A group of hungry wolves quickly surrounded Su Wei.

Su Wei took a look at the big bowls in their hands, and some even held basins. Thinking that his parents were watching him from behind, he wished he could find a crack in the ground to hide in front of his parents.

These people can't tell the occasion from the right one!

He could understand the big bowl, but the one holding the wash basin was really too much!

"Dumplings dumplings, I want to eat dumplings!"

"Big Viagra, I want to eat it, I want to eat ten of them!"

""Brother Dawei, here I come. What flavors do the dumplings have? Let me see!"

Su Wei shouted to the crowd,"Line up, line up, come one by one, we have everything!"

People came to Su Wei one after another to get dumplings, and in the end, everyone returned to their posts happily with dumplings.

The happier Su Wei saw them eating, the more upset he felt!

These were all made by his mother. If he had known earlier, he should have let them all go back, so that the mother's love would belong to him alone.

There are many things in the world that cannot be bought with money, and parental love is one of them!

Parental love will appear around you in various forms, perhaps a meal of dumplings, or your parents' care for you before you left home.....

These are all the love that parents have for their children!

Su Wei sighed helplessly and said,"Forget it, forget it, I still have so much, I don't need them at all!" You must be open-minded, isn't it just a little?

Humph, I still have a lot, my mother loves me the most!

When Su Wei returned to the office, he saw Ning Xi sitting in his seat.

Su's mother was adding dumplings to her with a smile on her face!

It hurts! It hurts so much!...My mother's love was divided a little more.

My heart hurts!


Su Wei suddenly opened his eyes. Why did Ning Xi appear in his office?

Why did she seem to have such a good relationship with her parents? And she was eating her mother's love! After being stunned for a long time, he remembered that he was bored and asked in his circle of friends who was still in Shanghai?

As a result, only Ning Xi said that she was in Shanghai, so Su Wei asked her to come to the company for dinner in the evening.

After all, one more person means more fun....

But Su Wei didn't expect that his parents would come over at night?

Plans can never keep up with changes!

Ning Xi was eating dumplings with a happy smile on her face. When she saw Su Wei, she waved at him and said with a smile,"Brother Dawei, come here!"

Seeing Ning Xi's look, Su's father and mother were more certain of the relationship between the two.

Su's father stood up and said to Ning Xi and Su's mother,"Xiao Wei and I will talk about some men's topics!"

Ning Xi heard this, her pink face was full of confusion, she looked up and asked Chen Jing,"What are the topics between men?"

"It's something that only men would talk about. Eat quickly before it gets cold!"

Ning Xi nodded obediently and said,"Yeah, thank you, Auntie!"

At this time, Su Wei had been pulled to the tea room by his father.

The father and son stood on the chairs without saying a word.

It was Su Wei who took the initiative to break the silence and said,"Dad, just tell me what's the matter. I'm going back to eat!"

Su Zhen raised his eyes and said slowly,"Xiaowei, tell Dad what's going on with that girl?"

Su Wei stroked his forehead. It was obvious that Su Zhen must have misunderstood something.

After all, it was late at night, and a girl ran into his office and affectionately called him Brother Dawei. This was indeed easy to cause misunderstandings!

Seeing this, Su's father said earnestly,"How old is that girl? How could you do that?"

Hearing his father's words, Su Wei suddenly felt a fishy and sweet taste rising up his throat. This was really too fresh!

The Grass God of Xumi is his father, right?

He can even say such words.

Su Wei said:"Dad, they are employees of my company. They came to the company to have dinner together in the evening!"

"Employees? You still use child labor?"

Su Wei almost vomited blood when he heard what his father said.

What kind of brain circuit is this?

But think about it, Ning Xi's appearance and her voice do make it easy for people to think that she is young, but she is definitely not a child laborer!

""Dad, she is really just my employee, and she is an adult, not a child laborer!"

Su Wei explained to Su Zhen for a long time, and finally he reluctantly believed it!

After the two finished talking about men, they returned to the office.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the office, they heard the sound of talking and laughing.

"Auntie, are you saying that Dawei still wets the bed at the age of three?"

"Yes, yes, yes, he wet the bed at the age of three, and was covered in cow dung at the age of five. I was so worried that I thought I had given birth to a fool!"

Su Wei pushed the door open and said to his mother,"Mom, what happened when he was three years old was really because I got up in the middle of the night to drink water and accidentally spilled it!"

Su's mother glanced at Ning Xi, her eyes seemed to say, do you believe it?

Ning Xi looked at her, her eyes were full of, I don't believe it!

Su Wei had no choice. The more he explained, the more guilty he seemed. There was no need to explain at all.

He walked up to Ning Xi, glanced at the other bowl of dumplings, and started eating by himself.

Now nothing can stop him from eating!

Just as Su Wei was eating dumplings, Su's father walked up to them and asked,"By the way, Xiaowei, when did you two fall in love?"

When Su Wei heard the words 'fall in love', he spit out the dumplings he was about to swallow.

Then he started coughing violently.

What the hell is 'fall in love'?

Seeing this, Su's mother reminded him,"It's falling in love, not jumping in love!"

Su Wei glanced at the blushing Ning Xi beside him, sighed and said,"Mom and Dad, this is really just my employee, not the kind of relationship you think...."

Looking at the two people sitting in front of them eating dumplings, even the sauce on their lips was in the same position.

Father Su and Mother Su just smiled and said nothing.

""Well, Dawei, I'm full, I'm leaving now!" Ning Xi stood up and said,"Goodbye, uncle and aunt, the dumplings are delicious!"

After that, she ran out like the wind.

Ning Xi seemed to be carefree at ordinary times, but in fact, she was just a little girl who had never been in love.

Now hearing Su���When his parents said that they and Su Wei were in that kind of relationship, they left shyly.

When Su Wei saw Ning Xi leaving, he sighed,"Alas, Mom and Dad, she and I are really not what you think."

Su Zhen and Chen Jing showed an"I know, I know" expression, which made Su Wei speechless.

Sure enough, after retirement, he had nothing to do all day and became gossipy.

"By the way, are you guys going to leave these days? If not, stay at my place for the time being!"


Author's words:

In life, you will be happy only if you choose the thing that makes you happiest!

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