Game Production: Opening Honkai Impact 3rd, The Knife Crying Players

Chapter 193 The Final Countdown, The Extremely Gentle Xier

Dr. Einstein explained to Dr. Tesla: "Tactics like [Blitzkrieg] require a huge intelligence advantage to support, and intelligence is the one thing we lack most at the moment."

"In other words, the tactics you propose are too risky for us at the moment, Dr. Tesla.

Although Dr. Tesla really wanted to kill Na Otto with a single shot right now.

But in this case, she also had to admit that what the two said made sense.

Can only compromise: "Okay. You do have your reasons. I will re-draw the plan according to the two stages that Teresa said."

"Exactly, so that our engineering department also has a set of good things that can come in handy.

Now that it's decided.

Theresa also immediately issued an emergency assembly order.

after receiving her notice.

Hyperion's frontline fighters were assembled at the designated location within five minutes.

Kiana, Bronya, Fu Hua, Xier, Rosalia and Lilia————In the abnormal weather, everyone looked serious, waiting for the commander's order.

Theresa stood in front of the crowd.

"Everyone, time is running out, let's keep it short."

"Before publishing the battle plan, I need to synchronize two pieces of information—"

"One, according to Otto's statement, he has reached an agreement with the so-called [Honkai Will], which can forcefully cause [Time Reversal]. In this way, he intends to make the entire world outside Kolosten Town go backwards Return to the state of more than 500 years ago, so that the Virgin Karen can gain a second life.17

"Secondly, not long ago, anti-entropy scientists discovered through research that Otto had actually stolen the omnipotence of the original Herrscher in some way. Like those puppets that surround Hyperion now, copy Man, he uses the power of the Herrscher of Domination to unify and manipulate."

"Because of the above two points, in the next plan, I plan to divide the front-line fighters of Hyperion into three groups to use——"

"The first road, consisting of Bronya, Seeer, Rosalia, and Lilia, marches along the main road in the city on the other side of the river, where Otto is located, leading to the 537 Church.

"In addition, we will analyze the area suitable for Dr. Tesla to install the [Spartak system] based on the signals returned by the detection devices you carry with you."

Dr. Tesla also introduced a step forward: "[The Spartak system] can limit the power of the Herrscher of Domination in the form of [broadcast] interference signals."

"After we analyze the signals you automatically send back, we will choose a suitable location to install the [Spartak System] signal jamming tower. You don't need to worry about it.

Theresa nodded and continued: "Well, to be precise, this is the task that the [third way] will be responsible for later. You only need to ensure that the automatic detection device on your body can work normally."

"In addition, Rosalia and Lilia——you have not yet rich combat experience, if you encounter any difficulties, you can stay and wait for support, don't be reluctant.

Lilia said: "I see, we will abide by the arrangements of Sister Xier and Sister Bronya."

Rosalia, who has always liked to be noisy, now also understands the crisis of the situation and just nodded obediently.

Theresa continued: "Okay. Then the situation of the first road is like this, now let's deploy the mission of the [second road].

"The second route, consisting of Kiana and Fu Hua. You'll set off later along the mountain road on the south side of the river to take control of the bridge upstream—"

"And as a surprise soldier, he approached St. 537 Church unexpectedly and quickly to find out the truth. I hope that the students in the first way can help you attract the attention of the enemy during this period."

"In addition, like the first route, the detection device you carry with you will also send back signals to Dr. Tesla to help her choose a suitable location to build a signal jamming tower."

Kiana: "Understood!"

Theresa continued: "Compared with the first route, the second route requires a quick raid to the opponent's base camp to find out their situation.

"Therefore, you must not be in a war, and even if you are acting separately, there must be someone to keep the momentum going.

Fu Hua: "Yes, the principal of the school!"

Teresa continued to arrange: "Then next is the third way, the members are mainly composed of me, the two doctors of anti-entropy, and the logistics staff of Hyperion."

Dr. Einstein explained to everyone: "We will install and upgrade the [Spartak system] on the spot, try our best to block the special communication mechanism of the Herrscher of Domination, and support everyone's battle based on this."

Seeing that things are arranged.

Fu Hua asked: ".... If we encounter Otto himself, what method does the principal suggest to deal with?"

