyer girl? ”

“That’s right.”

“Xiaokong said, you have a way to help us find Kiana.”


Raven affirmed the empty statement: “But, for you, this is probably not good news, because… I’m here to address her. ”

Bud Yi asked: “What does the world snake want to do!” ”

“No, no, no, this has nothing to do with the organization, it’s my personal judgment. As a thank you for helping the children, tell you something. In Skydome City, that girl once fell into the hands of the world snake and was put in the experimental cabin by a crazy woman and tortured inhumanely. ”

“But afterwards, we found out that all her screams and pain at that time were just a disguise, and she didn’t actually feel even the slightest pain.”

“She has long lost her sense of pain because of the erosion of the core of the lawyer.”

Hear these words of the raven.

Bud Yi shook his head desperately: “It’s impossible, I never knew this kind of thing.” ”

Raven continued to question, “Haven’t you thought about it? One lawyer core can destroy an entire city, and with a whole three sealed in her body, how can she be safe? ”

Her words.

It made Nha Yi’s mood even more low.

But she still didn’t want to believe it.


Her Kiana, who has always given her strength, how could a smiling Kiana be… She simply could not resist the infestation of Honkai. And now, that shackle is gone. ”

“The sea is rising, monsters are gathering, and judgment-level beasts are also summoned… The series of abnormalities that are taking place in Changkong City all point to the same fact – her consciousness is fading, and the consciousness of the lawyer is awakening, like the overflow of water about to break through the dike. ”

Bud Yi bit her lip.

It’s not that she didn’t think about this possibility, but she didn’t want to believe in this possibility, even if it was one in ten thousand, she was willing to believe that all these abnormalities were not caused by Kiana.

But under the words of the ravens.

She also gradually understood that it was useless to deceive herself.

Raven didn’t care about the change in her expression, and continued: “Although the organization said to observe, but now it is like this, the girl must be helpless.” It is estimated that she herself has a hunch that she will hide in such a sparsely populated place. I have to eliminate the hidden dangers before things become irreparable. ”

“Wait, wait!”

Bud Yi finally interrupted her.

He said: “Anti-Entropy will send a fleet to send her to a place far away from the Far East. In this way, the children can also stay away from danger…”

“I don’t think reverse entropy has a way to save her. I still remember the disaster four months ago. Just do it! Solve the problem at the root. ”

Raven’s words have some personal grudges.

The tears that have been shed, the rolls that have been beaten, and the total must be repaid!

Bud Yi almost roared and said: “What to solve the problem, you just want to kill her!” ”

Even if Bud Yi roars so angrily.

Raven’s tone was still very flat: “You are kind to the children, and it is not my goal, I don’t want to conflict with you, but if you insist on hindering me, then it’s another matter!” ”

The two looked at each other.

The will to fight burst out.

Since it cannot be changed by relying on negotiations.

Then it can only be solved by force.

The two started almost at the same time.

The strength of Bud Yi is really a little insufficient.

After only a moment of fighting, it was completely suppressed by the ravens.

“Sleep in peace.”

Raven didn’t intend to hurt Buddy, just told her not to get in her way, it was enough to prepare to stun her.

It’s just that……

She underestimated the will of Bud Yi.

Bud Yi supported his body: “I… won’t let you near her…”

Looked at.

The raven attacked again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shadows flew by, flashed, bloomed, disappeared, weaving the tiny shantytown into a prison, and pitch-black shadows embraced Bud Yi from all directions, leaving scarlet wounds.

But the black fog cleared, and the bud clothes still stood.

The physical pain could not knock her down, because the inner pain supported her to stand up.

The raven couldn’t help but frown.

The offensive was halted and he stayed high in the shantytown to look down on the caged prey.

And then……

Her eyes changed.

Those rosy eyes gradually shone with blood. The strange cloak also suddenly flew up in the windless air, rattling.

Raven got completely serious.

Since the other party wants to show this enlightenment, she has to respond to the price of this enlightenment of the other party!

Just as she was about to do it.

Sora suddenly ran out: “Wait, wait!” ”

The raven’s cloak fell instantly, and she tilted her head to look at the small figure peeking out of the door.

“Empty! Why did you run out without permission?”

Emptiness, who has always listened to her.

At this moment, he asked: “Teacher… Why fight with Bud? Bud clothes… Bud Yi did not bully us. She was kind to everyone and saved me. She just came to find a friend, and when she found it, she would leave… With the teacher’s skills, he will definitely be able to find Bud Yi’s friends. ”

The originally imposing raven was facing the sky.

