Jiang Jun nodded and asked,"Oh? How did you know?"

Su Wei only felt a sweet taste in his throat.....

Too grassy....

The daughter of this driver uncle turned out to be Jiang Mulan, whom he had been thinking about day and night!

He thought that this driver uncle was the future father-in-law of Liu Hao or Cai Yu?

Curry didn't even dare to act in the national drama, right?

Su Wei asked quickly:"Uncle, what is your name? Where is your daughter now?"

"Uncle, my name is Jiang Jun!"

Jiang Jun, Jiang Mulan!

They have the same surname, so they are probably real father and daughter.

"my daughter...Yes, isn’t it coming?"

Before Jiang Jun finished speaking, he pointed to a certain place and spoke excitedly.

Looking in the direction of the voice, they saw a beautiful figure walking towards them.

Jiang Mulan was obviously dressed up today, with a white shirt and slim jeans, showing her 1.68 meter height!

Su Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, is this Jiang Mulan? She is indeed a beauty, and a girl who can be evaluated by the system as having a good appearance is indeed not bad!

Last night's dream was like a reincarnation, which made Su Wei understand a lot of truths!

Women are nothing but clouds to Su Wei, only the money in the wallet is real!

It's too early for him to talk about marriage and love now. We are only 24 years old and still babies in our mothers' eyes!

Just for Su Wei's appearance, plus his current net worth, he is definitely tall, rich and handsome!

After a few years of hard work, he will be in his twenties, and then he can talk about it. Now he has no idea about women!

I just want to make the game well!

Jiang Jun strode forward and said to Jiang Mulan:"Mulan, let me introduce you, this is the young man who stuffed me with a big red envelope!"

Hearing her father's words, Jiang Mulan barely suppressed the palpitations in her heart and introduced herself to Su Wei.

It would be better to introduce herself to Su Wei, which is more polite, but why did she feel that Su Wei looked more familiar the more she looked at him?

Nodding, Su Wei introduced himself to Jiang Mulan,"Uncle, Miss Jiang, hello, my name is Su Wei!"

Jiang Jun smiled when he heard Su Wei's name,"Su Wei, this name is very nice!"

On the other hand, Jiang Mulan had already opened her mouth wide, too shocked to speak.

She turned to her father and asked,"Dad, why didn't you tell me that the person who helped you that day was Brother Dawei?"

"What what what? Viagra?"

"He is the founder of Mihoyo Company and the person we are going to meet today, Su Wei!"

"Sue..."Su Wei!"

Jiang Jun looked up and down at the young man in front of him. His expression was indeed 90% similar to the one he saw on the phone. The missing 1% was probably because there weren't as many special effects as before.

Su Wei smiled and nodded, and the atmosphere gradually became lively.

Because it was difficult to communicate at the school gate, and it was lunchtime, they got into Jiang Jun's taxi and headed for a restaurant.

In the taxi,

Su Wei and Jiang Jun naturally started chatting about family matters. For example, when Su Wei asked Jiang Jun how he had been doing this year,

Jiang Jun would answer,"I met you." Thank you for your kindness. This year is the most comfortable one I have ever had in all these years!

Jiang Jun: Young man, oh no, Mr. Su, if I had known that it was you I was going to meet tonight, I would have picked you up and brought you to my house so that I could set up a table! Oh, by the way, you are here for Mulan, right? Let me make the decision. Mulan will go to Mihuyou Company in the future!

Su Wei: Uncle, don’t say that. Let Miss Jiang decide her own future. As parents, we should obey Miss Jiang’s own decision!

He really knows how to thank, and it seems like he is saying it because of his daughter. However

, it seems that he is indeed coming for her, but not for anyone.

Su Wei: Uncle, Jiang Xuemei’s future should be in her own hands, we must respect her decision!

Jiang Jun: Yes, yes, Mr. Su is right, Mulan, no matter which company you go to, Dad will support you!

Jiang Jun had to admit that he was anxious just now. He used to take care of his daughter the most, but this time, facing his benefactor, he was really a little excited. He actually ignored his daughter’s feelings for a while!

The two chatted like this. On the other hand, Jiang Mulan's clear eyes were fixed on the window, her eyes as calm as water.

After a while, they arrived at the place where Su Wei had discussed things with Teacher Yang Yang last time.

The environment here is really good. Except for the dishes that are really healthy, everything else is good!

High EQ: The dishes here are light in taste, very suitable for health preservation! Low EQ

: Are you reluctant to add oil, salt, sauce and vinegar? The taste is so light? For health preservation?

Just like last time, after Su Wei ordered a table of dishes, he chatted with Jiang Mulan.

Jiang Jun was also very considerate and left the room under the pretext of sobbing.

Leaving time for the two to be alone.

"Miss Jiang, let's make this short. I can't offer you a salary as high as the one the pig farm is giving you!"

"But I can give you a stage and a chance!"

Jiang Mulan's eyes lit up when she heard that and she asked,"What chance?""

"I will let you work in our company for a while first, and when the time is right, I can guarantee to give you a project so that you can have a chance to prove yourself!"

Su Wei knows very well that Jiang Mulan has a strong working ability and a strong desire to win!

If she goes to the pig farm, she will definitely be in a high position with her ability!

But such a person should not be wasted working for others, but should go out independently.

It's just that Su Wei didn't say that Jiang Mulan is a good seedling and he has to cultivate her carefully!

But when the seedling grows into a towering tree, Su Wei will let her go out and be on her own!

"Mr. Su, oh no, can I call you Daweige?"

Jiang Mulan said,���Lowered his head.

Su Wei smiled and said,"Of course!"

After all, she was a female college student who had just graduated and had not experienced the test of society and life. She was still too reserved!

Jiang Mulan took out a resume from her bag and said,"Brother Dawei, this is my resume. I want to join Mihoyo!"

Su Wei took the resume and saw that it was full of various highlights of Jiang Mulan's life!

She also wrote on her resume that she really wanted to join Mihoyo.

Su Wei smiled self-deprecatingly. Others had been thinking about joining Mihoyo from the beginning, but he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"Miss Jiang, when you faced the high salary offered by Net1, did you have any hesitation or struggle at all?"

"No, I just prepared two resumes....Whoever contacts me first after the New Year, I will go there..."

When Su Wei heard this, her smile froze on her face.

But her heart was like a bucket of cold water poured down, chilling her to the core!

This was too straightforward, she didn't even hesitate to tell the truth.

Su Wei sighed helplessly, thinking of the shortcomings that the system gave her, and thought to herself:"Sure enough, she has no independent judgment, is easily deceived, has very low emotional intelligence, and is a complete naive person with only ability!"

"Especially no emotional intelligence!"

How come everyone in their Mihuyou company has such low emotional intelligence!

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