At the Game Developers Conference, Su Wei proposed the Genshin Impact Project but was mocked by everyone.

After being mocked by everyone, Su Wei came to the small park where he met the system that changed his life!

However, until the evening of today, Su Wei did not wait for the arrival of the system.

"What's going on? Why didn't the system show up?"

Just then, Su Wei's phone rang. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Cai Yu and Liu Hao calling.

"Hello! What's wrong, Cai Yu?"

The voice on the other end of the phone sounded a little tired, and said,"Su Wei, I have something to talk to you in person, please come back first!"

""Okay, I'll be right back!"

Su Wei put away his computer, and before leaving, he took a look at the small park and the recliner where he had sat for an afternoon.

He clearly remembered that he would encounter a system here?

Why did the system disappear? Why on earth was this happening?

Without thinking too much, Su Wei scanned a shared bike and rode back to the rental house.

When he came back, he saw Cai Yu and Liu Hao sitting on the chairs with serious faces.

In front of them were the instant noodles they had just finished eating. Judging from their expressions, they probably didn't attract investment.

"Cai Yu, Liu Hao, what happened to you two?"

Cai Yu stood up and said to Su Wei:"Su Wei, my family called. If you don't get the investment, I'm going home!"

Su Wei cast his eyes on Liu Hao, who just nodded without saying anything.

It seemed that they were determined to go home.

Su Wei clenched his fists and whispered:"I'm going home today....No investment..."

In his memory, he should be holding the one million funds provided by the system and excitedly talking to Cai Yu and the others, saying that they have attracted investment!

Then everyone will start working on Genshin Impact overnight?

But no, the system did not appear. The reality is that they have not attracted any investment and are about to face disbandment!

Seeing this, Su Wei hurriedly said:"Wait for me for two days, I will definitely be able to attract investment!"

Cai Yu sighed helplessly, then stood up, patted Su Wei on the shoulder, and said:"Su Wei, face the reality, no company will be willing to spend a lot of money to invest in us after graduation!"

"Tomorrow Liu Hao and I will leave Shanghai. This place is not suitable for us. We can find a good job with our education when we go home!"

Looking at the backs of the two, Su Wei shouted,"Have you forgotten the dreams we talked about in the dormitory?"

Hearing Su Wei's words, the two of them trembled violently, and then Liu Hao turned around and said to Su Wei,"Su Wei, even I, a person with the least brain, know that dreams are worthless. Our youth should not be wasted on drawing big cakes or attracting investments!"

After saying that, the two returned to their rooms and began to pack their luggage.

Everyone wasted a year on their dreams, and the only correct choice was to stop the loss in time.

Su Wei returned to the room, looked at the plan of the original god in the computer, and shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, his phone rang, and on the other end of the phone was the urging voice of his parents, urging him to go back to his hometown quickly and stop fiddling with the game.

Su Wei listened to his parents' words, looked at the game on the phone screen, and looked embarrassed.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said,"Mom and Dad, I have found a stable job!"

After learning that Su Wei had found a job, his parents were quite satisfied. After all, their son finally found a job and no longer had to tinker with that game.

Su Wei took a look at Tencent's information and finally decided to try it out tomorrow.

First, enter a big game company, and then look for an opportunity to make Genshin Impact. As long as Genshin Impact is made, it will definitely be a success!.......

The next morning.

Su Wei came to the living room, only to see the note left on the table. The two of them had already left. He smiled bitterly twice helplessly.

Su Wei also set out on the road to Tencent.

On the way to Tencent, he thought a lot, such as what kind of questions the interviewer would ask him? Or what other questions would he ask him?

He even thought about where Su Wei lived.

But when he was interviewed, he was stunned.

The interviewer asked Su Wei right away,"What kind of game do you want to make?"

Su Wei was stunned when he heard this question. He thought the interviewer would ask questions about academic qualifications and abilities, but he didn't expect to ask this.

He thought about it and said to the interviewer,"I want to make an open world game, a game that has never appeared in this world."

"That world will change the existing pattern of world games and promote the development of the game industry in Longguo."

When the interviewer heard your answer, a smile appeared on his face. He said to Su Wei:"Well, young man, you have a good dream. Go back and wait for the notice."

Seeing this, Su Wei picked up the resume on the table and thanked the interviewer repeatedly!

When he walked out the door, he heard the interviewer's laughter in the room. Su Wei knew very well what they were laughing at, but he couldn't say anything....

Because he is not qualified, he is now living under someone else's roof!

After a few days of confusion, Su Wei received news from Tencent.

He joined the company, and he happily brought all kinds of things to Tencent that day. He wanted to perform well here!

Lay the foundation for making the original god in the future!

Coming here, he gets along well with the seniors in the company, and everyone will chat in their spare time.

However, over time, Su Wei found that there is a common problem in the company, that is, when it is time to get off work, no one will leave, but will take the initiative to work overtime in front of the computer.

With a strong doubt, Su Wei approached a senior with whom he had a good relationship and asked,"Senior, it's time to get off work a long time ago, why don't you leave?"

The senior waved at him, asked Su Wei to put his ear over, and said,"The boss hasn't left yet, how can we leave?"

Su Wei nodded. Since the senior and the boss hadn't left, it was indeed not good for him, a newcomer, to get off work so early!

This kind of life lasted for nearly a month. After Su Wei got off work and went home to lie on the bed again, he complained:"It has been a month since I joined Tencent, and I haven't even encountered a game, let alone making a game!"

"Every day I’m either sending express deliveries, copying groceries, or running errands for my seniors. Sigh!"

"When can I start making my original god?"

Author's words:

This article was inspired by two things. One is the video I watched today, which was about the life experience of a game planner who made money. I felt something after watching it, and it's a bit similar to what I'm writing now!

Another thing is that I saw someone say in the comments these days that Su Wei is nothing without a system, and then I was thinking if Su Wei's life without a system was written, would it be good?

Please be patient and watch it. It won't be too long and won't take up too much time for you to read the plot!

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