After a long time.

The raven slowly opened his eyes.

She took out a scroll of maps out of nowhere, swiped a few simple lines from right to left with her paws, and then drew a few circles back and forth in the location of Xicheng District.

“The aura of the lawyer is mixed in the city’s Collapse Energy, and the information that a single Avalanche Beast can get is really limited. To pinpoint the location of the Law of Emptiness, I need more samples. ”

“Although it is also a way to slowly find the guy who has fallen behind, the current situation obviously does not allow us to waste time like this…”

Not sure what she did.



The surrounding Honkai beasts all went berserk.

They all gathered towards this side.

Raven explained: “The range of activity of the Breakthrough Grade Avalanche Beast covers the entire city, and its sensitivity to Avalanche energy is also quite strong. So, I sent them an invitation and it saved a lot of time, didn’t I? ”

“What a mess!!”

Bud Yi looked at the swarming Honkai beasts.

I think this raven is really unreliable, and he actually did such a messy thing.


Without waiting for her to say anything more.

The Collapsed Beast that was close to the point had already rushed over.

No way!

Although there are still injuries on the body, now you must fight!

The raven also killed crazy, and his eyes turned blood-red, turning into a black shadow, constantly shuttling between the broken beasts.

I don’t know how long it took.

The roar of the Honkai Beast gradually dissipated.

The Honkai beasts standing on the ground had all been knocked down.

Bud Yi wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead and gasped at the raven.

Raven also said: “Look at this number, the collapse beasts in the small half of the city have been solved by us. You’re pretty powerful, samurai girl. ”


She picked up a breakthrough-level collapse beast and lifted it up like a little rabbit, and the enchanting black flower began to spread on its body.

At the same time, he said to Bud Yi: “It’s just one day, and that child is so protective of you as an outsider.” I really want to know what magic you did to her. You shouldn’t have talked much about the Void Law, right? ”

Bud Yi shook her head: “I didn’t tell her.” ”

The empty is still too small.

No matter what angle you are at, you shouldn’t tell her about it.

“That’s good.”

Raven is also relieved: “These children’s understanding of Honkai is still very shallow, only staying at the disaster level, don’t instill them with extra knowledge.” ”

The two then chatted a little.

Also let the player and Bud 533 Yi know more about empty them.

They possess stigmata, but they are not complete, and although they have the ability to live in the collapse, they cannot continue to live in the environment without the collapse, otherwise they will have a withdrawal reaction.

With the current level of science and technology, there is no way to treat it, and if you want to reduce the risk, you can only rely on the long-term drug treatment provided by the snake of the world to slowly promote the awakening of the stigmata.

Look at such ravens.

Recall the raven learned from the empty mouth.

Bud Yi said: “I… Don’t think you’re a complete evildoer. Xiaokong told me a lot about you, and she respects you and is proud to have a teacher like you. ”

But at the same time, she was very incomprehensible: “While you are saving children, you are helping the world snake to push the entire city to the test table.” Don’t you feel contradictory? ”

The raven opened his eyes and smiled softly at her.

“I’m just a mercenary, as long as the pay is reasonable, I can do anything, and anyone can kill. Maybe in your opinion, I have saved dozens of children, but compared to the lives I buried with my own hands, this is really a small number. If this is also a contradiction, then I have experienced too many contradictions. ”

She went on to give examples: “An arms dealer who sparks a war in the shadows and paves the way with corpses may also be a hero who seeks a child to worship, a solid pillar of a family. ”

“Entrepreneurs who wander in the gray area and use extraordinary means to exclude dissidents and seek high positions may also use all their family assets to build the streets where they grow.”

“And the innocent refugees who hide in cold corners and tremble, waiting for help from others… It is also possible that for the sake of a bucket of rice, a liter of water begins to kill each other, inflicting their own tragedy on others and becoming a monster that has lost its humanity. ”

She threw out the Honkai Beast in her hand hard, watching it fall into the sea, slowly sinking, sinking… Until it is completely submerged by the sea.

