Xier was still a little worried: "I hope the battle can go smoothly... However, with such an obvious action, it is impossible for the opponent to not notice our intentions, right?"

Bronya said: "Although it is indeed a battle that is easy to see through, but according to our current strength, this is also the most secure and solid way of warfare. Even if the enemy sees through our intentions, as a defender, they can only do business as usual. response."

Although Xier's current strength is very strong, she is also very experienced in combat.

However, in terms of strategy and battlefield analysis, she is still very immature, so Bronya will try her best to teach her relevant knowledge after the battle.

Xier suddenly said: "So that's the case.... As expected, the principal and sister Bronya thought very thoughtfully. Cheng

Bronya said: "Winning before the battle begins is the way Chang Sheng's division fights."w


Hill nodded vigorously.

Keep Bronya's words firmly in mind.

Wait until Rosalia and Lilia have cleared the remaining enemies.

The four of them proceeded again as planned.

The situation is just as Bronya said.

The other party clearly knew their intentions, but there were still a large number of dolls Otto coming here.


Xier clearly noticed.

Since the end of the conversation just now.

The whole atmosphere seemed very solemn, and even the originally lively sisters were very quiet.

Hei Xi sensed her thoughts and said, "It's good to be quiet and concentrate on fighting."

Xier and Heixi said: "Sister Bronya is a little talker, what happened to Rosalia and Lily?"

Hei Xi said: "Humph! Leave them alone. The two ignorant little brats must have never been on a real battlefield, and their courage is broken."


Xier said quickly: "Then take care of them more!"


Said to the two sisters 000: "Rosalia, Lilia, don't be afraid. Sister Bronya and I have experienced such battles many times, it doesn't matter."

"In case there is a dangerous enemy, sister Bronya and I will protect you and will not let you get hurt.

"So, don't be afraid, just fight like you usually do during training."

"You are all excellent children, I know this best, you have to be more confident in yourself."

see here.

Players can see the growth of Xier.

When she first appeared, she was still a weak little girl.

but now.

Not only can he display his outstanding combat effectiveness in battle, but he also has the spare energy to pay attention to the situation of the 'junior' and try his best to take care of it.

Unconsciously, every character in the game is growing.

Rosalia: "..."

She kept her mouth shut, shaking her head constantly, shaking her head desperately.

Lilia was also a little embarrassed and said: "Uh, Sister Xier, it's not really..."


Xier wondered: "Rosalia, are you not feeling well? Too bad, we didn't bring a portable medical kit, should we contact the doctors and the others?"

in front of her.

Rosalia shook her head frantically, and even her consciousness was blurred.

Lilia looked at her and said, "Ah, Rosalia shook herself."

hear her.

Rosalia finally stopped, and whispered in Lilia's ear: "Can I speak now?"

Lilia replied: "Well, there are no outsiders here anyway, so it shouldn't matter.......

Rosalia let out a long sigh of relief: "Hooah———— I'm choked to death (bbei)! I can finally speak properly!"


Xi'er looked confused: "'Finally able to talk well' what does it mean?"

Rosalia said: "It was Lilia who told me to keep my mouth shut and not to speak.

"Lilia said that because everyone is serious, we have to be serious, but if I can't be serious, just don't talk!"

Lilia also said: "Because Rosalia only needs to open her mouth, it will spoil the atmosphere.

Rosalia said dissatisfiedly: "I am your elder sister, ten minutes older than you, and definitely more mature than you."

"I just wanted to say it just now, although I don't understand the messy tactical instructions, but in short, it's enough to destroy the guys on the opposite side!"

"What black and white cup holders, I can handle it all by myself!"

Lilia said helplessly: "At least start by remembering the enemy's name."

Seeing Rosalia's noisy appearance.

Think back to the atmosphere when Teresa gave the order not long ago.

Even Hei Xi said: What do you think Li has a problem with? "

Xier also said: "Maybe..."


Just saw Rosalia like a runaway wild horse.

Holding the big sword, he rushed towards the puppet Alto, setting off a burst of battle explosions throughout the street.

Her smug laughter and loud noises were incessant.

the entire battlefield.

Instantly became noisy.

Seeing this, Xier could only follow.

battle now.

She didn't even need to take action at all, Loria and Lilia were just ahead.

