Su Wei asked on the other end of the phone:"Excuse me, Miss Jiang, do you have time to come out today so we can chat?"

Jiang Mulan hesitated for a moment, then said to Su Wei:"Wait for me to think about it, I'll call you back when I have time!"

"Well, just call me when you have time!"

After Su Wei hung up the phone, Jiang Mulan looked at the phone and fell into deep entanglement.

Could this person be a liar?

He just called her casually, and then told her that he was Su Wei, the founder of Mihoyo Company, and asked her out for a chat? Did n't she run a security education platform when she was a child?

She had seen a lot of telephone scams!

But...If that person is really the founder of Mihoyo Company...

Jiang Mulan bit her red lips tightly. What if she went to see him alone and met a liar?

But if she didn't go, he would lower himself and take the initiative to meet her. Wouldn't it be impolite if she didn't go?...

Just when Jiang Mulan was in a dilemma, Jiang Jun came over and asked,"Mulan, what's wrong?"

"Are you still struggling to decide whether to go to Mihoyou or Wangyi?"

Jiang Jun has been observing Jiang Mulan's expression these days. Whenever he mentions these two companies, he and she will be torn!

Mihoyou is a company with a lot of human touch, and the salary is not low. Both father and daughter like it very much.

But there is no way. The salary offered by the pig farm is really hard to refuse. It is one-third more than the salary of Mihoyou, which is really tempting!

The family situation is like this. If it weren't for the kind-hearted person from Mihoyou, maybe Jiang Jun would still be driving Didi this year.

This year, his wife and daughter are at home, and the lack of one person makes the New Year less festive!

Jiang Mulan told her father about what happened just now.

His father sighed and said,"Are you worried that the man is a liar? Look, I don't have to drive Didi today. Maybe I can accompany you to meet him!"

""Okay, Dad, I'll call him back right away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Jun's phone rang.

"You get ready first, Dad, I'm going out to answer a call!"

Jiang Jun answered the phone and asked,"Hello, who is this?"

The person on the other end of the phone was Su Wei. He said enthusiastically,"Hello, uncle driver, it's me. I need to go out today. Is it convenient for you to give me a ride?"

"Huh? It's you, young man. How do you have my contact information?"

"Last time I took a business card from your back seat, and then I got your contact information."

Jiang Jun glanced at his daughter behind him, thought for a while, and said in a deep voice:"I'm sorry, sir, I have an important family matter today. Can you give me your phone number in the future and I will definitely be there whenever you call?"

Although Su Wei gave him a lot of money, compared with his daughter's safety and future, it is better to refuse!

What if that person is really a liar and puts his daughter in danger, then he will lose more than he gains!

"Since the driver said he doesn't have time, he must have something important to do, so I won't bother you anymore."

Jiang Jun smiled and said,"Okay, okay, young man, in the future, whenever you need a car, the driver will be there at your beck and call!"

After hanging up the phone, he returned to his daughter's room.

Jiang Mulan frowned slightly. She had just called Su Wei several times in a row, but all of them showed that they were busy.

Seeing this, Jiang Mulan complained,"I don't know if the person on the other end is really Dawei or a scammer who is calling a scam. He is so busy...."

Just after she finished complaining, the other end of the phone was connected.

Jiang Mulan quickly made a silent gesture to her father, and then started chatting with Su Wei. After a few simple pleasantries, they finally decided to meet at the entrance of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Don't ask why they didn't chat at Mihuyou Company, because Su Wei thought it would be better to chat with his junior sister at the old place........

Just like that, it was six o'clock in the afternoon.

At the gate of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Su Wei was looking forward to it. In order to meet this young genius today, he even wore a suit to look more formal.

Before Jiang Mulan arrived, he kept looking at Jiang Mulan's personal information.

The lack of independent judgment is a very important factor. Su Wei guessed that Jiang Mulan must have been entangled recently.

Otherwise, Jiang Mulan would not have agreed to talk to him today. She must have refused and turned to the pig farm.

""Why haven't you come yet?"

Su Wei hesitated, Jiang Mulan was really important to him!

Just after Su Wei finished speaking, he saw a familiar-looking man waving at him across the street.

Looking closely, wow, isn't this the driver uncle?

Is he here to solicit customers in front of Shanghai Jiaotong University or something?

Su Wei walked towards him, after all, he was a little happy to see the uncle!

(Su Wei reminds you to pay attention to safety when you go out, and strictly abide by traffic rules when crossing the road!)

Su Wei walked up to the uncle and asked,"What a coincidence! Uncle, why are you here?"

"It is indeed a coincidence. I am here with my daughter to meet someone today. It is said that the person is the founder of Mihoyo Company...."As he spoke, Jiang Jun glanced at Su Wei and said,"Young man, I remember you are from Mihoyo, right?"

Su Wei nodded.

After getting Su Wei's affirmative answer, the uncle said firmly,"My daughter will meet one of the founders of your company later. You can recognize him and tell me if he is a liar or a real person!"

Seeing the uncle's determined eyes, Su Wei couldn't refuse and smiled,"Okay, uncle, I'll show you!"

But he was thinking, wow, there are only three of them who founded Mihoyo.

The father brought his daughter to meet him, could it be that Liu Hao or Cai Yu had an online relationship behind his back?

Progress so fast?

He has already met his father-in-law, six!

"By the way, young man, thank you for what happened before the New Year. I don’t have much to give you in return, and I pushed your work today!"

Su Wei smiled and said,"It’s okay, uncle!"

After all, accompanying his daughter to meet the future son-in-law is indeed a big deal!

Although he is also here to meet a talent, there are many drivers.

But the daughter only has one father!

"By the way, uncle, do you know the name of the founder your daughter met? I recognize him easily!


The uncle took a deep breath, and began to recall the face of the person that Jiang Mulan showed him before, and murmured:"I remember his name....’

Su Wei took a sip of water, nodded, and muttered:"Yeah!"

"What’s his name Su Wei? My daughter calls him Brother Dawei!"


He spat out the water before he could even swallow it. Su Wei quickly asked,"Uncle, your daughter's name is not Jiang Mulan, right?"


Author's words:

I didn't want to say anything at first. There is no heroine in our book. Jiang Mulan is just one of Su Wei's right-hand men!

Of course, if any of you want a heroine, well, you can treat the system as the heroine.

Accompanying Su Wei from poverty to wealth, who wouldn't love the system? Right!

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