Theresa immediately replied: "Please try to delay the other party's time and wait for follow-up support. At least, according to the other party's threatening remarks, we still have 12 hours to stop him.


Fu Hua nodded slightly.

Theresa looked at everyone again: "Do you have any other questions?"

Wait a moment.

No one asked.

She said again: "Okay! If not. Let's get started right away.

"The battle begins!!"


All answer together.

Bronya took the three of Xier and moved forward according to the established route.

Qiana and Fu Hua also acted immediately.

This time.

They didn't even have the chance to wish each other good luck.

The seriousness of the matter has exceeded everyone's expectations, and they can only hurry up and complete their tasks as soon as possible.

After the first team and the second team left.

Theresa and the others, who were the third team, also immediately began to prepare.

Before boarding the elevator to the town.

Bronya observed from a high place: "The initial target... just choose there.

She was looking at the bridge leading to the town.

There is a wide field of vision, and the enemy is dense, and it is a good place to fight as a draw for firepower.

"Mission, start!"

She gave an order.

Seeer and Rosalia sisters followed her to the bridge quickly.


Just as she thought.

Just got on the bridge.

There were a few 'Ottos' surrounding the four from the front and the back.

In the face of these puppets Otto, Bronya showed no mercy at all. The accelerator roared directly, and the puppet clipping towards the front at maximum speed collided.

The motorcycle collided with the soul steel body and made a harsh sound.

After a short contact, the Otto doll was knocked out and smashed into the wall, completely scrapped.

at the same time.

Seele, Rosalia, and Lilia attack the other dolls, Otto.

Although the actual combat experience of the two sisters is not rich.

But...their strength is still very strong.

And there is Bronya's long-range artillery cover.

Just a few breaths.

The dolls on the bridge were wiped out.

The four continued to move towards the town.

As soon as they came in, they were fascinated by the scenery of the town, which also caused the battle to be a bit degenerated when they encountered the puppet Otto.

Bronya reminded: "Xieer, don't be so restrained. This is a battlefield, and a moment's distraction may be fatal."

Xier said: "Well, I know...but the buildings here are very beautiful. If it is damaged, I always feel a little sorry."

Bronya immediately said: "This is the base camp where the destiny passed, covering up countless blood, tears and sins. Bronya believes that Xier's own safety is more important than protecting them."

Xier was still a little hesitant: "But.... these buildings are innocent, right? The people who designed, built, and maintained them must have paid a lot of effort. There are also people who lived here, some of them Most of them should have little to do with the dark side of the destiny, and most of them are just diligent and phoenix completing their work."

"There are traces of careful arrangement in the garden over there. The previous owner must have loved the scenery here."

"There is also this road. Although it has accumulated dust, it can be seen that it has been cleaned very cleanly. Such an environment must be maintained because they like this town."

"If they come back here after many years, only to see the ruins left behind, they will be very sad."

"I don't want to destroy the place of their memories. I think...everyone's memories deserve to be protected."

Hear Xier's extremely gentle words.

Rao, the former killer Bronya, also showed a smile on the battlefield: "...Ha. It is indeed what Xier would say."

Then he said indulgently: "Bronya understands. Bronya promised Xier that she would try to avoid hitting these buildings as much as possible during the battle, and she would also remind Rosalia and Lilia of Ming."

At this time.

Only then did Xi'er react: "Ah, sorry, did Xi... say something willful?"

Bronya shook her head: "No, Bronya thinks what Xier said is very good. With the heart of protection, of course there will be more difficulties on the battlefield.... But that is also us. The source of strength is our strength.

"Then on this basis, reorganize our combat goals."

"We are the first team to set off first. The goal of the early battle is to use it as a bait to attract as much main firepower of the enemy as possible to create opportunities for the second team."

"The route we traveled is to approach the church by taking a long detour from the direction of the municipal square. The movement along the way is as far as possible, and the more enemies involved, the better."

Xi'er nodded and understood what she meant: "This is also collecting data in the densely populated hinterland of the enemy, providing a decision-making basis for the third-line team to install the [Spartak System] signal jamming tower.

"That's right."

Bronya continued: "When the battle in this area is over, we, like the second team, set out for the church, try our best to arrive at the church synchronously with them, and start a decisive battle with Otto!".

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