Realizing his own gaffe, the employee apologized to everyone and said to Su Wei:"Brother Dawei, I'm going back to work. I won't play this anymore!"

"Since you don’t want to play anymore, just go to work!"

"OK, then I'll go back first!"

At this time, one of the five had already backed out, and there were four left!

Su Wei cheered them up and said with a smile:"Come on, five thousand yuan is waving at you!"

While encouraging the employees, Su Wei sent a message to Teacher Piao!

【Su Wei: Teacher Piao, I found a very interesting little game, you can play it! (Sheep link)】

【Teacher Piao: Good boy, you still remember to look for me. Tell me the truth, when will Ji Zi come back?】

【Su Wei: Hey, hey, hey, Teacher Piao, don’t talk about Ji Zi for now, try playing this game first, you’re really addicted!】

【Teacher Piao: Is it true or not? I will try it! 】

Not only Teacher Piao, Su Wei contacted all the anchors and sent them the sheep!

He thought that more people should be allowed to���Feel the pain!


Soon, Teacher Piao sat on the chair and played the game of sheep!

When he was at the first level, he ate breakfast with one hand and played the game with the other hand, and laughed:"Is this so simple? I am so addicted to it?"

When he saw the second level, he was completely dumbfounded!

"What the hell is this? Is this a ghost?"

Although it looked difficult, Teacher Piao still went ahead and soon he was defeated!

""What the hell? I'm only a little bit away from losing. Forget it. I'm not going to play anymore. I'm going to take a break!"

Lying on the bed, Teacher Piao's mind was filled with the magical music of Sheep Le Ge Yang and the blocks that were just a little bit away from being eliminated!

"Damn it, the more I think about it, the angrier I get. Let’s try again!"

Soon, an hour passed.

Teacher Piao looked at the interface where she had failed again, and she felt terrible!

"Damn, failed again."

Teacher Piao's face flushed with anger. He sat back in front of the computer and said,"Damn it, I can't play this kind of game alone. Start broadcasting!"

Soon, Teacher Piao started broadcasting!

The broadcast started in the morning. Something must be wrong when things are abnormal. Soon, the fans flocked into Teacher Piao's live broadcast room!

"Today I recommend a small game to everyone, called"Sheep!"

Teacher Piao raised her mobile phone and showed everyone the small program, and she couldn't stop smiling!

【What the hell, I took off my pants and you told me to recommend a little game? Are you kidding me?】

【The mini-game that caught the attention of Teacher Piao is not simple. I’ll go and take a look. It must be good, which is why Teacher Piao recommended it to us!】

【Well, it must be a big deal to start the show in the morning, otherwise Teacher Piao would not be able to start the show. Let’s go and take a look!】

【Let's go, let's go, it's called"Sheep Le Sheep", right? OK!】

Seeing the fans also playing"Sheep Le Sheep", the smile on Teacher Piao's face became more sinister.

He played this thing for a whole hour, and he didn't pass it in an hour!

He watched the ads until he vomited blood, but he just couldn't pass it. It was so disgusting!

Soon, a large number of fans came back from the battle, and they were proud, like a general who won a victory!

【It’s not difficult, Teacher Piao, I can easily pass this thing with one hand!】

【Tsk, I can just kick you through easily, you little brother!】

【What you are doing is nothing. I just used my tongue. This is too easy, Teacher Piao. Can you do something more difficult?】

【That’s right, this game is not difficult at all. I thought it was something else, it’s just this. I thought it was cruel, it’s just this!】


Teacher Piao looked at their comments and was not angry but happy, because he had the same idea when he was playing!

The first level is fine as long as you have feet, this game is not that difficult!

The second level, what the hell is this? Is this really a level that humans can play?

"You guys continue to play, and remember not to scold me when you are done, thank you!"

The fans were puzzled, why did Teacher Piao have such a strong desire to survive today?

No matter how difficult a game is, can you still scold others?

Soon, the first group of fans who played the game came back!

【Teacher Piao, I give you stars, stars, stars, stars, I tested it, is this really difficult enough for humans to play?】

【I tested it? I've played it for more than ten times and still haven't passed it. Is there something wrong with the game designer?】

【Hahahaha, me too, I've been playing the second level for half an hour and I'm still stuck. I keep getting stuck and watching ads, and I can't pass it!】

【This game designer must be a psychopath, he designed the first level to be so simple, but the second level takes off!】

【Isn't it just that one plus one equals two in the first level, and the second level directly asks you to calculate advanced mathematics? 】

Teacher Piao looked at their reactions and nodded with satisfaction. He just wanted to see these fans break down!

So cool!

At this time in Mihuyou Company, Su Wei took a sip of hot tea!

"Ning Xi, have you passed the second level?"

Ning Xi sighed,"Brother Dawei, this game is too difficult and speechless. I only had a few left once, but I lost them!" She looked at the others, who also shook their heads. It was too painful!

Soon, it was lunchtime at Mihoyo Company!

During the lunch break, Su Wei posted a message in the WeChat group.

Many people tried it, but after the lunch break, no one had passed the game!

"Holy shit, is this really a game? It's too fucking hard!"

"Damn, it’s so fucking hard to play at night, my mind is full of Curly Sheep!"

"It's really hard to play"Yang Le Ge Yang". This game designer is really perverted. What kind of designer can design this game?"

Soon, on major social platforms, short video platforms, and live broadcast platforms, a small program game called"Yang Le Ge Yang" is becoming more and more popular!

Like Teacher Piao, the big anchors of Tuan Tuan also started live broadcasts, playing"Yang Le Ge Yang", but without exception, none of them passed the game!

Many players are already cursing this game. Your mother's strength is of no use at all?

As the game introduction says, luck is really important for whether you can pass the game!

The magical music of"Yang Le Ge Yang" coupled with the appearance of a curly sheep and the gameplay similar to Candy Crush is really too addictive!

At the same time, in Mihuyou Company,

Su Wei returned to the office and saw four warriors studying"Yang Le Ge Yang" while eating!

He curled his lips and smiled,"Come on, everyone. I'll get to work first!"

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