Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 95: Identification (four K)

Among the two remunerations of European Heavy Industries, [Ms. Wordsworth's Birthday Cake] is relatively versatile and can be used in many occasions.

Use it before going to the battlefield to perfectly avoid the rain of bullets,

After eating, buy a lottery ticket, winning dozens of millions,

Increase the probability of success when preparing potions,

Even if you ate the lucky cake in the task of pushing and understanding the mystery script, you can still achieve the magical effect of "successfully turn on the code lock by random pressing the result".

And the other [Frivolity Mask] is a one-time consumable scroll,

Although there are many restrictions on the method of use, such as cannot be attacked or attacked, disguise is limited to appearance,

But the more restrictions, the stronger the special effects.

Exempt all detection skills during disguise,

Whether it is retina scanning, fingerprint detection, or psychic detection, it can't be found.

It can be said that it is close to the level of "rule-level skills".

Li Ang, who had received two remunerations, was satisfied and returned to Yin City.

In the next period of time, all the news on TV was the follow-up news of King Shibi's change.

For example, how many missing persons were rescued in a certain area, and the entire temple of a certain thousand years was relocated to the outskirts of the city.


"There's another war."

In the cabin of the Longqing cruise ship off Yin City, Li Ang muttered to himself while browsing the information on the computer.

The great change of King Shipi came quickly and went quickly,

It did not have a lasting impact on international affairs in the real world.

Armed conflicts of all sizes broke out in West Asia, South America, South Asia, Africa, and even Eastern Europe and Central Europe.

Before the killing game started, the intensity of armed conflict in these areas was relatively limited.

Basically, local warlords armed with light firepower such as AK47 are fighting against each other and looting material sites.

After the killing game started, the intensity of the conflict became higher and higher.

Some emerging multinational companies relying on killing games, such as Prometheus Laboratories, etc.,

Tirelessly dumping new weapons in backward war-torn areas to observe the effects and collect data.

The equipment of warlords in various regions has been rapidly upgraded from ak47 to individual rocket launchers, sniper grenade guns, and even extraordinary firearms that can blast people into flesh and blood with a single shot.

The killing game will issue player qualifications pseudo-randomly,

Whoever masters more population will have more potential players.

In order to obtain the special resource of player qualification,

The warlord's civil wars in the backward war-torn areas quickly evolved into proxy wars between major multinational companies, and the level of blood became more and more **** day by day.

Of course, the cruelest attackers are the local warlords-most of them have become extraordinary, or have been killed and replaced by extraordinary.

In order to maintain their authority status, these warlord leaders will organize their own forces and closely monitor and control the residents within their own spheres of influence.

If there are new players, they will either be drawn in, or they will be killed directly, or as a player qualification, they will be given directly to multinational companies such as the European Heavy Industries Group.

On the contrary, there is quite a sense of sight in the dark world of cultivating immortals-any genius with excellent spiritual roots must hide themselves before they grow up.

This chaotic and cruel situation in war-torn areas,

In fact, it was acquiesced and promoted by large forces such as the European Heavy Industry and the Special Accident Division of the FBI

They need someone to do the dirty work for them to get a steady stream of player qualifications, game currency, and real world changes.

Therefore, the global occult coalition, which is the highest level of prevention that nominally maintains international peace and security and protects human civilization, is also powerless to prevent it.

Especially recently, the killing game has updated some small content——

The first is to increase the probability of ordinary people being promoted to players, and to expand the area of ​​the game square to accommodate more players.

There is nothing to say about this one,

The number of players is increasing, which is also a good thing for the extraordinary in the first echelon-there are more game currencies on the market.


Lower the threshold for establishing a guild and increase the attribute gains brought by the guild.

There is nothing worth analyzing about this one.

Players at low and medium levels can now establish their own guilds,

And those guilds with a large scale and a large number of people can enjoy more attribute gains than before-although it is still better than nothing.

The content of the next patch is more interesting.

A new series of props named [Trial Ticket] has been added to the game mall. After use, you can advance the time of the next script task, slightly improve the clearance evaluation of the script task, and slightly improve the quality of the final reward.

Like the escape coupons for the Lost World reward, the trial coupons are also directly used for script tasks.

