In the Magic City, in Mihoyo Company.

Su Wei was holding a cup of hot tea, looking at the result of his hard work for a day.

Now he just felt relaxed and comfortable. This clear mind is really useful!

This is the system's golden finger......

In the past, he was always bothered by various things when he was working, and his attention was always diverted involuntarily.

Just like the game-making novel he was following recently, the author was not focused when typing, and was always bothered by various troubles and trivial matters in life.

Looking at the two latest updated chapters, Su Wei said:"If possible, I really want to give all novel authors in the world a clear mind!"

How can these two chapters be enough?

If foreigners see it, they will think we look down on books. One more chapter! Ten chapters a day!

Just when he was following the novel, Cai Yu called him.

Seeing Cai Yu's call, Su Wei frowned.

Before the holiday, he told Cai Yu that if it was not a big deal, don't call him, just send a message.

If there is no reply, it must be busy.

Now Cai Yu called him, it must be a very important thing!

Su Wei answered the phone and asked:"Hello, Cai Yu, what's the matter?"

"Su Wei, I have something very important to tell you next, you must listen carefully!"

"Yeah, go ahead!"

Cai Yu sighed and said,"Regarding the annual game selection, the organizer just called and said that due to force majeure, the venue will now be changed from offline to online live broadcast."

"Okay, I know..."

"Su Wei, I know you are sad, but the overall situation is the most important thing!"

In Cai Yu's heart, Su Wei must be very uncomfortable to hear this news.

After all, this offline form should be a good opportunity to meet elites in various industries. Unfortunately, this time it cannot be offline due to force majeure.

So he thinks that Su Wei's silence now is because he is uncomfortable for not being able to make connections.

Little did he know that Su Wei's heart was already blooming with joy at this time.

After hanging up the phone, Su Wei jumped up from the chair and shouted:"Wuhu, it's comfortable!"

He hated that kind of public occasions and didn't want to go there. If it were n't for the situation, who would be happy to go there! Now because of force majeure, Su Wei doesn't have to worry about what to wear there. He has been preparing all kinds of clothes these days.

When going to that kind of occasion, Cai Yu and he repeatedly told him to dress appropriately and keep his appearance perfect at all times! I was so confused after hearing all this. It's better to wear pajamas and a pair of slippers and stay at home to watch it. It's really......

"Oh, I'll be able to see the annual game selection in a few days, online life is so great!"

Knock, knock, knock.

There was a knock on the office door. Su Wei tidied up his appearance and said,"Come in!"

He still had to have some face in front of his employees.

The employee ran in hurriedly and said,"Brother Dawei, there is an old couple downstairs who claim to be your parents. You should go and see them!"


Why would his parents come to the company? Shouldn't they celebrate the New Year in their hometown?

At this moment, Su Wei's cell phone rang again. He picked up the phone and saw a familiar number.

"Hello, Dad!"

"Hey little bastard, come down to your company and see who’s here!"

""Dad, I'll be there soon, wait for me!"

Su Wei was immediately startled when he heard this. Damn, his parents are really here!

He took out the shoes in the shoe cabinet and changed them. He usually wore slippers in the company. If Su Zhen saw this, he would be criticized again!

Like Cai Yu, his parents taught him to dress appropriately since he was a child, and the clothes he wore at home and outside were different.

Things like not talking while eating and not talking while sleeping are the rules of the Su family!

After changing his shoes and clothes, Su Wei tidied his hair and ran downstairs quickly........

Downstairs of Mihuyou Company.

Several employees surrounded Su's father and mother, vying to help them get things.

"Uncle and aunt, Brother Dawei will be here soon, please wait a moment!"

"Auntie, uncle, let me take these things!"

"Uncle and aunt, I'll take the things for you, just accompany Brother Dawei."

Seeing a group of enthusiastic young people, Su's father and mother didn't know what to say, and could only decline their kindness repeatedly.

Soon, they saw the figure they had been thinking about walking towards the door of Mihoyo Company.

Su Wei was obviously dressed up now. He changed his pajamas and slippers and put on a more casual set of clothes.

Having not seen his parents for two years, Su Wei barely suppressed his excitement and strode forward to take the things from the two elders.

"Dad, Mom, it's cold outside, let's go into the company and talk!"

When Su's mother saw her son, her eyes were so wide with smiles that she said,"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Because it was really inconvenient to communicate outside the door, after saying a few words, Su Wei took the two elders to his office.

Only a group of people were left in the wind.

In the elevator,

Su's father, Su's mother and Su Wei naturally started chatting about family matters.

Su Wei: Mom and Dad, how did you have time to come here? Shouldn't you stay in your hometown for the New Year at this time?

Su's father: Brat, we are bored at home and just came out for a walk. Su's mother: Don't listen to your dad, it was him who suggested coming to see you, and he kept getting excited all the way, saying that his son is now successful, and he, as a father, is ashamed of himself!

Su's father: Where is it?

Su's mother: Humph! Where is it not?

Seeing the two elders who quarreled every day, Su Wei also laughed.

Maybe this is the feeling of home.

When he came to the office, Su Wei asked his parents to sit down.

He quickly poured two cups of tea and said,"Mom and Dad, have some tea!"

Mother Su walked to Su Wei's table and looked at one of the blue bags."Hey, Xiaowei, take a look at this bag first. It's full of your favorite sauerkraut dumplings!"

Su Wei came over and saw the hundred or eighty dumplings. He swallowed his saliva.

Su Wei smiled and said,"Mom, you are so nice!"

Each of these dumplings contains the love of his parents for him. I'm afraid they were all made and cooked today.

"By the way, those guys and girls outside the door are all your employees, right?" Mother Su took out another big bag of dumplings and said,"Give it to everyone. It's not easy for everyone not to go home for the New Year."

Su Wei curled his lips, took the big bag of dumplings reluctantly and walked outside, shouting,"Come and eat dumplings!"

After the words fell, there was no sound.

Soon, Su Wei felt the ground shaking.

A group of hungry wolves were running towards him with basins!

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