In the official live broadcast room, the host smiled and said to everyone:"The next Best Music Award, the game that won this award is Genshin Impact from Modou Mihoyo....."

A clip from the game Genshin Impact was also shown on the big screen behind the stage.

The background music of Liyue Harbor was also played, which is the most representative music.

When everyone saw that Genshin Impact won another award, they couldn't hold back.

【It's the BGM of Liyue Harbor. I'm too familiar with it. Wuhu is so cool! Genshin Impact won the grand prize again!】

【Here it comes, congratulations to Genshin Impact for winning another big award, Wuhu, it has won five awards already, hahahaha!】

【Woohoo, I was one of the first players since the public beta of Genshin Impact. Now I have been with Genshin Impact for such a long time and have seen it grow.】

【The success of Genshin Impact is inseparable from the efforts of the Genshin Impact team. Woohoo, I am so moved!】

【Not to mention family, the success of Genshin Impact is also inseparable from the wallets of us players, woooo!】

【That’s right, I strongly request that we do at least ten consecutive draws this time!】

【Ten consecutive draws are definitely possible. When did Brother Dawei ever deduct the amount of rewards from us? Now we just need to try to select five stars!】

【Okay, okay, this time I strongly request a five-star selection of your own!】

【Genshin Impact is awesome, Genshin Impact is awesome, Genshin Impact is awesome! 】

Countless comments were posted on the screen, all expressing everyone's love for Genshin Impact!

Under the expectant gaze of countless players, the host said to the screen:"The following is the Best Art Award for Game of the Year. The winning games include Genshin Impact from Mihoyo in Modou and..."

As soon as Genshin Impact came out, the whole audience was boiling!

In this annual game award selection, the games are completely fireflies!

And Genshin Impact is the sun and the moon!

How dare fireflies compete with the sun and the moon?

Other games have become foils, this is the relationship between red flowers and green leaves.

Genshin Impact won six awards. This time, the annual game award selection was made for Genshin Impact!

The players in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

They swiped the screen one after another. Genshin Impact won six awards this time, which is well deserved!

At this time, Su Zhen watched the TV and Genshin Impact won all the awards. He raised his arms and shouted:"Wuhu, my son is really awesome, he won all these awards!"

Then he took out his mobile phone and took a few photos and sent them to his circle of friends. His son made him proud today!

Su Wei looked at his excited father and smiled faintly.

He had known about this result for a long time. Since the appearance of Genshin Impact, although it has promoted the development of Dragon Country Games.

But here it is still a dimensionality reduction attack!

But he is still very happy, this is everyone's recognition of the game he made!

Su's mother asked,"By the way, Xiaowei, is there any prize money for this award?"

Su Wei patted his mother's hand and said with a smile,"Mom, after reaching our level, the prize money is not important anymore!"

"We care more about fame and fortune than money!"

Even the casual pay-to-win games made by Tencent can make money in Dragon Country. What

's more, what about the truly high-quality game Genshin Impact?

Players are not fools. People spend money to play your game because they want quality. If Genshin Impact is of high quality, people will spend money. There's nothing wrong with that!

Su's mother nodded and murmured,"Oh, that's right!"

The money that Su Wei sent home from time to time was enough for them to enjoy their old age.

They also often paid attention to the revenue of Mihoyo Company. Every month, the company's monthly turnover was booming, without any decline.

Just as Su Wei was emotional, Su's father walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Xiaowei, we are going back tomorrow!"

"So soon? Won't you stay a few more days?"

Father Su sighed and said,"This Magic City is indeed very comfortable, and this house is also very convenient, even the lights are voice-controlled."

As he said that, he twisted his waist and said,"But I have been doing farm work for so many years, and I always feel uncomfortable without working these days."

Su Wei hugged his parents and said,"Mom and Dad, I will definitely go back to see you more often next year."

Mother Su wiped the tears from Su Wei's face and smiled,"Okay, we are also very happy to see that you are so successful!"

"We need to rest early and leave tomorrow morning!"

Su Wei nodded and said obediently:"Okay! Just call me if you need anything!"

No matter how old you are, you are still a child in your parents' eyes.

After his parents went upstairs to sleep, Su Wei took out his computer to continue working. The Huwalnut card pool for Genshin Impact was ready after the New Year.

He didn't have to worry about Mr. Shaoji in Honkai Impact 3. Later, Bishop Otto and the Thirteen Heroes were sweeter than each other, so he could do things with confidence!

As for the game files of Arknights, they have been in his hands for a long time.

Just waiting for the direct release after the Huwalnut card pool, it will definitely set off a wave of tower defense game craze at that time.

He took out his mobile phone, and all the major social platforms, short videos, and live broadcast platforms were congratulating Genshin Impact.

All the contacts who knew Su Wei's identity sent him congratulations!

Even Mr. Piao, who hadn't been in contact for a long time, also sent congratulations!

Su Wei also politely replied to them. After all, the success of Genshin Impact is inseparable from everyone's help!

When he opened the circle of friends, it was full of things about Genshin Impact winning six awards.

Even Liu Hao and Cai Yu also sent messages in the small group with only the three of them.

They were very excited

【Cai Yu: Wow! Our original god is really amazing, six awards, can we participate in another TGA in the future?】

【Liu Hao:"Of course our Genshin Impact is awesome, but don't you see who made the game? Can the game made by Su Wei be awesome?"

Su Wei chatted with them briefly and then put his phone on the table.

With the success of Genshin Impact, Su Wei can boldly make the games he wants to make in the future!

In a trance, Su Wei's consciousness became blurred, and his eyelids kept fighting.

He yawned and murmured,"I'm so sleepy, let me have a good sleep tonight!"

He closed the computer and went back to the room to take a shower.

After changing into pajamas and lying on the bed, Su Wei smiled and soon fell asleep!

In a trance, Su Wei returned to the place where the dream began.

Su Wei looked down at himself, wearing a white shirt, holding a computer in his hand, and looking around!

This is the site of the game developer's entrepreneurship plan

"I...How did I get back here?"

""Su Wei, it's your turn!"

Someone on the stage called Su Wei's name. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he still went up.

As expected, Su Wei talked about his dream as before, but was still ridiculed by the crowd!

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