Game Production: Opening Honkai Impact 3rd, The Knife Crying Players

Chapter 200 Otto Is Nothing But The Pinnacle Of Emotion

Void Wanzang said bluntly: "But in fact, none of you have changed anyone.

Otto admitted: "Of course. Because at the time, I was wishful thinking that there were more ways for me to protect her secretly."

Void Wanzang smiled and said: "Heh. She is the most powerful Valkyrie Goddess. You actually wanted to rely on your own strength to protect her instead?"

Otto said: "After all, at that time, I considered myself to be complementary to her, and I always wanted to use my own way to secretly make up for the other's shortcomings.

Void Wanzang curiously said: "Strange. How could you, who have been frail and sick since childhood, think so highly of yourself in this kind of thing. History has proved that you couldn't actually do anything at that time.

"You even accelerated her break with her original living environment--and the price, in the end, was her own life."

Otto took a deep breath: "...Yeah. That day she finally discovered the true dark side of Destiny. The trajectory of our lives has been out of control ever since.

"Then the story turned into a tragedy in the guise of absurdity."

"I finally made the stupidest judgment of my life."

The memory screen appears.

The time is after the death of Otto's father.

His sister found him: "What's the matter, my good brother? Shouldn't it be time for a church wake for our father?"

Otto asked back: "Then why are you here. Sister Lisa."

Lisa said without any cover: "Tsk...because I hate that bad old man, and I don't want to put on a pretence there at all-is this a good reason?"

Otto just looked at her and said, "My father was poisoned. I know who the killer is."

Lisa's eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of killing intent flashed: "Oh? Who is it? I'd like to know."

Otto replied coldly: "The temptation to ask knowingly will end here. You need the throne of the Bishop of Destiny... and I also need to complete a deal.

Lisa naturally knew: "Karen Kaslana, right? You really like her."

"It's a pity that she's going to be hanged tomorrow, a corpse that will never wake up under the wiggly ropes—and it's of her own volition, isn't it?

Otto said deeply: "We drove her to this dead end. Each of us is guilty."

Lisa waved her hand: "Okay, I know you don't want her to die. But what are you going to trade with me? Her death sentence was passed by our parents and the council.

Otto said: "Since our father can be murdered like this, then I believe you must have a way to rescue Karen. After the matter is completed, we promise to fly away - the position of the leader of Peer Koku Rice that you value."

Clearly threatening words.

Let Lisa frown slightly: " seem to have a point in saying that. But ah, my good brother-even if the previous bishop is dead, the next bishop can't be revoked in a hurry. Such an important death sentence. It's about that person's prestige in a particular circle... you understand?"

Otto's heart skipped a beat for a moment.

A feeling of hopelessness arises.

" won't help me?"

Lisa said with a conscientious air: "Oh, don't worry, Otto Apocalis. Song wants... you're willing to get your hands dirty...

Read the memory.

Void Wanzang sighed with emotion: "You know, Otto... Sometimes I am really jealous of your sister. I deliberately created so many big and small dangers for you back then, and you never jumped— —"

"—But she just handed you a shovel, how can you dig a grave for yourself?"

"It is said that the feelings of human beings can make them lose their minds; but you are indeed a little bit unbelievable.

Otto was a little helpless: "Think about it in a different position, Void Wanzang. Apart from closing your eyes and trusting her......Is there any other way for me at that time?"

"Or.... If at that time you are willing to let me use the full power of the God Key at will - in order to save her [I must agree to any other conditions on the spot?"

For Otto at the time.

As long as he can save Karen, let alone dirtying his hands, even if it is to sell his soul and give his everything, he will not hesitate.

It's just... God didn't extend a helping hand to him, but reality pushed him into a deeper abyss.

Void Wanzang said: "So it's all my fault? Is this the real reason you have bound me for more than five hundred years?"

Otto chuckled lightly: "Heh... who knows. We don't have any regret medicine for each other anyway, do we?"

