Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 94: Remuneration (four K)

You fell down before I tried hard?

Looking at the half-devil and half-Buddha King Shibi,

The players have doubts in their hearts, and they continue to release various skills in their hands to strengthen the blockade.

Li Ang summoned more plants and vines, entangled King Shibi's hands, feet and limbs, pierced under his skin, extracted the source of divine nature, and looted the figure.

The imprints of the swamp gods appear from time to time, and there is a joy of satisfaction,

The false **** Yu Huo stored in Li Ang's Sea of ​​Knowledge burst into flames with a loud explosion.

The candle left in the wind instantly turned into a flaming torch.

The current progress of divine origin restoration, 10500,



In the inventory, the repair progress of the false **** Yuhuo changed from fast to slow, and finally stayed at 144500.

However, there was no joy or disappointment on Li Ang's face.

King Shibi is indeed very strong, his body is tough enough to be comparable to the mirage dragon red hyena.

Some attack methods with low energy levels will be directly exempted by the skin on the body, and even scars will not be caused.

And the strength and speed of his body,

It can also stabilize the stability of the players, who are best at losing control of physical skills.

Had it not been for Hohenheim had been using the control type spells in the Book of Sand to restrict him,

In addition, Li Ang and Truth’s side are swept by the side,

King Shibi can kill all the players except the four in less than ten seconds, ensuring that they can't even use their skills.

But King Shibi is not strong enough,

At least it can't match the aura he exudes, and it's not as unstoppable as the player imagined.


Michael holding the sword of flame, flapped the air with the two pairs of wings behind his back, floating in the air,

He stared at King Shibi, whose limbs were bound by vines, and remained silent.

Xing Heshou and the others just feel puzzled.

And Michael, Hohenheim, Li Ang and others can recognize the crux of the problem.

King Shibi did not use the massive power of faith to repair his body and mind.

On the contrary, half of the power of faith provided by millions of believers in the outside world is used to maintain the Buddhist kingdom and mystery.

The other half was consumed internally in King Shibi, as if filled in a bottomless black hole, meaningless.

King Shipi, just a mere shell?

At the moment the situation is unclear, Li Ang pondered this discovery, and did not have the time to comprehend the impact of the false **** Yu Huo's energy.


The sound of broken bones came from the front,

I saw King Shibi’s left leg was tightened by the vine and broke on the spot.

Immediately after that is the right leg and arms.

Li Ang immediately controlled the vines to relax their restraints a little,

He did not increase the output of the marsh divine power in the vines, it was entirely because King Shibi was rapidly degenerating and weakening at a strange speed, and abolished his martial arts.

In the strange and confused eyes of the players,

King Shipi fell down,

Its brown body surface skin, from the state of fullness just now, shrivelled and shrivelled again, covered with wrinkles,

The robes on his body also shattered into pieces of cloth, no longer the toughness that could have been preserved from the Dragon Slash.


With a loud noise,

The body of King Shibi fell to the ground, automatically broken into several pieces,

The limbs of the hands and feet fell, the head and the torso split,

The whole body burned on its own, and a golden flame nearly three meters high rose from the spot.

Light all the star boundary walls and swamp vines in the range.

The mutation happened so fast,

So much so that Hornheim had no time to release the time stasis spell and preserve the body of King Shipi.

In an instant, King Shibi's body was like coal that was burned out and naturally loosened and shattered.

Turned into powder, spread out on the spot.

And that golden flame, like a firework at night, is fleeting,

Only a curl of smoke is left.

"Burn my calories?"

Li Ang scratched the chin of the dragon's head mask, did not care about the lost plants and vines, turned his head and looked out of the grotto.

With the confirmation of King Shibi's death,

The Buddhist kingdom that enveloped Ajanta also began to dissipate.

Starting from the periphery of the horseshoe-shaped valley, the ball of light shrank and faded from bottom to top,

The outside sun shines in,

Through the gap of the light sphere, you can see the modern ordnance such as tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, helicopters, etc., as well as the operators of the European Heavy Industries and the Global Occult Alliance, which have been waiting outside.

The Buddha Kingdom dissipated naturally,

The missing persons who stood on the surface of the Buddha country also got rid of control.