Raven also recalls the image of meeting the void.

“That day, she collapsed in the rubble, struggling in a dull language to tell me she wanted to live. I was just…… I don’t want her to become that monster too. The time I spent with them often made me feel alive. It’s a nice feeling. ”

Hear these words of the raven.

Bud Yi also gradually understood her.

At the same time, she also didn’t understand that she was obviously helping people who wanted to live. (bdfg)

But why!

“Why are you still hating Kiana? You are also in Skydome City, and you should have seen her protect that city. She regards the suffering of others as her own responsibility, but hides her own pain in her heart; She carries the burden and mission on her shoulders, but only leaves others with a relaxed smile. ”

The raven was not shaken by this, and she experienced countless things.

Always firm in your ideas.

She also said: “You believe in her will, and you are willing to pay the price to bet on the possibility of her victory over the Lawyer; I feared her power, and I didn’t want to risk the revival of the Void Law no matter what. It’s simple, we don’t need to convince each other. ”

“Ideals or hopes, those that I have never experienced before cannot persuade me. I only believe in practical evidence, it’s a pity … You and inverse entropy don’t have such a thing. ”

Finish that.

The raven dropped the last broken beast, put away his cloak, and flew away.

Bud Yi also quickly followed.

Maybe it’s that the journey that doesn’t want to go back is silent again.

Raven said, “I am an evil man, but not a demon, but there are truly crazy demons in this world.” Those who hate her, those who use her, those who covet her, those who manipulate her. From now on, the girl’s fate will no longer be good, and what awaits her is a never-ending hell. ”

“You can’t even stop me, how are you going to stop those people?”

For this question.

Bud Yi can only respond with silence.

I have experienced so many things, looked for Kiana for so long, and suffered countless hardships.

She knew very well that her strength could not stop them.


It is very difficult to retake Kiana.


The two returned to the shantytown.

I found that Sora was still hiding by the window, and from time to time he poked his head out and looked a few times.

As if suddenly thinking of something, the raven took out a small paper bag and handed it over: “Ah, I forgot to give this to you, take it and share it with everyone.” ”

Sora was silent.

Don’t dare to reach out and pick it up.

Seems to be afraid of something.

“This is the Heavenly Dome Rice Flower Candy, a specialty brought back by Shenzhou… I didn’t do it. ”


Only then did he feel relieved and took the small paper bag: “Okay, okay!” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not for a while.

The little head in the window disappeared along with the rice candy.

Rao is a raven, and he can’t help but blush a little.

Especially…… Bud Yi was still watching this scene.


The raven forcibly returned to his grim expression and said, “I’m going to take some time to calculate the position of the Void Law, by the way, I still owe you a person.” ”

She walked into a broken room, and when she came out again, there was an extra man bound by hemp rope in her hand.

See the tied person.

Bud Yi exclaimed, “Dr. Tesla! ”

Raven explained, “I bumped into her first before I found you and Sora first. There was a little skirmish… It was her hand that moved first. ”

“I just wanted to tie her up, but this lady kept yelling and using very… In short, the impact on the children is particularly bad, and she can only be quiet for a while. ”

See here.

The players couldn’t help but laugh.

Dr. Tesla was tied up again.

I still remember the last time I was tied up, it was still in the Mandate of Heaven.

Especially…… Even Raven was reluctant to say the words she was shouting about.

Although it is not explicitly said.

But everyone can imagine it.

Especially now that everyone is still in Sister Zhou’s live broadcast room.

After all, just now she said that the boss of Lehayou liked her, so she specially designed such a character.

“Hahaha, no, I’m going to die laughing.”

“Sister Zhou, the collapse is coming, you must not shout, be careful of being stuffed with ugly socks.”

“Obviously Dr. Tesla is so miserable, why do I still want to laugh? Hahahaha! ”

“Poor Dr. Tesla, I feel that Sister Zhou will be tied up when she goes out.”

