At 8 o'clock in the morning of Longguo, Su Wei posted the game"Sheep a Sheep" on various platforms.

Compared with his previous life, he clearly wrote in the announcement of"Sheep a Sheep" that this game contains a great deal of luck, and luck and strength are both indispensable parts!

In his previous life, he saw a game with only six cubes left at the end, and guess what happened?

Hey! It's still different even with the last six. Isn't this infuriating?

So Su Wei simply wrote in the announcement that luck plays a huge role, and whether it can pass the test is only secondary!

The most important thing is luck!

Without any publicity, Su Wei posted it on various platforms!

Of course, it is unknown whether the major platforms will promote it spontaneously.

After posting"Sheep a Sheep", Su Wei walked out of the office door and looked at the group of listless employees.

He clapped his hands and said,"Wake up, wake up, there is an important announcement today!"

Hearing Su Wei's voice, they all woke up one by one.

Those who were still drowsy were also reminded by the people around them, and they instantly became energetic when they heard that Brother Dawei came to speak.

Su Wei looked at this group of employees and shook his head helplessly. He wondered why they were so sleepy when they just got back from their annual leave?

"Our company is going to hold an event today. I will post the lucky draw app in the company group later. Those who win the lucky draw will not have to work today and will be paid!"

As soon as he finished speaking, cheers broke out in the company!

This means no work and still getting paid, it's like when you were in school and your teacher told you that you have a day off today and you don't have any homework!

Just these cheers shocked Liu Hao, Cai Yu, Qian Lei Shaoji teacher and others!

When they saw Su Wei doing something, they all had smiles on their faces!

After all, the company hasn't done anything since Zhongli Chi Zi!

Everyone thought that it was because the company was getting bigger and bigger, and that Dawei's personality had changed!

Now Dawei is still the same Dawei, and this lucky draw is still the same thing without work!

Su Wei lowered his palm, made a gesture of silence, and said:"There are only five places, after all, the company still has to operate normally!"

The employees nodded when they heard this. The company really needs to operate, and it is impossible for too many people not to work!

"Ok, everyone, come on, it's time for the lottery!"

Su Wei sent the lottery app to each group chat, asking them to draw the lottery!

Su Wei set the time for the lottery to 8:15, and while waiting, Su Wei led them to move.

It's not good to be in low spirits this early in the morning, so you can work better if you move more and cheer up!

Soon, the time came to 8:15, and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at their phones.

"Oops, I didn’t win. Who did? I’m so jealous!"

"Yes, I can get paid for a day without having to work. I’m so envious!"

"Come on, come on, who has won the prize? Let’s see and have fun!"

There are many comments like this. Those who didn’t win the prize are regretful, after all, this is paid slacking off!、

"I won!"

A crisp voice came from the corner, and everyone looked in the direction of the voice. When they saw who won, they were relieved!

Ning Xi, the European Emperor, is lucky no matter what she does!

A girl favored by the goddess of luck!

Of course, no one cares about Ning Xi. When she is not dubbing, she just hangs out in the company, which is no different from being paid to slack off!

In this world, Su Wei signed a contract with their voice actors, which is to give you a certain amount of money every month, and you just do any dubbing work this month! It is completely different from the previous life where money was calculated based on the number of sentences and words!

But voice actors have never suffered any loss, because of the version problem, voice actors with such a contract can work the least and get a higher salary!

Soon, four lucky people including Ning Xi appeared!

Today they can shit in Mihoyo with pay!

Finally One person who surprised Su Wei was Jiang Mulan, but Jiang Mulan refused the paid leave and gave the opportunity to her father instead!

Su Wei nodded with satisfaction. She is motivated and career-oriented. She is a good seedling!

Anyway, her father has nothing to do at Mihuyou Company, so Su Wei will not suffer any loss!

Soon, Su Wei called five people into the office and told them to open the short video platform on their mobile phones and find the small program game Sheep a Sheep!

Their task today is to pass the level of Sheep a Sheep. Anyone who passes the level can take away 5,000 yuan!

As soon as these words came out, the five people became excited. Su Wei gave them 5,000 yuan for passing the game once!

Ning Xi raised her little arm and looked at Su Wei with burning eyes. After getting Su Wei's nod, she said,"Brother Dawei, what about passing the level multiple times? Can you get more money?"

Su Wei curled his lips and smiled,"Others can, but you can't!"


"It's all because of your good luck!"

Su Wei told them that this game doesn't require too many technical skills, it's basically all luck!

Don't you know how lucky you are, Ning Xi? You got two yellow cards in a row, and both full lives of the company were taken away by you!

You must make hundreds of thousands of dollars a day, right?

Ning Xi took out his mobile phone in frustration, and searched for mini-programs on the short video platform.

He found the mini-program of the game"Sheep Le Ge Yang" and muttered:"I want to see what game it is. Brother Dawei will give you 5,000 yuan for passing it once!"

"What is this? A big luck challenge to see who is the real lucky guy?"

As she said this, she clicked on the mini program of Yanglegeyang.

"Hey, this beginning is quite interesting."

As soon as the game interface appeared, several little guys lined up and ran over, and then the screen changed and entered the next interface. There were several icons on this interface, including a list of today's top sheep, and when you click on it, you can see the rankings of various provinces.

After clicking"Start Game", a lot of curly-haired sheep appeared on Ning Xi's mobile phone screen, occupying the entire mobile phone screen.

These curly-haired sheep galloped over like alpacas, and then the game interface appeared.

Looking at the only eighteen squares on the screen, Ning Xi murmured:"This.........Isn't this Candy Crush?"

Soon after, Ning Xi cleared all eighteen blocks.

She looked up at the people around her, and everyone looked up at the same time. After seeing each other's eyes, everyone knew what they were thinking!

Isn't this too easy?

And there are only two levels, how difficult can the second level be?

It's really Brother Dawei. The lottery organized by Brother Dawei is to give money to employees!

Brother Dawei is so nice!

With such thoughts in mind, the five people entered the second level!

After seeing the second level, everyone was dumbfounded!

What the hell is this?

Soon, thirty minutes passed, and one of the employees couldn't stand it anymore!

"Damn, I'm going back to work and not playing this crappy game anymore!"

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