Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 36: hunting

"The trap, the component..."

Xing Hechou was slightly startled when he heard the words, thinking about what he saw on the big screen of the tactical command vehicle.

"In fact, I noticed the problem when the invisible hound broke through the plastic curtain door."

Wang Congshan smiled and said, "It has the ability to blur, and it can pass through obstacles at will regardless of terrain obstacles.

And this blur effect has a very high priority of mystery,

Even the enchanted bullet fired by the assault rifle in my hand could not hit the invisible hound in the virtual state.

When it rushed into the room, launched an attack, and bit off my right arm,

I tried to counterattack, but was retreated by it, and evaded it by launching its virtual ability again.

Although I lost an opportunity to attack, I also collected a few precious pieces of information. "

Wang Congshan raised her palm, raised a finger, and said faintly: "First of all, its ability to blur is very strange.

Can ignore terrain obstacles,

But it was bound by reality again-when it attacked me, it stepped on the ground and appeared, and there was a clear sound of landing on all fours.

If the invisible hound can float and sink between floors at will, like a ghost, arbitrarily penetrate walls,

Then its attack strategy should be to jump out of the floor or ceiling behind the room, attack from behind, and bite off the head of the prey.

This is more in line with the hunting principles of canines.

There are many possibilities for it not to do so,

Perhaps it is not intelligent enough, and when the prey is injured, it is impatient to launch the next attack;

Maybe it’s too self-confident that it can hunt successfully without flashing behind the prey;

Perhaps it was that it was able to shuttle at will, but the memory of being an animal during its lifetime restrained it, causing it to be bound by certain rules like a ground-bound spirit, such as stepping on the floor habitually during hunting and keeping its feet on the ground.

Regardless of the possibility, it is advantageous to me. "

Wang Congshan paused and raised his second finger, "The second piece of information, the enchanted bullet of the assault rifle in my hand can effectively kill it.

It is also aware of this, and it is afraid of my counterattack.

Take the initiative to return to the state of blurring and disappear.

In other words, my method of attack can kill it.

The hunt between the two sides turned into a game of dancing on the tip of a knife.

And the third point,"

Wang Congshan raised her third finger and slowly said: "Its ability to blur has many restrictions and rules.

When I fired, it first released the bite on my right hand, and then went into the blur,

However, before it released its bite, my bullet still hit its body and disappeared in midair.

The enchanted bullet, after piercing its fur and flesh, is covered by the virtual effect of its whole body,

Just like the rotten human head that came out of its mouth before.

It can be seen from it,

The blood of the invisible hound also has an invisible passive effect;

Moreover, the invisible hound can’t make a part of the body virtual,

Once the intangible and intangible state is activated, the whole body must lose its physical form.

Otherwise, it can completely materialize the head and continue to bite my right hand,

At the same time, the body is blurred, avoiding my bullets. "

Ta Ta Ta Ta.

A team of fully armed Mobile Task Force soldiers walked out of the unfinished building quickly. Together they carried a rectangular box made of transparent bulletproof glass.

You can see through the glass that there is nothing in the box,

But judging from the heavy lifting posture of the soldiers of the Mobile Task Force and the deep footprints left by them,

Some kind of extremely heavy transparent object is placed in the box,

I think it should be the body of the invisible hound.

"The third point of information is very important. The invisible hound can't let a certain part of the body blur at will, meaning that when it can attack me, I will definitely be able to attack it.

Therefore, the fourth point is extended,

That is to say, the limits of the ability to blur, or the form of effectiveness. "

Wang Congshan pursed her lower lip and slowly said, "There are two possibilities.

First, the invisible hound takes the initiative to master the ability of blur, it can control whether it is blurry or not.

Second, the ability to blur, for it, is more like a rule, an instinct, not under its own control.

When the conditions are met, it will be forcibly kicked out of its virtual state, possessing a physical form that is transparent but can be touched. "

"Two possibilities of effective form..."

Xing He frowned slightly, lost in thought, while Li Ang raised an eyebrow and glanced at Wang Congshan who was smiling.

"These two forms of effectiveness are indistinguishable in most cases, but they are the key to my survival."

Wang Congshan smiled and said, "In the room at the top of the third floor,

After the Invisible Hound noticed that I fired, it actively released the mouth that bit my right hand, and at the same time went into blur.

If it can take the initiative to control its ability to blur, why bother letting go, wasting the crucial moment of letting go, and letting yourself be hit by a bullet?

It is not better to dissolve the body directly.

To further detect this, I took the initiative to retreat, followed the scaffolding, and climbed all the way to the top of the unfinished building. "

Wang Congshan raised her chin toward the rusty scaffolding jungle outside the unfinished building, and said casually: "The top floor of the unfinished building has not been completed yet, and there are bare steel bars everywhere.

This kind of open terrain that is not easy to step on is more unfavorable for me.

But if my inference is correct, the invisible hound is used to stepping on the physical ground, then this kind of terrain can also restrict its movement.

At that time, my injuries were more serious. After the hastily bandaged, I still lost a considerable part of my combat effectiveness.

I randomly dropped the mini-bombs around and sat down to regain my strength. At the same time, I applied a small amount of hemostatic gel to the top and bottom of my palm, and then used steel bars to penetrate my right hand. "

Wang Congshan lifted the palm of her right hand slightly moistened with dust, and said with a smile: "The trace anesthetic in the hemostatic gel will prevent me from fainting with pain.

Secondly, the blood flowing from the palm of the hand can also emit a smell and act as a bait.

Finally, the most critical point. "

The expression on Wang Congshan's face became a little serious, "Since the invisible hound will probably not be able to actively control the blur,

Then this ability should be derived from the rules of similarly binding spirits.

Recalling the previous attacks, the trigger premise for the invisible hound to exit the virtual state and possess the entity was that it attacked and harmed me.

In almost all mutation events, the rules that bind the earth-binding spirit are not shifted by the will of the earth-binding spirit itself. As long as the trigger conditions are met, the rules will definitely take effect.

In other words, if I can’t fight back instantly when the invisible hound attacks,

I can only try, in terms of rules, to make it have an offensive effect on me. "

Xing Heshou's mind seemed as if lightning flashed across his mind. He looked at Wang Congshan's right palm and instantly understood what was going on, "You deliberately used steel bars to penetrate your palm..."


Wang Congshan nodded and said: "When the steel bars penetrate, even the slightest vibration of the surrounding steel jungle environment can affect the wound in my palm, causing pain and bleeding.

If the invisible hound came to the top floor following the blood stains, judging from its previous attack rules, it is likely to continue to attack me, who seems to be out of combat.

Once it stepped into the area around me and touched the steel bars on the ground,

Will trigger the rule of [attack=substantialization], which is regarded as an attack on me, possessing an entity,

And I can also detonate that area by pressing the mini bomb button according to the direction of the vibration frequency,

Cooperate with enchanted bullets to launch a kill. "

Wang Congshan put down her palm and slowly said, "Of course, these speculations about the rules, without more information, are just speculations.

I also don't have the confidence to be 100% correct.

I set myself a stop loss time limit of ten minutes,

If the invisible hound does not appear within ten minutes,

Or my act of penetrating the palm of my hand with steel bars has no effect, I will use hemostatic gel to stop the wound and prevent myself from bleeding too much and die.

Then proceed to guerrilla warfare on the floor, seeking more chances of survival.


As long as there is a probability of winning over 50%, it's worth a gamble, isn't it? "

There was a slightly shy expression on her face, and amid the noise of the drone group slowly landing, she waved her hand and said, "From the result, I survived.

This is enough. "

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