The next morning.

Su Wei went to Tencent to work early. As usual, his seniors only left him a few tasks, most of which were to send couriers and print documents.

In addition to these, he also helped Tencent test the bugs of the new game!

Su Wei sat with a few people, playing the game in his hand. The more he played, the more uncomfortable he felt.

He frowned and complained:"What kind of game is this? It's only playable in the early stage. You can't beat anything in the later stage!"

Before he could finish his words, a senior on the side said to him:"This is a krypton gold game developed by the company. Of course you can't beat anything if you don't play krypton gold."

"This is the first game in Dragon Country that does not have a buyout mall mechanism!"

"Although it's not fun, it makes money!"

Su Wei looked at the game on his phone and fell into deep thought.

Sure enough, even without Mihoyo, someone would still find this way of making money in the mall.

Another day passed in a daze, and Su Wei didn't learn anything.

The work given to him by his predecessors was nothing more than going downstairs to buy food and taking out the trash.���Printing and sending these groceries by express delivery made him feel like a servant.

That night, his parents called Su Wei again.

On the other end of the phone, his mother's voice came,"Xiaowei, do you have any money? Your father is sick and needs a lot of money to go to Shanghai for surgery!"

Su Wei frowned when he heard this. His mother's voice was very tired, as if she had not slept for a day and a night.

Especially his father is sick and needs a lot of money to go to Shanghai for surgery!

He can't afford this money. He is just a small employee of Tencent. He can live here and pay the mortgage with a month's salary.

It's good enough to send some living expenses to his parents.

Su Wei scratched his hair and said,"Dad, Mom, you can borrow some money from relatives first. I still have some savings here. You can use it to treat my father's illness first, um!"

He just saved some money and his father fell ill. What bad luck! After a brief conversation with his mother, the phone was hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Su Wei collapsed on the bed. He felt inexplicably irritated!

""System, please show up, system! Where on earth have you been?"

He shouted unwillingly, but the only response he got was the sound of the wind outside the window.

As expected, when people are lucky, everything goes smoothly.

However, when people are unlucky, they will always be unlucky.....

This seems to have become a law!

After this day, the family almost emptied their savings to treat his father's illness, and his father's health got better day by day.

Su Wei also learned from his mother that in order to raise money for his father's treatment, he borrowed money from relatives at home.

His mother told him that the children of the family who were going to college and the families who were getting married were in urgent need of money, and hoped that he could help the family a little.

Su Wei agreed to all of them and said that he would shoulder the burden of the family!

So, from this day on, Su Wei worked hard every day. Many tasks did not wait for the predecessors to assign them, and he took the initiative to stop all the work.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner every day were very simple, and sometimes he didn't even eat in the morning.

Every night, he always worked overtime the latest, just for an opportunity, an opportunity for the boss to see him!

As long as the boss saw how hard he worked every day, Su Wei would have the opportunity to climb up!

He would have the opportunity to make a lot of money!

God will not let those who work hard fail. Just one year after Su Wei joined the company, his immediate boss interviewed him.

At this time, Su Wei had dark circles under his eyes and looked very haggard, which was caused by working overtime for a long time.

""Su Wei, I've seen your performance this year!" The boss took out a document and handed it to him, saying,"The company is now preparing to make a game, and the person in charge of this project will be handed over to you!"

Su Wei listened to the boss's words, nodded quickly, and said with a smile,"Thank you, boss! Thank you, boss! I will never let you down!"

He waited for this opportunity in just one year!

Many people work hard all their lives and cannot be appreciated by their leaders, so their lives are like that!

Su Wei was ready to go back.

Before leaving, the boss stopped him and asked,"Su Wei, this game is very important, a krypton gold game, do you understand what I mean?"

Krypton Gold Game...

Su Wei was stunned for two seconds, then smiled and said,"I understand, I understand, I will definitely not let the company down!"

From that day on, Su Wei started to develop new games, using the memories of those krypton gold games in his previous life.

Su Wei spent a lot of energy to make the best-looking modeling, and a very attractive beginning!

He knew very well that only a good beginning could retain players, and then he would keep releasing more outrageous equipment, the kind that you can't beat monsters without krypton gold!

And there will be a ranking of marriages and children, so that the big guys in the game will have a comparison mentality!

After that, they will spend a lot of money.

Sure enough, according to Su Wei's idea, although the budget invested was a little more, it was a hit after it went online!

The company's leaders also valued this young man more and more, and they would give him this kind of game!

Su Wei did not live up to their expectations.

All the games he made were hits that attracted countless gold and brought huge profits to Penguin!

And he gradually forgot his original intention.

This kind of game can get huge returns as long as you invest in a beginning, and even don't even bother to refine the beginning later!

Aren't such games still games? No, they are still games!

But in Su Wei's eyes now, they are still a tool to make money!

With his extraordinary ability, Su Wei soon took a high position, and the situation at home gradually improved!

With the memory of his previous life, he led Tencent step by step out of Dragon Country and into the world!

People here also gave Tencent a nickname, which is"not long to live"!

It means that every game launched online is a hit, but the later it is made, the worse it is.

���At this time, Su Wei didn't care about these things.

Everything in this world will betray you, but the money in your hand will not!

After an unknown period of time, Su Wei was wandering around Tencent as usual.

When passing by an interview, he heard a familiar sentence.

"I want to make an open world game, a game that has never existed in this world."

"That world will change the existing pattern of world games and promote the development of Dragon Country's game industry."

Su Wei looked at that young face, as if he saw himself back then.

The beautiful assistant beside him heard this and smiled disdainfully, saying,"Why don't you take a piss and look at yourself? How long has our President Su been promoting Dragon Country's game industry?"

"Mr. Su, do you want to reject this person?"

"No need!" Su Wei looked at the young man who was being interviewed, and the corners of his lips curled up, saying:"Keep him, I'm looking forward to his future performance!"

Author's words:

Look, isn't this finished?

I can still distinguish the main and the secondary, and this is also part of the plot, not a sequel!

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