Most of the missing people fell on the spot and fainted,

And those missing who previously showed the characteristics of the Buddha,

The robes on his body quickly faded, disappeared, and turned into the normal clothes he was wearing.

The benevolent expressions on their faces also calmed down and returned to normal.

Only the head that became bald when the Buddha was transformed,

The hair was not restored to its original shape, and the hair grew back.

What's this? It implies that baldness is a terminal illness, and even the Buddha can't save it?

Li Ang's thoughts were mixed and messy, he turned his head, looked at each other with Hohenheim and others, and moved forward in a tacit understanding.

Looking at the ashes formed by the burning of the corpse after King Shibi died.

The ashes are very normal, there are no crystal clear relics and other things inside, just some inorganic matter.

"So, what the **** is going on?"

Uncontrollable brows frowned, "We didn't make much effort at all, so King Shibi blew himself up?"

"I'm more inclined, it's an error in the rebirth procedure."

Hohenheim said in a deep voice: "From the viral spread of the Buddha country, to the ingenious design of the mysterious lock, to the strength of this body,

It can be seen that the strength of King Shibi is stronger than our current killing game players.

Like other ancient and transcendents, he took the path of belief in the gods, and wanted to rely on the power of faith to maintain his existence and be able to resurrect in the future.

But something went wrong in the process. There are not many people in the world who believe in King Shibi again and extol his legendary deeds.

As a result, the power of faith cannot be used for him correctly,

This exploded myself.

Of course, these are just my guesses. After all, this is the first deity to awaken, and there is a lack of more case references. "

"Well, I also think there may be something wrong with the resurrection."

Li Ang nodded, "In the concept of mysticism, an important part of belief in the deity is to determine the priesthood of the deity.

Such as thunder, life, death, grain, fertility, marriage, war, and even fame and wealth, gold and silver wealth.

The deity is attached to the priesthood and relies on the priesthood to recruit believers,

Only in this way can the power of faith provided by believers be specialized to consolidate the essence of the deity.

Although King Shibi left a fortune in history, his deeds are only cutting meat and feeding eagles, and there is no such thing as a priesthood.

Maybe it is because of this that it will burn to death. "

He paused and shook his head: "No matter what, it's always good to be okay.

Unfortunately, no equipment and props were able to emerge.

Hmm... If you have no objection, I'll take this pile of ashes. "

No matter what King Shibi said, it was also the mundane life that Li Ang had seen, which was closest to the state of a deity.

Bring the ashes back to study and study, maybe you can extract some of the divine origin.

Uncontrollable eyelids twitched, "Are you going to take away the ashes?"

"Of course."

Li Ang said as expected: "My grandfather is a devout Buddhist believer. Bring some Buddha's ashes home to make him happy."

Lost control and silence, "...If I remember correctly, you should be an orphan."

"This is not a contradiction."

Li Ang said casually: "When I was a kid, I liked to pee and play in the mud with my grandpa. Later, my mother put my grandpa's ashes on a cabinet out of my reach."

? ? ?

Out of control, his head got stuck, and the logic turned around before reacting, and the corners of his mouth twitched, resisting the urge to complain.


Players of their level basically have a certain degree of understanding of other people's information of the same class, and know some of Li Ang's experience.

Hornheim's eyes flickered, "Uh... the remnants of King Shipi, we are also more interested in the clock tower, let alone a point."

The sudden awakening and sudden death of King Shibi is really weird. Maybe there is some key message of belief in the path of consecration hidden behind this.

The Bell Tower Master Association is also very interested in this.

The side of truth suddenly said: "I want a copy too."


Li Ang nodded in agreement, "We can exchange what research results will be available at that time."

After that, he took out a stack of paper from the Na Ring, refined it into a large piece of paper using alchemy, and divided the residue of King Shibi into three parts.

Give it to Hornheim, Side of Truth, and yourself.

As for Out of Control and Michael, they are not interested.


Li Ang casually weighed the square paper package and smiled casually, "This feels like rhinitis powder.

I remember when I was young, I suffered from rhinitis.

As a result, the nose was uncomfortable in the coffee shop, so I took the rhinitis powder out, put it on a paper, crushed it with a bank card, and sucked it up. The people next to me were dumbfounded.

