Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 37: Yang Room (four K)

At the end of the mission, the mobile task force was responsible for cleaning up the scene, scanning for abnormal energy fluctuations in situ and making sure that there were no omissions.

Li Ang and Wang Congshan boarded a helicopter and flew towards Yin City.

In fact, there are teleportation arrays in the bases of special affairs bureaus in various places.

However, when the teleportation array is used, like the star gate, it has the setting of [the higher the teleporter's life essence level, the greater the energy consumption].

Fortunately for Wang Congshan, if Li Ang wanted to use the teleportation array, he would have to empty at least half of the high-level energy storage in the local stronghold.

It's better to take a plane, anyway, not far from Yin City.

In the sky, the helicopter propeller blades rotate at high speed, making noise.

Li Ang scanned the narrowing quiet street scene below his eyes, and the psychic energy in his mind was ebb and flow.

Since the turmoil caused by the past experience has been completely resolved, his mentality has been clarified a lot.

Psionic powers have risen, and the five-level abilities such as [Suppression], [Advanced Domination], [Super Resonance], and [Mind Probe] can already be mastered and used, and are no longer as laborious as before.

Begin to learn gradually, the six-level abilities of the Mind Enchanting Department-[Transform Aura], [Collective Suggestion], [Mind Interchange].

Among them, [Transformation of Aura] can change the physical and mental characteristics of the subject, and distort the minds of others from the root.

This transformation is permanent,

If the subject is low in strength, weak-willed, and no other psionicist can see the problem, it may not be possible to find traces of transformation for a lifetime.

And [Collective Hint], which is equivalent to the upgraded version of the second-level ability [Hint], has a wider range and longer action time.

And it also belongs to the one-time release, long-term effective type.

If Li Ang wants to, he can hint at a whole school in one go, making them think that Li Ang goes to class on time every day, completely unaware of the difference.

And [Mind Interchange] is to exchange minds with a subject who cannot be exempted from sixth-level psionic power.

In some very special conditions, it can play a miraculous effect.

Li Ang felt the ebb and flow of the psychic energy, exhaled, looked at Wang Congshan, and said, "Is it level 7 now?"


Wang Congshan nodded, "Lv7, the experience slot attribute is,

Strength: 7

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 6

Physique: 7

Perception: 6

Charm: 7.

Free attribute points, a total of 7 points. "

When he first became a player, Wang Congshan's basic attributes were 5 points for strength, agility, and physique, 6 points for intelligence and perception, and 7 points for charm.

After training and strengthening and potion assistance, strength, agility, and physical fitness have been improved by two points.

And the free attribute points obtained during the upgrade process have not been used at all.

"Seven-point attribute point... enough."

Li Ang nodded and looked at Xing Heshou who was sitting next to him, "Let your people start preparing."

Xing Hechou solemnly nodded his head, picked up the communication device, and communicated with colleagues at the headquarters of the Yin City Special Affairs Bureau.

Soon, the helicopter entered the urban area of ​​Yin City, passed the towering city buildings that looked like gods, and landed on the apron of the Special Affairs Bureau.

The three walked into the headquarters of the Special Affairs Bureau and came to the third-level laboratory of the scientific research department on the seventh floor.

The confidentiality level of this area is very high, and ordinary staff can't even enter to take a look.

The three of them took their passes and passed through a dozen security doors of different specifications to enter the central area of ​​the laboratory.

The central area is extremely lively today. Thousands of scientific researchers, medical staff, and think tanks are already in place, and various instruments are being debugged.

According to the plan, after Wang Congshan reaches the seventh level, Li Ang will start to strengthen his body, raise his attributes to 11 points, and then bind him with two props: [Residual Spark of the Traveling Master] and [Cardinal Rubik's Cube].

Since [Residual Spark of the Travelling Mage] is a perfect level of power seed, it comes with a complete power system,

[Cardinal Rubik's Cube] is an epic magic item, with the special nature of devouring other items.

Due to the small possibility of accidents during the binding process,

Li Ang reached a deal with the Special Affairs Bureau. He paid part of the finished medical potions, seeds and formulas to the Special Affairs Bureau.

The Special Affairs Bureau dispatched a professional team to protect Wang Congshan from binding props to prevent accidents.

By the way, observe the energy fluctuations caused by binding epic items.

