Su Wei was overwhelmed by these words. He calmed down and sat down.

The employees around him applauded enthusiastically.

But the man raised his hand like a child who wanted to be called by the teacher.

"What's the matter? Speak!"

The man stood up and said,"Brother Dawei, I want to know what you want us to do with what you just said?""


Su Wei smiled and said,"I want you to enjoy your life in the future!"

"Then, Brother Dawei, we go to work and come home on time every day, do our duties well, aren’t we also enjoying life?"

The employees around him whispered when they heard what he said. It is really enjoyable to have such a job!

Su Wei touched his hair, not knowing how to refute him for a moment.

It seemed that he was so excited when he said so many words, but he didn’t hear a single word of them in his head!

He finally understood how his parents felt when they saw that he didn’t listen to them. Is this the feeling of being a parent?

And this child is too tactless. Isn’t he here to tear down his boss?

Su Wei was anxious and waved at him,"Go away!"

""Okay, okay, we've almost finished the meal, let's go to work!"

Everyone also saw Su Wei's look and laughed, but they didn't say anything, but returned to their posts with a smile.

Looking at their receding backs, Su Wei sighed helplessly,"These bear kids are really a worry!"

After doing all this, Su Wei also returned to his post. He started writing the Genshin Impact Inazuma chapter. Genshin Impact is already version 1.3, and after the island version it's Inazuma. He has to hurry up and hand it over to Cai Yu and others for production.

"Clear your mind and start!"......

Time soon reached the evening, and with a clear mind, Su Wei quickly finished his work.

In the plot of Inazuma, it has been written that General Raiden is going to chop Thomas!

Just as he was thinking about what to eat for dinner, the system voice prompted

【C-level talent detected, do you want to check? 】

Su Wei took a breath of cold air when he saw this. It turned out that his system was still there.

He hadn't looked for the system during this period, and the system hadn't actively looked for him.

If the system hadn't appeared today, he would have thought that the system had disappeared after helping him.

Su Wei still liked this system that helped him.

It extended a helping hand when he was at his lowest point, which was tantamount to saving his life!

Now that a new talent has appeared, Su Wei hurriedly said:"Look!"

【Name: Jiang Mulan】

【Gender: Female】

【Age: 22】

【Appearance: Perfect】

【Graduated from: Shanghai Jiaotong University】

【Talent level: C-level talent (growth type)】

【Recruitment Difficulty: Level A】

【Advantages: strong working ability, strong desire to win and possessiveness, a rare good embryo!】

【Disadvantages: Just graduated from school, no independent judgment, easily deceived, extremely low emotional intelligence, a complete naive person with only ability! 】

Looking at the list given by the system, Su Wei smacked his lips twice.

He could understand the strong working ability and the strong desire to win, but what the hell is this possessiveness?

However, the system seems to be growing during this period of time. I still remember that the information of Mr. Shaoji as an S-level talent was very simple!

Not to mention Mr. Qian Lei, an A-level talent, that information is even more difficult to describe.

Now the information of a C-level talent is so complete?

Su Wei now doubts that if this system is allowed to grow for a period of time, can it even get the measurements of others ?

"System, is this the growth pattern I expected?"

【Ding! Host! Growth-type talents mean that the talent level has not yet been determined. As long as the host cultivates well, it can grow into an S-level talent in the future! 】

Seeing the system's reply, Su Wei was surprised and said,"What the hell? I picked up a big treasure, right?"

This can still grow. With the accumulation of time, Jiang Mulan's ability is getting stronger and stronger.

This is wonderful!

He already has Wolong, and now the Phoenix is here, right?

As the old saying goes, whoever gets Wolong and Phoenix gets the world. Now he, Su, has one too. This will definitely be a good life in the future!

Especially since this Jiang Mulan is from the same school as him, she must be his schoolmate.

They hit it off immediately, and Su Wei hurriedly contacted Cai Yu, hoping that he could help him contact this schoolmate!

After all, the difficulty of this recruitment is as high as A-level. Although Su Wei doesn't know what this A-level concept is, it must be very awesome.

However, from the information sent by Cai Yu, Su Wei learned that Jiang Mulan had been dug up by her in advance.

Knowing this, Su Wei was like an 800-pound child.

Brother, you are good. Just recruit all the people for him. If you train Jiang Mulan well in the future, won't it be long before she becomes an S-level talent?

Now there are three talents, and there are still seven to recruit ten talents!

He is now looking forward to what kind of reward he will get after completing this task.

The difficulty of recruitment must be made by the system. Now he has got all the people.

Can the duck in the mouth fly away?......

At this time, Jiang Mulan was at home, she was lost in thought while looking at her text messages on her mobile phone.

On the other end of the phone was a senior executive of the pig farm, who hoped that she could come to work in the pig farm after the New Year.

The salary offered was even higher than that of Mihuyou Company. This time, the pig farm really spent a lot of money.

Now the pig farm and Tencent are also learning from Mihuyou Company to recruit talents from various universities, including those who have been poached by other companies. They will offer higher salaries to poach them.

Again, there are only so many young talents, and they can be pulled into their own companies earlier.

They have been trained by the company earlier, and they have basically been shaped in the future. Few of them choose to change jobs again.

The salary offered by the pig farm to Jiang Mulan was very high, so high that Jiang Mulan was tempted.

With this salary, the family will definitely have a much better life in the future, and even she doesn't have to worry about a new dress for a long time.

But the salary offered by Mihuyou is not low, especially Mihuyou Company has a good reputation in the industry, and they are humane!

Especially her father also received a sum of money from the people of Mihuyou Company, and he can come back to spend the New Year with her this year!

The salary Mihoyo offered to Jiang Mulan was basically the highest in the industry for newcomers, but no one expected that the pig farm would spend more to poach these talents!

This is no longer a simple matter of who has more money to poach talents.

This is more of a competition between game companies!

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