Bringing forward the time of the next script task may sound a little frustrating at first.

But thinking about it carefully, it is very suitable for those players who are poor in the early stage and urgently need to improve their own strength. It is considered to be an extra way.

In addition, the [Trial Ticket] cannot be used continuously. After using it once, it will enter the cool-down period. You have to wait until the next script task to use it.

Avoid situations where players are eager for success and use trial coupons one after another, leading to internal scrolling.

Players at the level of Li Ang basically have their own extraordinary power system, which can be practiced outside of script tasks.

The longer you practice, the stronger you are.

The effect of trial coupons is not significant.

But the next item in the patch made him more interested-

From now on, equipment items marked as [Unidentified] will appear in killing games and shopping malls.

It needs to be authenticated to see its attributes and special effects.

Players can deliver unidentified items to the game mall and pay an identification fee for determination.

Or turn to players who have the skill of [identification].

For those individual players who have captured unidentified items from script tasks and regular tasks,

This update is not a big deal, it is nothing more than an additional costly appraisal procedure.

For the player collective, the [Unidentified] attribute is more interesting.

The prices of these unidentified items in the game mall are different, the descriptions of the items are all dark, and there is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of the price.

Some expensive unidentified items may not have high special effects.

Some cheap unidentified items may also be of perfect quality.

It is simply a classic link of appraising treasures, gambling on stones, buying lucky bags, opening cans, and drawing cards for krypton gold.

As a result, in recent times, there are many help posts on the player forums.

For example, if you ask other players for help, should you spend 800 game coins to buy this unidentified snowflake-shaped meteor dart?

Should you spend 1200 game coins to buy this bronze artillery with tiger print?

If you make the right bet, you may be able to buy sophisticated, perfect-quality equipment and props, which are worth the price, and you have missed a lot of money.

If you make a wrong bet and offer broken, ordinary quality, then all these game coins will be lost.

Just like gambling on rocks and opening cans,

Until the answer is revealed, it has been in an unknown state of quantum superposition,

Boost with small, intense and exciting.

In addition to help posts, there are also posting posts,

For example, I bought an unidentified talisman from the game mall for 500 game coins, and the result is a high-level light talisman worth 1500 game coins, which can greatly increase the movement speed in a short period of time.

I spent 2000 game coins to buy an unhatched monster egg, and finally hatched a juvenile Kunmon, which can swallow foreign objects, grow rapidly, and become a fighting force.

Generally speaking, the equipment and props that players use for themselves will not be exposed.

The post is just a platform for resale.

As the owner of the Wushou Furnace shop, Li Ang has a lot of liquidity in his hand. He also went to the game mall to buy a few unidentified items to try his luck.

Unfortunately, the luck was not so good, the items that were opened were of no use, and in the end they were all thrown into the alchemy workshop as raw materials for extraordinary materials.

His current extraordinary power system is already on the right track, and some perfect-level items with strong side effects are no longer very attractive. Naturally, they can transcend foreign objects.

But for the players below,

Buying unidentified equipment is extremely exciting and full of opportunities.

Because of this, even if the recent killing games continue to expand the number of players, the game currency in circulation on the market has not increased-a large number of players participate in unboxing activities, and many game coins flow back into the killing game system through the game mall.

The desire for game currency also led to further turbulence in war-torn areas.

Organizations such as European Heavy Industry deliberately brew, manufacture, and promote mutations there in order to obtain game currency,

The warlord leader further looted and looted extraordinary resources.

This can be regarded as a typical case of upstream influencing downstream,

In the end, it is the ordinary people in the war-torn areas who suffer.

"Yeah, I guess a lot of people will die again."

Chai Chai was lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, and casually answered, "By the way, I just saw a piece of news. Some multinational corporations deliberately put genetic medicine in the urban rivers in Southeast Asia.

Let the organisms in the river undergo genetic mutations,

Become a man-eating monster tall in the shape of a water monkey.

The system that promotes the killing game is centered on cannibals, forming regular tasks,

Then let the people under the hands of the multinational group solve it and harvest the game currency.

Is this true? "

"Maybe, this kind of thing is quite normal. I remember that Gen-Sys Biotechnology Company did this often before it was acquired by European Heavy Industries, and of course they did it right after the acquisition."