Because of the precious nature of the medicinal potion (it can be effective for ordinary people),

The Special Affairs Bureau also paid an additional payment to Li Ang for the expansion of the floor space of the Wushou Furnace shop.

It seems that there is still some time before the on-site personnel are ready.

Li Ang and Wang Congshan logged into the game square and walked straight to the Wushou Furnace shop.

During this period of time, he has been too lazy to respond to the solicitation of major organizations, and he didn't even enter the game square.

Those organizations should have understood his thoughts and no longer sent people to squat at the door of the store 24 hours a day.

So now there are only a few customers in the store looking at the goods, and Laura sitting behind the cashier, looking bored at the comics.


Seeing Li Ang’s iconic white lab coat, Laura, who was only a child, immediately got up nervously.

Several customers in the shop also looked over curiously.

"I'll bring a friend over to take a look, you can go to the store."

Li Ang nodded casually, and led Wang Congshan, who was wearing a tiger mask and looking around like a curious baby, into the operating room behind the Innocent Furnace.

"This is where you usually work?"

Wang Congshan scrutinized the operating room curiously.

The walls of the operating room are covered with white tiles, the incandescent lamps hanging from the ceiling are neither bright nor dim, and there is no extra furnishings in the room.

In addition to bookcases for surgical materials, lockers for biological materials, tables and chairs,

Only the green sterile operating bed in the center of the room, the trolley with surgical tools next to the operating bed, and the extraordinarily abrupt pure white bathtub.

The constant sunlight generated by the game square is spilled into the operating room through the cross lattice windows on the wall of the operating room.

There is a breath of disinfectant around,

The whole room is clean and tidy, but there is a ghastly evil atmosphere.

It's like the basement where Frankenstein conducts taboo experiments.

"Yes? It's okay."

Li Ang took off his faucet mask, put on himself goggles, masks and rubber gloves, and said casually: "This room is specially used for body modification for customers.

There has been no medical accident since the opening, and all customers are very satisfied and full of praise for my medical skills..."

"what is this?"

Wang Congshan stood in front of the locker, opened the door of the locker, and saw hundreds of brown-yellow glass bottles, large and small, each filled with antiseptic solution.

There are a bunch of deformed organs, such as eyeballs with heavy pupils, brain tissue with tumors, and overlapping fingers and toes.


Wang Congshan screamed, shaking her hand and almost fell the brown glass bottle to the ground.

Li Ang put on his rubber gloves and said calmly: "Oh this.

Customers who come to our store have different purposes,

Some people want to replace better body parts, some people have suffered serious injuries or a vicious curse, and some people want to gain stronger strength through transformation.

The undisturbed organs on their bodies are removed and thrown away, which is a bit wasteful.

I simply left some special organs worth collecting as collections, maybe they can be recycled in the next operation, saving costs. "

"There is a saying that this thing is recycled?"

Wang Congshan opened her mouth and was dumbfounded, "Are you not afraid that customers will know that you loaded them with defective products, and the sentiment is so angry that you demolished your store?"

"Any defective product can be used."

Li Ang said casually: "I will erase the rejection of the organs during the operation to ensure that it is the same as the original product.

Moreover, customers can spend less money using recycled organs. They are eager-not everyone has such good resources as you.

As for tearing down shops or touching porcelain...

Ha ha, give them the courage. "

Like a black-hearted shop that specializes in pitting customers, Li Ang straightly curled his lips.

He squatted down, pressed his palms to the ground, and created a larger bathtub with his hands. He poured the plasma solution made by the insect nest into it, and said to Wang Congshan, "Okay, lie down."


Wang Congshan looked at the bathtub full of scarlet blood and hesitated, "Do you need me to change into a hospital gown..."

"No, you just lie in."

Li Ang waved his hand casually. His biological transformation technology had long reached the point where surgery could be performed even through clothes.


Wang Congshan nodded, took off the tiger mask, and lay down in the bathtub. He accidentally discovered that the plasma liquid had a certain temperature, not as cold as he thought.

"Lie down?"

Li Ang asked, and after getting Wang Congshan's affirmative reply, he took out a piece of white cloth from the backpack and covered it on Wang Congshan's face.

Wang Congshan subconsciously tried to block, "Wait, what are you doing with a white cloth on my face?!"

"Make you more comfortable."

Li Ang held the white cloth and said frankly: "Like a hot spring, covering your face with a white cloth is to let you close your eyes and enjoy silently.

