“Heart seal?”

Bronia had never heard the word.

Lin Chaoyu explained: “Master Chi Kite is immortal, so memories are like flooded seawater, eroding the continent called consciousness. ”

“In order to suppress the growth of memory and maintain the clarity of consciousness, the immortals had to screen the memory, and the part that was divided was the heart seal you just saw. How, did you find what you were looking for? ”

Kiana replied with some frustration, “No. ”

Lin Chaoyu immediately comforted: “There is no need to be depressed, immortals have lived in Taifu Mountain for a long time, leaving thousands of heart prints, the answer you want is in it, this will not be wrong.” I am resting here, and if there is a sealed feather, you can bring it to me at any time, and I will help you break it. ”

“This mountain has undergone many changes, some of the spells of the heart seal have faded, and some are even more broken, you can interpret it yourself.”

Kiana stared at Lin Chaoyu in front of her.

Ask the wonders in your heart: “Why are you helping me?” ”

The two met in Pingshui, did not intersect too much, and they were still lawyers.

Lin Chaoyu just calmly replied, “How… Is it so strange to get help? ”

There was a hint of surprise in her eyes: “Then, don’t take it as a help… It’s just my duty as a Tai Wan. ”

After saying this, Lin Chaoyu closed his eyes and said no more.

Kiana and Bronia stepped aside.

Look at each other.

Asked: “Do you believe her?” ”

Bronia was also a little confused: “Bronia doesn’t know, but in that feather, Bronia does feel the presence of the squad leader, that feather is alive, and it wants to convey certain information to us… That’s what Bronia felt. ”


Kiana nodded gently: “I thought that the squad leader would talk to us in the feathers like before. But…… In the end, it just let us see a memory. ”

The departure of the squad leader.

The impact on Kiana was very large.

The company she used to be in the most desperate times allowed her to step out of the darkness.

Even in the end, it was to protect her, and the sunset was in the hands of the world snake, and her life and death were unknown.

Bronia hurriedly said, “Don’t be discouraged, Kiana. Didn’t she say that? There are still many feathers left by the squad leader on this mountain, let’s go find other feathers. ”

After saying that, take action.

The two went to the mountains together to find Yu 353 Mao.

As Lin Chaoyu said, there are indeed many feathers on the mountain.

It didn’t take long for them to find another feather that had not been sealed.

Consciousness touches feathers.

The memories in it came in an instant.

This memory is the memory of Hua just one week after entering school.

At this time, Hua was still alone.

Even if you hear something curious and interested and want to ask, you will stop because you are afraid and hesitant.

Ultimately…… Still alone.

Kiana woke up from her memory: “So it was, that confusion and panic… She knew she had to fit into a new environment, but she was afraid of change. ”

Bronia also said: “But she tried, she plucked up the courage to get close to others…”

Kiana also said: “But no one gave her a response… I understand the feeling. There is no one to call a friend to rely on, so I have to wander outside the collective, alone… Even now, she is. ”

In that memory.

It is obviously a peaceful time, but there is a small circle between people.

When Hua tried to fit in.

They will be expelled mercilessly.

Even on campus, where the most people are your age, lonely… It has never dissipated.

Bronia’s tone was a little heavy: “Why did the squad leader leave these feathers?” They are all very sad memories. ”

“But also memories that are unknown to us, as if… It wants us to know more about the class leader. I never thought that the squad leader had such a period. ”

Kiana and Bronia were still shocked by the memories of Hua.

Although understood.

Fu Hua could not have been born like the Saint Freya Academy.

But…… Having carried such a past still makes them a little unbelievable.

The silence that followed.

It’s that neither of them knows what to say.

Kiana said suddenly, “But… At St. Freya’s Academy, she was also ordered to stay by our side, right? ”

“Stupid Kiana!”

Bronia scolded directly: “This kind of thing, when she comes back, just ask her directly.” ”

In the beginning.

But with the outbreak of the War of Destiny, countless things followed.

The player (bdeb) has not heard such a thing for a long time.

