Lin Chaoyu sighed.

“I often wonder: What exactly did Master Chi Kite go through to make such a commandment? Seemingly…… I’ll never know. ”

“Sorry, because these boring feelings delayed your time.”

Lin Chaoyu came back to his senses and showed the same smile as before.

It’s just that……

The words just now, and the loneliness of her expression.

It still made Bronia care.

The two searched for Yuduchen again.

After a little farther away.

Bronia asked: “Kiana, Sister Lin’s just ~ words…” It was a deep hatred of collapse – bad. ”

The two said on the side.

While continuing to look for Hado Dust.

I don’t know what’s wrong, there are a lot of crash-bad beasts entrenched in this Tai Void Mountain.

It was hard to clean up the wave in front of me.

It was also near the crack in the rock that a feather dust was found again.

Kiana tried to make contact with her consciousness.

The two were once again shrouded in white light.

into the memory of this time.

“Wake up! Hey, wake up. ”

A voice called anxiously.


Fu Hua slowly woke up: “I… Passed out? ”

In front of her.

Floating are maidens named Cang Xuan and Danzhu.

The two said, “Yes. ”

“It’s the third time this month. Don’t push yourself too hard, Red Kite. ”

Danju looked worried.

Fu Hua rubbed his temples and said weakly: “Sorry, I’ve been a little tired lately. ”

Cang Xuan also asked with concern, “Does your head hurt?” ”

Fu Hua nodded: “Well, sometimes…”

Danzhu also said: “It’s true, I still sleep too little,”

Fu Hua shook his head and denied this statement: “Fusion warriors, not so dependent on sleep. ”

Danzhu said directly: “How is it possible! You are still human, and if you are human, you need to rest! Both the brain and the body must take a proper holiday in order to be healthy and healthy. ”

“Okay, okay, I promise you to sleep well every day in the future.”

A smile also appeared at the corner of Fu Hua’s mouth.

Danzhu urged, “Hmm! Hurry up and destroy the monster beast, let’s go back!” ”

Look at it.

Their mission this time.

It is to destroy the Honkai beast entrenched in front.

Although there are not many of these broken beasts, they often attack humans and cause great chaos.

Fu Hua rushed over first.

Over the years.

She has been fighting the Honkai Beast.

Killing them is also familiar.


Fu Hua had just prepared to end the Collapse Beast in front of him.

There was a sudden dizziness in the brain, and the whole person stumbled because of this, and almost fell to the ground.

But the Avalanche Beast has not yet been destroyed.

She can’t just fall.

Gritting his teeth, he stood up again and killed the few remaining Honkai Beasts.

That’s when I relaxed.

Cang Xuan was concerned, “Does it hurt again?” How does it feel? ”

Fu Hua still covered his head uncomfortably and said with difficulty: “It’s more like… Swell. Many thoughts flooded into his head at once, and the pain seemed to explode… Sudden seizures and then sudden disappearances, always. ”


Fu Hua breathed a long sigh of relief, and the pain just now disappeared again.

“Recently, headaches have become more and more frequent.”

Cang Xuan couldn’t hide his concern.

He said, “Red Kite… You are different from us, the fusion factor makes your body have a strong resilience, it acts first on the brain, so that the brain cells continue to activate, the mortal life is endless, but you live for a long time, immortal. It will also retain all memories forever, making forgetting a luxury that is difficult to achieve. ”

“Those fleeting times for us… Existence, proliferation and regeneration will always repeat in your mind… Eventually fill your mind. ”

“The watch over the years is your burden. That increasingly frequent headache is your brain protesting, Hua. Do you understand the reason why the Doctor gave Yudo dust to you? ”

Fu Hua nodded.

She knew very well and understood the Doctor’s intentions.


“I can hold out for a while, please let me keep them for a while.”

Memory is her past.

In those memories, those lost friends, relatives, comrades-in-arms …

Only the existence of this memory can prove that they have lived and fought.

If even this memory disappears…

Fu Hua did not want to.

