"Okay, Mr. Su, I'll keep this person!"

Su Wei nodded, then turned around and whispered,"Innocent!"

Now he holds a high position in Tencent, has a happy family, and his wife, children and parents are all healthy!

He has a super high salary, and he doesn't have to borrow money or look at other people's faces when his parents are sick in the future!

No game producer's original intention is to make krypton gold games, everyone wants to give game players the best experience!

But in real life, there are always various factors that affect game producers! In real life, there are always various fetters that restrain oneself, parents, wife and children....

Sometimes, dreams are nothing compared to real life!

In real life, in Su Wei's villa.

The sun shone on Su Wei's face, and he opened his eyes drowsily. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked around. He was too sleepy yesterday and fell asleep on the bed. He looked down at the blanket. The blanket on his body should be the one his parents used to cover him.

Rubbing his head, Su Wei murmured,"I seem to have had a strange dream...."

The man in the dream, because he didn't have the one million the system had given him, Cai Yu and Liu Hao left him.

Even he himself became what he didn't expect.

Su Wei shouted:"System, are you there?"

【Ding! Host, do you have any questions? I can help you solve them! 】

Looking at the system panel that appeared in front of him, Su Wei smiled and said,"Nothing, I'm just afraid that you will leave me. It's great to have you!"

【I won't leave the host, but I'm really happy that the host said so! (Touched)】

Seeing that the system was still there, Su Wei breathed a sigh of relief. After a simple wash, he smelled the fragrance before he went downstairs.

There was a full breakfast on the table, and a note left by his parents.

"Xiaowei, we are leaving. You must take good care of yourself in this strange place in Shanghai!"

"Remember to put on more clothes when it’s cold, and cover yourself with a quilt when you sleep no matter how tired you are from work. Look, you didn’t close the window last night and you didn’t cover yourself with a quilt!"

"Fortunately, your father got up and looked at you when he went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, otherwise you would definitely catch a cold. Your health is the capital for work!"

"A large paragraph is omitted, please imagine the nagging of the readers' mothers!"

Looking at the note, Su Wei murmured,"Well, I will." While eating breakfast, Su Wei turned on his mobile phone, which was full of messages. He ignored those who checked the social platform first.

When he opened the social platform, it was all about Genshin Impact winning six awards!

The second hot search was the character demonstration of Genshin Impact's new character Hu Tao!

The third hot search was that Qinghua School interpreted the design concept of Hu Tao.

And it was posted that this is the most attentive character of the Genshin Impact project team so far, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is the project team's own daughter.

From the hat on the head, the plum blossom on the hat, to the clothes on the body, the patterns on the clothes, and the rebirth seal on the hands!

It's full of details.!

Of course, what everyone praised the most was that the character Hu Tao is the head of the Wangsheng Hall in Liyue!

Everyone knows what the Wangsheng Hall represents, and it is really inappropriate to put it during the Spring Festival!

According to the previous update time of Genshin Impact, the card pool of this character should be during the Chinese New Year, but Genshin Impact did not do so. Instead, it added a Keqing up card pool!

Pushed Hu Tao's card pool to after the New Year!

This detail gained another wave of popularity among passers-by, and coupled with Hu Tao's quirky appearance in the character demonstration, she gained a lot of fans.

Just when Su Wei thought everything was getting better, a phone call interrupted him.

He picked up the phone and saw that it was Cai Yu calling.

"Hello, Cai Yu, what’s going on?"

""It's bad, Su Wei. The young talents we have been looking for in Shanghai Jiaotong University have been poached by pig farms and Tencent with high salaries. Now many of them have shown signs of leaving!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very anxious. Of course, the matter was really big!

When Su Wei heard this, his good mood for the whole day was gone.

He stood up, slammed the table, and said angrily:"Fuck you, they have already reached out to us!"

Normally, Su Wei would never be so angry, and it is even more impossible for him to swear in front of others!

Not even his closest friends.

Cai Yu on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Su Wei to be so angry!

The reason why Su Wei was so angry was that he knew that among this batch of new employees, there was his phoenix chick!

If the phoenix chick was poached by other companies, then his plan of"whoever gets the dragon and the phoenix chick will rule the world" would be gone!

"Cai Yu, give me Jiang Mulan's contact information!" Su Wei ran upstairs to get his things to meet this Feng Chu, and said,"I want to talk to her in person!"

"Su Wei, why are you so concerned about a newcomer?"

"Stop talking nonsense, leave Jiang Mulan to me, you take care of the others, as many as you can, but Jiang Mulan must not leave, she must stay!"

Hearing Su Wei's anxious voice, Cai Yu knew that Su Wei might be really angry this time.

Although he didn't understand who Jiang Mulan was, he knew that anyone Su Wei cared so much about must be a talent!

The previous teacher Shaoji has now become the backbone of the Honkai Impact 3rd Division!

"Okay, I have sent you Jiang Mulan's contact information, and I will do my best to keep the others!"

After getting Jiang Mulan's contact information, Su Wei dialed her number directly.

Looking at the beeping phone, Su Wei said anxiously in his heart:"Hurry up and answer it!".......

Meanwhile, Jiang Mulan had just gotten up.

After all, these were her last few days of relaxation before she became a social animal, so she had to enjoy them!

Familiar route - hometown was as stable as a rock - the phone rang, Jiang Mulan picked up the phone and saw an unfamiliar number.

Although she was a little confused, she still answered it,"Hello, who is this?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very anxious, and asked,"Are you Jiang Mulan?"

"Ah? Who are you?"

Su Wei on the other end of the phone realized his own gaffe, coughed twice, and asked:"I'm sorry to bother you now, please allow me to introduce myself, I am the founder of Mihuyou Company from Shanghai!"

Hearing the name Su Wei, Jiang Mulan was stunned.

The hand holding the phone began to tremble.

Jiang Mulan trembled and said:"You....Are you really Su Wei? The big brother Wei from Mihoyo Company?"

"Guaranteed genuine!"

He took a deep breath and said,"Excuse me, Mr. Su Wei, what do you want to talk to me about at this time?"

"I wonder if Miss Jiang has time to come out and talk today?"

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