"This Stanley should be the key figure in our mission, right?" The name that appeared many times also attracted Tuantuan's attention,"Am I right? Come on, praise me!"

The fans were also very supportive, telling Tuantuan that Wendy's legendary mission was centered around the adventurer named Stanley.

In the game, after the traveler agreed to Irene's request, he also went to the temple of the Lion of the South Wind. After arriving in the dungeon, although Tuantuan hadn't played for a while, she was still able to pass the dungeon.

At the end of the dungeon, she saw two people in adventurer costumes. Tuantuan recognized one of them at a glance, who should be the person Irene wanted her to find.

There was also a person who looked a little older, with stories written all over his face, who should be the famous adventurer Starley.

Jack and Stanley were both breathing heavily, and Jack looked at the traveler with lingering fear, and said,"I thought I was going to die just now!"

Wendy spread her hands and said,"It's really just a little bit away."

"By the way, you are the adventurer Jack, right?" Jack:"Yes, who are you?"

The travelers told Jack the message from Irene. After delivering the message, Jack scratched his head embarrassedly and thanked the travelers!

"Ha! Minding other people's business! There's no need to save him. Can't I, Starley, handle such a simple situation?"

After saying this, the eyebrows of the group in front of the camera slightly frowned, obviously a little unhappy.

"What's wrong with this guy? I saved him, but he didn't thank me, and he even accused me of meddling in other people's business!"Tuan Tuan said angrily,"Just now, Stanley and Jack were trembling, and they said they could handle it!"

Seeing this, the netizens told Tuan Tuan that this Stanley was a fake, not the real Stanley.

The real Stanley was dead!

""Ah? The real Stanley is dead? Then the one in front of me is an imposter!" Tuan Tuan suddenly realized and said,"Then it must be that we have exposed this Stanley's scam in the end, right?"

"That must be the case, praise me, praise me!"

Seeing this, the netizens did not tell Tuantuan the truth. Although a few comments told the truth, they were drowned in the praise.

The child who seeks praise cannot see the sand in his eyes.

The netizens all hope that Tuantuan can play and experience the plot in person, so most people did not tell her the truth!

After learning that the bearded man in front of him was the great adventurer Stanley, Paimon also said Stanley's name with envy!

Stanley was also proud of Paimon's look, and then everyone walked towards the depths of the secret realm together.

Stanley:"So, you also want to listen to my adventure stories, right?"

Wendy:"No, we are just looking for Jack."

Stanley:"What?! Young man, I am Stanley, the most famous adventurer in Mond!"

Wendy:"Well, we already know this."

Stanley:"No, this attitude is not right. I am a living legend! It is Stanley, the warrior who arrived at the Sea of Silence!"

Paimeng:"Ah, I know, I know. Don't say the name over and over again!"

Several people talked to each other, causing laughter in the live broadcast room!

"This Stanley is so funny, just like..."Tuan Tuan described it vividly in front of the camera and said,"It's like when you do something incredible and someone asks you, have you eaten?"

"Then Stanley said,"Huh? How did you know I was in Jinghai?"

Tuantuan's exaggerated expression and funny tone made the viewers in the live broadcast room laugh.

【Hahaha, Tuantuan is so funny, she is so right!】

【Yes, yes, I have finished this plot. In this dialogue, Hans Archibald really seems like this kind of person, hahaha!】

【Buddy, you are so ruthless. You even wrote down this name!】

【But in this plot, he really seems like that kind of person, it's really funny, but the ending is also quite pitiful!】

【Shh! Don't let Tuantuan know, let her play by herself, and quickly use the barrage to brush it off!】


The barrage continued like this, and Tuan Tuan concentrated on controlling the character in his hand and walked all the way to the end of the dungeon.

While Stanley was talking to Jack, Wendy whispered,"Traveler, I have a little discovery."

""Can you please turn on the detector?"

The traveler nodded, took out the detector and looked at Jack. As she guessed, Jack did not have an imaginary friend.

When she looked at Stanley, she was really scared. Next to Stanley stood a man with stains and a scar on his face.

The man's movements and expressions were exactly the same as Stanley's, as if they were a mirror image!

"Wow, is Stanley's imaginary friend a young man? He looks a bit handsome, doesn't he?"Tuantuan said,"But that imaginary friend has a scar on his face, but Stanley doesn't, right?"

"Is there any treasure that can beautify the face?"

When these words came out, the viewers in the live broadcast room laughed. Everyone exclaimed that Tuantuan was so cute and could say anything.

In the game, Paimon said in surprise:"Hey? Stanley also has an imaginary friend?"

Wendy stroked her chin and said:"It seems that his friend is a battle-hardened warrior....He was covered with scars and his expression was very resolute."

The traveler and Wendy talked and agreed that Stanley's story had a hidden story.

On the other side, Stanley also left here. After he left, Jack walked to the traveler and asked,"Are you free?"

Tuan Tuan subconsciously said that he was not free, which made the viewers in the live broadcast room burst out laughing.

Jack told a few people, hoping that they could help him find the weapons that Mr. Stanley used back then, the Sword of Glorious Courage and the Shield of Glorious Will. Now these two weapons are placed in Dadaupa Valley.

Jack's family did not support him to be an adventurer, and he hoped to find these two weapons to prove to his family that he was capable of being an adventurer!

After a conversation, Paimon and the traveler decided to help him. As for Wendy, Jack bribed him with a bottle of precious wine!

"Brothers, remember, when Wendy returns to the factory, he will appear with a few bottles of good wine in his hands!"

Tuantuan gave everyone a trick to extract Wendy with metaphysics.

In the game, not far away, Stanley was hiding behind the wall and eavesdropping on all this....

Author's words:

Sorry everyone, I was halfway through writing when I realized that there is still a book that has not been updated. Sorry for being late.

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