deep in memory.

After five hundred years, the memories related to her have never been incomplete.

This is the eve of Karen going to the battlefield.

She said goodbye to Otto: "Otto...Thank you for sending me here. Don't worry, whether this battle is won or lost, I will do my best to make everyone come back alive."

Otto said quickly: "No, I have already applied to my father - this time I will go out with you."


Karen said in surprise: "You have never been on the battlefield, is this really okay?"

Otto replied: "Don't worry, I won't be on the front line, I'm just a trainee medic. know, I want to make my contribution anyway."

"Remember? When we first met when we were kids, you told me—when we grow up, you're going to save the world with me."


Karen seemed to hesitate.

She bit her lip and decided to say to Otto: "Otto, although this sentence may be very inappropriate for someone like me who is about to go to war - but I think that war is an effective means of saving the world after all. "

"You know, the threat of collapse has come one after another in recent years; it is only thanks to the mandate of heaven that disasters like the Black Death can be brought under control in a timely manner.

"But... Deep involvement in matters that we should not be involved in, which also makes Tianming as an organization [distracted]."

"Your father was very concerned about the suffering of the people, and he used to personally verify whether the disaster relief materials provided to various places every year were appropriate."

"But what about now? Palace secrets from all over the world are flooding his desk, and the time spent in secret conversations on the street every day has also taken away the time for your father and son to communicate.

"These are all wrong, abnormal, aren't they?"

In the face of these powerful words.

Otto was also hesitant: "I......don't know. My only wish is to support you as much as possible, I...don't think too much about this.

Karen slowly lowered her head and her tone became low: "Otto....I really lack the confidence to win this Eastern Expedition.

"Fighting is a duel that blocks lives... Bringing everyone home safely is my greatest wish right now."

Otto said hurriedly: " can do it, Karen. I believe in you."

Read this memory.

Void Wanzang said: "If you are asking me to judge the situation at that time... she is asking you for deep spiritual help, but you are not answering the question.


Otto admitted frankly: "It is indeed the key to revelation, and the answer is quite accurate. Treating the other party as a superman, or even a perfect human... This factor will be quite fatal emotionally. You see, I am indeed not one A qualified childhood sweetheart, right?"

At this time, he gave people the feeling that after years of maturity, he looked back at his youthful self, the immature self who didn't understand love and the other person's thoughts.

Void Wanzang said: "I didn't expect you to be willing to evaluate yourself so objectively."

Otto chuckled: "—If I can't do this, how can I be sure that I can provide another person with a second life for her who is different from me?"

"Let's move on... There should be plenty of opportunities for us to criticize. After all, I'm often just a veritable patient in front of her."

Memory jump.

The picture came to a dark night.

Only the fire in front of him can bring a ray of light.

Karen asked with concern: "Otto...Are you shaking? Is it cold?"

Otto replied tremblingly: "It's okay, it's okay, that is, the coat was wet when crossing the river before."

Karen hurriedly said: "...Hey, sleep with wet clothes in this weather, you'll get frostbite if you don't get it right! Get up, I'll put up a hanger, and you can take off your coat and dry it.

Seeing that Karen is already up and ready to support the hanger.

Otto said quickly: "But... when we retreated, there were no extra coats and quilts in the military supplies..."

Now take off your clothes and your body temperature will drop faster.

He didn't say anything after that.

Karen interrupted: "What are you talking about? Come on, wear mine first."

She put her coat on Otto, and said bravely: "The Valkyrie with the strongest destiny will not be knocked down by the cold!"


As soon as the words fell, Karen sneezed.

Otto worried: "This...Aren't you sneezing too..."

Karen clipped Otto's clothes and went back to the fire.

Said: "It's alright! Before taking care of me, you should take care of yourself first.... Really.

"Ah good.

Facing the strong Karen, only agreed.

After a brief silence.

The temperature of both recovered a little.