Bronya is always on alert, worried that there will be additional changes.

that's it.

The four moved forward.

Rosalia after tearing off the head of the last doll, Otto.

Excitedly, he shouted: "Hahahaha! You know how good I am."

hum~ hum~ hum~~~

The communicator vibrates.

Rosalia, who was excited, said in fright, "Wow! Enemy, there is an enemy! Where is it? The sound is so close, is it a sneak attack?"


Lilia knocked her head sharply: "Stupid Rosalia, the communicator on us is ringing.

"It's there, don't move!"

"Eh? Ah, wish!"

Dr. Tesla's voice suddenly appeared, so frightened Rosalia kept her current posture on the spot and didn't dare to move at all.

As time passed by every second.

No other sounds came from the communicator.

Rosalia trembled slightly and said, "Okay, okay? My center of gravity is a little unsteady, standing on one foot is a bit numb, and holding the sword like this is a bit sour..."

Lilia said speechlessly: "Rosalia, you don't have to keep that weird posture that's half turned, we're not playing with one, two, or three wooden people."

Rosalia said in surprise: "Huh? Isn't it?"

Lilia said: "Dr. Tesla just told us to stand still and not move, not to keep you still... By the way, did you hold your breath just now?"

Rosalia hurriedly covered up: "No, no, no, no! How can it be!"

at the same time.

Dr. Tesla's voice sounded again: "Data collection is ok! This is the location. We will install the signal jamming tower in a while, and you are walking forward to see if there are any other suitable points."

"According to the current experience, most of them are still in places where the enemy is very concentrated."

Rosalia said proudly: "Hey, just leave it to Rosalia! Sure enough, as long as there is a dream of Sarya, any battle will not be a problem!"

Lilia complained: "You didn't do anything at all."

Rosalia refused to accept: "The real protagonist always exerts all his strength until the end, and I will show it to you now!"

As she said that, she took the big sword and ran forward quickly.

Lilia shouted from behind: "Hey, Rosalia, wait for me!"

Look at the lively appearance of the two.

Bronya couldn't help but smile: "...poof․

Seeer reminded: "Sister Bronya, let's catch up with the two of them quickly."

After all, the two have little actual combat experience.

This is the base camp of destiny again, and the drama is still very worried.

The voice just fell.

Xier reacted suddenly: "...Huh? Sister Bronya, were you smiling just now?"

She should have been unable to feel joy because of the X-10 experiment.

Did you smile?

Bronya replied: "Bronya just looked at Rosalia and Lilia, and suddenly felt a little emotional. The two of them... are very similar to Qi who just entered St. Freya. Yana and Bronya."

"At that time, Kiana was just a happy fool, truanting from school, sleeping in class, failing exams, making trouble everywhere, and always pestering Mei.

"Bronya just thinks that she is noisy, doesn't like her, and always picks on her faults. She is not convinced, so she challenges Bronya, and of course Bronya will not refuse."

said here.

Bronya's tone became gentle, and a faint smile appeared on her face and continued to say: "I just didn't expect that guy Qiana to be much more serious than expected. Although she never won Bronny once. Ya, but never give up, always challenge again and again."

"Because Bronya looked too energetic, Bronya was worried that she would make another mess by herself, so she couldn't help but follow her and correct her behavior."

"Kiana is always too imaginative, and even makes some unimaginable stupid things, and Bronya will point out her mistakes mercilessly at this time."

"As a result, before we knew it, we gradually became familiar with each other and often acted together. The consequence was that the mess of one person turned into a mess of two people, and finally we left it to the school.


... Now that I think about it, it's an incredible way to make friends. However, Bronya didn't hate this feeling. "

Listen to her telling the story of her acquaintance with Kiana.

Xi'er also showed a smile: "Huhu, this is probably the so-called "fate?"

Bronya said with a smile: "If you have to say it, it should be called [Nie Yuan]. At that time, Bronya felt that the battle was easier than taking care of Qiana... Although now, it has been completely reversed."

"The world is like this, everyone has to grow up, and they are constantly updating themselves."

"Even Rosalia and Lilia have already stood on the battlefield. Although they are still ignorant now, they will eventually find their own reasons to fight for it."

"Looking at the two of them, I seem to see the shadows of Bronya and Kiana, and I can't help but miss those days in the past."

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