Several young white-collar workers who came to the coffee shop with their laptops fled on the spot. "

Hohenheim listened more and more badly, and couldn't help asking: "What happened later."

Li Ang glanced at him, somewhat inexplicably, "What happened? Then my rhinitis got better."

? ? ?

Isn't there a catch-and-critic education link that you love to hear?

Hornheim’s mouth twitched,


This brief episode did not affect the players’ actions,

Hohenheim and the bell tower people investigated the energy trajectory left by the mysterious lock.

The European Heavy Industries and the Global Occult Alliance left the grotto and cooperated with the support staff who came in from outside to rescue the missing persons who had been suffering from severe yin and yang problems due to lack of water and food for several days.

These missing people who were involved in the abnormal changes in the Buddha country have not eaten anything for several days.

At the same time, he has been continuously providing the power of faith, and his physical and mental capacities have already reached the limit.

Rescuers filled them with energy drinks and high-energy food,

Put it on a stretcher, load it into a truck, and transport it to the outside world by car,

There are professional medical staff and rescue facilities there, and the final number of casualties should be kept in a relatively low range.

In other places in the world, news continued to be heard that the Buddha kingdoms everywhere basically faded at the same time, and the spheres of light had all been cleared.

If there are no accidents, King Shibi's change will end here and enter the finishing touches.

Xing Hechou relayed the news to Li Ang.

Li Ang didn't care too much about this. His goal had been achieved. The pseudo-god Yuhuo's charging progress was close to one-third, and he himself observed some of the basic structure of the kingdom of God, which was quite rewarding.

Before leaving India and returning to Yin City, he found Francis, the representative of the European Heavy Industry Group, and asked for the final payment.

King Shibi died inexplicably, but the balance must be knotted.

Facing Li Ang’s gaze, Francis didn’t dare to delay or delay. He immediately used the teleportation array to go to the European Heavy Industries headquarters, received the final payment, and then used the teleportation array to return to Mumbai.

The final payment, a perfect quality prop, was handed over to Li Ang.

After Li Ang got the props, he drove back home with satisfaction and headed to Yin City.

[Name: Ms. Wordsworth's birthday cake]

[Type: Magic props consumables]

【Quality: Perfect】

【Special effects: birthday wishes. After lighting the candle, within a period of time after eating the cake, I get good luck in a relative sense]

【Consumption: None】

【Cooling time: None】

[Conditions of use: at least three times in life, no blessing on birthday]

[Remarks: After all the cakes have been eaten, the birthday blessing special effect can be activated. Good luck will last for an hour, and there are certain limitations in its effect, and it cannot violate the rules of physics. And in the process, if an inevitable doom situation occurs, the duration of good luck will be shortened in advance]

[Note: If you think about it carefully, you will find that the birthday party is like a demon's ritual. Everyone sings around a burning object. It represents how many years your life has been lost. Greed and desire emerge in your mind, the flame blows out, and then pierces it with a knife]

This perfect quality prop looks like a plain strawberry cake.

A thin red and white candle was inserted on it.

And this turned out to be a one-time consumable, and the scope of special effects is still vaguely "getting good luck."

In the killing game, there are many strange equipment channels, and the props to get luck are really rare.

Even an extraordinary person of Li Ang's level might be useful in occasions.

The other remuneration provided by the European Heavy Industries Group is also a consumable skill scroll.

【Skill Scroll Name: Flirtatious Mask】

[Attribute: Consumable disappear after one use]

【Type: Psionic】

【Quality: Perfect】

[Special effects: mask disguise. Turn one's appearance into the last human being touched]

[Consumption: 500 points of spiritual power]

【Cooling time: None】

[Learning condition: Perceived attribute is higher than or equal to 15 points]

[Remarks: Transformation and disguise lasts for 30 minutes, during which exemption from detection skills, any attack or attacked behavior will cause disguise to become invalid. 】

[Remarks: Transformation and disguise are limited to appearances, and cannot simulate personality, hobbies, behavior habits, and thinking styles, and there is a certain possibility of being recognized. When recognized, the disguise will be automatically cancelled]

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