Cang Xuan still persuaded: “Using Yudu Dust, you can remove those useless memories. If you don’t want to, you can also separate them and temporarily store them on the key of God, or, just do simple spiritual operations, you don’t want to use Yudu Dust’s words… That fusion warrior can also help you. ”

“Even for your own good, please make up your mind as soon as possible.” If you continue like this, your situation will only get worse. ”

Fu Hua did not answer.


Danju shouted, “Hey! What else are you talking about? The boss of the Honkai Beast is here! ”



With a dull smashing sound.

A huge Honkai Beast appeared.

Without saying a word, Fu Hua rushed forward and fought with him.

As a fusion warrior she.

To deal with a Honkai Beast of this magnitude, it didn’t take much time to completely eliminate it.

Cang Xuan looked around and sensed it.

“After it dissipated, the concentration of collapse energy here has dropped back to normal levels.”

Danzhu smiled and said, “That’s good! It shows that this is just an anomaly that happened by chance, and the real collapse has not yet arrived. We still have plenty of time to move forward with the Tinder program, don’t we? You two, why are you still sad? Let’s go! Go back to Taifu Mountain. ”


On the way.

Too empty at the foot of the mountain.

Fu Hua looked at the silence ahead and said, “Cang Xuan, before you asked me why I didn’t deal with my memories, it was because I was selfish. ”


Cang Xuan sighed.

Fu Hua just continued: “My birth was ordinary. Although it was before the integration transformation, I remember that I was born in the lower part of the metropolis, a position destined to swing. I am a country man in the city, and I am a city man in the country, where do I belong? I do not know. ”

“The future for me is to go to high school, go to college, find a job to support myself… Or go back to my hometown, inherit my father’s martial arts hall, and spend my life like this. ”

She gradually fell into that memory.

That initial, most heartfelt, most simple memory…

“Many, many years ago, I was a little girl in trepidation. At that time, the safety of the world and the survival of human beings obviously had nothing to do with me, but as if in the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years of time were compressed into a moment… I came here and became who I am. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“But I always think of that little girl, she has always been in my heart. Whenever I get a moment of leisure, it is as if I see her in the dark, dazed, looking at me. ”

“What happened? What exactly happened between then and now… Connecting the two of me? Changed that girl and molded her into what she is now? ”

“If I lose my memories, Cang Xuan, my life will be broken… When I look back, I can no longer figure out how I was…”

Saying this, she paused for a moment, organizing the language.

He continued: “I will see that little girl, I will see me as a child, wearing an old-fashioned uniform, with a face full of fear and confusion, but I will not know how she became me, how I became what I am now… I don’t know why I persist to this day. ”

After listening to this, Cang Xuan also understood and understood Fu Hua very well.

It is these past memories that make her persist to this day, still fighting Honkai.


She lost all her memories.

Will it turn into something else?

Whether…… Will it become a black rune like the beginning of this chapter?


Cang Xuan still wanted to persuade.

She understood better that the current Fu Hua was already very painful because of the memory, and if it went on like this, Sihai would be filled with memories sooner or later, which would be more dangerous.

Fu Hua also understood.

Only then pleaded: “I will, Cang Xuan, I will.” Just please let me keep it for a while. ”


Fu Hua looked at the starry sky.

Still can’t sleep.

But… She promised Danju that she would go to bed on time and rest well.

I can go back to bed again and fall asleep with my eyes closed.

The wind blows through the mountains.

It also brought a piece of whisper.

It was Danju’s voice: “Does she think so?” ”


It was Cang Xuan who spoke to her.

Danzhu sighed, “Alas, the results were all expected by the doctor. Hua began to have a problem with self-perception, and she scheduled memory operations, which has been clearly shown. ”

Cang Xuan asked, “Do you think the next stage should be carried out?” ”

Danzhu asked rhetorically, “What about my sister?” What do you think? ”

Fu Hua couldn’t help but wonder.

What’s next?

What is that?

She had never heard of that.