Li Ang said casually: "It depends on where the news comes from.

If it was released by the Watchmen's Guild, it should be true.

If it is a short video with no beginning and no end published on ordinary platforms, it may be a rumor.

For example, the water monkey may be an otter, a sloth, a computer special effect, or it may be a monkey in the water. "

With the passage of time, in addition to the strong and powerful local official regions such as East Asia and North America,

In other parts of the world, there is gradually a trend towards the development of a hundred ghosts at night

What a big spider, a three-headed buffalo,

Genetically mutated aberrant creatures, demons, and monsters are emerging one after another.

Let the Australian people speak directly to the insider.


Chai Chai nodded, and continued to lower his head to play with his mobile phone without further digging into it.

The strange creature samples in the alchemy workshop are far more frightening than some water monkeys.

Seeing Chai Chai's lazy appearance indulging in mobile phones, Li Ang rubbed his eyebrows helplessly, "Have you completed your training goals today? Just play with mobile phones.

The change of King Shibi has now been resolved, and the personnel of other organizations have also withdrawn from India one after another.

Is Worm's Nest's gene stealer program still on the agenda, right?

Has the expansion plan been done?

Have you read the suggestion report submitted by Cerebral? "


Chai Chai didn't even look away from the phone, and said casually, "I have practiced today.

People from the Global Occult Coalition have to stay in Mumbai for a long time to observe the follow-up of the mutation, right?

It shouldn't be in a hurry now.

When will we continue to advance the gene stealer program,

Fenrir and the other brainworms will have a plan. "

"Then you are playing with the phone by yourself as a shopkeeper?"

Li Ang, who was the shopkeeper himself, sighed helplessly, and said with a hatred of iron and steel: "You won't be visiting the mall again, are you?

I learned to paint before,

Said it was to cultivate his sentiment and bought a bunch of authentic works of famous artists.

It’s not enough to buy less things and spend your energy on cultivation.

The pocket money you spent was given to you by Liu Wuxiao, and I have to use my favor to pay it back..."


With a curl of Chai Chai's mouth, he took out a blackboard from under the sofa with a few lines written on it.

"Fight with you, 0 yuan.

Compile the worm’s nest scripture for you, 0 yuan.

Build the Worm Nest Temple for you, 0 yuan.

Eat with you every day, 0 yuan.

Bring you a bright smile every day, make you feel better, 0 yuan.

The happiness that will bring you in the future, 0 yuan.


When you laugh at Chai Chai, who is old and frail, and accused her of being no longer as useful as before and can be used as your external equipment,

Please think about it, she silently paid for you behind her back.

Great love, always like this,

It is intangible and does not ask for anything in return. "

At the end of the paragraph, there is a small comic portrait of Chai Chai himself, with a look of sadness and loss.

Boy, did you even prepare this in advance?

You still love the invisible, why don't you go to heaven?

Li Ang was angry and funny, looking at Chai Chai, who was lying on the sofa, holding his mobile phone and closing his eyes with a sad expression.

I had no choice but to shook his head and sighed.

"Forget it, I'll take you."

Hearing Li Ang's words, Chai Chai immediately opened one of his eyes and looked over. After confirming that Li Ang was not really angry, he laughed, jumped up, and showed Li Ang's phone screen, "I'm watching this show, the thief is interesting. "


Li Ang took the phone and found that it was a network program produced by the Watchmen’s Guild that was playing on the screen.

It's called "Killing Field Appreciation Treasure",

The main content is to shoot the daily work of equipment appraisers in various guild organizations to help customers and appraise equipment and props.

The identification of unboxing activities is indeed very hot players have purchased equipment items from the mall or other players.

Finally, I turned to an appraiser and commissioned the latter to perform the appraisal.

After summarizing this period of time, players have discovered a rule-unidentified items obtained from difficult script tasks have relatively high upper and lower limits of quality and are relatively more reliable.

But this attribute will not be exposed in the item description.

Therefore, there is a situation of private transaction fraud.

If the appraiser’s appraisal result is good, then everyone is happy,

If the result of the identification is bad, then you can appreciate the player’s painful expressions,

In some real-world black markets, there may even be cases where the client yells on the spot and finds someone to join the fire.

Quite a program effect.

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