I can’t help but feel a lot in my heart.

Sister Zhou also understood.

said: “The main line of this part should be to let Kiana and Bronia and us know Fu Hua better, right?” ”

The plot continues.

Kiana and Bronia looked for another feather.

But this time yes, it was sealed.

They can’t unravel it themselves.

Bronia asked, “Are you going to find that person to help?” To be honest, Bronia was a little worried about that person. ”

Kiana also nodded: “Her appearance is too coincidental, and… Exactly have the clues we need. ”

Bronia looked at Kiana who was contemplating and analyzing in front of her.

He sighed, “Kiana is becoming more and more cautious.” ”

Once Kiana.

In the simplest terms, it’s a reckless man.

No matter what happens, recklessness is over.

And now she will think, will weigh the pros and cons, this… It’s also growing.


Kiana scratched her head and asked, “Am I too defensive of others?” So far, she has shown no intentions. ”

Since he was betrayed by the squad leader.

Since Himeko left.

Since she couldn’t trust others, she gradually became like this.

Bronia said: “Bronia’s opinion: if a person will not harm you, then believe her 100%. Believe that she is a good person, believe that she is doing good things. Trust makes people happy. ”

Kiana also smiled when she heard this: “Then what if she will hurt me.” ”

Bronia replied, “Then, don’t believe her in any ordinary little things.” ”

Kiana nodded: “Go back first, at least for now… I believe she is a good person. ”


Go back to where you were before.

Kiana handed her the feather.

Lin Chaoyu sighed: “It’s very powerful.” Taihuan Mountain has stood for thousands of years, and many people have come and gone here, and they have not seen the feathers showing their true appearance. And as soon as you arrive… And so they appeared. Is it sensed by something? ”

Neither Kiana nor Bronia understood very well.

They all tilted their heads.

Indicates incomprehension.

Lin Chaoyu hurriedly said, “No, don’t care. ”

After speaking, he held the feather and pushed it into Kiana’s arms.

Memories come back again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The picture comes to the Fire Moth base of the last era.

And standing in front of them was none other than Kevin Kaslanna.

“You did a good job in the battle against the Eleven.”

“Thank you.”

Hua just replied flatly.

Kevin continued: “May is going to transfer you to the Far East, you know? ”

Hua: “I don’t know. I don’t care. ”

Kevin still explained: “It’s helpless. The interval between the birth of the lawyer is getting shorter and shorter, and our soldiers are already seriously insufficient. For strategic reasons, we will be dismantled and transferred to different cities. The fusion warriors are going to disband. This is the decision of the doctor. Hua, I hope you understand. ”

Hua replied flatly: “There is no difference, here, in the Far East, in the salt lake.” It’s all against Honkai, and Honkai will always come. ”

“With us in those three cities, maybe there won’t be so many casualties, and maybe there won’t be so many ordinary soldiers to sacrifice.”

Kevin looked at her and said, “Are you still worried? ”


Hua continued: “You always expect me to understand Dr. Mei, what’s the point? Whether I understand it or not has nothing to do with the big picture. Will Dr. May revise her plans because I don’t understand? Will she? ”

“No… Like I don’t understand why the crusade against the captain, did Dr. May let her go? No. She is my benefactor, your comrade-in-arms…. At that time, she could still recognize me. She smiled and spoke to me, the tone and voice was who she was, would the lawyer be like that? But you killed her anyway. ”

This thing.

It is the haze that lingers in Hua’s heart.

Kevin said: “She became a lawyer, Hua, you know it in your heart. I had no choice. ”

Not to be outdone, Hua looked at him: “It’s the doctor’s order, I know.” So I obeye, but I don’t understand. At least that right belongs to me. Kevin, don’t tie the Doctor to you, don’t ask for my understanding for her, and she doesn’t need to. ”

“More than me, she should ask the warriors who swallowed their breath on the transformation platform, the warriors who were twisted by the hyper-transformation factor, the warriors who died holding the key of the tenth god… I don’t understand her! ”


Kevin was silent.