The voice will still subconsciously soften.

With tenderness she explained: “I can’t give her friend to her. ”


A small void, incomprehensible at all.

She also didn’t know why her teacher made this decision.

Raven went on to explain: “Because that person is dangerous and will hurt you and hurt everyone. ”

Sora hurriedly asked, “Then… Can Nha Yi still see her? ……”

All that responded to her was silence.

The raven did not want to deceive her, nor would he deceive her.

“See, can’t you see?”

The raven remained silent.

But this silence is more difficult to accept than any answer.


Thinking of this result, Sora began to feel uncomfortable.

During this time, she learned about Nha Yi and Kiana, recalled that she met the teacher, the feeling of being saved was the same, and the feelings of cherishing each other were the same.

But…… Now tell her that Nha Yi will not see Kiana because her teacher wants to stop them.

She was even more upset.

Tears couldn’t help but fall.

“Bud Yi misses Kiana a lot… I’ve been talking about Kiana…”

“Three years ago, it was Kiana who saved Nha Yi… It’s like the teacher saved us, how important the teacher is in our hearts, how important Kiana is in the heart of Nha Yi…! ”

“Please the teacher is thinking about it… At least give Bud Yi a chance…”

The raven remained silent.

She understood very well the dangers of the Void Law, and she knew very well, even for the sake of the island… For the sake of their safety, they can’t just agree.

See the raven who is still silent.

“Teacher… It seems to have changed personally… I’m so scared…”

Sora began to cry irrepressibly, and she hugged her head, trying to lower her head to hide her face, like a frightened little animal.

Raven: “…!” ”

This picture seemed familiar to her, more than ten years ago, in the village that turned into a sea of fire, a girl also cried like this.

The raven landed gently from a high place, came to the empty side, and lowered himself to wipe the tears from the corners of the empty eyes.

Incomparably gentle said: “Good boy, don’t be afraid. I promise you… Give her a chance. ”

She crouched down in her empty ear again and said a lot of words before coaxing the frightened girl back into the house. She carefully closed the door and was silent in the room for a long time, and finally turned around and sighed.

Look at the scarred bud clothes.

“Don’t get kids involved in adult disputes,” he said. If you want to know where she is, follow me, I won’t do anything to you, and you’re being stopped by me. I won’t change my mind about her. But how do you want to do it… Whatever you want. ”

After saying that, she turned and left.

Bud Yi just silently followed behind him.

It was not Nya’s intention to involve Sora in, and she had only talked to Sora about herself and Kiana because she had suppressed it for too long.

The two empathize with each other.


Too much happens at once.

Even Nha Yi himself didn’t know what to do.

The raven walked for a long time.

Stop the pace.

Sighing: “Hey…, don’t be silent, I hate this awkward atmosphere.” Although we are not companions, it can be said that I will start tracking down the Law of the Void… Well, there are exactly a couple of suitable targets. ”

Despite her disgruntled tone, Raven seemed intent on keeping her promise.

Bud Yi followed her realization, and not far away, several chariot-level Collapse Beasts were wandering aimlessly.

After being silent for a long time, she also opened her mouth and asked, “Are there anything special about those broken beasts?” ”

So far, nothing special. ”

Drop this phrase.

The raven raised his cloak and disappeared into the wind.

The next moment.

The claws in her hand pierced deeply into the body of the Broken Beast.

The blood-red black, like a little ink flower dripping into the water, continued to soak on the pale body of the Broken Beast until it completely submerged the behemoth.

“Good boy, it won’t hurt right away.”

The monster’s mournful cry gradually became low, faint, stopped, and finally it fell to the ground, completely losing its breath.

“What did you do to it?”

See the ravens come back.

Bud Yi questioned.

“In other words, as long as it interferes with their perception of this signal, it can change the actions of the Honkai Beast, and even manipulate an individual to send an indicator to its companions.”

“I’ve always used this method to keep the Honkai and the Dead away from the children and carve out a safe zone.”

Bud Yi understood this.

Koku has spoken of the safe zone many times.

It turned out that the raven made it in this way.

Although what she did in Skydome City at the beginning made people feel like a complete villain.

Raven continued: “Through this communication, I can not only send signals, but also receive their signals. Connect the senses of the beast, enter the world of the beast, immerse, listen, feel what humans can’t… The heat that permeates the air, the warm currents that travel through the sea, and… From afar, the sweet fragrance of the lawyer is constantly coming. “。

wuxiax.com, 13/03/2023 21:01

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