Watch the barrage of this barrage.

Sister Zhou also shouted: “Lying groove!!” Who dares to tie me up like this? See if I don’t kill her…”

Scold to scold.

But it.

I don’t know why, in the eyes of players, how can the image of this sister this week become more and more similar to Dr. Tesla?

Sister Zhou also realized this.

Shut up decisively.

Keep watching the plot.

Want to see what Dr. Tesla will do to this raven.


Raven brings Dr. Tesla to the back of Bud.

So he said, “When you finish taking care of her, go and find me at the foot of the long empty wall.” Remember, I only promised to let you go alone. ”

This deliberate reminder seems that she also does not want to untie the Dr. Tesla line that has opened the seal on her mouth.

“Be prepared, that dragon-type Broken Beast probably won’t let us pass easily. When I fought it, I felt a special signal in it, like human sorrow, pain, and self-blame. “。”

“Go for it, Raiden. Although I don’t think the ending will change much. ”

Bud Yi when the raven mentioned Bellarus.

He fell into deep thought, and did not hear the words behind the raven at all.

In the past, when she fought with Bellares, she always had a strange feeling in her mind… It’s strange, and it’s familiar…

When you come back to your senses.

The raven has disappeared.

She could only move the comatose Dr. Tesla back to Helios, and when she woke up, relayed the story.


Dr. Tesla woke up without spitting fragrance.

Instead, he asked: “You… Are you really going to go with her to find Kiana?”

Nha Yi nodded: “She is serious, I have to stop her.” ”

Dr. Tesla pondered, pondering the status quo and considering solutions.

In the end, it was decided: “Things have gone beyond expectations, we need to contact others immediately to ask for support.” That woman is dangerous! ”

“I know she’s dangerous, and her hatred for the Void Law is not just a standpoint, but also Kojima… She would really kill Kiana. If someone gets in her way, she will definitely not show mercy. But…… Even so, I needed her to help me find Kiana. ”

Although Dr. Tesla also has a way to find it.

But the gap between the eastern and western urban areas of Changkong City is too big, and with Dr. Tesla’s method, they have to spend more time to investigate little by little.

If it was fine before, but now there are more ravens, if you can’t find Kiana before her, it will be dangerous.


Bud Yi decided to go with her to find it.

She held the coat that Kiana had left behind in Skydome City.

“How many times have I rubbed with Kiana?”

“When the Mandate of Heaven fights… When confronting Rita… When Lauderdale took her away… Again and again, I could only watch her leave me at the last moment, but there was nothing I could do. ”

“Doctor, you always comfort me and find ways to reassure me during this time, but I don’t want to be at ease… Don’t want to…… Deceiving myself again, being with her, made me gradually forget the pain of the past, loneliness, confusion…”

“But with her gone, I realized that nothing had actually changed… It’s me…… Nothing has changed. ”

Still as weak as ever, I huddled in a reassuring corner, and when I looked up, I found that everyone was gone. Precisely because nothing has changed… It will gradually distance from her, will become what it is today, she has always been protecting me, and I, but I have never really done anything for her, I hate… Such a self…”

Bud Yi slowly put down the coat in his hand.

The expression became firm: “I must accept the fact that I have no power to protect her now, but this does not mean that I have to give up, on the contrary!” Admitting this made it clearer to see that in order to bring her back to me, I had to… Make some sacrifices… Even if it is a trap, even if it is an invincible opponent, I have to face it head-on. ”

“Because, this is the only way I can protect Kiana.”

Dr. Tesla was silent.

From these words, she could feel the enlightenment of Bud Yi.

This realization is definitely not false, it is the realization that she has experienced countless setbacks and passed by countless times.

Even if it was herself, she would never be able to say what stopped her.

Dr. Tesla could only say: “Bud clothes… You must come back safely. “。, 13/03/2023 21:01

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