The two continued to walk, speechless for a while.

He didn’t know how to speak, and she was talking too much.

I don’t know how long I walked.

Kevin spoke again: “I will stay in the center.” ”

“Of course.”

Hua’s voice remained calm and cold.

Such an attitude.

It made Kevin feel uncomfortable: “Hua, I didn’t do this for her. I ask for your understanding, because you are my comrades-in-arms and we should have a common will. Human civilization is now dying, and only three cities in the world remain functional. And the onslaught of Honkai is becoming more and more fierce. ”

“The Eleventh Lawyer has just died, and the Twelfth Lawyer has already been born. Although she is now under our control, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. We fusion warriors are destined to keep fighting. Defeat is an outcome that we cannot bear, we can only win, we must win. ”

“Hua, I hope you understand us and really understand us. The destiny of all mankind rests on your and me…”

The two eventually came to a fork in the road.

Kevin nodded to Hua: “I’m going to find Sakura, I have to go this way… Good bye. ”


Hua watched Kevin’s figure go away and disappear at the end of the aisle.

See here.

Many players have already recalled.

They all posted in the barrage of the live broadcast room: “Here, isn’t it the original world bubble?” ”

“That’s right, it’s in the Quantum Sea, the world bubble that Xi’er sees, and behind it is Sakura’s tragic death.”

“Nima… Can a memory stab me? It’s outrageous! ”

“I’m a little afraid to look at it, how Sakura looked when she died, I can’t forget it now.”

“It’s too difficult, and the pre-civilization era is too difficult.”

“The last three cities, if I’m not mistaken, were all destroyed after Sakura’s time, right?”

“I really feel sorry for Hua and Kevin, after going through so much, how can they still have the courage to continue to protect mankind and stick to it for 50,000 years!”


Memories of this part.

Let the players once again experience the tragedy of the former civilization, and also more aware of the difficulty of Hua.

The plot continues.

Bronia recognized it: “It’s Kevin!” Kevin Kaslana of the World Snake. ”

Kiana nodded: “Well, the squad leader did say that they knew each other. ”

Bronia continued to analyze: “But… The Eleventh Lawyer, the Tenth God’s Key, the Fusion Warrior… These they mentioned… If it’s all true, then… This should be the memory of the last civilized generation! ”

Kiana was also shocked.

“Could it be… Not only the guardians of Shenzhou. Since the beginning of the previous civilized generation, has the squad leader been fighting against Honkai? Monitor… She never told us that, so why do we always have to bear it alone. ”

These memories made them unbelievable, and the more they understood the class leader Fu Hua.

The more shocked he was, the more he felt that he didn’t know anything about her.

Guarding humanity and fighting Honkai since the last era lasted for 50,000 years, even though her consciousness was shocked by memory.

I have to scatter out the extra memories.

But she… Still walking the world in different identities, fighting against Honkai in different identities and different ways, guarding mankind.

Bronia also guessed: “Kiana… Is it possible that she herself does not remember these fragments? ”

Hear this sentence.

Everyone couldn’t help but feel sad.

Fu Hua… She was so heartbreaking.

Come to your senses.

Lin Chaoyu was looking at them expectantly: “What fragments did you see?” ”

Kiana pondered for a moment before replying, “The red kite lived a long, long time ago. ”

“A long time ago…”

Lin Chaoyu continued to ask, “What does she look like?” Is she in Shenzhou? What clothes to wear? ”

Kiana chose to hide something.

He said simply: “I don’t know. It is only known that she is a warrior and is involved in a battle. ”

“Is it Honkai?”

Lin Chaoyu asked directly.

Bronia couldn’t help but be a little surprised: “Do you know about Honkai? ”

You know, although the world has collapsed, and many people have been hurt by collapse.


More people, in fact, do not know the existence of the collapse, and every time the collapse breaks out, there will be an organization to cover up these things to the general public. …

“Simple four words, but behind it, who knows how many blood and tears.”

wuxiax.com, 13/03/2023 21:04

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