During the transformation process, the customer's body will undergo a series of changes. If you see it, it may have a certain psychological shadow. "

"...How it feels weird."

Wang Congshan slapped her lips, but under Li Ang's urging, she covered it with a white cloth.

The foreground of the eye seems to have just been obscured,

Wang Congshan heard a deep and loud Buddhist sound coming from the room.

"Nan Wu, Drink La Dan Na, Du La Ye Ye."

"Nan Wu, Aying Ye, Po Lu Jie Di, Shuo Bo La Ye."

Accompanied by the Buddha's sound, there was a series of loud crying.

"Ah! It's miserable!"

"What a nice person, why did you just leave like this!"

"Woohoo! What shall we do after you leave!"

? ? ?

Wang Congshan tore off the white cloth,

I saw Li Ang took out two tape recorders at some unknown time.

The Great Compassionate Curse was played on a tape recorder,

Another tape recorder played the sound of crying.

And on his head, he even wore a triangular white hat.

"Would you take this to save me?"

Wang Congshan stared at Li Ang with dead fish eyes, stretched out the edge of the bathtub with her right hand, and stopped the recorder button that played the Great Compassion Curse and crying music.


Li Ang straightened the white hat on his head and explained in a serious manner: "This is the normal process of our shop.

After the customer walks into the operating room, he undergoes a complete transformation and is reborn.

It is equivalent to ushering in a new life.

Playing the Great Compassion Curse and crying music is to commemorate the death of the mortal stage in the past.

Is a solemn and sacred ceremony,

Any questions? "

"...Then, this is also part of the ceremony?"

Wang Congshan twitched her eyes and pointed her finger at the 12.9-inch tablet computer on the table.

On the screen of the tablet computer, a black and white photo of Wang Congshan’s smiling face is displayed,

In front of the tablet, there are candles and three fruit plates containing apples, oranges, and pears.


Li Ang nodded and said, "Put the smiling photos of customers,

Let customers see their smile after waking up and keep their mood happy.

The three fruit plates can be eaten after surgery to quickly restore nutrition.

Very scientific and reasonable. "

"Reasonable size, it's clearly an underworld project."

Wang Congshan rolled her eyes, "Could you be able to work all day long."

"Life in the sun?"

Li Ang frowned slightly and thought about it carefully. He took out a dozen small solar heaters from the sodium ring and placed them around the bathtub.

Plug in the power, turn on all,

All the small sun heaters immediately emitted blazing heat, illuminating the room as bright as day.

Wang Congshan lay in the gleaming **** bathtub, smacked her mouth, rolled her eyes, and lay down.

"Are you lying down?

Now add the 7 free attribute points on your body to the strength, agility, physique, perception, and intelligence attributes.

Reached power: 9

Agility: 9

Intelligence: 7

Physique: 8

Perception: 7

Charm: 7. "

Li Ang condensed the improper expression on his face, and according to the original plan, let Wang Congshan prepare for strengthening.

When everything was ready, he gently dipped his palm into the bath plasma and held Wang Congshan's hand together.

The biological master and the marsh power are activated at the same time,

A large amount of silk thread penetrated Wang Congshan's skin surface, emitting anesthetic ingredients, so that she could not feel the changes in her body, but felt that her skin was slightly itchy.

Soon even this slight itching was also covered by the warmth brought by the small solar heater.

The thick plasma in the bathtub slowly tossed, and Wang Congshan's body was undergoing subtle changes.

The whole process was silent,

Wait until the audio loop of the Great Compassion Mantra has been played twice,

Li Angcai slowly exhaled a suffocating breath and turned off the recorder.

"All right."

Li Ang pulled Wang Congshan up from the bathtub where there was only clean water, and used the marsh power to evaporate the water on the opponent's body.

"Is this done?"

Wang Congshan, who was always groggy, shook his, but saw Li Ang taking out the heavy sandbag from the Na Ring and hanging it from the ceiling, "Fun at this."


Wang Congshan had not recovered from the slight anesthesia. Hearing Li Ang's words, he subconsciously used half of his strength and punched out.


The sandbags woven from tough twine flew out, hit the wall, and broke apart.

The sand is falling down,

Spread the ground.

"Strength 11 is close to 12, which is ok."

Li Ang nodded and patted Wang Congshan's stunned shoulder, "Let's go, don't let the Special Affairs Bureau wait too long."

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