I heard Cang Xuan’s answer: “I~ am not so great.” Survive at that time, enter the dormant capsule, and accept the task of assisting the red kite… It’s all just carrying out the doctor’s instructions. I didn’t really like the PhD, nor did I like the task. It’s just a matter of being entrusted by others and being faithful. But I like Hua. ”

Just as when he cared about Fu Hua’s body before, the title became Hua.

Over here.

Cang Xuan also revealed his thoughts without concealment.

Danzhu nodded vigorously: “Hmm! Me too… Think so. Compared to carrying out Mei’s plan, compared to the rebirth of the world… I want her to have her own life. Not to destroy Honkai, not to live to protect humanity. Not Dr. May’s tool. Even if I disobey the order, I want to organize the red kite to become like that. ”

Cang Xuan gave birth to a sense of powerlessness and sighed: “All we can do is delay it.” ”

“That’s enough, sister.”

Danzhu, who originally had a lively personality, is now very sincere: “We will all die, but the red kite will live.” She’s going to meet many, many people, isn’t she? They won’t know Dr. May’s plans, and they’ll be true to her. This is her story, and that’s the end of our scene. ”


This is where the memory ends.

But every viewer.

I felt a heaviness.

This is the heaviness of the memory, and it is also the heaviness of the fate that Fu Hua himself carried.

When Danzhu casually said that she would die, Sister Zhou obviously felt her heart tremble.

Fu Hua’s memory.

It was much heavier than she had imagined.

Can’t help but say: “Anyone who accepts these memories, it is difficult to maintain normal, it’s really hard to imagine, what would it be like if Kiana and they read all the memories of this Tai Void Mountain?” If another person suddenly receives Fu Hua’s 50,000-year memory, will he be washed into a fool? ”

With these thoughts in mind.

She continued to look down.

“Kiana! Kiana!! ”

Bronia’s cries kept coming.

Kiana, who was immersed in Fuhua’s memory, was awakened.

“Hmm… I…… I…”

Kiana was still a little confused: “What’s wrong, Bronia… Where am I? ”

“You’re in Taifu Mountain!”

Bronia hurriedly reminded.

Only then did Kiana recall: “Ah, yes, yes… What’s wrong with me? ”

Bronia said: “You seem to have lost your mind, you can’t respond to any call, the situation is not right, let’s go and ask what is going on.” ”

As Sister Zhou said just now.

Kiana was really dumbfounded by the memory.

The two found Lin Chaoyu and asked about the situation. It’s the immortals. ”

“People who are not strong-willed, dissatisfied with themselves, and have illusions are often easily confused by circumstances.”

Lin Chaoyu looked at Kiana: “Strange, you don’t look like such a person.” It seems that Master Chi Kite really didn’t hand over a word of sword to you…”


Lin Chaoyu explained to the two of them what a sword heart decision is, and the magic of this sword heart determination.

After listening.

Kiana also understands that Kenshin cannot be achieved overnight, and it takes a long time to practice.

It’s just that she doesn’t know.

In that case, why didn’t the squad leader teach her?

Since coming to this Taifu Mountain.

Kiana felt that her questions were increasing.

I wanted to find Lin Chaoyu for answers.

But the answer was: “If your friends don’t want to tell you, why should you know it from outsiders?” ”

Although Kiana was a little disappointed, she also understood that she was right.

I wanted to leave the break.

I heard Lin Chaoyu continue: “I can tell you a story. ”

Ignoring Kiana’s surprised expression.

Lin Chaoyu continued, “Five hundred years ago, Red Kite took seven apprentices. Except for the youngest apprentice, the parents of the other six have all gone crazy and turned into monsters. ”

For some reason, Red Kite chose to take these six orphans who had a deep blood feud with her as disciples and taught martial arts. Would you deny that this is a tender story? Oh, it’s not like that…”

Lin Chaoyu smiled slightly, but there was no smile on his face, only unspeakable sadness.

“Later, these seven disciples joined hands and killed the red kite.”, 13/03/2023 21:13

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