After seeing that Flora's friend was a plant, the traveler was also very surprised!

They came forward, and Wendy asked her why her imaginary friend was a puff fruit?

Flora told them that she knew about this plant from an adventurer named Stanley, and she longed to fly into the sky with her friends one day!

After saying goodbye to Flora, Wendy took the traveler to the bridge, wanting to see Timmy's imaginary friend through the detector.

When seeing Timmy, the audience was not sleepy, and they started to beat the rhythm in the barrage of the live broadcast room.

Tuan Tuan was also very helpless. She did the task just to avoid such a rhythm, but who knew that she saw Timmy again in the task.

The traveler saw through the detector that Timmy's imaginary friend turned out to be a one-eyed little treasure, which really scared them.

Paimon's face was horrified and asked,"Hey, will this be attacked?"

Wendy laughed and said,"Haha, do you want to give up communicating with little Timmy?"

Two options appeared on the screen, Paimon, don't you want to live that sentence?

There is another sentence Paimon, say what you want to say!

When the netizens saw these two options, they became agitated, and the screen was filled with comments!

【Pay attention to the front, pay attention to the front, the official Mi Huyou is causing trouble!】

【Tuantuan probably doesn’t know about this meme. After all, she hasn’t played Genshin Impact for a long time, so she doesn’t know about this joke!】

【Hahaha, maybe Tuantuan knows, don’t talk nonsense, hi hi hi!】

【I bet 50 cents that Tuantuan probably doesn’t know that joke!】


Seeing the barrage constantly refreshing the screen, Tuantuan was also confused and asked,"What's the joke? Why do you say I don't know?"

The barrage asked her to choose an option at random, and she would know it later.

Tuantuan chose, Paimeng, say what you want to say!

In the game, Paimeng was also confused and asked,"Me? What should I say?"

"Let’s explore the area ahead later!"

Upon hearing this, the netizens all laughed, leaving only Tuanzi with a confused look on her face. It was obvious that she had no idea what this sentence meant.

Of course, this also became a live broadcast effect, and the barrage also made fun of Tuan Tuan.

Some people even took a screenshot of the confused Tuan Tuan and made it into a confused emoticon package. There were even two photos put together, both with confused faces!

Paimeng put his hands on his hips and asked,"Are you serious? Okay then..."

"Listen to me, the area ahead, come explore it later!"

"So, what does this stalk mean?"

Tuantuan asked the camera, and the fans also told her through the barrage that when the traveler reaches the border of the open map, Paimon will jump out and force the traveler to walk behind him.

Many people also died because of this, and the traveler was forcibly controlled by Paimon and jumped off the cliff!

After saying this, the scene changed, and they came to the Angel Tavern.

I saw Kaeya and Diluk sitting at the table drinking. During the conversation, they also got some information. Diluk sold his father's old house and a vase!

But the focus of Wendy's legendary mission is not here. The traveler picked up the detector and scanned around and found that the adults did not have fantasy friends.

"Is it because of a lack of childlike innocence?"

Paimon spread his hands and said,"Will I become a person without dreams when I grow up?...Then I won't grow up..."

"So I don’t have fantasy friends now, is it because I’ve grown up?"

Tuantuan asked the camera,"Do any of you know that I’ve grown up so much? Is it normal that I still don’t have fantasy friends?"

【It’s not normal, it’s not normal. Tuantuan has become an abnormal person. Alas, I didn’t want to let Tuantuan be discharged from the hospital in the first place. Alas!】

【What did I say? Tuantuan cannot be discharged from the hospital. I was very opposed to this matter at the beginning!】

【That’s right, I am the attending physician, and my fantasy friend also told me that Tuan Tuan cannot be discharged from the hospital!】

【Thank you for your hard work. Thank you all for your hard work!】

【Thanks for your hard work!】


The comments started teasing Tuantuan again, but it was obvious that Tuantuan was used to this, so she didn't care.

Wendy looked up at the sky and murmured,"So, Ou Lai, how old do boys and girls usually keep their imaginary friends?"

He turned his head to look at the Traveler and Paimon and said,"Let's go verify it...."

The scene changed, and they came to Irene. Through the detector, they could see that Irene had an imaginary friend. Not only that, her imaginary friend was Jean!

When they saw Irene, the viewers in the live broadcast room also became agitated, and they all sent comments on the barrage, saying that Irene was the god of Mondstadt....

Tuantuan asked the fans with a dull look on her face, why do people say that Irene is the god of Mondstadt?

Tuantuan had not played Genshin Impact for a long time, so naturally she didn’t know these jokes.

Tuantuan also learned from the fans that there is a daily commission task in Mondstadt, which is to teach Irene how to smash wooden stakes at the same time!

From the elemental skills and elemental bursts of various game characters, to various high-end operating skills of Genshin Impact, such as shooting arrows from a very long distance, using Ganyu’s scattering characteristics, or using Amber to light the fire next to the wooden stakes, and then using Little Amy, also known as Fischl, to overload the reaction, so as to complete the simultaneous smashing of the wooden stakes!

What’s more, some people even use the high-end skills of Genshin Impact, such as the Dragon Slash, to smash these wooden stakes at the same time!

Tuantuan was stunned by these barrages, and it was obvious that she didn’t understand them....

In the game, the conversation between the traveler and Paimon was also noticed by Irene. She greeted the traveler,"Hello? Hello, what's up?"

Paimon asked,"Have you been practicing swordsmanship here?"

"Yes, today I heard Mr. Stanley talk about his adventures. It was so exciting!"

"I hope that one day I can become as good as Mr. Starley."

Wendy smiled and said,"Is it to fight alongside Captain Qin?"

"I, of course I want to be a knight! If I could go on an adventure with Captain Qin...It would be even better."

During the conversation, Irene invited the traveler to practice swordsmanship with her. After the practice, she remembered that there was something very important today, but now she was too tired to move.

She asked the traveler to bring a message to Jack.

Irene also got a lot of key information from him. Jack is now adventuring in the temple of the Lion of the South Wind with Mr. Stanley.

"The words"Temple of the Lion of the South Wind" were marked in blue letters, and Tuan Tuan knew that he would probably have to carry out the mission in this place later.

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