"Let's not talk about this, let's not talk about this!" Seeing the constant pace in the live broadcast room, Tuantuan quickly changed the subject and said,"Since you all said today that I haven't played Genshin Impact for a few days, then we will play Genshin Impact in the next few days!"

Hearing that Tuantuan was going to play Genshin Impact live in the next few days, many netizens who like to play Genshin Impact became excited. It would be a great thing to be able to watch their favorite host play their favorite game!

"Let me see, what is my progress in the Genshin Impact mission?"

Tuantuan opened his mission list, and the full missions caused a sigh from the viewers in the live broadcast room!

Some of them had already completed all the world missions, not to mention the main missions. It can be said that they have already grown grass....

It turns out that Tuantuan still has a lot of tasks here, which is really enviable!

""Let me have a look, eh?"

Tuantuan's eyes were attracted by the legendary mission in the lower right corner. She clicked it and saw only an unlocked mission!

She learned from the barrage that this was Wendy's legendary mission. The process of the mission was very interesting and the ending was very touching.

Hearing this, Tuantuan also became interested. It was not easy to see touching stories in Mihoyo's game!

【Chapter of the Song Fairy - Act 1】

【If You Are Trapped in a Windless Land - Already Enabled]

After starting the mission, Tuan Tuan controls the Traveler to go to the mission location.

Arriving at Mondstadt Square, the game also enters the plot stage.

In the picture, the Traveler and Paimon come to the square

"Traveler, look over there!"

Paimon pointed to a little girl not far away. The traveler looked in the direction Paimon pointed and saw the little girl jumping around. It seemed that she was talking to someone.

But in the eyes of the traveler, she was the only one there.

"She, she is standing alone, right?"

"But she was clearly talking to someone else! Look, she was even smiling! Wow, so scary..."

An option popped up at the side,"I also played with imaginary friends when I was a kid."

Paimon put his hands on his hips and said in surprise,"Wow? Traveler, did you do this before?"

In the game, Traveler and Paimon were discussing the topic of imaginary friends....

However, the look on Tuantuan's face when he looked at the game became uglier and uglier.

【Tuantuan's face didn't look very good. Did he think of something?】

【I guess Tuantuan had imaginary friends before, but they disappeared after he grew up. Alas, I also want to have an imaginary friend!】

【Woohoo, I also want to have an imaginary friend, it really makes me cry!】

【Alas, I have just become an adult, and now my imaginary friends have never appeared. Is this reasonable?】


Tuan Tuan glanced at the comments and said,"What imaginary friends? I just want to complain, why doesn't this traveler speak? It's all up to Paimon to speak...."

After hearing the real reason why Tuantuan looked embarrassed, the fans behind the screen all said they were stunned.

【Tuantuan, let me tell you a secret. Paimon has a nickname called the Mouth of God, which is the external vocal organ!】

【Phew, God's Mouth is okay, but the fact that the protagonist never speaks is not good enough. I hope Mihoyo can change this!】

【I also think that Mihoyo should restore the voice of the traveler. It is not right for him to become a mute!】


When Tuantuan saw the comments on the barrage, he also said that he would go to the Mihoyo official website to express his opinion!

"What does your imaginary friend look like? Show me!"

Paimon hoped that the traveler could call out her imaginary friend, but Tuantuan chose not to see it anymore.

"Hmm? Do imaginary friends disappear when people grow up?"

While they were talking about imaginary friends, Wendy appeared beside them.

"Traveler! What a coincidence, you are here too"

"Singing man, why is it you again?"

"Haha, it's because Lisa has made some interesting things recently."

Wendy took out the gadget made by Lisa and mentioned it to the traveler. It was made of dangerous materials that Lisa brought back from Xumi.

Tuan Tuan was confused and asked the camera:"Where is Xumi?"

The barrage told her that it was a country in the original God.

When she knew that this gadget looked like a monocle and was a detector, Tuan Tuan said to the camera:"Hearing this description, I thought of the combat power detector in Dragon Ball, you know?"

"I automatically inserted that image."

"Unfortunately, Lisa couldn't use it herself, so I borrowed it to play with, and also helped her do experiments."


Tuan Tuan spit out the water he had just drunk, his eyes full of disbelief.

"If I hadn't done the plot, I really wouldn't believe that this is the God of Wind!" Tuan Tuan confided to the camera:"This God of Wind gives me the feeling of a drunkard who does nothing all day and only plays drinking games every day!"

【Be more confident, Tuanzi, and get rid of the image. This is the drunkard who does nothing all day long!】

【Thank you, Tuantuan, if you hadn’t told me that he was such a god, I would still be kept in the dark. You really made me cry!】

【Alas, Wendy is such a god. It is hard to imagine that he is a god. Compared with Rock God, I feel that Rock God is much more reliable!】

【Don’t worry, buddy, you haven’t done the Liyue plot yet, right? The God of Geo is just a street urchin who eats for free everywhere without Mora!】

【Oh no, the seven gods in Genshin Impact can’t all be like this, so scary!】

【I have already imagined that the following gods will probably not be very serious....】


In the game, Wendy gave the detector to the traveler, and the traveler put the detector in front of his eyes.

He saw the little girl's imaginary friend. Like the little girl, her imaginary friend was also a little girl!

Both little girls had innocent smiles on their faces, full of childish innocence!

When Paimon heard that the traveler could also see imaginary friends, she was so angry that she stomped her feet. She couldn't wear a detector of this size!

"Traveler, it's up to you! Let's go see what other people's imaginary friends look like"

"The words"Others" were also marked in blue. If nothing unexpected happened, this would be the key to the next task!

Go see other people's imaginary friends!

The scene changed and they came to the flower shop. The detector's lens also looked at Flora!

In the detector's lens, there was a puff fruit emitting a faint golden light next to Flora. It seemed that this was Flora's imaginary friend.

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