The memory picture reappeared.

This time... in front of Karen Kaslana's tombstone.

see this screen.

Void Wanzang sighed: "Oh, she died. That is indeed your doom. Five hundred years have passed in a hurry... Now, you finally have the opportunity to change this moment.

"Or, for you, time has never really passed?"

Otto let out a deep sigh.



Void Wanzang noticed that Otto, who was calm just now, suddenly became a little wrong.

Um? Hey, are you listening to me?"

Otto naturally fixed his memory in front of the tombstone, and said to himself: "In many languages, people avoid mentioning [death] itself."

"Death. The permanent dissipation of subjective will. The concept of making [existence] itself [non-existence]. Of course this is the eternal horror before all wisdom——"

"——But when we are blind in the face of death in order to resolve this terror... A kind of grandiose self-deception also came into being.

"We always subconsciously believe that our loved ones are immortal and immortal."

"Although our reasoning understands that the other party is only flesh and blood, emotionally we are not willing to accept it anyway."

Void Wanzang wondered: " mean, human beings will always be intimidated by death in some form."

Otto nodded: "That's right. We are so afraid of death that the panic brought about by this fear ... ... creates more deaths that were unnecessary.

"Discrimination, abuse, murder, war... Who among us is not dominated by the fear called [Death], and cast this shadow on others in advance?"

Void Wanzang asked rhetorically: "...But can you be alone? You are more immersed in this quagmire than anyone else - it's just that what you fear is not your own [death]."

· Ask for flowers...

Otto deeply agreed with his words: "Yeah. That's why, at best, I'm just a [Bishop]... and Karen is a [Saint] in people's hearts.


Otto sighed deeply.

Asked: "Do you remember the letter I once wrote to that [Walter]?"

[We are so fragile that we can only exchange short-lived peace by threatening each other and use the sobering words of order and 'ethics' to disguise those despicable motives. 】

"That statement still holds true today. Humans, after all, repeat the same mistakes—and even turn a blind eye to the fact itself.

Void Wanzang complained at the right time: "...I think, I have to remind you that these statements can also be used to criticize yourself."

"That's right, the void is hidden."

"Whether it's K423, Hollander, Theresa, or can say that they all inherited Carlene's mantle from different angles."

Otto continued: "[Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs]. For the world before us, it really does not need Kalen's brave heart to beat from the grave again."

Hear this.

Players whose views of Otto have changed because of this memory.

All felt heartbroken.

Especially that Sister Zhou immediately said: "Fuck, it's not right! Isn't Otto determined to resurrect Karen? What does he mean by saying that he doesn't need Karen's brave heart to beat again from the grave?? Otto What is he thinking?"

Not just her.

Now the barrage in the live room is all asking the same question.

Even though some people were shouting to kill Otto, it was undeniable that everyone cared more about Otto's purpose.

The plot continues.

Void Wanzang obviously understands Otto very well, and it said: "...Someone pretends to be confused because he understands. And you, maybe you should say "Don't be confused on purpose."

Ha ha ha ha……

Otto let out a hearty laugh: "This is what you don't understand... the void is hidden."

"The so-called human emotion-it is originally a desire that would rather harm others than oneself, and also want to release it.

"It's just that in terms of general definitions, [good people] are good at using reason to control emotions, while [bad people] are used to letting emotions control their reason."

"As for the so-called [rational villains]...they have made their people a machine that only calculates profits, and they don't even deserve to be called [humans]."

Void Wanzang said unceremoniously: "...Really? I think you are just such a [rational villain] right now."

Otto showed a smile: "I have not denied that I am not worthy of being called a [person]. Rather, I am very clear that I am the master of this kind of dross."

"Didn't I say.... Humans always emotionally believe that our loved ones are immortal and immortal."

"And I'm just a besieger who lets this emotion dominate his reason and doesn't count his interests."

"—Look, the first person to come to me to settle accounts is already close at hand."

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