Karen looked at the flames in front of her and asked in a low voice, "Otto. We lost the battle this time... Will your father lose a lot of money?"

Otto wrapped his clothes tightly and said, "Probably. However, we probably don't need to worry about this? After all, their big men always come up with solutions, don't they?"

Karen said: "...You may also have a point. But, I should have told you before---I think the recent destiny seems to have some problems in the position of the organization. "

"Including the question I asked you subconsciously just now... Should Destiny really care about [money] as much as it does now?"

Otto could only reply: "Probably not. this day and age, without money, it is true that nothing can be done."

for such topics.

Otto didn't want to discuss it too deeply, and now he has only Karen in his heart.

"Okay, let's leave the unanswered questions for now. It's so late at night—are you hungry?"

Read this memory.

Even today's Otto can't help feeling (bbbe): "I was really ridiculous at that time. I always thought that those self-righteous [gentle and considerate] can solve all problems."

Void Wanzang said: "But generally speaking, it is really important. If you want to blame, you should blame yourself at that time, and you don't understand her heroic complex at all."

Otto also deeply realized: "Yeah... When she said [save the world], she really wasn't joking. She would never shake her faith on this point.

this moment.

The players also deeply felt that they were shedding the identity of the Bishop of Heaven, leaving behind his evil deeds, and just this feeling.

Otto Apocalis is the same as countless players.

When facing the woman he loves deeply, he will also be very naive, and he will also sigh with emotion for the immaturity of the past, and he will also recall the immaturity of the past in such a time, and never sum up this feeling.

"Look, these deadly places were misplaced from the beginning."

He laughed at himself: "The next memory.... is nothing more than making 'Otto Apokalis himself, step by step, pathetic and ridiculous.

The picture of memory reappeared in front of everyone.

Karen's appearance also appeared.

"Otto, this is...?"

Otto answered truthfully: "This is the medicine I am researching. The Black Death may mutate, and we must strengthen the efficacy of the medicine... so that more and more people can be rescued."

Karen looked at the medicine with relief: "It's because of this medicine that Eleanor turned the corner, right?"


Otto nodded: "But her physique is not very human, so she won't have those very serious side effects in ordinary people.

"...If it weren't for that, my mother wouldn't let her inherit her name of [Shaniat]."

Karen stood beside Otto and said softly, "Anyway, you still invented a lot of great things just like when you were a child!"

Otto also said shyly: "I'm just... trying to catch up with someone. Well, let's not talk about that for now—"

He changed the subject and asked, "Are you planning to [action] tonight as well?"

Karen replied: "Well. You can do your job. I'm already very skilled over there, so there won't be any problems."

Otto urged: "Still be more careful. After all, we are doing these things under the eyes of those old antiques..."

Karen nodded: "I understand. I will act within my power, and I won't go out of my way to cause trouble."

"After all... It's really too early to tell everyone to resist the way the society operates as specified by the old guys."

Otto couldn't help but say: "But, Karen...the way society works, it's impossible for anyone to say that it can be changed by change, right?"

Karen said seriously: "Yes. So we can only do what we can do and wait for the opportunity. If we don't work hard enough on the path we believe in... How can we convince others in the future? Woolen cloth?"

Hear this.

Otto could only echo: ...... Indeed. You are also right. It seems that we have to cheer each other on.

Read this memory.

Rao Shikong Wanzang couldn't help but complain: "I really don't understand, how could you be so awkward back then. Wouldn't it be better to just tell her all your thoughts? The whole history may be changed because of this. ."

Otto sighed: "Maybe. But what do you want me to say to her at the time? Do you say that I am researching new drugs in such a way as human experiments?"

"Or do you want me to cite the political economy theory hundreds of years later to inspire her to rob the rich and help the poor without solving the essential problem?"

"If it wasn't for that...even if I told her the reason I did it all—what's the use?"

"Will she change herself because of this, or will I change myself because of this?".

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